request; $car_id = $request->get('car_id'); $page = $request->get('page',1); $query = AppointmentHistoryT::find() ->where(['car_id'=>$car_id]) ->orderBy('id DESC'); $total = $query->count(); $pagination = new Pagination(['totalCount' => $total,'pageSize'=>20]); $pagination->setPage($page-1); $query = $query->offset($pagination->offset)->limit($pagination->limit); $items = $query->all(); $page_info = MyLib::getPageInfo($pagination); return $this->render('index',[ 'car_id' => $car_id, 'items' => $items, 'page' => $page, 'page_info' => $page_info ]); } public function actionAjaxIndex() { Yii::$app->response->format = Response::FORMAT_JSON; $request = Yii::$app->request; $car_id = $request->get('car_id'); $page = $request->get('page',1); $result = array(); $result['success'] = false; $result['msg'] = '读取失败'; $pdate = date("Y-m-d",strtotime("-6 months")); $query = FiltrationT::find() ->where(['car_id'=>$car_id]) ->andWhere('pdate>"'.$pdate.'"') ->orderBy('pdate DESC,id DESC'); //echo $query->createCommand()->rawSql; $total = $query->count(); $pagination = new Pagination(['totalCount' => $total,'pageSize'=>20]); $pagination->setPage($page-1); $query = $query->offset($pagination->offset)->limit($pagination->limit); $items = $query->all(); // dd($items); $page_info = MyLib::getAjaxPageInfo($pagination,'appointment_list'); $html = $this->renderPartial('ajax-index',[ 'car_id' => $car_id, 'items' => $items, 'page' => $page, 'page_info' => $page_info ]); $result['success'] = true; $result['html'] = $html; return $result; } public function actionAdd() { $request = Yii::$app->request; $car_id = $request->get('car_id',0); return $this->renderPartial('add',[ 'car_id' => $car_id ]); } public function actionSave() { Yii::$app->response->format = Response::FORMAT_JSON; $request = Yii::$app->request; $result = array(); $result['success'] = false; $result['msg'] = '保存失败'; if($request->isPost) { $car_id = $request->post('car_id',0); $pdate = $request->post('pdate'); $ptime = $request->post('ptime'); $remark = $request->post('remark'); $ptype = $request->post('ptype'); $business_group_id = $request->post('business_group_id', 0); if($pdate == '') { $result['msg'] = '请选择预约时间!'; return $result; } if($ptype == '0') { $result['msg'] = '请选择预约类型!'; return $result; } $tran = AppointmentT::getDb()->beginTransaction(); try { $car_user_info = null; $car_info = CarT::findOne(['id'=>$car_id]); switch($car_info->location) { case 2: $car_user_info = CarBT::findOne(['id'=>$car_id]); break; case 3: $car_user_info = CarCT::findOne(['id'=>$car_id]); break; case 4: $car_user_info = CarDT::findOne(['id'=>$car_id]); break; case 5: $car_user_info = CarInvalidT::findOne(['id'=>$car_id]); break; case 6: $car_user_info = CarET::findOne(['id'=>$car_id]); break; case 14: $car_user_info = CleanT::findOne(['id'=>$car_id]); break; default: $name = ''; } if(!$car_user_info) { $result['msg'] = '该车辆未分配'; return $result; } if($car_user_info->user_id != $this->my->id) { $result['msg'] = '该车辆未分配给'.$this->my->username.', 无法预约'; return $result; } $clean_info=CleanT::findOne(['id'=>$car_id]); if($clean_info){ $clean_info->yuyue=2; $clean_info->lingqu_status=2; $clean_info->save(); } $cleantj_info=CleanTongji::find()->where(['car_id'=>$car_id])->one(); if(!$cleantj_info){ $cleantj_info=new CleanTongji(); $cleantj_info->user_id=$this->my->id; $cleantj_info->yuyue_num=1; $cleantj_info->yuefen=date('Y-m-d'); $cleantj_info->car_id=$car_id; $cleantj_info->car_no=$car_info->car_no; $cleantj_info->save(); $this->addLog($car_info->id, '预约成功', 1); } $row = FiltrationT::find() ->where('car_id='.$car_id) ->one(); if(empty($row)) { $row = new FiltrationT(); $row->user_id = $this->my->id; } $old_user_id = 0; if($row->user_id != $this->my->id) $old_user_id = $row->user_id; $row->car_id = $car_id; $row->user_id = $this->my->id; $row->pdate = $pdate; $row->ptime = $ptime; $row->ptype = $ptype; $row->remark = $remark; $row->business_group_id = $business_group_id; $row->is_first = 0; $row->save(); $log_txt = ''; if($old_user_id > 0) { $log_txt = '旧业务员是:'.