namespace frontend\controllers;
use common\libs\MyLib;
use common\models\AppointmentHistoryT;
use common\models\AppointmentT;
use common\models\Brand2T;
use common\models\BrandT;
use common\models\BusinessGroupT;
use common\models\CarBT;
use common\models\CarCT;
use common\models\CarDT;
use common\models\CarET;
use common\models\CarFT;
use common\models\CarF1T;
use common\models\CarF2T;
use common\models\CarF3T;
use common\models\CarF4T;
use common\models\CarF5T;
use common\models\CarF6T;
use common\models\CarGiftT;
use common\models\CarInvalidT;
use common\models\CarLogT;
use common\models\CarT;
use common\models\CarTypeT;
use common\models\CarUseT;
use common\models\CityT;
use common\models\DirectionT;
use common\models\Displacement2T;
use common\models\DisplacementT;
use common\models\DistrictT;
use common\models\DuanxinT;
use common\models\FactoryT;
use common\models\FinanceLogT;
use common\models\GiftGroupT;
use common\models\GiftT;
use common\models\GiftType2T;
use common\models\GiftType3T;
use common\models\InsurerCompany2T;
use common\models\MeetT;
use common\models\GiftTicketT;
use common\models\InsurerCompanyT;
use common\models\InsurerTypeT;
use common\models\InvalidT;
use common\models\LinkmanT;
use common\models\ModelT;
use common\models\OrderFinanceLogT;
use common\models\OrderGiftT;
use common\models\OrderT;
use common\models\OrderUserT;
use common\models\PayTypeT;
use common\models\PriceT;
use common\models\RangeT;
use common\models\Region;
use common\models\Series2T;
use common\models\SeriesT;
use common\models\StatusT;
use common\models\UserT;
use common\models\YearT;
use common\models\OrderCaiwuT;
use common\models\OrderAddress;
use common\models\InvalidNew;
use common\models\InvalidRenewal;
use common\models\ZhongjiGiftT;
use GuzzleHttp\Client;
use Yii;
use yii\data\Pagination;
use yii\db\Exception;
use yii\web\Response;
class CarController extends BaseController
public $enableCsrfValidation = false;
public $layout = 'blue-main';
public function actionIndex()
return $this->renderPartial('index');
public function actionMycars()
$user_id = $this->my->id;
return $this->renderPartial('mycars',[
'user_id' => $user_id
public function actionOutputOrder()
// set_time_limit(0);
// $begin_time = time();
// $file_path = \Yii::getAlias('@console').'/controllers/';
// var_dump($row);
$order_info=OrderT::find()->where('insurance_status=3 or insurance_status=1')->andWhere('status_id>1')->all();
foreach($order_info as $vs){
// dd(count($car_arr));
$objectPHPExcel = new \PHPExcel();
$index = 1;
// $query = OrderT::find();
foreach($car_arr as $item) {
$car = $order_item->car;
header('Content-Type: application/vnd.ms-excel;charset=utf-8');
header('Cache-Control: max-age=0');
$objWriter = \PHPExcel_IOFactory::createWriter($objectPHPExcel, 'Excel5');
public function actionJsonData()
Yii::$app->response->format = Response::FORMAT_JSON;
$request = Yii::$app->request;
$result = array();
$user_id = $request->get('user_id',0);
$car_man = $request->get('car_man','');
$car_no = $request->get('car_no','');
$engine_no = $request->get('engine_no','');
$car_frame_no = $request->get('car_frame_no','');
$register_begin = $request->get('register_begin','');
$register_end = $request->get('register_end','');
$resurer_begin = $request->get('resurer_begin','');
$resurer_end = $request->get('resurer_end','');
$sort = $request->get('sort','id');
$order = $request->get('order','asc');
$page = $request->get('page',1);
$limit = $request->get('rows',20);
$start = ($page-1)*$limit;
$query = CarT::find();
if($user_id > 0) {
$user_items = $this->my->getChildren();
$user_ids = array();
if($user_items != null) {
foreach($user_items as $user_item) {
$user_ids[] = $user_item->id;
$user_ids[] = $this->my->id;
$query = $query->andWhere(['in','user_id',$user_ids]);
if($car_man != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('car_man="'.$car_man.'"');
if($car_no != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('car_no="'.$car_no.'"');
if($engine_no != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('engine_no="'.$engine_no.'"');
if($car_frame_no != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('car_frame_no="'.$car_frame_no.'"');
if($register_begin != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('register_date>="'.$register_begin.'"');
if($register_end != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('register_date<="'.$register_end.'"');
$query = $query->orderBy($sort.' '.$order);
$total = $query->count();
$query = $query->offset($start)->limit($limit);
$items = $query->all();
$data = array();
foreach($items as $item) {
$row = array();
$row['id'] = $item->id;
$row['car_no'] = $item->car_no;
$row['car_man'] = $item->car_man;
$row['phone'] = $item->phone;
$row['engine_no'] = $item->engine_no;
$row['car_frame_no'] = $item->car_frame_no;
$row['seats'] = $item->seats;
$row['register_date'] = $item->register_date;
$row['user'] = $item->user?$item->user->getShowName():'';
$row['created_at'] = $item->created_at;
$data[] = $row;
$result['total'] = $total;
$result['rows'] = $data;
return $result;
public function actionEdit()
$request = Yii::$app->request;
$id = $request->get('id',0);
$back_params = $request->get('back_params');
$user_id = $request->get('user_id',0);
if($id > 0) {
$info = CarT::findOne(['id'=>$id]);
} else {
$info = new CarT();
$car_use_items = CarUseT::find()->all();
return $this->render('edit',[
'user_id' => $user_id,
'info' => $info,
'car_use_items' => $car_use_items,
'back_params' => $back_params
public function actionSave()
Yii::$app->response->format = Response::FORMAT_JSON;
$request = Yii::$app->request;
$result = array();
$result['success'] = false;
$result['msg'] = '保存失败';
if($request->isPost) {
$id = $request->post('id',0);
$car_no = $request->post('car_no');
$engine_no = $request->post('engine_no');
$car_frame_no = $request->post('car_frame_no');
$factory_model = $request->post('factory_model');
$seats = $request->post('seats');
$car_use_id = $request->post('car_use_id');
$register_date = $request->post('register_date');
$car_man = $request->post('car_man');
$car_man_type = $request->post('car_man_type');
$car_man_phone = $request->post('car_man_phone');
$car_man_number = $request->post('car_man_number');
$purchase_price = $request->post('purchase_price');
$remark = $request->post('remark');
if($car_no == '') {
$result['msg'] = '请输入车牌号码!';
return $result;
$row = null;
if($id > 0) {
$row = CarT::findOne(['id'=>$id]);
} else {
$row = new CarT();
$row->user_id = 0;
$row->location = 1;
$car_no= trim($car_no);
$car_no=str_replace(" ","",$car_no);
$row->car_no = $car_no;
$row->engine_no = $engine_no;
$row->car_frame_no = $car_frame_no;
$row->factory_model = $factory_model;
$row->car_model = $factory_model;
$row->seats = $seats;
$row->purchase_price = $purchase_price;
$row->car_use_id = $car_use_id;
$row->register_date = $register_date;
$row->car_man = $car_man;
$row->car_man_phone = $car_man_phone;
$row->car_man_number = $car_man_number;
$row->remark = $remark;
$row->car_man_type = $car_man_type;
if(!$row->save()) {
$result['msg'] = print_r($row->getErrors(), true);
return $result;
$result['success'] = true;
$result['msg'] = '保存成功';
return $result;
public function actionDelete()
Yii::$app->response->format = Response::FORMAT_JSON;
$request = Yii::$app->request;
$result = array();
$result['success'] = false;
$result['msg'] = '删除失败';
if($request->isPost) {
$id = $request->post('id',0);
$tran = CarT::getDb()->beginTransaction();
try {
$ids = $request->post('ids',array());
if($id > 0) {
$car_info = CarT::findOne(['id'=>$id]);
if($car_info->location != 1) {
$result['msg'] = '该车辆必须先回到A库,才能删除';
return $result;
$items = OrderT::find()
foreach ($items as $item) {
if($car_info->location == 2)
if($car_info->location == 3)
if($car_info->location == 4)
$result['success'] = true;
$result['msg'] = '删除成功';
} catch(\Exception $e) {
$result['msg'] = $e->getMessage();
return $result;
public function actionDeleteAll()
Yii::$app->response->format = Response::FORMAT_JSON;
$request = Yii::$app->request;
$result = array();
$result['success'] = false;
$result['msg'] = '删除失败';
if($request->isPost) {
$tran = CarT::getDb()->beginTransaction();
try {
$ids = $request->post('ids',array());
foreach($ids as $id) {
if($id > 0) {
$row = CarT::findOne(['id'=>$id]);
$items = OrderT::find()
foreach ($items as $item) {
$result['success'] = true;
$result['msg'] = '删除成功';
} catch(\Exception $e) {
throw $e;
return $result;
public function actionAppointment()
$request = Yii::$app->request;
$car_id = $request->get('car_id');
return $this->renderPartial('appointment',[
'car_id' => $car_id
public function actionAppointmentJsonData()
Yii::$app->response->format = Response::FORMAT_JSON;
$request = Yii::$app->request;
$result = array();
$car_id = $request->get('car_id');
$car_info = CarT::findOne(['id'=>$car_id]);
$page = $request->get('page',1);
$limit = $request->get('rows',20);
$start = ($page-1)*$limit;
$query = $car_info->getAppointments()
->orderBy('pdate DESC,ptime ASC,id DESC');
$total = $query->count();
$query = $query->offset($start)->limit($limit);
$items = $query->all();
$data = array();
foreach($items as $item) {
$row = array();
$row['id'] = $item->id;
$row['pdate'] = $item->pdate;
$row['ptime'] = $item->ptime;
$row['remark'] = $item->remark;
$row['user'] = $item->user?$item->user->getShowName():'';
$data[] = $row;
$result['total'] = $total;
$result['rows'] = $data;
return $result;
public function actionInsurer()
$request = Yii::$app->request;
$car_id = $request->get('car_id');
return $this->renderPartial('insurer',[
'car_id' => $car_id
public function actionBaocun()
Yii::$app->response->format = Response::FORMAT_JSON;
$request = Yii::$app->request;
$result = array();
$result['success'] = false;
$result['msg'] = '保存失败';
$car_id = $request->post('car_id');
$insurer1_date = $request->post('insurer1_date');
$insurer2_date = $request->post('insurer2_date');
$company = $request->post('company');
$order = CarT::findOne(['id'=>$car_id]);
$order->insurer1_date = $insurer1_date;
$order->insurer2_date = $insurer2_date;
$order->company = $company;
$result['success'] = true;
$result['msg'] = '保存成功';
return $result;
public function actionBihuSearch()
Yii::$app->response->format = Response::FORMAT_JSON;
$request = Yii::$app->request;
$id = $request->get('id',0);
$car_info = CarT::findOne(['id'=>$id]);
if($car_info) {
$url = Yii::$app->params['userPanel']['search_car_url'];
$token = Yii::$app->params['userPanel']['token'];
$params = [
'token' => $token,
'LicenseNo' => $car_info->car_no,
'EngineNo' => $car_info->engine_no,
'CarVin' => $car_info->car_frame_no,
'RegisterDate' => $car_info->register_date,
if($car_info->car_man_number != '' && substr($car_info->car_man_number, -6) != '') {
$params['SixDigitsAfterIdCard'] = substr($car_info->car_man_number, -6);
$client = new Client(['timeout'=> 120]);
$res = $client->request('POST', $url, [
'form_params' => $params,
'http_errors' => false,
if($res->getStatusCode() == 200) {
$obj = json_decode($res->getBody());
return MyLib::ok3($obj);
return MyLib::error3($res->getBody());
return MyLib::error3('车辆信息不存在');
public function actionBihuCarinfo()
Yii::$app->response->format = Response::FORMAT_JSON;
$request = Yii::$app->request;
$id = $request->get('id',0);
$car_info = CarT::findOne(['id'=>$id]);
if($car_info) {
$url = Yii::$app->params['userPanel']['car_info_url'];
$token = Yii::$app->params['userPanel']['token'];
$params = [
'token' => $token,
'LicenseNo' => $car_info->car_no,
'EngineNo' => $car_info->engine_no,
'CarVin' => $car_info->car_frame_no,
$client = new Client(['timeout'=> 120]);
$res = $client->request('POST', $url, [
'form_params' => $params,
'http_errors' => false,
if($res->getStatusCode() == 200) {
$obj = json_decode($res->getBody());
if($obj->data && $obj->data->UserInfo && $obj->data->UserInfo->CarUsedType != '') {
$car_user_info = CarUseT::where('name', $obj->data->UserInfo->CarUsedType)->first();
if($car_user_info) {
$obj->data->UserInfo->CarUsedType = $car_user_info->id;
return MyLib::ok3($obj->data);
return MyLib::error3($res->getBody());
return MyLib::error3('车辆信息不存在');
public function actionInfo()
$request = Yii::$app->request;
$id = $request->get('id',0);
$car_info = CarT::findOne(['id'=>$id]);
$order_info = $car_info->getOrders()->orderBy('id DESC')->one();
if(!$order_info) {
$user_id = 0;
if($car_info->location == 2) {
$b_info = CarBT::findOne(['id'=>$car_info->id]);
$user_id = $b_info->user_id;
