<?php /** * Created by PhpStorm. * User: liuyingjie * Date: 2017/8/2 * Time: 13:38 */ namespace frontend\controllers; use common\components\Upload; use common\libs\MyLib; use common\models\CarFinanceT; use common\models\CarLogT; use common\models\CarT; use common\models\DirectionT; use common\models\FixCarImg; use common\models\FixCarItemT; use common\models\FixCarReport; use common\models\FixCarTuoche; use common\models\FixItemT; use common\models\FixCarCategory; use common\models\InsurerCompanyT; use common\models\Message; use common\models\MetalPlatePart; use common\models\MiddleDamageLevel; use common\models\MiddleFixCarT; use common\models\MiddleScaleHour; use common\models\RangeT; use common\models\RoleT; use common\models\StoreRoom; use common\models\UserT; use Yii; use common\models\FixCarT; use yii\data\Pagination; use yii\db\Exception; use yii\helpers\ArrayHelper; use yii\helpers\Json; use yii\web\Response; class BusinessOrderController extends FixCarBaseController { public function behaviors() { return [ [ 'class' => 'yii\filters\ContentNegotiator', 'only' => ['save', 'delete','order-save','driver-save','front-desk-check-save', 'front-setting-loss-exploration-save','setting-loss-exploration-add','fix-item-remove','remove-report', 'front-desk-save','front-desk-info-item-save','ajax-metal-plate-list','metal-plate-save','ajax-bottom-work-list','bottom-work-save', 'ajax-paint-work-list','paint-work-save','ajax-metal-plate-install-list','metal-plate-install-save','ajax-electromechanical-list','electromechanical-save', 'ajax-car-wash-list','car-wash-save','ajax-last-check-list','last-check-save','fix-user-sibling','fix-car-save','ajax-item-list','ajax-item-list-bak', 'fix-item-finish','ajax-fix-user','ajax-job-foreman','get-damage-level','get-metal-plate','get-self-free','get-price-by-shop','rm-img','web-uploader','look-image','refresh-item-list'], 'formats' => [ 'application/json' => Response::FORMAT_JSON, ] ], // [ // 'class'=>'yii\filters\HttpCache', // 'only' => ['setting-loss-exploration-list','index','order-info','check-list','check-info','driver-list','driver-info','front-desk-check-list', // 'front-desk-check-info','setting-loss-exploration-list','setting-loss-exploration-info', // 'front-desk-list','front-desk-info','metal-plate-list','metal-plate-info','bottom-work-list','bottom-work-info', // 'paint-work-list','paint-work-info','metal-plate-install-list','metal-plate-install-info', // 'electromechanical-list','electromechanical-info','car-wash-list','car-wash-info','last-check-list','last-check-info'], // 'cacheControlHeader'=> null, // 'etagSeed' => function () { // $q = new \yii\db\Query(); // $model = $q->from('fix_car_t'); // $model1 = $q->from('fix_car_item_t'); // $model2 = $q->from('fix_car_img'); // return $model->max('updated_at').$model->max('id').$model->count(). // $model1->max('updated_at').$model1->max('id').$model1->count(). // $model2->max('updated_at').$model2->max('id').$model2->count(); // }, // ], // 'pageCache' => [ // 'class' => 'yii\filters\PageCache', // 'only' => ['setting-loss-exploration-list','index','order-info','check-list','check-info','driver-list','driver-info','front-desk-check-list', // 'front-desk-check-info','setting-loss-exploration-list','setting-loss-exploration-info', // 'front-desk-list','front-desk-info','metal-plate-list','metal-plate-info','bottom-work-list','bottom-work-info', // 'paint-work-list','paint-work-info','metal-plate-install-list','metal-plate-install-info', // 'electromechanical-list','electromechanical-info','car-wash-list','car-wash-info','last-check-list','last-check-info'], // 'duration' => 0, // 'varByParam'=>Yii::$app->request->queryString, // 'dependency' => [ // 'class' => 'yii\caching\DbDependency', // 'sql' => "SELECT * FROM (SELECT MAX('updated_at'),MAX('id'),COUNT(*) FROM fix_car_t) AS t1 UNION ALL". // " SELECT * FROM (SELECT MAX('updated_at'),MAX('id'),COUNT(*) FROM fix_car_item_t) AS t2 UNION ALL". // " SELECT * FROM (SELECT MAX('updated_at'),MAX('id'),COUNT(*) FROM fix_car_img) AS t3", // ], // 'variations' => [ // Yii::$app->language, // ] // ], ]; } private function getList($request, &$session, $type = '') { $page = $request->get('page', 1); $query = FixCarT::find()->select('id,car_no,id_man,link_man,link_phone,submit_date,user_id,status,brand_id,series_id,address,accident_type,responsibility,updated_at'); $query = $query->where('status <=' . self::MAX_STATUS); $render = []; $this->getQuery($request, $query, $render); $sql = $query->createCommand()->rawSql; $total = $query->count(); $session->remove('driver_list'); $session->set('driver_list', $sql); $pagination = new Pagination(['totalCount' => $total, 'pageSize' => 20]); $pagination->setPage($page - 1); $query = $query->offset($pagination->offset)->orderBy('created_at DESC')->limit($pagination->limit); $items = $query->all(); $page_info = MyLib::getPageInfo($pagination); $render['items'] = $items; $render['page_info'] = $page_info; $render['page'] = $page; if ('' !== $type) $render['type_name'] = $type; return $render; } private function getList1($request, &$session, $type = '') { $page = $request->get('page', 1); $query = MiddleFixCarT::find(); $is_join = false; //控制是否关联查询 switch($type){ case self::METAL_PLATE://钣金 $is_join = true; $query = $query->joinWith('items','LEFT')->where('middle_fix_car_t.type=1 AND fix_car_item_t.metal_plate_install=0 AND fix_car_item_t.fix_group=7 AND middle_fix_car_t.status=6 AND fix_car_item_t.fix_user='.$this->my->id.' AND fix_car_item_t.lock_id='.$this->my->id); break; case self::METAL_PLATE_INSTALL://钣金安装 $is_join = true; $query = $query->joinWith('items','LEFT')->where('middle_fix_car_t.type=1 AND fix_car_item_t.fix_status=1 AND fix_car_item_t.fix_group=7 AND middle_fix_car_t.status=9 AND fix_car_item_t.fix_user='.