$old_user_id.' '; } $this->addLog($car_id,$log_txt.'预约客户到'.$pdate.' '.$ptime.',预约内容为:'.$remark,1); $tran->commit(); } catch(\Exception $e) { $tran->rollBack(); throw $e; } $result['success'] = true; $result['msg'] = '保存成功'; } return $result; } public function actionAjaxNext() { Yii::$app->response->format = Response::FORMAT_JSON; $session = Yii::$app->session; $request = Yii::$app->request; $index = $request->get('index'); $type = $request->get('type'); $sql = null; if($type == 1) { $sql = $session->get('appointment_first',array()); } if($type == 2) { $sql = $session->get('appointment_today',array()); } if($type == 3) { $sql = $session->get('appointment_all',array()); } $car_id = 0; $item = Yii::$app->db->createCommand($sql.' limit '.$index.',1') ->queryOne(); if($item) { $car_id = $item['car_id']; } $result = array(); $result['success'] = true; $result['car_id'] = $car_id; return $result; } //首拨 public function actionFirst() { $session = Yii::$app->session; $request = Yii::$app->request; $car_man = $request->get('car_man'); $phone = $request->get('phone'); $car_no = $request->get('car_no'); $page = $request->get('page',1); $username = $request->get('username'); $sort_key = $request->get('sort_key','filtration_t.pdate'); $sort_value = $request->get('sort_value','ASC'); $user_id = $request->get('user_id'); $register_begin = $request->get('register_begin'); $register_end = $request->get('register_end'); $insurer1_begin = $request->get('insurer1_begin'); $insurer1_end = $request->get('insurer1_end'); $insurer1_month = $request->get('insurer1_month'); $insurer1_day = $request->get('insurer1_day'); $insurer1_month1 = $request->get('insurer1_month1'); $insurer1_day1 = $request->get('insurer1_day1'); $query = FiltrationT::find() ->leftJoin('car_t','`car_t`.`id`=`filtration_t`.`car_id`') ->andWhere(['!=','`filtration_t`.`remark`','首次分配']) ->andWhere('delete_status=1'); if($username == '') { // $user_ids = $this->getChildrenUserIDs(); // $query = $query->andWhere(['in','filtration_t.user_id',$user_ids]); } if($car_man != '') { $query = $query->andWhere('car_t.car_man like "'.$car_man.'"'); } if($phone != '') { $query = $query->andWhere(' like "'.$phone.'"'); } if($car_no != '') { $query = $query->andWhere('car_t.car_no like "'.$car_no.'"'); } if($username != '') { $user_query = UserT::find() ->where('username="'.$username.'"') ->all(); // foreach($user_query as $user_info) { // $user_ids[] = $user_info->id; // } // if(count($user_ids) > 0) // $query = $query->andWhere(['in','filtration_t.user_id',$user_ids]); } if($sort_key != '') { $query = $query->orderBy($sort_key.' '.$sort_value.', '.$sort_value); } if($register_begin != '') { $query = $query->andWhere('register_date>="'.$register_begin.'"'); } if($register_end != '') { $query = $query->andWhere('register_date<="'.$register_end.'"'); } // if($insurer1_begin != '') { // $query = $query->andWhere('car_t.insurer2_date>="'.$insurer1_begin.'"'); // } // if($insurer1_end != '') { // $query = $query->andWhere('car_t.insurer2_date<="'.$insurer1_end.'"'); // } if($insurer1_month != '') { $query = $query->andWhere('month(car_t.insurer1_date)>="'.$insurer1_month.'"'); } if($insurer1_day != '') { $query = $query->andWhere('day(car_t.insurer1_date)>="'.$insurer1_day.'"'); } if($insurer1_month1 != '') { $query = $query->andWhere('month(car_t.insurer1_date)<="'.$insurer1_month1.'"'); } if($insurer1_day1 != '') { $query = $query->andWhere('day(car_t.insurer1_date)<="'.