if($car_info->location == 3) {
$c_info = CarCT::findOne(['id'=>$car_info->id]);
$user_id = $c_info->user_id;
if($car_info->location == 4) {
$d_info = CarDT::findOne(['id'=>$car_info->id]);
$user_id = $d_info->user_id;
$order_info = new OrderT();
$order_info->car_id = $car_info->id;
$order_info->car_no = $car_info->car_no;
$order_info->engine_no = $car_info->engine_no;
$order_info->car_frame_no = $car_info->car_frame_no;
$order_info->car_man = $car_info->car_man;
$order_info->user_id = $user_id;
$order_info->status_id = 1;
$order_info->id_man = $car_info->car_man;
$order_info->link_man = $car_info->car_man;
$order_info->link_phone = $car_info->phone;
$linkMan_items = $car_info->getLinkmen()
->orderBy('created_at desc')
return $this->render('info',[
'user_id' => $this->my->id,
'car_info' => $car_info,
'link_men' => $linkMan_items,
'order_info' => $order_info,
* 获取地区
public function actionGetRegion(){
$request = Yii::$app->request;
$parent_id =$request->get('parent_id');
$selected =$request->get('selected',0);
$data = Region::find()->where("parent_id=".$parent_id)->asArray()->all();
$html = '';
foreach($data as $h){
if($h['id'] == $selected){
$html .= "<option value='{$h['id']}' selected>{$h['name']}</option>";
$html .= "<option value='{$h['id']}'>{$h['name']}</option>";
echo $html;
public function actionGetTown(){
$request = Yii::$app->request;
$parent_id =$request->get('parent_id');
$data = Region::find()->where("parent_id=".$parent_id)->asArray()->all();
// $data = M('region')->where("parent_id",$parent_id)->select();
$html = '';
foreach($data as $h){
$html .= "<option value='{$h['id']}'>{$h['name']}</option>";
echo '0';
echo $html;
public function actionInfoView()
$request = Yii::$app->request;
$id = $request->get('id',0);
$type = $request->get('type',0);
$car_man = $request->get('car_man');
$phone = $request->get('phone');
$car_no = $request->get('car_no');
$page = $request->get('page',1);
$sort_key = $request->get('sort_key','appointment_t.pdate');
$sort_value = $request->get('sort_value','ASC');
$next_index = $request->get('next_index',0);
$car_info = CarT::findOne(['id'=>$id]);
$failure_items = InvalidT::getTree(2);
$gift_items = CarGiftT::find()
->orderBy('strategy_id DESC')
$next_id = 0;
if($type == 1) {
$query = AppointmentT::find()
->where('appointment_t.is_first=1 and car_t.is_track=1')
$user_ids = $this->getChildrenUserIDs();
$query = $query->andWhere(['in','appointment_t.user_id',$user_ids]);
if($car_man != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('car_t.car_man like "'.$car_man.'"');
if($phone != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('car_t.phone="'.$phone.'"');
if($car_no != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('car_t.car_no like "'.$car_no.'"');
if($sort_key != '') {
$query = $query->orderBy($sort_key.' '.$sort_value);
$next_item = $query->offset($next_index)->one();
if($next_item) {
$next_id = $next_item->car_id;
if($type == 2) {
$query = AppointmentT::find()
->where('appointment_t.is_first=0 and car_t.is_track=1')
$user_ids = $this->getChildrenUserIDs();
$query = $query->andWhere(['in','appointment_t.user_id',$user_ids]);
if($car_man != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('car_t.car_man like "'.$car_man.'"');
if($phone != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('car_t.phone="'.$phone.'"');
if($car_no != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('car_t.car_no like "'.$car_no.'"');
if($sort_key != '') {
$query = $query->orderBy($sort_key.' '.$sort_value);
$next_item = $query->offset($next_index)->one();
if($next_item) {
$next_id = $next_item->car_id;
if($type == 3) {
$query = AppointmentT::find()
->where('appointment_t.is_first=0 and car_t.is_track=1');
$user_ids = $this->getChildrenUserIDs();
$query = $query->andWhere(['in','appointment_t.user_id',$user_ids]);
if($car_man != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('car_t.car_man like "'.$car_man.'"');
if($phone != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('car_t.phone="'.$phone.'"');
if($car_no != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('car_t.car_no like "'.$car_no.'"');
if($sort_key != '') {
$query = $query->orderBy($sort_key.' '.$sort_value);
$next_item = $query->offset($next_index)->one();
if($next_item) {
$next_id = $next_item->car_id;
return $this->render('info-view',[
'type' => $type,
'car_info' => $car_info,
'failure_items' => $failure_items,
'next_id' => $next_id,
'next_index' => $next_index,
'car_man' => $car_man,
'car_no' => $car_no,
'phone' => $phone,
'page' => $page,
'sort_key' => $sort_key,
'sort_value' => $sort_value,
'gift_items' => $gift_items
public function actionInfoTrack() {
$request = Yii::$app->request;
$id = $request->get('id',0);
// 车辆信息
$car_info = CarT::findOne(['id'=>$id]);
return $this->render('info-track',[
'car_info' => $car_info
public function actionInfoTrackJson()
Yii::$app->response->format = Response::FORMAT_JSON;
$request = Yii::$app->request;
$id = $request->get('id',0);
$type = $request->get('type',0);
$car_man = $request->get('car_man');
$phone = $request->get('phone');
$car_no = $request->get('car_no');
$page = $request->get('page',1);
$sort_key = $request->get('sort_key','appointment_t.pdate');
$sort_value = $request->get('sort_value','ASC');
$next_index = $request->get('next_index',0);
$back_params = $request->get('back_params');
// 车辆信息
$car_info = CarT::findOne(['id'=>$id]);
// 运营性质
$car_use_items = CarUseT::find()->all();
// 车辆类型
$car_type_items = CarTypeT::find()->all();
// 无效数据
$failure_items = InvalidT::getTrees();
$query = GiftTicketT::find()
->orderBy('id DESC');
$items = $query->andWhere('car_no like "'.$car_info->car_no.'"')->all();
$gift_items = CarGiftT::find()
->orderBy('strategy_id DESC')
$next_id = 0;
if($type == 1) { // 首发 预约时间小于当前
$query = AppointmentT::find()
->where('appointment_t.is_first=1 and car_t.is_track=1')
$user_ids = $this->getChildrenUserIDs();
$query = $query->andWhere(['in','appointment_t.user_id',$user_ids]);
if($car_man != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('car_t.car_man like "'.$car_man.'"');
if($phone != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('car_t.phone="'.$phone.'"');
if($car_no != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('car_t.car_no like "'.$car_no.'"');
if($sort_key != '') {
$query = $query->orderBy($sort_key.' '.$sort_value);
$next_item = $query->offset($next_index)->one();
if($next_item) {
$next_id = $next_item->car_id;
if($type == 2) { // 历史 预约时间小于当前
$query = AppointmentT::find()
->where('appointment_t.is_first=0 and car_t.is_track=1')
$user_ids = $this->getChildrenUserIDs();
$query = $query->andWhere(['in','appointment_t.user_id',$user_ids]);
if($car_man != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('car_t.car_man like "'.$car_man.'"');
if($phone != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('car_t.phone="'.$phone.'"');
if($car_no != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('car_t.car_no like "'.$car_no.'"');
if($sort_key != '') {
$query = $query->orderBy($sort_key.' '.$sort_value);
$next_item = $query->offset($next_index)->one();
if($next_item) {
$next_id = $next_item->car_id;
if($type == 3) { // 历史 预约时间不限
$query = AppointmentT::find()
->where('appointment_t.is_first=0 and car_t.is_track=1');
$user_ids = $this->getChildrenUserIDs();
$query = $query->andWhere(['in','appointment_t.user_id',$user_ids]);
if($car_man != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('car_t.car_man like "'.$car_man.'"');
if($phone != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('car_t.phone="'.$phone.'"');
if($car_no != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('car_t.car_no like "'.$car_no.'"');
if($sort_key != '') {
$query = $query->orderBy($sort_key.' '.$sort_value);
$next_item = $query->offset($next_index)->one();
if($next_item) {
$next_id = $next_item->car_id;
$list = MeetT::getAllData(2);
$uid = $this->my->role_id;
$aid = $this->my->id;
$business_group = BusinessGroupT::find()->all();
return MyLib::ok3([
'type' => $type,
'car_info' => $car_info,
'failure_info' => $failure_items,
'next_id' => $next_id,
'appointment_type' => $list,
'new_gift_info' => $items,
'old_gift_info' => $gift_items,
'uid' => $uid,
'next_index' => $next_index,
'car_man' => $car_man,
'car_no' => $car_no,
'phone' => $phone,
'page' => $page,
'sort_key' => $sort_key,
'sort_value' => $sort_value,
'car_use_items' => $car_use_items,
'car_type_items' => $car_type_items,
'back_params' => $back_params,
'business_group' => $business_group,
'adid' => $aid,
public function actionInfoTrackFix()
$request = Yii::$app->request;
$id = $request->get('id',0);
$type = $request->get('type',0);
$car_man = $request->get('car_man');
$phone = $request->get('phone');
$car_no = $request->get('car_no');
$page = $request->get('page',1);
$sort_key = $request->get('sort_key','appointment_t.pdate');
$sort_value = $request->get('sort_value','ASC');
$next_index = $request->get('next_index',0);
$back_params = $request->get('back_params');
$car_info = CarT::findOne(['id'=>$id]);
$car_use_items = CarUseT::find()->all();
$car_type_items = CarTypeT::find()->all();
$failure_items = InvalidT::getTree(2);
$query = GiftTicketT::find()
->orderBy('id DESC');
$items = $query->andWhere('car_no like "'.$car_info->car_no.'"')->all();
$gift_items = CarGiftT::find()
->orderBy('strategy_id DESC')
$next_id = 0;
if($type == 1) {
$query = AppointmentT::find()
->where('appointment_t.is_first=1 and car_t.is_track=1')
$user_ids = $this->getChildrenUserIDs();
$query = $query->andWhere(['in','appointment_t.user_id',$user_ids]);
if($car_man != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('car_t.car_man like "'.$car_man.'"');
if($phone != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('car_t.phone="'.$phone.'"');
if($car_no != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('car_t.car_no like "'.$car_no.'"');
if($sort_key != '') {
$query = $query->orderBy($sort_key.' '.$sort_value);
$next_item = $query->offset($next_index)->one();
if($next_item) {
$next_id = $next_item->car_id;
if($type == 2) {
$query = AppointmentT::find()
->where('appointment_t.is_first=0 and car_t.is_track=1')
$user_ids = $this->getChildrenUserIDs();
$query = $query->andWhere(['in','appointment_t.user_id',$user_ids]);
if($car_man != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('car_t.car_man like "'.$car_man.'"');
if($phone != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('car_t.phone="'.$phone.'"');
if($car_no != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('car_t.car_no like "'.$car_no.'"');
if($sort_key != '') {
$query = $query->orderBy($sort_key.' '.$sort_value);
$next_item = $query->offset($next_index)->one();
if($next_item) {
$next_id = $next_item->car_id;
if($type == 3) {
$query = AppointmentT::find()
->where('appointment_t.is_first=0 and car_t.is_track=1');
$user_ids = $this->getChildrenUserIDs();
$query = $query->andWhere(['in','appointment_t.user_id',$user_ids]);
if($car_man != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('car_t.car_man like "'.$car_man.'"');
if($phone != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('car_t.phone="'.$phone.'"');
if($car_no != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('car_t.car_no like "'.$car_no.'"');
if($sort_key != '') {
$query = $query->orderBy($sort_key.' '.$sort_value);
$next_item = $query->offset($next_index)->one();
if($next_item) {
$next_id = $next_item->car_id;
$list = MeetT::getAllData(2);
$uid = $this->my->role_id;
$business_group = BusinessGroupT::find()->all();
$business_group_id = $this->my->business_group_id;
return $this->render('info-track-fix',[
'type' => $type,
'car_info' => $car_info,
'failure_items' => $failure_items,
'next_id' => $next_id,
'list' => $list,
'items' => $items,
'gift_items' => $gift_items,
'uid' => $uid,
'next_index' => $next_index,
'car_man' => $car_man,
'car_no' => $car_no,
'phone' => $phone,
'page' => $page,
'sort_key' => $sort_key,
'sort_value' => $sort_value,
'car_use_items' => $car_use_items,
'car_type_items' => $car_type_items,
'back_params' => $back_params,
'business_group' => $business_group,
'business_group_id' => $business_group_id,
public function actionInfoRenewal()
$request = Yii::$app->request;
$id = $request->get('id',0);
$type = $request->get('type',0);
$car_man = $request->get('car_man');
$phone = $request->get('phone');
$car_no = $request->get('car_no');
$page = $request->get('page',1);
$sort_key = $request->get('sort_key','appointment_t.pdate');