$this->my->id.' AND fix_car_item_t.lock_id='.$this->my->id); break; case self::BOTTOM_WORK://底子工 $is_join = true; $query = $query->joinWith('items','LEFT')->where('middle_fix_car_t.type=1 AND middle_fix_car_t.status=7 AND fix_car_item_t.fix_user='.$this->my->id.' AND fix_car_item_t.lock_id='.$this->my->id.' AND fix_car_item_t.fix_group=13'); break; case self::PAINT_WORK://喷漆工 $is_join = true; $query = $query->joinWith('items','LEFT')->where('middle_fix_car_t.type=1 AND middle_fix_car_t.status=8 AND fix_car_item_t.fix_user='.$this->my->id.' AND fix_car_item_t.lock_id='.$this->my->id.' AND fix_car_item_t.fix_group=8'); break; case self::CAR_WASH://美容装饰 $is_join = true; $query = $query->joinWith('items','LEFT')->joinWith('fix')->where('middle_fix_car_t.type=1 AND middle_fix_car_t.status=13 AND fix_car_item_t.fix_user='.$this->my->id.' AND fix_car_item_t.lock_id='.$this->my->id.' AND fix_car_item_t.fix_group=12 AND fix_car_t.status_1=1 AND fix_car_t.status_2=1'); break; case self::ELECTROMECHANICAL://机电 $is_join = true; $query = $query->joinWith('items','LEFT')->andWhere('middle_fix_car_t.type=2 AND middle_fix_car_t.status=11 AND fix_car_item_t.fix_user='.$this->my->id.' AND fix_car_item_t.lock_id='.$this->my->id.' AND fix_car_item_t.fix_group BETWEEN 10 AND 11'); break; case self::LAST_CHECK://总检 $is_join = false; $query = $query->where('status=14'); break; } $render = []; $is_join ? $this->getQuery1($request, $query, $render) : $this->getQuery($request, $query, $render); $sql = $query->createCommand()->rawSql; $total = $query->count(); $session->remove('metal_plate_list'); $session->set('metal_plate_list', $sql); $pagination = new Pagination(['totalCount' => $total, 'pageSize' => 20]); $pagination->setPage($page - 1); $query = $query->offset($pagination->offset)->limit($pagination->limit); $items = $query->all(); $page_info = MyLib::getPageInfo($pagination); $render['items'] = $items; $render['page_info'] = $page_info; $render['page'] = $page; if ('' !== $type) $render['type_name'] = $type; return $render; } /** *------------------------------------------------------------ * 查询条件 * @param object $request ; 引用 $query,$render * @return void * @author liuyingjie *------------------------------------------------------------ */ private function getQuery($request, &$query, &$render) { $op = $request->get('op'); $car_no = $request->get('car_no', ''); $status = $request->get('status'); $id_man = $request->get('id_man', ''); $id_phone = $request->get('id_phone', ''); $link_man = $request->get('link_man', ''); $link_phone = $request->get('link_phone', ''); $sort_key = $request->get('sort_key', ''); $sort_value = $request->get('sort_value', ''); $start_time = $request->get('start_time') ? $request->get('start_time') . ' 00:00:00' : ''; $end_time = $request->get('end_time') ? $request->get('end_time') . ' 24:00:00' : ''; if ('0' === $op) $query = $query->andWhere('id=-1'); if ('' !== $car_no) $query = $query->andWhere(['like', 'car_no', $car_no]); if ($status >= 0) $query = $query->andWhere('status = \'' . $status.'\''); if ('' !== $id_man) $query = $query->andWhere(['like', 'id_man', $id_man]); if ('' !== $id_phone) $query = $query->andWhere(['like', 'id_phone', $id_phone]); if ('' !== $link_man) $query = $query->andWhere(['like', 'link_man', $link_man]); if ('' !== $link_phone) $query = $query->andWhere(['like', 'link_phone', $link_phone]); if ('' !== $start_time && '' !== $end_time) $query = $query->andWhere('created_at >= \'' . $start_time . '\' AND created_at <=\'' . $end_time . '\''); if ('' !== $start_time && '' === $end_time) $query = $query->andWhere('created_at >= \'' . $start_time . '\''); if ('' !== $end_time && '' === $start_time) $query = $query->andWhere('created_at <= \'' . $end_time . '\''); if ('' !== $sort_key) $query = $query->orderBy($sort_key . ' ' . $sort_value . ' , id ASC'); $render['car_no'] = $car_no; $render['status'] = $status; $render['id_man'] = $id_man; $render['id_phone'] = $id_phone; $render['link_man'] = $link_man; $render['link_phone'] = $link_phone; $render['sort_key'] = $sort_key; $render['sort_value'] = $sort_value; $render['start_time'] = substr($start_time, 0, 10); $render['end_time'] = substr($end_time, 0, 10); } private function getQuery1($request, &$query, &$render) { $op = $request->get('op'); $car_no = $request->get('car_no', ''); $status = $request->get('status', ''); $id_man = $request->get('id_man', ''); $id_phone = $request->get('id_phone', ''); $link_man = $request->get('link_man', ''); $link_phone = $request->get('link_phone', ''); $sort_key = $request->get('sort_key', ''); $sort_value = $request->get('sort_value', ''); $start_time = $request->get('start_time') ? $request->get('start_time') . ' 00:00:00' : ''; $end_time = $request->get('end_time') ? $request->get('end_time') . ' 24:00:00' : ''; if ('0' === $op) $query = $query->joinWith('fix')->andWhere('fix_car_t.id=-1'); if ('' !== $car_no) $query = $query->joinWith('fix')->andWhere(['like', 'fix_car_t.car_no', $car_no]); if ('' !== $status) $query = $query->joinWith('fix')->andWhere('fix_car_t.status = ' . $status); if ('' !== $id_man) $query = $query->joinWith('fix')->andWhere(['like', 'fix_car_t.id_man', $id_man]); if ('' !== $id_phone) $query = $query->joinWith('fix')->andWhere(['like', 'fix_car_t.id_phone', $id_phone]); if ('' !== $link_man) $query = $query->joinWith('fix')->andWhere(['like', 'fix_car_t.link_man', $link_man]); if ('' !== $link_phone) $query = $query->joinWith('fix')->andWhere(['like', 'fix_car_t.link_phone', $link_phone]); if ('' !