$insurer1_day1.'"'); } $sql = $query->createCommand()->rawSql; // echo $query->createCommand()->rawSql; $total = $query->count(); $pagination = new Pagination(['totalCount' => $total,'pageSize'=>20]); $pagination->setPage($page-1); $current_index = $pagination->offset; $query = $query->offset($pagination->offset)->limit($pagination->limit); $items = $query->all(); $page_info = MyLib::getPageInfo($pagination); $invalid_items = InvalidT::getTree(); $user_items = $this->my->getChildren(); return $this->render('first',[ 'items' => $items, 'page_info' => $page_info, 'car_man' => $car_man, 'phone' => $phone, 'car_no' => $car_no, 'page' => $page, 'sort_key' => $sort_key, 'sort_value' => $sort_value, 'type' => 1, 'invalid_items' => $invalid_items, 'username' => $username, 'user_items' => $user_items, 'user_id' => $user_id, 'register_begin' => $register_begin, 'register_end' => $register_end, 'insurer1_begin' => $insurer1_begin, 'insurer1_end' => $insurer1_end, 'insurer1_month' =>$insurer1_month, 'insurer1_day' =>$insurer1_day, 'insurer1_month1' =>$insurer1_month1, 'insurer1_day1' =>$insurer1_day1, ]); } public function actionInfo() { $request = Yii::$app->request; $id = $request->get('id',0); $type = $request->get('type',0); $car_man = $request->get('car_man'); $phone = $request->get('phone'); $car_no = $request->get('car_no'); $page = $request->get('page',1); $sort_key = $request->get('sort_key','appointment_t.pdate'); $sort_value = $request->get('sort_value','ASC'); $next_index = $request->get('next_index',0); $back_params = $request->get('back_params'); $my_path = $this->my->group?$this->my->group->getPath():''; $car_info = CarT::findOne(['id'=>$id]); $success_items = InvalidT::getTree(1); // $failure_items = InvalidT::getTreeXinbaoNew(2); $failure_items = InvalidT::getTreeClean(2); //下一辆 $next_id = 0; if($type == 1) { $query = AppointmentT::find() ->leftJoin('car_t','`car_t`.`id`=`appointment_t`.`car_id`') ->where('appointment_t.is_first=1 and car_t.is_track=0') ->andWhere('appointment_t.pdate<="'.date('Y-m-d').'"'); $user_ids = $this->getChildrenUserIDs(); $query = $query->andWhere(['in','appointment_t.user_id',$user_ids]); if($car_man != '') { $query = $query->andWhere('car_t.car_man like "'.$car_man.'"'); } if($phone != '') { $query = $query->andWhere('"'.$phone.'"'); } if($car_no != '') { $query = $query->andWhere('car_t.car_no like "'.$car_no.'"'); } if($sort_key != '') { $query = $query->orderBy($sort_key.' '.$sort_value); } $next_item = $query->offset($next_index)->one(); if($next_item) { $next_id = $next_item->car_id; } $next_index++; } if($type == 2) { $query = AppointmentT::find() ->leftJoin('car_t','`car_t`.`id`=`appointment_t`.`car_id`') ->where('appointment_t.is_first=0 and car_t.is_track=0') ->andWhere('appointment_t.pdate<="'.date('Y-m-d').'"'); $user_ids = $this->getChildrenUserIDs(); $query = $query->andWhere(['in','appointment_t.user_id',$user_ids]); if($car_man != '') { $query = $query->andWhere('car_t.car_man like "'.$car_man.'"'); } if($phone != '') { $query = $query->andWhere('"'.$phone.'"'); } if($car_no != '') { $query = $query->andWhere('car_t.car_no like "'.$car_no.'"'); } if($sort_key != '') { $query = $query->orderBy($sort_key.' '.$sort_value); } $next_item = $query->offset($next_index)->one(); if($next_item) { $next_id = $next_item->car_id; } $next_index++; } if($type == 3) { $query = AppointmentT::find() ->leftJoin('car_t','`car_t`.`id`=`appointment_t`.`car_id`') ->where('appointment_t.is_first=0 and car_t.is_track=0'); $user_ids = $this->getChildrenUserIDs(); $query = $query->andWhere(['in','appointment_t.user_id',$user_ids]); if($car_man != '') { $query = $query->andWhere('car_t.car_man like "'.$car_man.'"'); } if($phone != '') { $query = $query->andWhere('"'.$phone.'"'); } if($car_no != '') { $query = $query->andWhere('car_t.car_no like "'.$car_no.'"'); } if($sort_key != '') { $query = $query->orderBy($sort_key.' '.$sort_value); } $next_item = $query->offset($next_index)->one(); if($next_item) { $next_id = $next_item->car_id; } $next_index++; } //获取礼品数据 $list = MeetT::getAllData(1); return $this->render('info',[ 'type' => $type, 'car_info' => $car_info, 'list' => $list, 'success_items' => $success_items, 'failure_items' => $failure_items, 'next_id' => $next_id, 'next_index' => $next_index, 'car_man' => $car_man, 'car_no' => $car_no, 'phone' => $phone, 'page' => $page, 'sort_key' => $sort_key, 'sort_value' => $sort_value, 'back_params' => $back_params, // 'gift_type_items' => $gift_type_items, 'business_group_id' => $this->my->business_group_id, ]); } //今日预约 public function actionToday() { $session = Yii::$app->session; $request = Yii::$app->request; $car_man = $request->get('car_man'); $phone = $request->get('phone'); $car_no = $request->get('car_no'); $page = $request->get('page',1); $sort_key = $request->get('sort_key','appointment_t.pdate'); $sort_value = $request->get('sort_value','ASC'); $ptype = $request->get('ptype'); $query = AppointmentT::find() ->leftJoin('car_t','`car_t`.