$sort_value = $request->get('sort_value','ASC');
$next_index = $request->get('next_index',0);
$back_params = $request->get('back_params');
$my_path = $this->my->group?$this->my->group->getPath():'';
$car_info = CarT::findOne(['id'=>$id]);
$order_info = $car_info->getOrders()->orderBy('id DESC')->one();
if(!$order_info) {
$user_id = 0;
if($car_info->location == 2) {
$b_info = CarBT::findOne(['id'=>$car_info->id]);
$user_id = $b_info->user_id;
if($car_info->location == 3) {
$c_info = CarCT::findOne(['id'=>$car_info->id]);
$user_id = $c_info->user_id;
if($car_info->location == 4) {
$d_info = CarDT::findOne(['id'=>$car_info->id]);
$user_id = $d_info->user_id;
$order_info = new OrderT();
$order_info->car_id = $car_info->id;
$order_info->car_no = $car_info->car_no;
$order_info->engine_no = $car_info->engine_no;
$order_info->car_frame_no = $car_info->car_frame_no;
$order_info->car_man = $car_info->car_man;
$order_info->user_id = $user_id;
$order_info->status_id = 1;
$order_info->id_man = $car_info->car_man;
$order_info->link_man = $car_info->car_man;
$order_info->link_phone = $car_info->phone;
$insurer_type_items = InsurerTypeT::find()->all();
$insurer_company_items = InsurerCompanyT::find()->all();
$insurer_company2_items = InsurerCompany2T::find()->all();
$pay_type_items = PayTypeT::find()->all();
$car_use_items = CarUseT::find()->all();
$car_type_items = CarTypeT::find()->all();
$direction_items = DirectionT::find()
$range_items = RangeT::find()
$city_items = CityT::find()
$district_items = DistrictT::find()
->orderBy('order_id ASC')
$gift_items = GiftT::find()
$success_items = InvalidT::getTree(1);
$failure_items = InvalidT::getTreeXubao(2);
$next_id = 0;
if($type == 1) {
$query = AppointmentT::find()
->where('appointment_t.is_first=1 and car_t.location=4')
$user_ids = $this->getChildrenUserIDs();
$query = $query->andWhere(['in','appointment_t.user_id',$user_ids]);
if($car_man != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('car_t.car_man like "'.$car_man.'"');
if($phone != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('car_t.phone="'.$phone.'"');
if($car_no != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('car_t.car_no like "'.$car_no.'"');
if($sort_key != '') {
$query = $query->orderBy($sort_key.' '.$sort_value);
$next_item = $query->offset($next_index)->one();
if($next_item) {
$next_id = $next_item->car_id;
if($type == 2) {
$query = AppointmentT::find()
->where('appointment_t.is_first=0 and car_t.location=4')
$user_ids = $this->getChildrenUserIDs();
$query = $query->andWhere(['in','appointment_t.user_id',$user_ids]);
if($car_man != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('car_t.car_man like "'.$car_man.'"');
if($phone != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('car_t.phone="'.$phone.'"');
if($car_no != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('car_t.car_no like "'.$car_no.'"');
if($sort_key != '') {
$query = $query->orderBy($sort_key.' '.$sort_value);
$next_item = $query->offset($next_index)->one();
if($next_item) {
$next_id = $next_item->car_id;
if($type == 3) {
$query = AppointmentT::find()
->where('appointment_t.is_first=0 and car_t.location=4');
$user_ids = $this->getChildrenUserIDs();
$query = $query->andWhere(['in','appointment_t.user_id',$user_ids]);
if($car_man != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('car_t.car_man like "'.$car_man.'"');
if($phone != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('car_t.phone="'.$phone.'"');
if($car_no != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('car_t.car_no like "'.$car_no.'"');
if($sort_key != '') {
$query = $query->orderBy($sort_key.' '.$sort_value);
$next_item = $query->offset($next_index)->one();
if($next_item) {
$next_id = $next_item->car_id;
if($type == 4) {
$query = OrderT::find()
->where('status_id=1 and return_status_id>0')
->orderBy('submit_date DESC, id DESC');
$user_items = $this->my->getChildren();
$user_ids[] = $this->my->id;
if($user_items) {
foreach($user_items as $user_item) {
$user_ids[] = $user_item->id;
$query = $query->andWhere(['in','user_id',$user_ids]);
if($car_man != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('car_man="'.$car_man.'"');
if($phone != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('link_phone="'.$phone.'"');
if($car_no != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('car_no="'.$car_no.'"');
$next_item = $query->offset($next_index)->one();
if($next_item) {
$next_id = $next_item->car_id;
// $gift_type_items = GiftType2T::find()->all();
$gift_group_items = GiftGroupT::find()
$gift_free_group_items = GiftGroupT::find()
$sel_gifts = array();
$tmp_items = OrderGiftT::find()
foreach($tmp_items as $item) {
$sel_gifts[$item->group_id] = $item;
$list = MeetT::getAllData(1);
$business_group = BusinessGroupT::find()->all();
$province = Region::find()->asArray()->where(['parent_id'=>0])->andWhere(['level'=>1])->all();
// if($order_ad){
// $c = Region::find()->asArray()->where(['parent_id'=>$order_ad->province])->andWhere(['level'=>2])->all();
// $d = Region::find()->asArray()->where(['parent_id'=>$order_ad->city,'level'=>3])->all();
// $e = Region::find()->asArray()->where(['parent_id'=>$order_ad->district,'level'=>4])->all();
// }else{
// $c = Region::find()->asArray()->andWhere(['level'=>2])->all();
// $d = Region::find()->asArray()->where(['level'=>3])->all();
// $e = Region::find()->asArray()->where(['level'=>4])->all();
// }
// if($order_ad){
// $c = Region::find()->asArray()->where(['parent_id'=>$order_ad->province])->andWhere(['level'=>2])->all();
// $d = Region::find()->asArray()->where(['parent_id'=>$order_ad->city,'level'=>3])->all();
// $e = Region::find()->asArray()->where(['parent_id'=>$order_ad->district,'level'=>4])->all();
// }else{
// $c = Region::find()->asArray()->andWhere(['level'=>2])->all();
// $d = Region::find()->asArray()->where(['level'=>3])->all();
// $e = Region::find()->asArray()->where(['level'=>4])->all();
// }
return $this->render('info-renewal',[
'type' => $type,
'car_info' => $car_info,
'insurer_type_items' => $insurer_type_items,
'order_info' => $order_info,
'insurer_company_items' => $insurer_company_items,
'insurer_company2_items' => $insurer_company2_items,
'pay_type_items' => $pay_type_items,
'car_use_items' => $car_use_items,
'car_type_items' => $car_type_items,
'direction_items' => $direction_items,
'range_items' => $range_items,
'city_items' => $city_items,
'district_items' => $district_items,
'gift_items' => $gift_items,
'success_items' => $success_items,
'failure_items' => $failure_items,
'next_id' => $next_id,
'list' => $list,
'next_index' => $next_index,
'car_man' => $car_man,
'car_no' => $car_no,
'phone' => $phone,
'page' => $page,
'sort_key' => $sort_key,
'sort_value' => $sort_value,
'back_params' => $back_params,
// 'gift_type_items' => $gift_type_items,
'gift_group_items' => $gift_group_items,
'gift_free_group_items' => $gift_free_group_items,
'sel_gifts' => $sel_gifts,
'my_path' => $my_path,
'business_group' => $business_group,
'business_group_id' => $this->my->business_group_id,
'province' => $province,
'city' =>$c,
'district' =>$d,
// 'address' =>$address,
'twon' =>isset($e)?$e:[],
'order_ad' =>isset($order_ad)?$order_ad:[],
public function actionNonInfoRenewal()
$request = Yii::$app->request;
$id = $request->get('id',0);
$type = $request->get('type',0);
$car_man = $request->get('car_man');
$phone = $request->get('phone');
$car_no = $request->get('car_no');
$page = $request->get('page',1);
$sort_key = $request->get('sort_key','appointment_t.pdate');
$sort_value = $request->get('sort_value','ASC');
$next_index = $request->get('next_index',0);
$back_params = $request->get('back_params');
$my_path = $this->my->group?$this->my->group->getPath():'';
$car_info = CarT::findOne(['id'=>$id]);
$order_info = $car_info->getOrders()->orderBy('id DESC')->one();
if(!$order_info) {
$user_id = 0;
if($car_info->location == 2) {
$b_info = CarBT::findOne(['id'=>$car_info->id]);
$user_id = $b_info->user_id;
if($car_info->location == 3) {
$c_info = CarCT::findOne(['id'=>$car_info->id]);
$user_id = $c_info->user_id;
if($car_info->location == 4) {
$d_info = CarDT::findOne(['id'=>$car_info->id]);
$user_id = $d_info->user_id;
$order_info = new OrderT();
$order_info->car_id = $car_info->id;
$order_info->car_no = $car_info->car_no;
$order_info->engine_no = $car_info->engine_no;
$order_info->car_frame_no = $car_info->car_frame_no;
$order_info->car_man = $car_info->car_man;
$order_info->user_id = $user_id;
$order_info->status_id = 1;
$order_info->id_man = $car_info->car_man;
$order_info->link_man = $car_info->car_man;
$order_info->link_phone = $car_info->phone;
$insurer_type_items = InsurerTypeT::find()->all();
$insurer_company_items = InsurerCompanyT::find()->all();
$insurer_company2_items = InsurerCompany2T::find()->all();
$pay_type_items = PayTypeT::find()->all();
$car_use_items = CarUseT::find()->all();
$car_type_items = CarTypeT::find()->all();
$direction_items = DirectionT::find()
$range_items = RangeT::find()
$city_items = CityT::find()
$district_items = DistrictT::find()
->orderBy('order_id ASC')
$gift_items = GiftT::find()
$success_items = InvalidT::getTree(1);
$failure_items = InvalidT::getTreeXubao(2);
$next_id = 0;
if($type == 1) {
$query = AppointmentT::find()
->where('appointment_t.is_first=1 and car_t.location=4')
$user_ids = $this->getChildrenUserIDs();
$query = $query->andWhere(['in','appointment_t.user_id',$user_ids]);
if($car_man != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('car_t.car_man like "'.$car_man.'"');
if($phone != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('car_t.phone="'.$phone.'"');
if($car_no != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('car_t.car_no like "'.$car_no.'"');
if($sort_key != '') {
$query = $query->orderBy($sort_key.' '.$sort_value);
$next_item = $query->offset($next_index)->one();
if($next_item) {
$next_id = $next_item->car_id;
if($type == 2) {
$query = AppointmentT::find()
->where('appointment_t.is_first=0 and car_t.location=4')
$user_ids = $this->getChildrenUserIDs();
$query = $query->andWhere(['in','appointment_t.user_id',$user_ids]);
if($car_man != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('car_t.car_man like "'.$car_man.'"');
if($phone != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('car_t.phone="'.$phone.'"');
if($car_no != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('car_t.car_no like "'.$car_no.'"');
if($sort_key != '') {
$query = $query->orderBy($sort_key.' '.$sort_value);
$next_item = $query->offset($next_index)->one();
if($next_item) {
$next_id = $next_item->car_id;
if($type == 3) {
$query = AppointmentT::find()
->where('appointment_t.is_first=0 and car_t.location=4');
$user_ids = $this->getChildrenUserIDs();
$query = $query->andWhere(['in','appointment_t.user_id',$user_ids]);
if($car_man != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('car_t.car_man like "'.$car_man.'"');
if($phone != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('car_t.phone="'.$phone.'"');
if($car_no != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('car_t.car_no like "'.$car_no.'"');
if($sort_key != '') {
$query = $query->orderBy($sort_key.' '.$sort_value);
$next_item = $query->offset($next_index)->one();
if($next_item) {
$next_id = $next_item->car_id;
if($type == 4) {
$query = OrderT::find()
->where('status_id=1 and return_status_id>0')
->orderBy('submit_date DESC, id DESC');
$user_items = $this->my->getChildren();
$user_ids[] = $this->my->id;
if($user_items) {
foreach($user_items as $user_item) {
$user_ids[] = $user_item->id;
$query = $query->andWhere(['in','user_id',$user_ids]);
if($car_man != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('car_man="'.$car_man.'"');
if($phone != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('link_phone="'.$phone.'"');
if($car_no != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('car_no="'.$car_no.'"');
$next_item = $query->offset($next_index)->one();
if($next_item) {
$next_id = $next_item->car_id;
// $gift_type_items = GiftType2T::find()->all();
$gift_group_items = GiftGroupT::find()
$gift_free_group_items = GiftGroupT::find()
$sel_gifts = array();
$tmp_items = OrderGiftT::find()
foreach($tmp_items as $item) {
$sel_gifts[$item->group_id] = $item;
$list = MeetT::getAllData(1);
$business_group = BusinessGroupT::find()->all();
$province = Region::find()->asArray()->where(['parent_id'=>0])->andWhere(['level'=>1])->all();
$c = Region::find()->asArray()->where(['parent_id'=>$order_ad->province])->andWhere(['level'=>2])->all();