== $start_time && '' !== $end_time) $query = $query->joinWith('fix')->andWhere('fix_car_t.created_at >= \'' . $start_time . '\' AND fix_car_t.created_at <=\'' . $end_time . '\''); if ('' !== $start_time && '' === $end_time) $query = $query->joinWith('fix')->andWhere('fix_car_t.created_at >= \'' . $start_time . '\''); if ('' !== $end_time && '' === $start_time) $query = $query->joinWith('fix')->andWhere('fix_car_t.created_at <= \'' . $end_time . '\''); if ('' !== $sort_key) $query = $query->joinWith('fix')->orderBy('fix_car_t.'.$sort_key . ' ' . $sort_value . ' , fix_car_t.id ASC'); $render['car_no'] = $car_no; $render['status'] = $status; $render['id_man'] = $id_man; $render['id_phone'] = $id_phone; $render['link_man'] = $link_man; $render['link_phone'] = $link_phone; $render['sort_key'] = $sort_key; $render['sort_value'] = $sort_value; $render['start_time'] = substr($start_time, 0, 10); $render['end_time'] = substr($end_time, 0, 10); } /** *------------------------------------------------------------ * 业务提单 * @param fix_car_t status = 0 * @return view * @author liuyingjie *------------------------------------------------------------ */ public function actionIndex() { $session = Yii::$app->session; $request = Yii::$app->request; return $this->render('index', $this->getList($request, $session)); } /** *------------------------------------------------------------ * 搜索页 * @param * @return view * @author liuyingjie *------------------------------------------------------------ */ public function actionSearch() { return $this->render('search'); } /** *------------------------------------------------------------ * 判断是否登记 * @param varchar car_no engine_no car_frame_no car_man car_phone * @return view * @author liuyingjie *------------------------------------------------------------ */ public function actionSearchResult() { $request = Yii::$app->request; $car_no = $request->get('car_no'); $engine_no = $request->get('engine_no'); $car_frame_no = $request->get('car_frame_no'); $car_man = $request->get('car_man'); $car_phone = $request->get('car_phone'); if($fix_car = FixCarT::find()->where('car_no=\''.$car_no.'\' AND out_factory_date IS NULL')->one()){ return '【车牌号:'.$fix_car->car_no.';未出厂】<br>【提单者:'.$fix_car->user->getShowName().'】<br>【提单日期:'.$fix_car->submit_date.'】<br>【维修进度:'.$fix_car->getStatus().'】<br><a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="history.go(-1)">返回</a>'; } $query = CarT::find(); if ($car_no !== '') $query = $query->andWhere('car_no like "' . $car_no . '"'); if ($engine_no !== '') $query = $query->andWhere('engine_no like "' . $engine_no . '"'); if ($car_frame_no !== '') $query = $query->andWhere('car_frame_no like "' . $car_frame_no . '"'); if ($car_man !== '') $query = $query->andWhere('car_man like "' . $car_man . '"'); if ($car_phone !== '') $query = $query->andWhere('phone like "' . $car_phone . '"'); $items = $query->all(); return $this->render('search-result', [ 'items' => $items ]); } /** *------------------------------------------------------------ * 删除 * @param int id * @return json * @author liuyingjie *------------------------------------------------------------ */ public function actionDelete() { $request = Yii::$app->request; $result = []; $result['success'] = true; $result['msg'] = '删除失败!'; if (!$request->isAjax) return $result; $id = $request->post('id', 0); $tran = Yii::$app->db->beginTransaction(); try { $fix_car = FixCarT::findOne($id); if (!$fix_car->delete()) throw new Exception(''); CarLogT::deleteAll('car_id = :car_id AND type = :type', [':car_id' => $fix_car->car_id, ':type' => 2]); $result['success'] = true; $result['msg'] = '删除成功!'; $tran->commit(); } catch (Exception $e) { $tran->rollBack(); } return $result; } public function actionOrderInfo() { $request = Yii::$app->request; $id = $request->get('id', 0); $car_id = $request->get('car_id', 0); $status = $request->get('status', 0); $type = $request->get('type', 0); $info = $id > 0 ? FixCarT::findOne(['id' => $id, 'status' => $status]) : new FixCarT(); //总库(car_t) 移至 维修(car_fix_t) if ($car_id > 0 && $id < 1) { $car_info = CarT::find() ->where(['id' => $car_id]) ->orderBy('register_date DESC') ->one(); $info->car_id = $car_info->id; $info->car_no = $car_info->car_no; $info->engine_no = $car_info->engine_no; $info->car_frame_no = $car_info->car_frame_no; $info->id_man = $car_info->id_man; $info->id_phone = $car_info->phone; $info->link_man = $car_info->car_man; $info->link_phone = $car_info->phone; $info->company = $car_info->company; $info->brand_id = $car_info->brand_id; $info->series_id = $car_info->series_id; $info->displacement_id = $car_info->displacement_id; $info->car_year = $car_info->car_year; $info->status = $status; } return $this->render('order-info', [ 'info' => $info, 'direction_items' => $this->getDirection(), 'range_items' => $this->getRange(), 'log_items' => $this->getCarLog(intval($info->car_id)), 'driver_items' => $this->getDrivers(), 'brand_items' => $this->getBrands(), 'series_items' => $this->getSeries(intval($info->brand_id)), 'displacement_items' => $this->getDisplacement(intval($info->series_id)), 'type' => $type, ]); } public function actionOrderSave(){ $request = Yii::$app->request; $id = $request->post('id', 0); $car_id = $request->post('car_id'); $series_id = $request->post('series_id'); $displacement_id = $request->post('displacement_id'); $sys_remark = $request->post('sys_remark', ''); if (!$request->isAjax) return Message::getMessage(); $tran = FixCarT::getDb()->beginTransaction(); try { //更新或新增 $row = $id > 0 ? FixCarT::findOne($id) : new FixCarT(); $old_status = $row->isNewRecord ? 