`id`=`appointment_t`.`car_id`') ->where('appointment_t.is_first=0 and car_t.location=2') ->andWhere('appointment_t.pdate<="'.date('Y-m-d').'"'); $user_ids = $this->getChildrenUserIDs(); $query = $query->andWhere(['in','appointment_t.user_id',$user_ids]); if($car_man != '') { $query = $query->andWhere('car_t.car_man like "'.$car_man.'"'); } if($phone != '') { $query = $query->andWhere('"'.$phone.'"'); } if($ptype > 0) { $query = $query->andWhere('appointment_t.ptype='.$ptype); } if($car_no != '') { $query = $query->andWhere('car_t.car_no like "'.$car_no.'"'); } if($sort_key != '') { $query = $query->orderBy($sort_key.' '.$sort_value.', '.$sort_value); } $sql = $query->createCommand()->rawSql; // echo $query->createCommand()->rawSql; $total = $query->count(); $session->remove('appointment_today'); $session->set('appointment_today',$sql); $pagination = new Pagination(['totalCount' => $total,'pageSize'=>20]); $pagination->setPage($page-1); $query = $query->offset($pagination->offset)->limit($pagination->limit); $items = $query->all(); $page_info = MyLib::getPageInfo($pagination); $list = MeetT::getAllData(1); return $this->render('today',[ 'items' => $items, 'page_info' => $page_info, 'car_man' => $car_man, 'phone' => $phone, 'car_no' => $car_no, 'ptype' => $ptype, 'list' => $list, 'page' => $page, 'sort_key' => $sort_key, 'sort_value' => $sort_value, 'type' => 2 ]); } //全部预约 public function actionAll() { $session = Yii::$app->session; $request = Yii::$app->request; $car_man = $request->get('car_man'); $phone = $request->get('phone'); $car_no = $request->get('car_no'); $page = $request->get('page',1); $username = $request->get('username'); $sort_key = $request->get('sort_key','appointment_t.pdate'); $sort_value = $request->get('sort_value','ASC'); $user_id = $request->get('user_id'); $ptype = $request->get('ptype'); $query = AppointmentT::find() ->leftJoin('car_t','`car_t`.`id`=`appointment_t`.`car_id`') ->where('appointment_t.is_first=0 and car_t.location=2'); if($username == '') { $user_ids = $this->getChildrenUserIDs(); $query = $query->andWhere(['in','appointment_t.user_id',$user_ids]); } if($car_man != '') { $query = $query->andWhere('car_t.car_man like "'.$car_man.'"'); } if($phone != '') { $query = $query->andWhere('"'.$phone.'"'); } if($ptype > 0) { $query = $query->andWhere('appointment_t.ptype='.$ptype); } if($car_no != '') { $query = $query->andWhere('car_t.car_no like "'.$car_no.'"'); } if($username != '') { $user_ids = array(); $user_query = UserT::find() ->where('username="'.$username.'"') ->all(); foreach($user_query as $user_info) { $user_ids[] = $user_info->id; } if(count($user_ids) > 0) $query = $query->andWhere(['in','appointment_t.user_id',$user_ids]); else $query = $query->andWhere('appointment_t.user_id=-1'); } if($sort_key != '') { $query = $query->orderBy($sort_key.' '.$sort_value.', '.$sort_value); } $sql = $query->createCommand()->rawSql; // echo $query->createCommand()->rawSql; $total = $query->count(); $session->remove('appointment_all'); $session->set('appointment_all',$sql); $pagination = new Pagination(['totalCount' => $total,'pageSize'=>20]); $pagination->setPage($page-1); $query = $query->offset($pagination->offset)->limit($pagination->limit); $items = $query->all(); $page_info = MyLib::getPageInfo($pagination); $invalid_items = InvalidT::getTree(); $user_items = $this->my->getChildren(); $list = MeetT::getAllData(1); return $this->render('all',[ 'items' => $items, 'page_info' => $page_info, 'car_man' => $car_man, 'phone' => $phone, 'ptype' => $ptype, 'list' => $list, 'car_no' => $car_no, 'page' => $page, 'sort_key' => $sort_key, 'sort_value' => $sort_value, 'type' => 3, 'invalid_items' => $invalid_items, 'username' => $username, 'user_items' => $user_items, 'user_id' => $user_id ]); } public function actionCount() { Yii::$app->response->format = Response::FORMAT_JSON; $request = Yii::$app->request; $result = array(); $result['success'] = false; $result['msg'] = '失败'; if($request->isPost) { $car_id = $request->post('car_id',0); $pdate = $request->post('pdate'); $query = AppointmentT::find() ->where('pdate="'.