$d = Region::find()->asArray()->where(['parent_id'=>$order_ad->city,'level'=>3])->all();
$e = Region::find()->asArray()->where(['parent_id'=>$order_ad->district,'level'=>4])->all();
$c = Region::find()->asArray()->andWhere(['level'=>2])->all();
$d = Region::find()->asArray()->where(['level'=>3])->all();
$e = Region::find()->asArray()->where(['level'=>4])->all();
return $this->render('non-info-renewal',[
'type' => $type,
'car_info' => $car_info,
'insurer_type_items' => $insurer_type_items,
'order_info' => $order_info,
'insurer_company_items' => $insurer_company_items,
'insurer_company2_items' => $insurer_company2_items,
'pay_type_items' => $pay_type_items,
'car_use_items' => $car_use_items,
'car_type_items' => $car_type_items,
'direction_items' => $direction_items,
'range_items' => $range_items,
'city_items' => $city_items,
'district_items' => $district_items,
'gift_items' => $gift_items,
'success_items' => $success_items,
'failure_items' => $failure_items,
'next_id' => $next_id,
'list' => $list,
'next_index' => $next_index,
'car_man' => $car_man,
'car_no' => $car_no,
'phone' => $phone,
'page' => $page,
'sort_key' => $sort_key,
'sort_value' => $sort_value,
'back_params' => $back_params,
// 'gift_type_items' => $gift_type_items,
'gift_group_items' => $gift_group_items,
'gift_free_group_items' => $gift_free_group_items,
'sel_gifts' => $sel_gifts,
'my_path' => $my_path,
'business_group' => $business_group,
'business_group_id' => $this->my->business_group_id,
'province' => $province,
'city' =>$c,
'district' =>$d,
// 'address' =>$address,
'twon' =>isset($e)?$e:[],
'order_ad' =>isset($order_ad)?$order_ad:[],
public function actionInfoEdit()
$request = Yii::$app->request;
$id = $request->get('id',0);
$info = CarT::findOne(['id'=>$id]);
$car_use_items = CarUseT::find()->all();
$car_type_items = CarTypeT::find()->all();
return $this->render('info-edit',[
'info' => $info,
'car_use_items' => $car_use_items,
'car_type_items' => $car_type_items,
public function actionFactories()
Yii::$app->response->format = Response::FORMAT_JSON;
$request = Yii::$app->request;
$result = array();
$brand_id = $request->get('brand_id',0);
$factories = FactoryT::find()
$html = '<option value="0">---请选择---</option>';
foreach($factories as $factory) {
$html .= '<option value='.$factory->id.'>'.$factory->name.'</option>';
$result['success'] = true;
$result['html'] = $html;
return $result;
public function actionSeries()
Yii::$app->response->format = Response::FORMAT_JSON;
$request = Yii::$app->request;
$result = array();
$factory_id = $request->get('factory_id',0);
$series = Series2T::find()
$html = '<option value="0">---请选择---</option>';
foreach($series as $series_info) {
$html .= '<option value='.$series_info->id.'>'.$series_info->name.'</option>';
$result['success'] = true;
$result['html'] = $html;
return $result;
public function actionSeriesFix()
Yii::$app->response->format = Response::FORMAT_JSON;
$request = Yii::$app->request;
$result = array();
$brand_id = $request->get('brand_id',0);
$series = SeriesT::find()
$html = '<option value="0">---请选择---</option>';
foreach($series as $series_info) {
$html .= '<option value='.$series_info->id.'>'.$series_info->name.'</option>';
$result['success'] = true;
$result['html'] = $html;
return $result;
public function actionDisplacements()
Yii::$app->response->format = Response::FORMAT_JSON;
$request = Yii::$app->request;
$result = array();
$series_id = $request->get('series_id',0);
$query = Displacement2T::find()
$items = $query->all();
$html = '<option value="0">---请选择---</option>';
foreach($items as $item) {
$html .= '<option value='.$item->id.'>'.$item->name.'</option>';
$result['success'] = true;
$result['html'] = $html;
return $result;
public function actionDisplacementsFix()
Yii::$app->response->format = Response::FORMAT_JSON;
$request = Yii::$app->request;
$result = array();
$series_id = $request->get('series_id',0);
$query = DisplacementT::find()
$items = $query->all();
$html = '<option value="0">---请选择---</option>';
foreach($items as $item) {
$html .= '<option value='.$item->id.'>'.$item->name.'</option>';
$result['success'] = true;
$result['html'] = $html;
return $result;
public function actionYears()
Yii::$app->response->format = Response::FORMAT_JSON;
$request = Yii::$app->request;
$result = array();
$series_id = $request->get('series_id',0);
$displacement_id = $request->get('displacement_id',0);
$query = YearT::find()
->where('series_id='.$series_id.' and displacement_id='.$displacement_id);
$items = $query->all();
$html = '<option value="0">---请选择---</option>';
foreach($items as $item) {
$html .= '<option value='.$item->id.'>'.$item->name.'</option>';
$result['success'] = true;
$result['html'] = $html;
return $result;
public function actionModelsbak()
Yii::$app->response->format = Response::FORMAT_JSON;
$request = Yii::$app->request;
$result = array();
$series_id = $request->get('series_id',0);
$displacement_id = $request->get('displacement_id',0);
$year_id = $request->get('year_id',0);
$query = ModelT::find()
->where('series_id='.$series_id.' and displacement_id='.$displacement_id.' and year_id='.$year_id);
$items = $query->all();
$html = '<option value="0">---请选择---</option>';
foreach($items as $item) {
$html .= '<option value='.$item->id.'>'.$item->name.'</option>';
$result['success'] = true;
$result['html'] = $html;
return $result;
public function actionModels()
Yii::$app->response->format = Response::FORMAT_JSON;
$request = Yii::$app->request;
$result = array();
$factory_id = $request->get('factory_id',0);
$query = ModelT::find()
$items = $query->all();
$html = '<option value="0">---请选择---</option>';
foreach($items as $item) {
$html .= '<option value='.$item->id.'>'.$item->name.'</option>';
$result['success'] = true;
$result['html'] = $html;
return $result;
public function actionOrderSave()
Yii::$app->response->format = Response::FORMAT_JSON;
$request = Yii::$app->request;
$result = array();
$result['success'] = false;
$result['msg'] = '保存失败';
if ($request->isPost) {
$status_id = $request->post('status_id', 1);
$car_id = $request->post('car_id', 0);
$car_no = $request->post('car_no');
$seats = (int)$request->post('seats');
$register_date = $request->post('register_date');
$car_use_id = $request->post('car_use_id');
$purchase_price = $request->post('purchase_price');
$car_frame_no = $request->post('car_frame_no');
$engine_no = $request->post('engine_no');
$factory_model = $request->post('factory_model');
$celuo_id = $request->post('celuo_id');
$fanxian_id = $request->post('fanxian_id');
$gift_ids = $request->post('gift_ids', []);
$quan_ids = $request->post('quan_ids', []);
$car_man = $request->post('car_man');
$car_man_number = $request->post('car_man_number');
$car_man_type = $request->post('car_man_type');
$car_man_phone = $request->post('car_man_phone');
$id_man = $request->post('id_man');
$id_man_number = $request->post('id_man_number');
$id_man_type = $request->post('id_man_type');
$id_man_phone = $request->post('id_man_phone');
$link_man = $request->post('link_man');
$link_man_number = $request->post('link_man_number');
$link_man_type = $request->post('link_man_type');
$link_man_phone = $request->post('link_man_phone');
$pay_type_id = $request->post('pay_type_id');
$send_district_id = $request->post('send_district_id');
$send_city_id = $request->post('send_city_id');
$send_address = $request->post('send_address');
$order_id = $request->post('id', 0);
$email = $request->post('email');
$company_id = $request->post('company_id');
$insurer1_begin_date = $request->post('insurer1_begin_date');
$insurer2_begin_date = $request->post('insurer2_begin_date');
$order_remark = $request->post('order_remark');
$total1_clear = $request->post('total1_clear');
$total1 = $request->post('total1');
$total1_real = $request->post('total1_real');
$total1_dis = $request->post('total1_dis');
$total1_percent = $request->post('total1_percent');
$total2_clear = $request->post('total2_clear');
$total2 = $request->post('total2');
$total3 = $request->post('total3');
$total_all = $request->post('total_all');
$total_real = $request->post('total_real');
$price_remark = $request->post('price_remark');
$yuangong_money = $request->post('yuangong_money');
$types = $request->post('types', array());
$nopays = $request->post('nopays', array());
$money_man = $request->post('money_man');
$money_no = $request->post('money_no');
$money_bank = $request->post('money_bank');
$begin_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+90 day'));
if ($insurer1_begin_date != '' && $insurer1_begin_date > $begin_date) {
$result['msg'] = '商业起保日期不正确!';
return $result;
if ($insurer2_begin_date != '' && $insurer2_begin_date > $begin_date) {
$result['msg'] = '交强起保日期不正确!';
return $result;
if ($status_id > 1) {
if ($seats == 0) {
$result['msg'] = '请输入座位数';
return $result;
$tran = CarT::getDb()->beginTransaction();
try {
$order_info = OrderT::findOne(['id' => $order_id]);
$car_info = $order_info->car;
$car_info->car_no = $car_no;
$car_info->seats = $seats;
$car_info->register_date = $register_date;
$car_info->car_man = $car_man;
$car_info->car_man_number = $car_man_number;
$car_info->car_use_id = $car_use_id;
$car_info->engine_no = $engine_no;
$car_info->car_frame_no = $car_frame_no;
$car_info->factory_model = $factory_model;
$car_info->purchase_price = $purchase_price;
if(!$car_info->save()) {
throw new \Exception(print_r($car_info->getErrors(), true));
$order_info->car_no = $car_no;
$order_info->seats = $seats;
$order_info->engine_no = $engine_no;
$order_info->car_frame_no = $car_frame_no;
$order_info->factory_model = $factory_model;
$order_info->purchase_price = $purchase_price;
$order_info->car_man = $car_man;
$order_info->car_man_phone = $car_man_phone;
$order_info->car_man_type = $car_man_type;
$order_info->car_man_number = $car_man_number;
$order_info->id_man = $id_man;
$order_info->id_man_phone = $id_man_phone;
$order_info->id_man_type = $id_man_type;
$order_info->id_man_number = $id_man_number;
$order_info->link_man = $link_man;
$order_info->link_man_phone = $link_man_phone;
$order_info->link_man_type = $link_man_type;
$order_info->link_man_number = $link_man_number;
$order_info->company_id = $company_id;
$order_info->status_id = $status_id;
$order_info->return_status_id = 0;
$order_info->submit_date = date('Y-m-d');
$order_info->insurer1_begin_date = $insurer1_begin_date;
$insurer1_end_date = '';
if ($insurer1_begin_date != '') {
$insurer1_end_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime(date('Y-m-d', strtotime($insurer1_begin_date . "+1 year")) . '-1 day'));
$order_info->insurer1_end_date = $insurer1_end_date;
$order_info->insurer2_begin_date = $insurer2_begin_date;
$insurer2_end_date = '';
if ($insurer2_begin_date != '')
$insurer2_end_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime(date('Y-m-d', strtotime($insurer2_begin_date . "+1 year")) . '-1 day'));
$order_info->insurer2_end_date = $insurer2_end_date;
$order_info->send_district_id = $send_district_id;
$order_info->send_city_id = $send_city_id;
$order_info->send_address = $send_address;
$order_info->email = $email;
$order_info->remark = $order_remark;
$order_info->total1_clear = $total1_clear;
$order_info->total1 = $total1;
$order_info->total1_real = $total1_real;
$order_info->total1_dis = $total1_dis;
$order_info->total1_percent = $total1_percent;
$order_info->total2_clear = $total2_clear;
$order_info->total2 = $total2;
$order_info->total3 = $total3;
$order_info->total_all = $total_all;
$order_info->total_real = $total_real;
$order_info->price_remark = $price_remark;
$order_info->yuangong_money = $yuangong_money;
$order_info->pay_type_id = $pay_type_id;
$order_info->money_man = $money_man;
$order_info->money_bank = $money_bank;
$order_info->money_no = $money_no;
$order_info->celuo_id = $celuo_id;
$order_info->fanxian_id = $fanxian_id;
if(!$order_info->save()) {
throw new \Exception(print_r($order_info->getErrors(), true));
//处理操作人员状态 0:正在操作中,1:操作结束,2:退回操作,3:无效操作,4:放弃操作
if ($status_id > 1) {
$order_user_info = OrderUserT::findOne(['user_id' => $this->my->id, 'order_id' => $order_info->id, 'status' => 0]);
if ($order_user_info) {
$order_user_info->status = 1;
if(!$order_user_info->save()) {
throw new \Exception(print_r($order_user_info->getErrors(), true));
foreach ($types as $id => $val) {
$price_row = PriceT::find()
->where('order_id=' . $order_info->id . ' and type_id=' . $id)
if (empty($price_row)) {
$price_row = new PriceT();
$price_row->order_id = $order_info->id;