0 : $row->status; //场景选择 $row->scenario = $row->getModelScenario(); //批量赋值 $row->attributes = $request->post(); $row->series_id = $series_id ? $series_id :null; $row->displacement_id = $displacement_id ? $displacement_id :null; $row->remark = $sys_remark; if (!$row->validate()) { $errors = array_values($row->errors); return Message::getMessage(false,$errors[0]); } //新增 if ($row->isNewRecord && $car_id > 0) { $row->submit_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $row->user_id = $this->my->id; $row->car_id = $car_id; } if (!$row->save()) throw new Exception(''); if ($old_status >= 0 && $row->status != $old_status) { $log_info = new CarLogT(); $log_info->car_id = $car_id; $log_info->op_time = time(); $log_info->op_man = $this->my->getShowName(); $log_info->group_name = $this->my->group ? $this->my->group->getPath() : ''; $log_info->type = 2; $log_info->remark = $row->getStatusMark($row->status); $log_info->info = $sys_remark; if (!$log_info->save()) throw new Exception(''); } $tran->commit(); $fix_id = $row->isNewRecord ? Yii::$app->db->getLastInsertID() : $row->id; return Message::getMessage(true,'保存成功!',$fix_id); } catch (Exception $e) { $tran->rollBack(); return Message::getMessage(false,$e->getMessage()); } } /*******************************************************提单审核*****************************************************/ /** *------------------------------------------------------------ * 提单审核 * @param fix_car_t status = 1 提单审核 * @return view * @author liuyingjie *------------------------------------------------------------ */ public function actionCheckList() { $session = Yii::$app->session; $request = Yii::$app->request; return $this->render('check-list', $this->getList($request, $session)); } /** *------------------------------------------------------------ * 提单审核详情 * @param * @return view * @author liuyingjie *------------------------------------------------------------ */ public function actionCheckInfo() { $request = Yii::$app->request; $id = $request->get('id', 0); $type = $request->get('type', 0); $gift_enable = $request->get('gift_enable', 0); $info = FixCarT::findOne(['id' => $id]); //编辑 // //礼品 // $gift_items = CarGiftT::find() // ->where('car_id='.$car_info->id) // ->orderBy('strategy_id DESC') // ->all(); return $this->render('check-info', [ 'info' => $info, // 'gift_items' => $gift_items, 'direction_items' => $this->getDirection(), 'range_items' => $this->getRange(), 'log_items' => $this->getCarLog(intval($info->car_id)), 'driver_items' => $this->getDrivers(), 'brand_items' => $this->getBrands(), 'series_items' => $this->getSeries(intval($info->brand_id)), 'displacement_items' => $this->getDisplacement(intval($info->series_id)), 'type' => $type, 'gift_enable' => $gift_enable ]); } public function actionCheckSave(){ $request = Yii::$app->request; if (!$request->isAjax) return Message::getMessage(); $tran = FixCarT::getDb()->beginTransaction(); try { $id = $request->post('id', 0); $car_id = $request->post('car_id'); $driver_id = $request->post('driver_id'); $sys_remark = $request->post('sys_remark', ''); if($id < 1) return Message::getMessage(); //更新或新增 $row = FixCarT::findOne($id); $old_status = $row->isNewRecord ? 0 : $row->status; //场景选择 $row->scenario = $row->getModelScenario(); //批量赋值 $row->attributes = $request->post(); $row->remark = $sys_remark; $row->driver_id = $driver_id; if (!$row->validate()) { $errors = array_values($row->errors); return Message::getMessage(false,$errors[0]); } if ($old_status >= 0 && $row->status != $old_status) { $log_info = new CarLogT(); $log_info->car_id = $car_id; $log_info->op_time = time(); $log_info->op_man = $this->my->getShowName(); $log_info->group_name = $this->my->group ? $this->my->group->getPath() : ''; $log_info->type = 2; //提单审核 提交 //上门接车 && (自费维修 || 保险理赔),都进入司机接车 if ((2 == $row->status) && ('上门接车' == $row->receive_type)) { $row->status = 2; } //客户自送 && 自费维修,则直接进入前台审核 elseif (2 == $row->status && ('客户自送' == $row->receive_type)) { $row->status = 3; } $log_info->remark = $row->getStatusMark($row->status); $log_info->info = $sys_remark; if (!$log_info->save()) throw new Exception('记录日志失败!'); } if (!$row->save()) throw new Exception('维修信息修改失败!'); $tran->commit(); return Message::getMessage(true,'保存成功!',$row->id); } catch (Exception $e) { $tran->rollBack(); return Message::getMessage(false,$e->getMessage()); } return $result; } /***************************************************** end ********************************************************/ /***************************************************司机接车*******************************************************/ /** *------------------------------------------------------------ * 司机接车 * @param string car_no(车牌号) * @param int status = 2 待接车 * @return view * @author liuyingjie *------------------------------------------------------------ */ public function actionDriverList() { $session = Yii::$app->session; $request = Yii::$app->request; return $this->render('driver-list', $this->getList($request, $session)); } /** *------------------------------------------------------------ * 司机接车详情 * @param * @return view * @author liuyingjie *------------------------------------------------------------ */ public function actionDriverInfo() { $request = Yii::$app->request; $id = $request->get('id', 0); $type = $request->get('type', 0); $gift_enable = $request->get('gift_enable', 0); $info = $render['info'] = FixCarT::findOne(['id' => $id]); return $this->render('driver-info', [ 'info' => $info, 'direction_items' => $this->getDirection(), 'range_items' => $this->getRange(), 'log_items' => $this->getCarLog(intval($info->car_id)), 'driver_items' => $this->getDrivers(), 'brand_items' => $this->getBrands(), 