$pdate.'" and user_id='.$this->my->id); $total = $query->count(); $result['success'] = true; $result['msg'] = '成功'; $result['count'] = $total; } return $result; } public function actionInvalidA() { Yii::$app->response->format = Response::FORMAT_JSON; $request = Yii::$app->request; $result = array(); $result['success'] = false; $result['msg'] = '操作失败'; if($request->isPost) { $ids = $request->post('ids',array()); if(count($ids) == 0) { $result['msg'] = '请先钩选车辆'; return $result; } $tran = CarT::getDb()->beginTransaction(); try { foreach($ids as $id) { // dd($id); $car_info = CarT::findOne(['id'=>$id]); $c_info = CleanT::findOne(['id'=>$car_info->id]); // dd($c_info); if($c_info) { $c_info->user_id = 0; $c_info->yuyue = 1; $c_info->lingqu_status=1; $c_info->save(); } // FiltrationT //删除预约拨打 //伪删除 // FiltrationT::deleteAll('car_id='.$c_info->id); $fi_info= FiltrationT::find()->where('car_id='.$c_info->id)->all(); foreach($fi_info as $f){ $f->remark='首次分配'; $f->delete_status=2; $f->save(); } // $clean_info= CleanTongji::find() // ->where('car_id='.$c_info->id) // ->where('yuyue_num=1') // ->all(); // foreach($clean_info as $cl_vl){ // $cl_vl->delete(); // } $this->addLog($car_info->id,'恢复一条数据成功',1); } $result['success'] = true; $result['msg'] = '操作成功'; $tran->commit(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $tran->rollBack(); echo $e->getMessage(); } } return $result; } public function actionAssignOther() { Yii::$app->response->format = Response::FORMAT_JSON; $request = Yii::$app->request; $result = array(); $result['success'] = false; $result['msg'] = '操作失败'; if($request->isPost) { $ids = $request->post('ids',array()); $user_id = $request->post('user_id'); if($user_id == 0) { $result['msg'] = '请选择业务员'; return $result; } if(count($ids) == 0) { $result['msg'] = '请先钩选车辆'; return $result; } $user_info = UserT::findOne(['id'=>$user_id]); $tran = CarT::getDb()->beginTransaction(); try { foreach($ids as $id) { $car_info = CarT::findOne(['id'=>$id]); $old_user_info = ''; if($car_info->location == 2) { $b_info = CarBT::findOne(['id'=>$car_info->id]); $old_user_info = $b_info->user; $b_info->user_id = $user_id; $b_info->save(); $user =$user_info; // dd($user->getShowName()); if($user) { $car_info->op_user1 = $user->getShowName(); } } if($car_info->location == 3) { $c_info = CarCT::findOne(['id'=>$car_info->id]); $old_user_info = $c_info->user; $c_info->user_id = $user_id; $c_info->save(); $user = $user_info; if($user) { $car_info->op_user2 = $user->getShowName(); } } if($car_info->location == 4) { $d_info = CarDT::findOne(['id'=>$car_info->id]); $old_user_info = $d_info->user; $d_info->user_id = $user_id; $d_info->save(); $user = $user_info; if($user) { $car_info->op_user3 = $user->getShowName(); } } //库保存 $car_info->save(); $this->addLog($car_info->id,'从'.$old_user_info->getShowName().' 平移车辆给 '.$user_info->getShowName(),1); //添加保单 OrderT::deleteAll('car_id='.$car_info->id.' and status_id<2'); $order_row = new OrderT(); $order_row->car_id = $car_info->id; $order_row->car_no = $car_info->car_no; $order_row->engine_no = $car_info->engine_no; $order_row->car_frame_no = $car_info->car_frame_no; $order_row->car_man = $car_info->car_man; $order_row->user_id = $user_id; $order_row->status_id = 1; $order_row->id_man = $car_info->car_man; $order_row->link_man = $car_info->car_man; $order_row->link_phone = $car_info->phone; $order_row->save(); //添加预约 AppointmentT::deleteAll('car_id='.