$price_row->type_id = $id;
$price_row->val = $val;
if (!empty($nopays[$id]))
$price_row->is_nopay = 1;
$price_row->is_nopay = 0;
if(!$price_row->save()) {
throw new \Exception(print_r($price_row->getErrors(), true));
$result['msg'] = '保存成功';
if ($status_id > 1) {
$tmp_row = AppointmentT::findOne(['car_id' => $car_info->id]);
if($tmp_row) {
$tmp_status_info = StatusT::findOne(['id' => $status_id]);
$log_msg = '';
if ($tmp_status_info) {
$log_msg = '进入' . $tmp_status_info->name;
$this->addLog($car_info->id, $log_msg, 1);
$result['msg'] = '提交成功';
// 处理财务-如果是在线支付-生成财务分支-返现记录
if ($status_id > 1) {
$order_caiwu = OrderCaiwuT::findOne(['order_id'=>$order_info->id]);
$order_caiwu = new OrderCaiwuT();
$order_caiwu->status_id = 2;
$order_caiwu->order_id = $order_info->id;
$order_caiwu->money_man = $money_man;
$order_caiwu->money_no = $money_no;
$order_caiwu->money_bank = $money_bank;
if(!$order_caiwu->save()) {
throw new \Exception(print_r($order_caiwu->getErrors(), true));
$gift_counts = [];
OrderGiftT::deleteAll('order_id=' . $order_info->id . ' and status=0');
foreach($gift_ids as $gift_str) {
$tmp = explode('-', $gift_str);
$zhongjigift_item = ZhongjiGiftT::findOne(['id'=>$tmp[0]]);
$gift_id = $tmp[1];
$gift_item = GiftT::findOne(['id'=>$gift_id]);
if($zhongjigift_item && $gift_item) {
$row = new OrderGiftT();
$row->order_id = $order_info->id;
$row->group_id = 0;
$row->gift_id = $gift_id;
$row->is_free = $zhongjigift_item->free_type;
$row->gift_type = $zhongjigift_item->gift_type;
$row->send_id = 0;
$row->send_time = 0;
$row->price = $gift_item->price;
$row->status = 0;
if (!$row->save()) {
throw new \Exception(print_r($row->getErrors(), true));
if(!isset($gift_counts[$zhongjigift_item->id])) {
$gift_counts[$zhongjigift_item->id] = 1;
} else {
$gift_counts[$zhongjigift_item->id] += 1;
if($gift_counts[$zhongjigift_item->id] > $zhongjigift_item->n) {
$result['msg'] = '礼品数量超限,请重新选择';
return $result;
foreach($quan_ids as $gift_str) {
$tmp = explode('-', $gift_str);
$zhongjigift_item = ZhongjiGiftT::findOne(['id'=>$tmp[0]]);
$gift_id = $tmp[1];
$gift_item = GiftT::findOne(['id'=>$gift_id]);
if($zhongjigift_item && $gift_item) {
$row = new OrderGiftT();
$row->order_id = $order_info->id;
$row->group_id = 0;
$row->gift_id = $gift_id;
$row->is_free = $zhongjigift_item->free_type;
$row->gift_type = $zhongjigift_item->gift_type;
$row->send_id = 0;
$row->send_time = 0;
$row->price = $gift_item->price;
$row->status = 0;
if (!$row->save()) {
throw new \Exception(print_r($row->getErrors(), true));
if(!isset($gift_counts[$zhongjigift_item->id])) {
$gift_counts[$zhongjigift_item->id] = 1;
} else {
$gift_counts[$zhongjigift_item->id] += 1;
if($gift_counts[$zhongjigift_item->id] > $zhongjigift_item->n) {
$result['msg'] = '礼券数量超限,请重新选择';
return $result;
$result['success'] = true;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$result['msg'] = $e->getMessage();
return $result;
public function actionAjaxHistoryIndex()
Yii::$app->response->format = Response::FORMAT_JSON;
$request = Yii::$app->request;
$car_id = $request->get('car_id');
$page = $request->get('page',1);
$result = array();
$result['success'] = false;
$result['msg'] = '读取失败';
$query = CarLogT::find()
->andWhere('op_time>='.strtotime("-6 months"))
->orderBy('op_time DESC');
$total = $query->count();
$pagination = new Pagination(['totalCount' => $total,'pageSize'=>20]);
$query = $query->offset($pagination->offset)->limit($pagination->limit);
$items = $query->all();
$page_info = MyLib::getAjaxPageInfo($pagination,'car_history_list');
$html = $this->renderPartial('ajax-history-index',[
'car_id' => $car_id,
'items' => $items,
'page' => $page,
'page_info' => $page_info
$result['success'] = true;
$result['msg'] = '读取成功';
$result['html'] = $html;
return $result;
public function actionAjaxHistoryIndexXubao()
Yii::$app->response->format = Response::FORMAT_JSON;
$request = Yii::$app->request;
$car_id = $request->get('car_id');
$page = $request->get('page',1);
$result = array();
$result['success'] = false;
$result['msg'] = '读取失败';
$query = CarLogT::find()
// ->andWhere('op_time>='.strtotime("-6 months"))
->orderBy('op_time DESC');
$total = $query->count();
$pagination = new Pagination(['totalCount' => $total,'pageSize'=>20]);
$query = $query->offset($pagination->offset)->limit($pagination->limit);
$items = $query->all();
$page_info = MyLib::getAjaxPageInfo($pagination,'car_history_list');
$html = $this->renderPartial('ajax-history-index',[
'car_id' => $car_id,
'items' => $items,
'page' => $page,
'page_info' => $page_info
$result['success'] = true;
$result['msg'] = '读取成功';
$result['html'] = $html;
return $result;
public function actionAjaxHistoryFinance()
Yii::$app->response->format = Response::FORMAT_JSON;
$request = Yii::$app->request;
$car_id = $request->get('car_id');
$page = $request->get('page',1);
$result = array();
$result['success'] = false;
$result['msg'] = '读取失败';
$query = OrderFinanceLogT::find()
->orderBy('id DESC');
$total = $query->count();
$pagination = new Pagination(['totalCount' => $total,'pageSize'=>20]);
$query = $query->offset($pagination->offset)->limit($pagination->limit);
$items = $query->all();
$page_info = MyLib::getAjaxPageInfo($pagination,'car_history_list');
$html = $this->renderPartial('ajax-history-index',[
'car_id' => $car_id,
'items' => $items,
'page' => $page,
'page_info' => $page_info
$result['success'] = true;
$result['html'] = $html;
return $result;
// public function actionInvalid()
// {
// Yii::$app->response->format = Response::FORMAT_JSON;
// $request = Yii::$app->request;
// $result = array();
// $result['success'] = false;
// $result['msg'] = '操作失败';
// if($request->isPost) {
// $car_id = $request->post('car_id');
// $invalid_id = $request->post('invalid_id',0);
// $tran = CarT::getDb()->beginTransaction();
// try {
// $car_info = CarT::findOne(['id'=>$car_id]);
// if($invalid_id == 26) {
//// $car_info->location = 6;
//// $car_info->save();
//// CarCT::deleteAll('id='.$car_info->id);
//// $c_info = new CarET();
//// $c_info->id = $car_info->id;
//// $c_info->user_id = 0;
//// $c_info->save();
//// CarBT::deleteAll(['id'=>$car_info->id]);
//// CarDT::deleteAll(['id'=>$car_info->id]);
//// //删除预约
//// AppointmentT::deleteAll('car_id='.$car_info->id);
//// //删除保单
//// $orders = OrderT::find()
//// ->where('car_id='.$car_info->id.' and status_id<2')
//// ->all();
//// foreach($orders as $order_info) {
//// OrderUserT::deleteAll('order_id='.$order_info->id);
//// $order_info->delete();
//// }
//// $orders = OrderT::find()
//// ->where('car_id='.$car_info->id.' and status_id>1')
//// ->all();
//// foreach($orders as $order_info) {
//// $order_user_info = OrderUserT::findOne(['order_id'=>$order_info->id,'status'=>0]);
//// if($order_user_info) {
//// $order_user_info->status = 3;
//// $order_user_info->save();
//// }
//// }
//// $this->addLog($car_info->id,'已在其他人保公司续保车辆数据,进入E库',1);
// } else {
// $car_info->location = 5;
// $car_info->save();
// CarInvalidT::deleteAll('id='.$car_info->id);
// $invalid_info = new CarInvalidT();
// $invalid_info->id = $car_info->id;
// $invalid_info->invalid_id = $invalid_id;
// $invalid_info->user_id = $this->my->id;
// $invalid_info->save();
// CarBT::deleteAll(['id'=>$car_info->id]);
// CarCT::deleteAll(['id'=>$car_info->id]);
// CarDT::deleteAll(['id'=>$car_info->id]);
// //删除预约
// AppointmentT::deleteAll('car_id='.$car_info->id);
// //删除保单
// $orders = OrderT::find()
// ->where('car_id='.$car_info->id.' and status_id<2')
// ->all();
// foreach($orders as $order_info) {
// OrderUserT::deleteAll('order_id='.$order_info->id);
// $order_info->delete();
// }
// $orders = OrderT::find()
// ->where('car_id='.$car_info->id.' and status_id>1')
// ->all();
// foreach($orders as $order_info) {
// $order_user_info = OrderUserT::findOne(['order_id'=>$order_info->id,'status'=>0]);
// if($order_user_info) {
// $order_user_info->status = 3;
// $order_user_info->save();
// }
// }
// $this->addLog($car_info->id,'无效车辆数据:'.$invalid_info->invalid->name,1);
// }
// $result['success'] = true;
// $result['msg'] = '操作成功';
// $tran->commit();
// } catch (\Exception $e) {
// $tran->rollBack();
// throw $e;
// }
// }
// return $result;
// }
// //无效数据到A库
// public function actionInvalidA()
// {
// Yii::$app->response->format = Response::FORMAT_JSON;
// $request = Yii::$app->request;
// $result = array();
// $result['success'] = false;
// $result['msg'] = '操作失败';
// if($request->isPost) {
//// var_dump($request->post());
//// die;
// $car_id = $request->post('car_id');
// $invalid_id = $request->post('invalid_id',0);
// $ac1 = $request->post('ac1');
// $ac2 = $request->post('ac2');
// $ac3 = $request->post('ac3');
// $tran = CarT::getDb()->beginTransaction();
// try {
// $car_info = CarT::findOne(['id'=>$car_id]);
// if($invalid_id == 25 || $invalid_id == 26 || $invalid_id == 27 ) {
// $car_info->location = 6;
// $car_info->insurer1_date = $ac1;
// $car_info->insurer2_date = $ac2;
// $car_info->company = $ac3;
// $car_info->save();
// CarCT::deleteAll('id='.$car_info->id);
// $c_info = new CarET();
// $c_info->id = $car_info->id;
// $c_info->user_id = 0;
// $c_info->save();
// CarBT::deleteAll(['id'=>$car_info->id]);
// CarDT::deleteAll(['id'=>$car_info->id]);
// //删除预约
// AppointmentT::deleteAll('car_id='.$car_info->id);
// AppointmentHistoryT::deleteAll('car_id='.$car_info->id);
// //删除保单
// $orders = OrderT::find()
// ->where('car_id='.$car_info->id.' and status_id<2')
// ->all();
// foreach($orders as $order_info) {
// OrderUserT::deleteAll('order_id='.$order_info->id);
// $order_info->delete();
// }
// $orders = OrderT::find()
// ->where('car_id='.$car_info->id.' and status_id>1')
// ->all();
// foreach($orders as $order_info) {
// $order_user_info = OrderUserT::findOne(['order_id'=>$order_info->id,'status'=>0]);
// if($order_user_info) {
// $order_user_info->status = 3;
// $order_user_info->save();
// }
// }
// $this->addLog($car_info->id,'新保销售预约时,已在其他人保公司续保车辆数据或在人保公司续保,进入E库',1);
// } else {
// $car_info->location = 5;
// $car_info->save();
// CarInvalidT::deleteAll('id='.$car_info->id);
// $invalid_info = new CarInvalidT();
// $invalid_info->id = $car_info->id;
// $invalid_info->invalid_id = $invalid_id;
// $invalid_info->user_id = $this->my->id;
// $invalid_info->save();
// CarBT::deleteAll(['id'=>$car_info->id]);
// CarCT::deleteAll(['id'=>$car_info->id]);
// CarDT::deleteAll(['id'=>$car_info->id]);
// //删除预约
// AppointmentT::deleteAll('car_id='.$car_info->id);
// //删除保单
// $orders = OrderT::find()
// ->where('car_id='.$car_info->id.' and status_id<2')
// ->all();
// foreach($orders as $order_info) {
// OrderUserT::deleteAll('order_id='.$order_info->id);
// $order_info->delete();
// }
// $orders = OrderT::find()
// ->where('car_id='.$car_info->id.' and status_id>1')
// ->all();
// foreach($orders as $order_info) {
// $order_user_info = OrderUserT::findOne(['order_id'=>$order_info->id,'status'=>0]);
// if($order_user_info) {
// $order_user_info->status = 3;
// $order_user_info->save();
// }
// }
// $this->addLog($car_info->id,'无效车辆数据:'.$invalid_info->invalid->name,1);
// }
// $result['success'] = true;
// $result['msg'] = '操作成功';
// $tran->commit();
// } catch (\Exception $e) {
// $tran->rollBack();
// throw $e;
// }
// }
// return $result;
// }
// //无效数据到F库
// public function actionInvalidF()
// {
// Yii::$app->response->format = Response::FORMAT_JSON;
// $request = Yii::$app->request;
// $result = array();
// $result['success'] = false;
// $result['msg'] = '操作失败';
// if($request->isPost) {
// $car_id = $request->post('car_id');
// $invalid_id = $request->post('invalid_id',0);
// $ac1 = $request->post('ac1');
// $ac2 = $request->post('ac2');
// $ac3 = $request->post('ac3');
// $tran = CarT::getDb()->beginTransaction();
// try {
// $car_info = CarT::findOne(['id'=>$car_id]);
// if($invalid_id == 25 || $invalid_id == 26 || $invalid_id == 27 ) {
// $car_info->location = 7;
// $car_info->insurer1_date = $ac1;
// $car_info->insurer2_date = $ac2;
// $car_info->company = $ac3;
// $car_info->save();
// CarCT::deleteAll('id='.$car_info->id);
// $c_info = new CarFT();
// $c_info->id = $car_info->id;
// $c_info->user_id = 0;
// $c_info->save();
// CarBT::deleteAll(['id'=>$car_info->id]);
// CarDT::deleteAll(['id'=>$car_info->id]);
// //删除预约
// AppointmentT::deleteAll('car_id='.$car_info->id);
// AppointmentHistoryT::deleteAll('car_id='.$car_info->id);
// //删除保单
// $orders = OrderT::find()
// ->where('car_id='.$car_info->id.' and status_id<2')
// ->all();