'series_items' => $this->getSeries(intval($info->brand_id)), 'displacement_items' => $this->getDisplacement(intval($info->series_id)), 'type' => $type, 'gift_enable' => $gift_enable, ]); } /** *------------------------------------------------------------ * 司机接车新增、保存 * @param * @return json * @author liuyingjie *------------------------------------------------------------ */ public function actionDriverSave() { $request = Yii::$app->request; $small_type_id = $request->post('small_type_id'); $name = $request->post('name'); $count = $request->post('count', 1); $remark = $request->post('remark', ''); $price = $request->post('price', 0); $fix_id = $request->post('fix_id'); $pay_type = $request->post('pay_type'); $id = $request->post('id', 0); $level = $request->post('level', 0); $insurance_price = $request->post('insurance_price', 0); $result = []; $result['success'] = false; $result['msg'] = '操作失败!'; if (!$request->isAjax) return $result; $fix_item = ($id > 0 && 5 != $small_type_id) ? FixItemT::findOne($id) : new FixItemT(); switch ($small_type_id) { case 1: //更换清单 case 2: //维修清单 case 3: //辅料清单 case 4: //待定清单 case 6: //美容装饰 $fix_item->name = $name; $fix_item->count = $count; $fix_item->fix_remark = $remark; $fix_item->price = $price; $fix_item->small_type_id = $small_type_id; $fix_item->fix_id = $fix_id; $fix_item->pay_type = $pay_type; $fix_item->damage_level = $level; $fix_item->insurance_price = $insurance_price; if ($fix_item->save()) { $result['success'] = true; $result['msg'] = '操作成功!'; } break; case 5: //汽车保养 FixItemT::deleteAll('fix_id=' . $fix_id . ' AND small_type_id=5'); foreach ($name as $k => $val) { $type = strstr($val, '_'); $keep_in_good_id = rtrim(strstr($val, '_', true), '_'); if ('_0' == $type) { $insert[$k]['name'] = '机油'; $insert[$k]['car_keep_in_good_id'] = $keep_in_good_id; } elseif ('_1' == $type) { $insert[$k]['name'] = '机油滤芯'; $insert[$k]['car_keep_in_good_id'] = $keep_in_good_id; } elseif ('_2' == $type) { $insert[$k]['name'] = '空气滤芯'; $insert[$k]['car_keep_in_good_id'] = $keep_in_good_id; } elseif ('_3' == $type) { $insert[$k]['name'] = '空调滤芯'; $insert[$k]['car_keep_in_good_id'] = $keep_in_good_id; } elseif ('_4' == $type) { $insert[$k]['name'] = '汽油滤芯'; $insert[$k]['car_keep_in_good_id'] = $keep_in_good_id; } $insert[$k]['price'] = $price; $insert[$k]['count'] = $count; $insert[$k]['fix_id'] = $fix_id; $insert[$k]['small_type_id'] = $small_type_id; $insert[$k]['pay_type'] = 2; } Yii::$app->db->createCommand()->batchInsert(FixItemT::tableName(), ['name', 'car_keep_in_good_id', 'price', 'count', 'fix_id', 'small_type_id', 'pay_type'], $insert)->execute(); $result['success'] = true; $result['msg'] = '操作成功!'; break; } return $result; } /************************************************* end ***********************************************************/ /***************************************************前台审核*******************************************************/ /** *------------------------------------------------------------ * 前台审核列表页 * @param int status = 3 * @return view * @author liuyingjie *------------------------------------------------------------ */ public function actionFrontDeskCheckList() { $session = Yii::$app->session; $request = Yii::$app->request; return $this->render('front-desk-check-list', $this->getList($request, $session)); } public function actionFrontDeskCheckInfo() { $request = Yii::$app->request; $id = $request->get('id', 0); $type = $request->get('type', 0); $gift_enable = $request->get('gift_enable', 0); $info = FixCarT::findOne(['id' => $id]); //礼品 // $gift_items = CarGiftT::find() // ->where('car_id=' . $info->id) // ->orderBy('strategy_id DESC') // ->all(); //报案号 $reports = ($reports_res = FixCarReport::findAll(['fix_id'=>$id])) ? $reports_res : []; $report_nos = Json::encode($reports); return $this->render('front-desk-check-info', [ 'info' => $info, // 'gift_items' => $gift_items, 'direction_items' => $this->getDirection(), 'range_items' => $this->getRange(), 'log_items' =>$this->getCarLog(intval($info->car_id)), 'driver_items' => $this->getDrivers(), 'brand_items' => $this->getBrands(), 'series_items' => $this->getSeries(intval($info->brand_id)), 'displacement_items' => $this->getDisplacement(intval($info->series_id)), 'type' => $type, 'reports'=>$reports, 'gift_enable' => $gift_enable, ]); } /** *------------------------------------------------------------ * 前台审核添加保存 * @param * @return view * @author liuyingjie *------------------------------------------------------------ */ public function actionFrontDeskCheckSave() { $request = Yii::$app->request; if (!$request->isAjax) return Message::getMessage(); $tran = FixCarT::getDb()->beginTransaction(); try { $id = $request->post('id', 0); $driver_id = $request->post('driver_id'); $follow_car_items = $request->post('follow_car_items'); $sys_remark = $request->post('sys_remark', ''); if($id < 1 || empty($sys_remark)) return Message::getMessage(); $row = FixCarT::findOne(['id' => $id]); $old_status = $row->status; //场景选择 $row->scenario = $row->getModelScenario(); //批量赋值 $row->attributes = $request->post(); $row->remark = $sys_remark; $row->driver_id = $driver_id ? $driver_id :null; //如果有随车物品,则拼接为字符串 if (!empty($follow_car_items)) $row->follow_car_items = implode($follow_car_items, ','); if (!$row->validate()) { $errors = array_values($row->errors); $result['msg'] = $errors[0]; return $result; } //判断结算方式,如果非保险理赔则跳过查勘定损,直接进入前台派工 if(intval($row->status) === 4 && FixCarItemT::find()->where(['fix_id'=>$row->id,'pay_type'=>1])->count() < 1) $row->status = 5; //保险理赔 && fix_id = $row->id && 未维修 && 未进入总检 && 未确认 && 钣金安装未确认 $fix_item = FixCarItemT::find()->where(['fix_id'=>$row->id,'fix_status'=>0,'status'=>0,'confirm_at'=>'0000-00-00 00:00:00','get_time'=>'0000-00-00 00:00:00','metal_plate_install'=>0])->select('pay_type')->asArray()->all(); $fix_item = array_unique(array_column($fix_item,'pay_type')); if(empty($fix_item)){ // return Message::getMessage(false,'清单不可为空!'); }else{ $row->status = in_array(1,$fix_item) ? 