$car_info->id); $row = new AppointmentT(); $row->car_id = $car_info->id; $row->user_id = $user_id; $row->pdate = date('Y-m-d'); $row->ptime = '09:00'; $row->remark = '首次分配'; $row->is_first = 1; $row->save(); //添加历史预约 $h_row = new AppointmentHistoryT(); $h_row->car_id = $car_info->id; $h_row->user_id = $user_id; $h_row->pdate = date('Y-m-d'); $h_row->ptime = '09:00'; $h_row->remark = '首次分配'; $h_row->save(); } $result['success'] = true; $result['msg'] = '操作成功'; $tran->commit(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $tran->rollBack(); throw $e; } } return $result; } //分配跟踪业务员 public function actionAssignCpei() { Yii::$app->response->format = Response::FORMAT_JSON; $request = Yii::$app->request; $result = array(); $result['success'] = false; $result['msg'] = '操作失败'; if($request->isPost) { $ids = $request->post('ids',array()); // var_dump($ids); // die; $user_id = $request->post('user_id'); if($user_id == 0) { $result['msg'] = '请选择业务员'; return $result; } if(count($ids) == 0) { $result['msg'] = '请先钩选车辆'; return $result; } $user_info = UserT::findOne(['id'=>$user_id]); $tran = CarT::getDb()->beginTransaction(); try { foreach($ids as $id) { $car_info = CarT::findOne(['id'=>$id]); $old_user_info = ''; if($car_info->location == 3) { $c_info = CarCT::findOne(['id'=>$car_info->id]); $old_user_info = $c_info->user; $c_info->user_id = $user_id; $c_info->save(); //由于事务进行的作用,程序没有进行到底,所执行的数据操作没有进行 //获取post参数的id $user = $user_info; // var_dump($user); // die; if($user) { $car_info->op_user2 = $user->getShowName(); } $car_info -> save(); // var_dump($car_info->op_user2); // die; } $this->addLog($car_info->id,'从'.$old_user_info->getShowName().' 平移车辆给 '.$user_info->getShowName(),1); //添加保单 OrderT::deleteAll('car_id='.$car_info->id.' and status_id<2'); $order_row = new OrderT(); $order_row->car_id = $car_info->id; $order_row->car_no = $car_info->car_no; $order_row->engine_no = $car_info->engine_no; $order_row->car_frame_no = $car_info->car_frame_no; $order_row->car_man = $car_info->car_man; $order_row->user_id = $user_id; $order_row->status_id = 1; $order_row->id_man = $car_info->car_man; $order_row->link_man = $car_info->car_man; $order_row->link_phone = $car_info->phone; $order_row->save(); //添加预约 AppointmentT::deleteAll('car_id='.$car_info->id); $row = new AppointmentT(); $row->car_id = $car_info->id; $row->user_id = $user_id; $row->pdate = date('Y-m-d'); $row->ptime = '09:00'; $row->remark = '首次分配'; $row->is_first = 1; $row->save(); //添加历史预约 $h_row = new AppointmentHistoryT(); $h_row->car_id = $car_info->id; $h_row->user_id = $user_id; $h_row->pdate = date('Y-m-d'); $h_row->ptime = '09:00'; $h_row->remark = '首次分配'; $h_row->save(); } $result['success'] = true; $result['msg'] = '操作成功'; $tran->commit(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $tran->rollBack(); throw $e; } } return $result; } // public function actionInvalidAllA() // { // Yii::$app->response->format = Response::FORMAT_JSON; // $request = Yii::$app->request; // $result = array(); // $result['success'] = false; // $result['msg'] = '操作失败'; // // if($request->isPost) { // // $car_man = $request->post('car_man'); // $phone = $request->post('phone'); // $car_no = $request->post('car_no'); // $page = $request->post('page',1); // $username = $request->post('username'); // $sort_key = $request->post('sort_key','filtration_t.pdate'); // $sort_value = $request->post('sort_value','ASC'); // $user_id = $request->post('user_id'); // // $query = FiltrationT::find() // ->leftJoin('car_t','`car_t`.`id`=`filtration_t`.`car_id`') // ->andWhere(['!=','`filtration_t`.`remark`','首次分配']); // // if($username == '') { // $user_ids = $this->getChildrenUserIDs(); // $query = $query->andWhere(['in','filtration_t.user_id',$user_ids]); // } // // if($car_man != '') { // $query = $query->andWhere('car_t.car_man like "'.$car_man.'"'); // } // if($phone != '') { // $query = $query->andWhere(' like "'.$phone.'"'); // } // if($car_no != '') { // $query = $query->andWhere('car_t.car_no like "'.