// foreach($orders as $order_info) {
// OrderUserT::deleteAll('order_id='.$order_info->id);
// $order_info->delete();
// }
// $orders = OrderT::find()
// ->where('car_id='.$car_info->id.' and status_id>1')
// ->all();
// foreach($orders as $order_info) {
// $order_user_info = OrderUserT::findOne(['order_id'=>$order_info->id,'status'=>0]);
// if($order_user_info) {
// $order_user_info->status = 3;
// $order_user_info->save();
// }
// }
// $this->addLog($car_info->id,'续保销售预约时,已在其他人保公司续保车辆数据或在人保公司续保,进入F库',1);
// } else {
// $car_info->location = 5;
// $car_info->save();
// CarInvalidT::deleteAll('id='.$car_info->id);
// $invalid_info = new CarInvalidT();
// $invalid_info->id = $car_info->id;
// $invalid_info->invalid_id = $invalid_id;
// $invalid_info->user_id = $this->my->id;
// $invalid_info->save();
// CarBT::deleteAll(['id'=>$car_info->id]);
// CarCT::deleteAll(['id'=>$car_info->id]);
// CarDT::deleteAll(['id'=>$car_info->id]);
// //删除预约
// AppointmentT::deleteAll('car_id='.$car_info->id);
// //删除保单
// $orders = OrderT::find()
// ->where('car_id='.$car_info->id.' and status_id<2')
// ->all();
// foreach($orders as $order_info) {
// OrderUserT::deleteAll('order_id='.$order_info->id);
// $order_info->delete();
// }
// $orders = OrderT::find()
// ->where('car_id='.$car_info->id.' and status_id>1')
// ->all();
// foreach($orders as $order_info) {
// $order_user_info = OrderUserT::findOne(['order_id'=>$order_info->id,'status'=>0]);
// if($order_user_info) {
// $order_user_info->status = 3;
// $order_user_info->save();
// }
// }
// $this->addLog($car_info->id,'无效车辆数据:'.$invalid_info->invalid->name,1);
// }
// $result['success'] = true;
// $result['msg'] = '操作成功';
// $tran->commit();
// } catch (\Exception $e) {
// $tran->rollBack();
// throw $e;
// }
// }
// return $result;
// }
public function actionInvalid()
Yii::$app->response->format = Response::FORMAT_JSON;
$request = Yii::$app->request;
$result = array();
$result['success'] = false;
$result['msg'] = '操作失败';
if($request->isPost) {
$car_id = $request->post('car_id');
$invalid_id = $request->post('invalid_id',0);
$tran = CarT::getDb()->beginTransaction();
try {
$car_info = CarT::findOne(['id'=>$car_id]);
if($invalid_id == 26) {
// $car_info->location = 6;
// $car_info->save();
// CarCT::deleteAll('id='.$car_info->id);
// $c_info = new CarET();
// $c_info->id = $car_info->id;
// $c_info->user_id = 0;
// $c_info->save();
// CarBT::deleteAll(['id'=>$car_info->id]);
// CarDT::deleteAll(['id'=>$car_info->id]);
// //删除预约
// AppointmentT::deleteAll('car_id='.$car_info->id);
// //删除保单
// $orders = OrderT::find()
// ->where('car_id='.$car_info->id.' and status_id<2')
// ->all();
// foreach($orders as $order_info) {
// OrderUserT::deleteAll('order_id='.$order_info->id);
// $order_info->delete();
// }
// $orders = OrderT::find()
// ->where('car_id='.$car_info->id.' and status_id>1')
// ->all();
// foreach($orders as $order_info) {
// $order_user_info = OrderUserT::findOne(['order_id'=>$order_info->id,'status'=>0]);
// if($order_user_info) {
// $order_user_info->status = 3;
// $order_user_info->save();
// }
// }
// $this->addLog($car_info->id,'已在其他人保公司续保车辆数据,进入E库',1);
} else {
$car_info->location = 5;
$invalid_info = new CarF6T();
$invalid_info->id = $car_info->id;
$invalid_info->invalid_id = $invalid_id;
$invalid_info->user_id = $this->my->id;
$orders = OrderT::find()
->where('car_id='.$car_info->id.' and status_id<2')
foreach($orders as $order_info) {
$orders = OrderT::find()
->where('car_id='.$car_info->id.' and status_id>1')
foreach($orders as $order_info) {
$order_user_info = OrderUserT::findOne(['order_id'=>$order_info->id,'status'=>0]);
if($order_user_info) {
$order_user_info->status = 3;
$result['success'] = true;
$result['msg'] = '操作成功';
} catch (\Exception $e) {
throw $e;
return $result;
public function actionInvalidA()
Yii::$app->response->format = Response::FORMAT_JSON;
$request = Yii::$app->request;
$result = array();
$result['success'] = false;
$result['msg'] = '操作失败';
if($request->isPost) {
// var_dump($request->post());
// die;
$car_id = $request->post('car_id');
$invalid_id = $request->post('invalid_id',0);
$ac1 = $request->post('ac1');
$ac2 = $request->post('ac2');
$ac3 = $request->post('ac3');
$tran = CarT::getDb()->beginTransaction();
try {
$car_info = CarT::findOne(['id'=>$car_id]);
if($invalid_id == 25 || $invalid_id == 26 || $invalid_id == 27 ) {
$car_info->location = 6;
$car_info->insurer1_date = $ac1;
$car_info->insurer2_date = $ac2;
$car_info->company = $ac3;
$c_info = new CarET();
$c_info->id = $car_info->id;
$c_info->user_id = 0;
$orders = OrderT::find()
->where('car_id='.$car_info->id.' and status_id<2')
foreach($orders as $order_info) {
$orders = OrderT::find()
->where('car_id='.$car_info->id.' and status_id>1')
foreach($orders as $order_info) {
$order_user_info = OrderUserT::findOne(['order_id'=>$order_info->id,'status'=>0]);
if($order_user_info) {
$order_user_info->status = 3;
} else {
$car_info->location = 5;
$invalid_info = new CarInvalidT();
$invalid_info->id = $car_info->id;
$invalid_info->invalid_id = $invalid_id;
$invalid_info->user_id = $this->my->id;
$orders = OrderT::find()
->where('car_id='.$car_info->id.' and status_id<2')
foreach($orders as $order_info) {
$orders = OrderT::find()
->where('car_id='.$car_info->id.' and status_id>1')
foreach($orders as $order_info) {
$order_user_info = OrderUserT::findOne(['order_id'=>$order_info->id,'status'=>0]);
if($order_user_info) {
$order_user_info->status = 3;
$result['success'] = true;
$result['msg'] = '操作成功';
} catch (\Exception $e) {
throw $e;
return $result;
public function actionInvalidMan()
Yii::$app->response->format = Response::FORMAT_JSON;
$request = Yii::$app->request;
$result = array();
$result['success'] = false;
$result['msg'] = '操作失败';
if($request->isPost) {
$car_id = $request->post('car_id');
$invalid_id = $request->post('invalid_id',0);
$ac1 = $request->post('ac1');
$ac2 = $request->post('ac2');
// $ac3 = $request->post('ac3');
$tran = CarT::getDb()->beginTransaction();
try {
$car_info = CarT::findOne(['id'=>$car_id]);
if($invalid_id == 25 || $invalid_id == 27 || $invalid_id == 26 || $invalid_id ==34 || $invalid_id ==35 || $invalid_id ==36) {
// $car_info->company = $ac3;
//无效给管理员 -存储一个中间表
$cdt= CarDT::find()->where('id='.$car_info->id)->one();
->andWhere('user_id ='.$cdt->user_id)->orderBy('id desc')->one();
$Invalids = InvalidRenewal::find()
->where('user_id= '.$cdt->user_id)
foreach($Invalids as $info) {
$orders = OrderT::find()
->where('car_id='.$car_info->id.' and status_id<2')
foreach($orders as $order_info) {
$renewal= new InvalidRenewal();
if($invalid_id == 25 || $invalid_id == 27 || $invalid_id == 26 || $invalid_id ==34 || $invalid_id ==35 || $invalid_id ==36) {
$renewal->xdate= $apto?$apto->xdate:'';
$renewal->invalid_id= $invalid_id;
$renewal->num= 1;
$renewal->user_id= $cdt->user_id;
// dd( $renewal->save());
//d 库的user_id 改为0 收回状态
$car_dinfo = CarDT::findOne(['id'=>$car_id]);
$result['success'] = true;
$result['msg'] = '操作成功';
} catch (\Exception $e) {
throw $e;
return $result;
public function actionInvalidNewMan()
Yii::$app->response->format = Response::FORMAT_JSON;
$request = Yii::$app->request;
$result = array();
$result['success'] = false;
$result['msg'] = '操作失败';
if($request->isPost) {
$car_id = $request->post('car_id');
$invalid_id = $request->post('invalid_id',0);
$ac1 = $request->post('ac1');
$ac2 = $request->post('ac2');
// $ac3 = $request->post('ac3');
$tran = CarT::getDb()->beginTransaction();
try {
$car_info = CarT::findOne(['id'=>$car_id]);
// dd($car_info);
if($invalid_id == 57 || $invalid_id == 58 || $invalid_id == 59 || $invalid_id ==60 || $invalid_id ==61 ) {
// $car_info->company = $ac3;
//无效给管理员 -存储一个中间表
$cdt= CarBT::find()->where('id='.$car_info->id)->one();
->andWhere('user_id ='.$cdt->user_id)->orderBy('id desc')->one();
$Invalids = InvalidNew::find()
->where('user_id= '.$cdt->user_id)
foreach($Invalids as $info) {
$orders = OrderT::find()
->where('car_id='.$car_info->id.' and status_id<2')
foreach($orders as $order_info) {
$renewal= new InvalidNew();
if($invalid_id == 57 || $invalid_id == 58 || $invalid_id == 59 || $invalid_id ==60 || $invalid_id ==61 ) {
$renewal->xdate= $apto?$apto->xdate:'';
$renewal->invalid_id= $invalid_id;
$renewal->num= 1;
$renewal->user_id= $cdt->user_id;
//d 库的user_id 改为0 收回状态
$car_dinfo = CarBT::findOne(['id'=>$car_id]);
$result['success'] = true;
$result['msg'] = '操作成功';
} catch (\Exception $e) {
throw $e;
return $result;
private function getDQuery($request)
$car_man = $request->get('car_man');
$phone = $request->get('phone');
$car_no = $request->get('car_no');
$insurer1_begin = $request->get('insurer1_begin');
$insurer1_end = $request->get('insurer1_end');
$status = $request->get('status',1);
$company = $request->get('company');
$invalid_id = $request->get('invalid_id');
$params = array();
$params['car_man'] = $car_man;
$params['phone'] = $phone;
$params['car_no'] = $car_no;
$params['insurer1_begin'] = $insurer1_begin;
$params['insurer1_end'] = $insurer1_end;
$params['status'] = $status;
$params['company'] = $company;
$params['invalid_id'] = $invalid_id;
$query = CarDT::find()
->orderBy('car_d_t.updated_at desc');
$query = $query->andWhere('back=1');
if($car_man != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('car_t.car_man="'.$car_man.'"');
if($phone != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('car_t.phone like "'.$phone.'"');
if($car_no != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('car_t.car_no like "'.$car_no.'"');
if($insurer1_begin != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('car_t.insurer1_date>="'.$insurer1_begin.'"');
if($insurer1_end != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('car_t.insurer1_date<="'.$insurer1_end.'"');
if($company != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('company like "'.$company.'%"');
if($status == 1) {
$query = $query->andWhere('car_d_t.user_id=0');
if($status == 2) {
$query = $query->andWhere('car_d_t.user_id>0');
if($invalid_id >0) {
$query = $query->andWhere('car_d_t.iv_d="'.$invalid_id.'"');
return ['query'=>$query,'params'=>$params];
public function actionInvalidXubao()
$request = Yii::$app->request;
$page = $request->get('page',1);
$user_id = $request->get('user_id',1);
$data = $this->getDQuery($request);
$query = $data['query'];
$params = $data['params'];
$params['page'] = $page;
$total = $query->count();
$pagination = new Pagination(['totalCount' => $total,'pageSize'=>20]);
$query = $query->offset($pagination->offset)->limit($pagination->limit);
// aa($query);
$items = $query->all();
$page_info = MyLib::getPageInfo($pagination);
$user_items = $this->my->getChildren();
$failure_items = InvalidT::getTreeXubao(2);
$params['items'] = $items;
$params['page_info'] = $page_info;
$params['user_id'] = $user_id;
$params['user_items'] = $user_items;
$params['failure_items'] = $failure_items;
return $this->render('xubao-list',$params);
public function actionXubaoInfo()
$request = Yii::$app->request;
$id = $request->get('id',0);
$page = $request->get('page',1);
$back_params = $request->get('back_params');
$data= InvalidRenewal::find()->where(['car_id'=>$id])->all();
$failure_items = InvalidT::getTreeXubao(2);
$insurer_company2_items = InsurerCompany2T::find()->all();
return $this->render('xubao-info',[
'back_params' => $back_params,
private function getBQuery($request)
$car_man = $request->get('car_man');
$phone = $request->get('phone');
$car_no = $request->get('car_no');
$insurer1_begin = $request->get('insurer1_begin');
$insurer1_end = $request->get('insurer1_end');
$status = $request->get('status',1);
$company = $request->get('company');
$invalid_id = $request->get('invalid_id');
$params = array();
$params['car_man'] = $car_man;
$params['phone'] = $phone;
$params['car_no'] = $car_no;
$params['insurer1_begin'] = $insurer1_begin;
$params['insurer1_end'] = $insurer1_end;
$params['status'] = $status;
$params['company'] = $company;
$params['invalid_id'] = $invalid_id;
$query = CarBT::find()
->orderBy('car_b_t.updated_at desc');
$query = $query->andWhere('back=1');
if($car_man != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('car_t.car_man="'.$car_man.'"');
if($phone != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('car_t.phone like "'.$phone.'"');
if($car_no != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('car_t.car_no like "'.$car_no.'"');
if($insurer1_begin != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('car_t.insurer1_date>="'.$insurer1_begin.'"');