4 : 5; } //操作记录 if ($old_status >= 0 && $row->status != $old_status) { $log_info = new CarLogT(); $log_info->car_id = $row->car_id; $log_info->op_time = time(); $log_info->op_man = $this->my->getShowName(); $log_info->group_name = $this->my->group ? $this->my->group->getPath() : ''; $log_info->type = 2; $log_info->remark = $row->getStatusMark($row->status); $log_info->info = $sys_remark; if (!$log_info->save()) throw new Exception('a'); } if (!$row->save()) throw new Exception('b'); $result['success'] = true; $result['msg'] = '保存成功'; $result['fix_id'] = $row->id; $tran->commit(); } catch (Exception $e) { var_dump($e->getMessage()); $tran->rollBack(); } return $result; } /***************************************************** end *******************************************************/ /*****************************************************查勘定损******************************************************/ /** *------------------------------------------------------------ * 查勘定损 * @param string car_no 车牌号 * @param int status = 4 待查勘定损 * @return view * @author liuyingjie *------------------------------------------------------------ */ public function actionSettingLossExplorationList() { $session = Yii::$app->session; $request = Yii::$app->request; return $this->render('setting-loss-exploration-list', $this->getList($request, $session)); } public function actionSettingLossExplorationInfo() { $request = Yii::$app->request; $id = $request->get('id', 0); $type = $request->get('type', 0); $gift_enable = $request->get('gift_enable', 0); $info = FixCarT::findOne($id); //报案号 $reports = ($reports_res = FixCarReport::findAll(['fix_id'=>$id])) ? $reports_res : []; $report_nos = Json::encode($reports); return $this->render('setting-loss-exploration-info', [ 'info' => $info, 'direction_items' => $this->getDirection(), 'range_items' => $this->getRange(), 'log_items' => $this->getCarLog(intval($info->car_id)), 'driver_items' => $this->getDrivers(), 'brand_items' => $this->getBrands(), 'series_items' => $this->getSeries(intval($info->brand_id)), 'displacement_items' => $this->getDisplacement(intval($info->series_id)), 'type' => $type, 'gift_enable' => $gift_enable, 'reports'=>$reports, 'report_nos'=>$report_nos, 'insurer_companies'=>InsurerCompanyT::find()->all(), 'tuoche'=>FixCarTuoche::find()->all() ]); } /** *------------------------------------------------------------ * 查勘定损 车辆信息添加 * @param * @return json * @author liuyingjie *------------------------------------------------------------ */ public function actionSettingLossExplorationAdd() { $request = Yii::$app->request; $id = $request->post('id', 0); $follow_car_items = $request->post('follow_car_items'); $car_id = $request->post('car_id'); $driver_id = $request->post('driver_id'); $sys_remark = $request->post('sys_remark', ''); if (!$request->isAjax || $id < 1) return Message::getMessage(); $tran = FixCarT::getDb()->beginTransaction(); try { $row = FixCarT::findOne($id); $old_status = $row->status; //场景选择 $row->scenario = $row->getModelScenario(); //批量赋值 $row->attributes = $request->post(); $row->remark = $sys_remark; $row->driver_id = $driver_id ? $driver_id : null; //如果有随车物品,则拼接为字符串 if (!empty($follow_car_items)) $row->follow_car_items = implode($follow_car_items, ','); if (!$row->validate()) { $errors = array_values($row->errors); return Message::getMessage(false,$errors[0]); } if (!$row->save()) throw new Exception(''); //添加报案号 $report_no = array_unique($request->post('report_no')); $report_id = $request->post('report_id'); foreach($report_no as $k=>$v){ $report = (isset($report_id[$k]) && $report_res = FixCarReport::findOne(['id'=>$report_id[$k]])) ? $report_res : new FixCarReport(); $report->report_no = strtoupper($v); $report->baoan_man = $request->post('baoan_man')[$k]; $report->baoan_time = $request->post('baoan_time')[$k]; $report->chuxian_time = $request->post('chuxian_time')[$k]; $report->baoan_address = $request->post('baoan_address')[$k]; $report->shigu_info = $request->post('shigu_info')[$k]; $report->lipei_company = $request->post('lipei_company')[$k]; $report->zhuche_money =$request->post('zhuche_money')[$k]; $report->sanzhe_money = $request->post('sanzhe_money')[$k]; $report->wusun_money = $request->post('wusun_money')[$k]; $report->tuoche = $request->post('tuoche')[$k]; $report->tuoche_money = $request->post('tuoche_money')[$k]; $report->dingsun_hour_money = $request->post('dingsun_hour_money')[$k]; $report->dingsun_huanjian_money = $request->post('dingsun_huanjian_money')[$k]; $report->peifu_bili = $request->post('peifu_bili')[$k]; $report->peifu_money = $request->post('peifu_money')[$k]; $report->kehu_money = $request->post('kehu_money')[$k]; $report->fix_id = $row->isNewRecord ? Yii::$app->db->getLastInsertID() : $id; if(!$report->validate()){ $errors = array_values($report->errors); return Message::getMessage($errors[0]); } if(!$report->save()) throw new Exception('报案号添加失败!'); } //操作记录 if ($old_status >= 0 && $row->status != $old_status) { $log_info = new CarLogT(); $log_info->car_id = $car_id; $log_info->op_time = time(); $log_info->op_man = $this->my->getShowName(); $log_info->group_name = $this->my->group ? $this->my->group->getPath() : ''; $log_info->type = 2; $log_info->remark = $row->getStatusMark($row->status); $log_info->info = $sys_remark; if (!