$car_no.'"'); // } // if($username != '') { // $user_query = UserT::find() // ->where('username="'.$username.'"') // ->all(); // foreach($user_query as $user_info) { // $user_ids[] = $user_info->id; // } // if(count($user_ids) > 0) // $query = $query->andWhere(['in','filtration_t.user_id',$user_ids]); // } // if($sort_key != '') { // $query = $query->orderBy($sort_key.' '.$sort_value.', '.$sort_value); // } // // // $tran = CarT::getDb()->beginTransaction(); // try { // foreach($query->each(1000) as $item) { // $car_info = $item->car; // //伪删除 // $item->remark='首次分配'; // $item->delete_status=2; // $item->save(); // // $c_info = CleanT::findOne(['id'=>$car_info->id]); // // if($c_info) { // $c_info->user_id = 0; // $c_info->yuyue = 1; // $c_info->lingqu_status=1; // $c_info->save(); // } // //// FiltrationT // //删除预约拨打 //// FiltrationT::deleteAll('car_id='.$c_info->id); // $this->addLog($item->id,'从预约列表数据中恢复清洗库数据',1); // } // // $result['success'] = true; // $result['msg'] = '操作成功'; // // $tran->commit(); // } catch (\Exception $e) { // $tran->rollBack(); // throw $e; // } // } // return $result; // } // public function actionInvalidAllA() // { // Yii::$app->response->format = Response::FORMAT_JSON; // $request = Yii::$app->request; // $result = array(); // $result['success'] = false; // $result['msg'] = '操作失败'; // // if($request->isPost) { // // $car_man = $request->post('car_man'); // $phone = $request->post('phone'); // $car_no = $request->post('car_no'); // $page = $request->post('page',1); // $username = $request->post('username'); // $sort_key = $request->post('sort_key','filtration_t.pdate'); // $sort_value = $request->post('sort_value','ASC'); // $user_id = $request->post('user_id'); // $register_begin = $request->post('register_begin'); // $register_end = $request->post('register_end'); // $insurer1_begin = $request->post('insurer1_begin'); // $insurer1_end = $request->post('insurer1_end'); // $insurer1_month = $request->post('insurer1_month'); // $insurer1_day = $request->post('insurer1_day'); // $insurer1_month1 = $request->post('insurer1_month1'); // $insurer1_day1 = $request->post('insurer1_day1'); // // $query = FiltrationT::find() // ->leftJoin('car_t','`car_t`.`id`=`filtration_t`.`car_id`') // ->andWhere(['!=','`filtration_t`.`remark`','首次分配']); // // if($username == '') { // $user_ids = $this->getChildrenUserIDs(); // $query = $query->andWhere(['in','filtration_t.user_id',$user_ids]); // } // // if($car_man != '') { // $query = $query->andWhere('car_t.car_man like "'.$car_man.'"'); // } // if($phone != '') { // $query = $query->andWhere(' like "'.$phone.'"'); // } // if($car_no != '') { // $query = $query->andWhere('car_t.car_no like "'.$car_no.'"'); // } // if($username != '') { // $user_query = UserT::find() // ->where('username="'.$username.'"') // ->all(); // foreach($user_query as $user_info) { // $user_ids[] = $user_info->id; // } // if(count($user_ids) > 0) // $query = $query->andWhere(['in','filtration_t.user_id',$user_ids]); // } // if($sort_key != '') { // $query = $query->orderBy($sort_key.' '.$sort_value.', '.$sort_value); // } // if($register_begin != '') { // $query = $query->andWhere('register_date>="'.$register_begin.'"'); // } // if($register_end != '') { // $query = $query->andWhere('register_date<="'.$register_end.'"'); // } // //// if($insurer1_begin != '') { //// $query = $query->andWhere('car_t.insurer2_date>="'.$insurer1_begin.'"'); //// } //// if($insurer1_end != '') { //// $query = $query->andWhere('car_t.insurer2_date<="'.$insurer1_end.'"'); //// } // if($insurer1_month != '') { // $query = $query->andWhere('month(car_t.insurer1_date)>="'.$insurer1_month.'"'); // } // if($insurer1_day != '') { // $query = $query->andWhere('day(car_t.insurer1_date)>="'.$insurer1_day.'"'); // } // if($insurer1_month1 != '') { // $query = $query->andWhere('month(car_t.insurer1_date)<="'.$insurer1_month1.'"'); // } // if($insurer1_day1 != '') { // $query = $query->andWhere('day(car_t.insurer1_date)<="'.