if($insurer1_end != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('car_t.insurer1_date<="'.$insurer1_end.'"');
if($company != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('company like "'.$company.'%"');
if($status == 1) {
$query = $query->andWhere('car_b_t.user_id=0');
if($status == 2) {
$query = $query->andWhere('car_b_t.user_id>0');
if($invalid_id >0) {
$query = $query->andWhere('car_b_t.iv_d="'.$invalid_id.'"');
return ['query'=>$query,'params'=>$params];
public function actionInvalidXinbaoList()
$request = Yii::$app->request;
$page = $request->get('page',1);
$user_id = $request->get('user_id',1);
$data = $this->getBQuery($request);
$query = $data['query'];
$params = $data['params'];
$params['page'] = $page;
$total = $query->count();
$pagination = new Pagination(['totalCount' => $total,'pageSize'=>20]);
$query = $query->offset($pagination->offset)->limit($pagination->limit);
// aa($query);
$items = $query->all();
$page_info = MyLib::getPageInfo($pagination);
$user_items = $this->my->getChildren();
$failure_items = InvalidT::getTreeXinbaoNew(2);
$params['items'] = $items;
$params['page_info'] = $page_info;
$params['user_id'] = $user_id;
$params['user_items'] = $user_items;
$params['failure_items'] = $failure_items;
return $this->render('xinbao-list',$params);
public function actionXinbaoInfo()
$request = Yii::$app->request;
$id = $request->get('id',0);
$page = $request->get('page',1);
$back_params = $request->get('back_params');
$data= InvalidNew::find()->where(['car_id'=>$id])->all();
// dd($data);
$failure_items = InvalidT::getTreeXinbaoNew(2);
$insurer_company2_items = InsurerCompany2T::find()->all();
return $this->render('xinbao-info',[
'back_params' => $back_params,
public function actionInvalidF()
Yii::$app->response->format = Response::FORMAT_JSON;
$request = Yii::$app->request;
$result = array();
$result['success'] = false;
$result['msg'] = '操作失败';
if($request->isPost) {
$car_id = $request->post('car_id');
$invalid_id = $request->post('invalid_id',0);
$ac1 = $request->post('ac1');
$ac2 = $request->post('ac2');
// $ac3 = $request->post('ac3');
$tran = CarT::getDb()->beginTransaction();
try {
$car_info = CarT::findOne(['id'=>$car_id]);
// dd($car_info);
if($invalid_id == 25 || $invalid_id == 27 || $invalid_id == 26 || $invalid_id ==34 || $invalid_id ==35 || $invalid_id ==36 || $invalid_id ==44) {
if($invalid_id == 25 || $invalid_id == 27){
$c_info = new CarFT();
$c_info->id = $car_info->id;
$c_info->user_id = 0;
$car_info->location = 7;
$car_info->company = '其他小保险公司';
}elseif($invalid_id == 26 || $invalid_id ==34 || $invalid_id ==35 || $invalid_id ==36){
$c_info = new CarCT();
$c_info->id = $car_info->id;
$c_info->user_id = 0;
switch($invalid_id) {
case 26:
$car_info->company = '人保';
$c_info->dif = 1;
case 34:
$car_info->company = '太平洋';
$c_info->dif = 2;
case 35:
$car_info->company = '国寿财';
$c_info->dif = 3;
case 36:
$car_info->company = '平安';
$c_info->dif = 4;
$car_info->company = '';
$car_info->location = 3;
}elseif($invalid_id ==44){
$car_info->location = 1;
$car_info->insurer1_date = $ac1;
$car_info->insurer2_date = $ac2;
// $car_info->company = $ac3;
$orders = OrderT::find()
->where('car_id='.$car_info->id.' and status_id<2')
foreach($orders as $order_info) {
$orders = OrderT::find()
->where('car_id='.$car_info->id.' and status_id>1')
foreach($orders as $order_info) {
$order_user_info = OrderUserT::findOne(['order_id'=>$order_info->id,'status'=>0]);
if($order_user_info) {
$order_user_info->status = 3;
if($invalid_id == 25 || $invalid_id == 27){
}elseif($invalid_id == 26 || $invalid_id ==34 || $invalid_id ==35 || $invalid_id ==36){
}elseif($invalid_id ==44){
} else {
$car_info->location = 5;
$invalid_info = new CarInvalidT();
$invalid_info->id = $car_info->id;
$invalid_info->invalid_id = $invalid_id;
$invalid_info->user_id = $this->my->id;
$orders = OrderT::find()
->where('car_id='.$car_info->id.' and status_id<2')
foreach($orders as $order_info) {
$orders = OrderT::find()
->where('car_id='.$car_info->id.' and status_id>1')
foreach($orders as $order_info) {
$order_user_info = OrderUserT::findOne(['order_id'=>$order_info->id,'status'=>0]);
if($order_user_info) {
$order_user_info->status = 3;
$result['success'] = true;
$result['msg'] = '操作成功';
} catch (\Exception $e) {
throw $e;
return $result;
public function actionInvalidOldWuxiao()
Yii::$app->response->format = Response::FORMAT_JSON;
$request = Yii::$app->request;
$result = array();
$result['success'] = false;
$result['msg'] = '操作失败';
if($request->isPost) {
$car_id = $request->post('car_id');
$invalid_id = $request->post('invalid_id',0);
$ac1 = $request->post('ac1');
$ac2 = $request->post('ac2');
// $ac3 = $request->post('ac3');
$tran = CarT::getDb()->beginTransaction();
try {
$car_info = CarT::findOne(['id'=>$car_id]);
// dd($car_info);
if($invalid_id == 25 || $invalid_id == 27 || $invalid_id == 26 || $invalid_id ==34 || $invalid_id ==35 || $invalid_id ==36 || $invalid_id ==44) {
if($invalid_id == 25 || $invalid_id == 27){
$c_info = new CarF5T();
$c_info->id = $car_info->id;
$c_info->user_id = 0;
$car_info->location = 12;
$car_info->company = '其他小保险公司';
}elseif($invalid_id == 26 || $invalid_id ==34 || $invalid_id ==35 || $invalid_id ==36){
$c_info = new CarF4T();
$c_info->id = $car_info->id;
$c_info->user_id = 0;
switch($invalid_id) {
case 26:
$car_info->company = '人保';
case 34:
$car_info->company = '太平洋';
$c_info->dif = 2;
case 35:
$car_info->company = '国寿财';
case 36:
$car_info->company = '平安';
$car_info->company = '';
$car_info->location = 11;
}elseif($invalid_id ==44){
$car_info->location = 1;
$car_info->insurer1_date = $ac1;
$car_info->insurer2_date = $ac2;
// $car_info->company = $ac3;
$orders = OrderT::find()
->where('car_id='.$car_info->id.' and status_id<2')
foreach($orders as $order_info) {
$orders = OrderT::find()
->where('car_id='.$car_info->id.' and status_id>1')
foreach($orders as $order_info) {
$order_user_info = OrderUserT::findOne(['order_id'=>$order_info->id,'status'=>0]);
if($order_user_info) {
$order_user_info->status = 3;
if($invalid_id == 25 || $invalid_id == 27){
}elseif($invalid_id == 26 || $invalid_id ==34 || $invalid_id ==35 || $invalid_id ==36){
}elseif($invalid_id ==44){
} else {
$car_info->location = 13;
$invalid_info = new CarF6T();
$invalid_info->id = $car_info->id;
$invalid_info->invalid_id = $invalid_id;
$invalid_info->user_id = $this->my->id;
$orders = OrderT::find()
->where('car_id='.$car_info->id.' and status_id<2')
foreach($orders as $order_info) {
$orders = OrderT::find()
->where('car_id='.$car_info->id.' and status_id>1')
foreach($orders as $order_info) {
$order_user_info = OrderUserT::findOne(['order_id'=>$order_info->id,'status'=>0]);
if($order_user_info) {
$order_user_info->status = 3;
$result['success'] = true;
$result['msg'] = '操作成功';
} catch (\Exception $e) {
throw $e;
return $result;
public function actionInvalidXinbao()
Yii::$app->response->format = Response::FORMAT_JSON;
$request = Yii::$app->request;
$result = array();
$result['success'] = false;
$result['msg'] = '操作失败';
if($request->isPost) {
$car_id = $request->post('car_id');
$invalid_id = $request->post('invalid_id',0);
$ac1 = $request->post('ac1');
$ac2 = $request->post('ac2');
// $ac3 = $request->post('ac3');
$tran = CarT::getDb()->beginTransaction();
try {
$car_info = CarT::findOne(['id'=>$car_id]);
// dd($car_info);
if($invalid_id == 57 || $invalid_id == 58 || $invalid_id == 59 || $invalid_id ==60 || $invalid_id ==61) {
if($invalid_id == 61){
$c_info = new CarFT();
$c_info->id = $car_info->id;
$c_info->user_id = 0;
$car_info->location = 7;
$car_info->company = '其他小保险公司';
}elseif($invalid_id == 57 || $invalid_id == 58 || $invalid_id == 59 || $invalid_id ==60){
$c_info = new CarCT();
$c_info->id = $car_info->id;
$c_info->user_id = 0;
switch($invalid_id) {
case 57:
$car_info->company = '人保';
$c_info->dif = 1;
case 58:
$car_info->company = '平安';
$c_info->dif = 4;
case 59:
$car_info->company = '太平洋';
$c_info->dif = 2;
case 60:
$car_info->company = '国寿财';
$c_info->dif = 3;
$car_info->company = '';
$car_info->location = 3;
$car_info->insurer1_date = $ac1;
$car_info->insurer2_date = $ac2;
// $car_info->company = $ac3;
$orders = OrderT::find()
->where('car_id='.$car_info->id.' and status_id<2')
foreach($orders as $order_info) {
$orders = OrderT::find()
->where('car_id='.$car_info->id.' and status_id>1')
foreach($orders as $order_info) {
$order_user_info = OrderUserT::findOne(['order_id'=>$order_info->id,'status'=>0]);
if($order_user_info) {
$order_user_info->status = 3;
if($invalid_id == 61){
}elseif($invalid_id == 57 || $invalid_id == 58 || $invalid_id == 59 || $invalid_id ==60){
} else {
$car_info->location = 5;
$invalid_info = new CarInvalidT();
$invalid_info->id = $car_info->id;
$invalid_info->invalid_id = $invalid_id;
$invalid_info->user_id = $this->my->id;
$orders = OrderT::find()
->where('car_id='.$car_info->id.' and status_id<2')
foreach($orders as $order_info) {
$orders = OrderT::find()
->where('car_id='.$car_info->id.' and status_id>1')
foreach($orders as $order_info) {
$order_user_info = OrderUserT::findOne(['order_id'=>$order_info->id,'status'=>0]);
if($order_user_info) {
$order_user_info->status = 3;
$result['success'] = true;
$result['msg'] = '操作成功';
} catch (\Exception $e) {
throw $e;
return $result;
public function actionInvalidNewWuxiao()
Yii::$app->response->format = Response::FORMAT_JSON;
$request = Yii::$app->request;
$result = array();
$result['success'] = false;
$result['msg'] = '操作失败';
if($request->isPost) {
$car_id = $request->post('car_id');
$invalid_id = $request->post('invalid_id',0);
$ac1 = $request->post('ac1');
$ac2 = $request->post('ac2');
// $ac3 = $request->post('ac3');
$tran = CarT::getDb()->beginTransaction();
try {
$car_info = CarT::findOne(['id'=>$car_id]);
// dd($car_info);
if($invalid_id == 57 || $invalid_id == 58 || $invalid_id == 59 || $invalid_id ==60 || $invalid_id ==61) {
if($invalid_id == 61){
$c_info = new CarF2T();
$c_info->id = $car_info->id;
$c_info->user_id = 0;
$car_info->location = 9;
$car_info->company = '其他小保险公司';
}elseif($invalid_id == 57 || $invalid_id == 58 || $invalid_id == 59 || $invalid_id ==60){
$c_info = new CarF1T();
$c_info->id = $car_info->id;
$c_info->user_id = 0;
switch($invalid_id) {
case 57:
$car_info->company = '人保';
case 58:
$car_info->company = '平安';
case 59:
$car_info->company = '太平洋';
case 60:
$car_info->company = '国寿财';
$car_info->company = '';
$car_info->location = 8;
$car_info->insurer1_date = $ac1;
$car_info->insurer2_date = $ac2;
// $car_info->company = $ac3;
$orders = OrderT::find()
->where('car_id='.$car_info->id.' and status_id<2')
foreach($orders as $order_info) {
$orders = OrderT::find()
->where('car_id='.$car_info->id.' and status_id>1')
foreach($orders as $order_info) {
$order_user_info = OrderUserT::findOne(['order_id'=>$order_info->id,'status'=>0]);
if($order_user_info) {
$order_user_info->status = 3;
if($invalid_id == 61){
}elseif($invalid_id == 57 || $invalid_id == 58 || $invalid_id == 59 || $invalid_id ==60){
} else {
$car_info->location = 10;
$invalid_info = new CarF3T();
$invalid_info->id = $car_info->id;
$invalid_info->invalid_id = $invalid_id;
$invalid_info->user_id = $this->my->id;
$orders = OrderT::find()
->where('car_id='.$car_info->id.' and status_id<2')
foreach($orders as $order_info) {
$orders = OrderT::find()
->where('car_id='.$car_info->id.' and status_id>1')
foreach($orders as $order_info) {
$order_user_info = OrderUserT::findOne(['order_id'=>$order_info->id,'status'=>0]);
if($order_user_info) {
$order_user_info->status = 3;
$result['success'] = true;
$result['msg'] = '操作成功';
} catch (\Exception $e) {
throw $e;
return $result;
public function actionSearch() {
return $this->render('search');
public function actionSearchJson()
Yii::$app->response->format = Response::FORMAT_JSON;
$request = Yii::$app->request;
$car_man = $request->get('car_man');
$phone = $request->get('phone');
$car_no = $request->get('car_no');
$car_model = $request->get('car_model');
$register_date = $request->get('register_date');
$insurer_date = $request->get('insurer_date');
$id_man = $request->get('id_man');
$op = $request->get('op',1);
$offset = $request->get('offset',0);
$limit = $request->get('limit', 10);
$query = CarT::find()
if($op==0) {
$query = $query->andWhere('car_t.id=-1');
if($car_man != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('car_t.car_man like "'.$car_man.'"');
if($phone != '') {
$linkman_items = LinkmanT::find()
->where('phone like "'.$phone.'"')