$log_info->save()) throw new Exception(''); } //图片上传 $base64 = $request->post('result', ''); $base64_arr = !empty($base64) ? explode('^#@#$,', $base64) : array(); if (count($base64_arr) > 0) { // if (FixCarImg::find()->where('id=' . $id . ' AND type=' . $old_status)->count() >= 6) { // $result['msg'] = '最多允许上传6张图片'; // return $result; // } //批量插入 $table_name = FixCarImg::tableName(); $field = ['fix_id', 'name', 'type']; $insert_data = []; foreach ($base64_arr as $base64_body) { if (false === ($img = Upload::upload($base64_body))) continue; array_push($insert_data, ['fix_id' => $id, 'name' => $img, 'type' => $old_status]); } if (!Yii::$app->db->createCommand()->batchInsert($table_name, $field, $insert_data)->execute()) throw new Exception(''); } $result['success'] = true; $result['msg'] = '保存成功'; $result['fix_id'] = $row->id; $tran->commit(); } catch (Exception $e) { $tran->rollBack(); } return $result; } /** *------------------------------------------------------------ * 清单删除 * @param int id fix_item_t表主键 * @return json * @author liuyingjie *------------------------------------------------------------ */ public function actionFixItemRemove() { $request = Yii::$app->request; $result = []; $result['success'] = false; $result['msg'] = '删除失败!'; if (!$request->isAjax) return $result; $id = $request->post('id', 0); $fix = FixItemT::findOne($id); if ($fix->delete()) { $result['success'] = true; $result['msg'] = '删除成功!'; $result['fix_id'] = $fix->fix_id; } return $result; } /** *------------------------------------------------------------ * 删除报案号 * @param * @return json * @author liuyingjie *------------------------------------------------------------ */ public function actionRemoveReport(){ $request = Yii::$app->request; $result = []; $result['success'] = false; $result['msg'] = '操作失败!'; if(!$request->isAjax) return $result; $arr = $request->post('rem_arr'); $ids = implode(',',$arr); if(FixCarReport::deleteAll('id IN ('.$ids.')')){ $result['success'] = true; $result['msg'] = '操作成功!'; $result['content'] = $arr; } return $result; } /***************************************************** end ******************************************************/ /*********************************************前台派工*************************************************************/ /** *------------------------------------------------------------ * 前台派工 * @param int status = 5 * @return view * @author liuyingjie *------------------------------------------------------------ */ public function actionFrontDeskList() { $session = Yii::$app->session; $request = Yii::$app->request; return $this->render('front-desk-list', $this->getList($request, $session)); } public function actionFrontDeskInfo() { $request = Yii::$app->request; $id = $request->get('id', 0); $type = $request->get('type', 0); $gift_enable = $request->get('gift_enable', 0); $info = FixCarT::findOne(['id' => $id]); //报案号 $reports = ($reports_res = FixCarReport::findAll(['fix_id'=>$id])) ? $reports_res : []; $report_nos = Json::encode($reports); return $this->render('front-desk-info', [ 'info' => $info, 'direction_items' => $this->getDirection(), 'range_items' => $this->getRange(), 'log_items' => $this->getCarLog(intval($info->car_id)), 'driver_items' => $this->getDrivers(), 'brand_items' => $this->getBrands(), 'series_items' => $this->getSeries(intval($info->brand_id)), 'displacement_items' => $this->getDisplacement(intval($info->series_id)), 'type' => $type, 'gift_enable' => $gift_enable, 'reports'=>$reports, 'report_nos'=>$report_nos ]); } /** *------------------------------------------------------------ * 前台派工提交操作 * @param * @return view * @author liuyingjie *------------------------------------------------------------ */ public function actionFrontDeskSave() { $request = Yii::$app->request; if (!$request->isAjax) return Message::getMessage(); $id = $request->post('id', 0); $follow_car_items = $request->post('follow_car_items'); $sys_remark = $request->post('sys_remark', ''); $status = $request->post('status'); if ($id <= 0) return Message::getMessage(); $tran = Yii::$app->db->beginTransaction(); try{ //没有添加任何清单,禁止进入下一个环节 $items = FixCarItemT::find()->select('fix_group')->where(['fix_id' => $id, 'status' => 0, 'fix_status' => 0, 'fix_user' => 0, 'lock_id' => 0])->groupBy('fix_group')->asArray()->all(); if (empty($items)) return Message::getMessage(false,'没有添加任何清单!'); $groups = array_column($items,'fix_group'); //更新 $row = $id > 0 ? FixCarT::findOne($id) : NULL; $old_status = $row->status; $row->scenario = 'front-desk'; $row->attributes = $request->post(); $row->remark = $sys_remark; $row->status = $status; //如果没有添加任何机电项目,则标记机电项目为已完成 if(!in_array(10,$groups) && !in_array(11,$groups)){ $row->status_2 = 1; } //如果没有添加任何钣金项目,则标记钣金项目为已完成 if(!in_array(7,$groups) && !in_array(13,$groups) && !in_array(14,$groups)){ $row->status_1 = 1; } //如果有随车物品,则拼接为字符串 if (!empty($follow_car_items)) $row->follow_car_items = implode($follow_car_items, ','); if (!$row->validate()) { $errors = array_values($row->errors); return Message::getMessage(false,$errors[0]); } if(!$row->save()) throw new Exception('fix_car_t更新失败!'); //同步到财务 $fix_car_item_t = FixCarItemT::find()->where('fix_id='.$id)->groupBy('report_id')->all(); $item_data = []; foreach($fix_car_item_t as $item){ array_push($item_data,['fix_id'=>$id,'car_no'=>$row->car_no,'id_man'=>$row->id_man,'engine_no'=>$row->engine_no,'baoanhao'=>$item->report_id ? $item->report->report_no : '']); } if (!Yii::$app->db->createCommand()->batchInsert(CarFinanceT::tableName(), ['fix_id','car_no','id_man','engine_no','baoanhao'], $item_data)->execute()) throw new Exception('a'); //记录日志 if ($old_status >= 0 && $row->status != $old_status) { $log_info = new CarLogT(); $log_info->car_id = $id; $log_info->op_time = time(); $log_info->op_man = $this->my->getShowName(); $log_info->group_name = $this->my->group ? $this->my->group->getPath() : ''; $log_info->type = 2; $log_info->remark = $row->getStatusMark($row->status); $log_info->info = $sys_remark; if (!