$insurer1_day1.'"'); // } // // $tran = CarT::getDb()->beginTransaction(); // try { // foreach($query->each(1000) as $item) { // $car_info = $item->car; // //伪删除 // $item->remark='首次分配'; // $item->delete_status=2; // $item->save(); // // $c_info = CleanT::findOne(['id'=>$car_info->id]); // // if($c_info) { // $c_info->user_id = 0; // $c_info->yuyue = 1; // $c_info->lingqu_status=1; // $c_info->save(); // } // //// FiltrationT // //删除预约拨打 //// FiltrationT::deleteAll('car_id='.$c_info->id); // $this->addLog($item->id,'从预约列表数据中恢复清洗库数据',1); // } // // $result['success'] = true; // $result['msg'] = '操作成功'; // // $tran->commit(); // } catch (\Exception $e) { // $tran->rollBack(); // throw $e; // } // } // return $result; // } public function actionInvalidAllA() { Yii::$app->response->format = Response::FORMAT_JSON; $request = Yii::$app->request; $result = array(); $result['success'] = false; $result['msg'] = '操作失败'; if($request->isPost) { $car_man = $request->post('car_man'); $phone = $request->post('phone'); $car_no = $request->post('car_no'); $page = $request->post('page',1); $username = $request->post('username'); $sort_key = $request->post('sort_key','filtration_t.pdate'); $sort_value = $request->post('sort_value','ASC'); $user_id = $request->post('user_id'); $register_begin = $request->post('register_begin'); $register_end = $request->post('register_end'); $insurer1_begin = $request->post('insurer1_begin'); $insurer1_end = $request->post('insurer1_end'); $insurer1_month = $request->post('insurer1_month'); $insurer1_day = $request->post('insurer1_day'); $insurer1_month1 = $request->post('insurer1_month1'); $insurer1_day1 = $request->post('insurer1_day1'); $query = FiltrationT::find() ->leftJoin('car_t','`car_t`.`id`=`filtration_t`.`car_id`') ->andWhere(['!=','`filtration_t`.`remark`','首次分配']); if($username == '') { // $user_ids = $this->getChildrenUserIDs(); // $query = $query->andWhere(['in','filtration_t.user_id',$user_ids]); } if($car_man != '') { $query = $query->andWhere('car_t.car_man like "'.$car_man.'"'); } if($phone != '') { $query = $query->andWhere(' like "'.$phone.'"'); } if($car_no != '') { $query = $query->andWhere('car_t.car_no like "'.$car_no.'"'); } if($username != '') { $user_query = UserT::find() ->where('username="'.$username.'"') ->all(); // foreach($user_query as $user_info) { // $user_ids[] = $user_info->id; // } // if(count($user_ids) > 0) // $query = $query->andWhere(['in','filtration_t.user_id',$user_ids]); } if($sort_key != '') { $query = $query->orderBy($sort_key.' '.$sort_value.', '.$sort_value); } if($register_begin != '') { $query = $query->andWhere('register_date>="'.$register_begin.'"'); } if($register_end != '') { $query = $query->andWhere('register_date<="'.$register_end.'"'); } // if($insurer1_begin != '') { // $query = $query->andWhere('car_t.insurer2_date>="'.$insurer1_begin.'"'); // } // if($insurer1_end != '') { // $query = $query->andWhere('car_t.insurer2_date<="'.$insurer1_end.'"'); // } if($insurer1_month != '') { $query = $query->andWhere('month(car_t.insurer1_date)>="'.$insurer1_month.'"'); } if($insurer1_day != '') { $query = $query->andWhere('day(car_t.insurer1_date)>="'.$insurer1_day.'"'); } if($insurer1_month1 != '') { $query = $query->andWhere('month(car_t.insurer1_date)<="'.$insurer1_month1.'"'); } if($insurer1_day1 != '') { $query = $query->andWhere('day(car_t.insurer1_date)<="'.$insurer1_day1.'"'); } $tran = CarT::getDb()->beginTransaction(); try { foreach($query->each(100) as $item) { $car_info = $item->car; //伪删除 $item->remark='首次分配'; $item->delete_status=2; $item->save(); $c_info = CleanT::findOne(['id'=>$car_info->id]); if($c_info) { $c_info->user_id = 0; $c_info->yuyue = 1; $c_info->lingqu_status=1; $c_info->save(); } // FiltrationT //删除预约拨打 // FiltrationT::deleteAll('car_id='.$c_info->id); $this->addLog($item->id,'从预约列表数据中恢复清洗库数据',1); } $result['success'] = true; $result['msg'] = '操作成功'; $tran->commit(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $tran->rollBack(); throw $e; } } return $result; } }