$car_ids = array();
foreach($linkman_items as $linkman_info) {
$car_ids[] = $linkman_info->car_id;
$car_ids_str = join(',',$car_ids);
if($car_ids_str == '')
$car_ids_str = '0';
$query = $query->andWhere('(car_t.phone like "'.$phone.'" or car_t.id in ('.$car_ids_str.'))');
if($car_no != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('car_t.car_no like "'.$car_no.'%"');
if($car_model != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('car_t.car_model="'.$car_model.'"');
if($register_date != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('car_t.register_date='.$register_date);
if($insurer_date != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('car_t.insurer1_date="'.$insurer_date.'" or car_t.insurer2_date="'.$insurer_date.'"');
if($id_man != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('order_t.id_man="'.$id_man.'"');
$total = $query->count();
$query = $query->offset($offset)->limit($limit);
$items = $query->all();
$data = [];
$data['total'] = $total;
$data['rows'] = [];
foreach($items as $item) {
$row = $item->toArray();
$row['show_name'] = $item->lib&&$item->lib->user?$item->lib->user->getShowName():'';
$row['location_txt'] = $item->location?$item->getLocation():'';
$data['rows'][] = $row;
return $data;
public function actionNonSearch()
$request = Yii::$app->request;
$car_man = $request->get('car_man');
$phone = $request->get('phone');
$car_no = $request->get('car_no');
$car_model = $request->get('car_model');
$register_date = $request->get('register_date');
$insurer_date = $request->get('insurer_date');
$id_man = $request->get('id_man');
$op = $request->get('op',1);
$page = $request->get('page',1);
if($page < 1) $page = 1;
$query = CarT::find()
if($op==0) {
$query = $query->andWhere('car_t.id=-1');
if($car_man != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('car_t.car_man like "'.$car_man.'"');
if($phone != '') {
$linkman_items = LinkmanT::find()
->where('phone like "'.$phone.'"')
$car_ids = array();
foreach($linkman_items as $linkman_info) {
$car_ids[] = $linkman_info->car_id;
$car_ids_str = join(',',$car_ids);
if($car_ids_str == '')
$car_ids_str = '0';
$query = $query->andWhere('(car_t.phone like "'.$phone.'" or car_t.id in ('.$car_ids_str.'))');
if($car_no != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('car_t.car_no like "'.$car_no.'%"');
if($car_model != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('car_t.car_model="'.$car_model.'"');
if($register_date != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('car_t.register_date='.$register_date);
if($insurer_date != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('car_t.insurer1_date="'.$insurer_date.'" or car_t.insurer2_date="'.$insurer_date.'"');
if($id_man != '') {
$query = $query->andWhere('order_t.id_man="'.$id_man.'"');
$total = $query->count();
$pagination = new Pagination(['totalCount' => $total,'pageSize'=>20]);
$query = $query->offset($pagination->offset)->limit($pagination->limit);
$items = $query->all();
$page_info = MyLib::getPageInfo($pagination);
return $this->render('non-search',[
'items' => $items,
'car_man' => $car_man,
'phone' => $phone,
'car_no' => $car_no,
'car_model' => $car_model,
'register_date' => $register_date,
'insurer_date' => $insurer_date,
'id_man' => $id_man,
'page' => $page,
'page_info' => $page_info
public function actionSmsSend()
Yii::$app->response->format = Response::FORMAT_JSON;
$request = Yii::$app->request;
$MessageContent = $request->post('msg');
$UserNumber = $request->post('tel');
$company_id = $request->post('company_id');
if($company_id == 0){
$result['msg'] = '保险公司不能为空';
return $result;
if($UserNumber == '' || $UserNumber == 0){
$result['msg'] = '手机手机号不能为空';
return $result;
if($MessageContent == ''){
$result['msg'] = '短信内容不能为空';
return $result;
$MessageContent = str_replace("\n","",$MessageContent);
$MessageContent = str_replace("\r","",$MessageContent);
$MessageContent = str_replace("\f","",$MessageContent);
$MessageContent = str_replace("\t","",$MessageContent);
$url = 'http://user.banmacar.com/api/sms/single-send';
$params['token'] = 'ff7dc73536475c11981a1c52531f2ff7';
$params['mobile'] = $UserNumber;
$params['content'] = $MessageContent;
$post_url = http_build_query($params);
$msg = MyLib::Post($post_url,$url);
// $msg = mb_convert_encoding($msg,'UTF8','GBK');
// parse_str($msg,$obj);
$obj = json_decode($msg,true);
$result = array();
// $result['success'] = true;
if($obj['code'] == 200) {
$result['msg'] = $obj['data'];
$result['msg'] = $obj['msg'];
return $result;
public function actionSmsMake()
Yii::$app->response->format = Response::FORMAT_JSON;
$request = Yii::$app->request;
$result = array();
$result['success'] = false;
$result['msg'] = '生成失败';
$order_id = $request->post('order_id');
$company_id = $request->post('company_id');
// $company2_name = InsurerCompany2T::findOne($company2_id)->name;
$company_name ='';
if($company_id == 1){
$company_name = '人保车险';
}elseif ($company_id ==8){
$company_name = '平安车险';
}elseif ($company_id == 4){
$company_name = '太平洋车险';
}elseif ($company_id ==7){
$company_name = '人寿车险';
$company ='';
if($company_id == 1){
$company = '人保';
}elseif ($company_id == 8){
$company = '平安';
}elseif ($company_id == 4){
$company = '太平洋';
}elseif ($company_id == 7){
$company = '太平洋';
// var_dump($order_id);
// die;
$order_info = OrderT::findOne(['id'=>$order_id]);
$car_info = $order_info->car;
$total1 = $request->post('total1');
$total2 = $request->post('total2');
$total1_dis = $request->post('total1_dis');
$total1_clear = $request->post('total1_clear');
$total3 = $request->post('total3');
$total_all = $request->post('total_all');
$total_real = $request->post('total_real');
$types = $request->post('types');
$nopays = $request->post('nopays');
$insurer_type_items = InsurerTypeT::find()->all();
$tmp_total = $total_real;
$msg = '【'.$company_name.'】尊敬的'.$car_info->car_no.'客户您好:'.$company.$this->my->name.'为您报价:';
$msg .= '交强、';
if($total3 > 0) {
$msg .= '车船税、';
// $tmp_total += $total3;
// $msg .= '商业'.$total1.'元';
// $msg .= '总计'.($total_all).'元,';
// $msg .= '实收'.($total_real).'元;';
//$msg .= '[';
$msg1 = '';
$bj = '';
$has_chesun = 0;
foreach($insurer_type_items as $item) {
if($item->id == 10 || $item->id == 11) continue;
if($types[$item->id] != '' && $types[$item->id] != '否' && $types[$item->id] != '无') {
if($item->name == '车损'){
$has_chesun = 1;
if($item->name == '无法找到第三方特约险'){
$msg1 .= '无法找到第三方';
$msg1 .= $item->name;
if($types[$item->id] != '是')
if($item->name != '车损'){
$msg1 .= $types[$item->id];
$msg1 .= '、';
if(isset($nopays[$item->id]) && ($nopays[$item->id] == 1))
$bj .= $item->code;
if($msg1 != ''){
if($bj != ''){
$msg1 .= '不计免赔';
$msg1 = $msg1.',';
$msg1 = rtrim($msg1,'、');
$msg1 = $msg1.',';
$msg .= $msg1;
$msg .= '保费实收'.($tmp_total).'元;';
$msg .= '祝您生活愉快。';
$result['success'] = true;
$result['msg'] = $msg;
return $result;
public function actionLinkmanAdd()
$request = Yii::$app->request;
$car_id = $request->get('car_id',0);
return $this->render('linkman-add',[
'car_id' => $car_id
public function actionLinkmanSave()
Yii::$app->response->format = Response::FORMAT_JSON;
$request = Yii::$app->request;
$result = array();
$result['success'] = false;
$result['msg'] = '保存失败';
if($request->isPost) {
$car_id = $request->post('car_id',0);
$name = $request->post('name');
$phone = $request->post('phone');
$id_number = $request->post('id_number');
$id_type = $request->post('id_type');
$type = $request->post('type');
if($name == '' || $phone == '') {
$result['msg'] = '请输入姓名和联系电话!';
return $result;
$row = null;
$linkman_info = new LinkmanT();
$linkman_info->car_id = $car_id;
$linkman_info->name = $name;
$linkman_info->phone = $phone;
$linkman_info->type = $type;
$linkman_info->id_type = $id_type;
$linkman_info->id_number = $id_number;
if(!$linkman_info->save()) {
$result['msg'] = print_r($linkman_info->getErrors(),true);
} else {
$result['success'] = true;
$result['msg'] = '保存成功';
return $result;
public function actionAjaxLinkmanIndex()
Yii::$app->response->format = Response::FORMAT_JSON;
$request = Yii::$app->request;
$car_id = $request->get('car_id');
$result = array();
$result['success'] = false;
$result['msg'] = '读取失败';
$query = LinkmanT::find()
->orderBy('id ASC');
$items = $query->all();
$html = $this->renderPartial('ajax-linkman-index',[
'items' => $items
$result['success'] = true;
$result['html'] = $html;
return $result;
public function actionHistory() {
$request = Yii::$app->request;
$car_id = $request->get('car_id');
return $this->render('history',[
'car_id' => $car_id
public function actionHistoryJson()
Yii::$app->response->format = Response::FORMAT_JSON;
$request = Yii::$app->request;
$car_id = $request->get('car_id');
$offset = $request->get('offset', 0);
$limit = $request->get('limit', 10);
$query = CarLogT::find()
->andWhere('op_time>='.strtotime("-6 months"))
->orderBy('op_time DESC');
//echo $query->createCommand()->rawSql;
$total = $query->count();
$query = $query->offset($offset)->limit($limit);
$items = $query->all();
$data = [];
$data['total'] = $total;
$data['rows'] = [];
foreach($items as $item) {
$row = $item->toArray();
$row['op_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $item->op_time);
$data['rows'][] = $row;
return $data;
public function actionOrderHistoryJson()
Yii::$app->response->format = Response::FORMAT_JSON;
$request = Yii::$app->request;
$car_id = $request->get('car_id');
$offset = $request->get('offset', 0);
$limit = $request->get('limit', 10);
$query = OrderT::find()
->orderBy('id DESC');
$total = $query->count();
$query = $query->offset($offset)->limit($limit);
$items = $query->all();
$data = [];
$data['total'] = $total;
$data['rows'] = [];
foreach($items as $item) {
$row = $item->toArray();
$row['username'] = $item->user->getShowName();
$row['status'] = $item->status->name;
$data['rows'][] = $row;
return $data;
public function actionOrderAdd() {
$request = Yii::$app->request;
$car_id = $request->get('car_id');
$car_info = CarT::findOne(['id'=>$car_id]);
$order_info = $car_info->getOrders()->orderBy('id DESC')->one();
if(!$order_info) {
$user_id = 0;
if($car_info->location == 2) {
$b_info = CarBT::findOne(['id'=>$car_info->id]);
$user_id = $b_info->user_id;
if($car_info->location == 3) {
$c_info = CarCT::findOne(['id'=>$car_info->id]);
$user_id = $c_info->user_id;
if($car_info->location == 4) {
$d_info = CarDT::findOne(['id'=>$car_info->id]);
$user_id = $d_info->user_id;
$order_info = new OrderT();
$order_info->car_id = $car_info->id;
$order_info->car_no = $car_info->car_no;
$order_info->engine_no = $car_info->engine_no;
$order_info->car_frame_no = $car_info->car_frame_no;
$order_info->car_man = $car_info->car_man;
$order_info->user_id = $user_id;
$order_info->status_id = 1;
$order_info->id_man = $car_info->car_man;
$order_info->link_man = $car_info->car_man;
$order_info->link_phone = $car_info->phone;
$insurer_type_items = InsurerTypeT::find()->all();
$insurer_company_items = InsurerCompanyT::find()->all();
$car_use_items = CarUseT::find()->all();
$insurer_company2_items = InsurerCompany2T::find()->all();
$pay_type_items = PayTypeT::find()->all();
$success_items = InvalidT::getTree(1);
$city_items = CityT::find()->all();
$district_items = DistrictT::find()->all();
return $this->render('order-add',[
'car_id' => $car_id,
'car_info' => $car_info,
'order_info' => $order_info,
'insurer_type_items' => $insurer_type_items,
'insurer_company_items' => $insurer_company_items,
'insurer_company2_items' => $insurer_company2_items,
'car_use_items' => $car_use_items,
'pay_type_items' => $pay_type_items,
'success_items' => $success_items,
'city_items' => $city_items,
'district_items' => $district_items
public function actionInvalidCar() {
$request = Yii::$app->request;
$car_id = $request->get('car_id');
$invalid_items = InvalidT::getTree();
return $this->render('invalid-car', [
'car_id' => $car_id,
'invalid_items' => $invalid_items
public function actionInvalidSave() {
Yii::$app->response->format = Response::FORMAT_JSON;
$request = Yii::$app->request;
$car_id = $request->post('car_id');
$invalid_id = $request->post('invalid_id');
if($invalid_id == 0) {
$result['msg'] = '请选择无效理由';
return $result;
$tran = CarT::getDb()->beginTransaction();
try {
$car_info = CarT::findOne(['id'=>$car_id]);
$car_info->location = 5;
if(!$car_info->save(false)) {
throw new Exception(print_r($car_info->getFirstErrors(),true));
$invalid_info = CarInvalidT::findOne(['id'=>$car_info->id]);
if(!$invalid_info) {
$invalid_info = new CarInvalidT(false);
$invalid_info->id = $car_info->id;
$invalid_info->user_id = $this->my->id;
$invalid_info->invalid_id = $invalid_id;
if(!$invalid_info->save(false)) {
throw new Exception(print_r($invalid_info->getFirstErrors(),true));
$result['success'] = true;
$result['msg'] = '操作成功';
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$result['msg'] = $e->getMessage();
return $result;