$log_info->save()) throw new Exception('b'); } $tran->commit(); return Message::getMessage(true,'操作成功!'); }catch(Exception $e){ $tran->rollBack(); return Message::getMessage(false,$e->getMessage()); } } /** *------------------------------------------------------------ * 前台派工清单添加 * @param * @return json * @author liuyingjie *------------------------------------------------------------ */ public function actionFrontDeskInfoItemSave() { $request = Yii::$app->request; $small_type_id = $request->post('small_type_id'); $name = $request->post('name'); $count = $request->post('count', 1); $remark = $request->post('remark', ''); $price = $request->post('price', 0); $fix_id = $request->post('fix_id'); $pay_type = $request->post('pay_type'); $type = $request->post('type', 0); $fix_user = $request->post('fix_user', 0); $id = $request->post('id', 0); $level = $request->post('level', 0); $insurance_price = $request->post('insurance_price', 0); $result = []; $result['success'] = false; $result['msg'] = '操作失败!'; if (!$request->isAjax) return $result; // 当id 大于 0 并且 维修类型不为 汽车保养 则更新 ; 否则添加 $fix_item = ($id > 0 && 5 != $small_type_id) ? FixItemT::findOne($id) : new FixItemT(); switch ($small_type_id) { case 1: //更换清单 case 2: //维修清单 case 3: //辅料清单 case 4: //待定清单 case 6: //美容装饰 $fix_item->name = $name; $fix_item->count = $count; $fix_item->fix_remark = $remark; $fix_item->price = $price; $fix_item->small_type_id = $small_type_id; $fix_item->fix_id = $fix_id; $fix_item->pay_type = $pay_type; $fix_item->type = $type; $fix_item->fix_user = $fix_user; $fix_item->damage_level = $level; $fix_item->insurance_price = $insurance_price; $fix_item->save(); $result['success'] = true; $result['msg'] = '操作成功!'; break; case 5: //汽车保养 FixItemT::deleteAll('fix_id=' . $fix_id . ' AND small_type_id=5'); foreach ($name as $k => $val) { $type = strstr($val, '_'); $keep_in_good_id = rtrim(strstr($val, '_', true), '_'); if ('_0' == $type) { $insert[$k]['name'] = '机油'; $insert[$k]['car_keep_in_good_id'] = $keep_in_good_id; } elseif ('_1' == $type) { $insert[$k]['name'] = '机油滤芯'; $insert[$k]['car_keep_in_good_id'] = $keep_in_good_id; } elseif ('_2' == $type) { $insert[$k]['name'] = '空气滤芯'; $insert[$k]['car_keep_in_good_id'] = $keep_in_good_id; } elseif ('_3' == $type) { $insert[$k]['name'] = '空调滤芯'; $insert[$k]['car_keep_in_good_id'] = $keep_in_good_id; } elseif ('_4' == $type) { $insert[$k]['name'] = '汽油滤芯'; $insert[$k]['car_keep_in_good_id'] = $keep_in_good_id; } $insert[$k]['price'] = $price; $insert[$k]['count'] = $count; $insert[$k]['fix_id'] = $fix_id; $insert[$k]['small_type_id'] = $small_type_id; $insert[$k]['pay_type'] = 2; } Yii::$app->db->createCommand()->batchInsert(FixItemT::tableName(), ['name', 'car_keep_in_good_id', 'price', 'count', 'fix_id', 'small_type_id', 'pay_type'], $insert)->execute(); $result['success'] = true; $result['msg'] = '操作成功!'; break; } return $result; } /**************************************************** end *********************************************************/ /************************************************* 钣金 **********************************************************/ /** *------------------------------------------------------------ * 钣金列表 * @param string where status = 5 AND id IN(fix_id) * @return view * @author liuyingjie *------------------------------------------------------------ */ public function actionMetalPlateList() { $session = Yii::$app->session; $request = Yii::$app->request; return $this->render('metal-plate-list',$this->getList1($request,$session,self::METAL_PLATE)); } public function actionMetalPlateInfo() { $request = Yii::$app->request; $id = $request->get('id', 0); $type = $request->get('type', 0); $gift_enable = $request->get('gift_enable', 0); $info = FixCarT::findOne(['id' => $id]); return $this->render('metal-plate-info', [ 'info' => $info, // 'gift_items' => $gift_items, 'direction_items' => $this->getDirection(), 'range_items' => $this->getRange(), 'log_items' => $this->getCarLog(intval($info->car_id)), 'driver_items' => $this->getDrivers(), 'brand_items' => $this->getBrands(), 'series_items' => $this->getSeries(intval($info->brand_id)), 'displacement_items' => $this->getDisplacement(intval($info->series_id)), 'type' => $type, 'gift_enable' => $gift_enable, 'role' => self::METAL_PLATE, ]); } public function actionAjaxMetalPlateList(){ $request = Yii::$app->request; $result['success'] = false; $result['msg'] = '读取失败'; $fix_id = $request->get('fix_id', 0); //fix_item表_t fix_id //fix_group = 7(钣金项目) 并且 status = 0 未总检 $items = ($res = FixCarItemT::find()->where('fix_id='.$fix_id.' AND fix_user='.$this->my->id.' AND lock_id='.$this->my->id.' AND fix_group=7 AND status=0')->orWhere('fix_id='.$fix_id.' AND type=3')->all()) ? $res : []; $items = ArrayHelper::index(ArrayHelper::toArray($items),null,'type'); $html = $this->renderPartial('ajax-metal-plate-list', [ 'items' => $items, ]); $result['success'] = true; $result['html'] = $html; return $result; } /** *------------------------------------------------------------ * 钣金提交 * @param * @return json * @author liuyingjie *------------------------------------------------------------ */ public function actionMetalPlateSave(){ $request = Yii::$app->request; $id = $request->post('id', 0); $car_id = $request->post('car_id',0); $new_car_price = $request->post('new_car_price',0); $new_car_price = $this->handleNewCarPrice($new_car_price); $item_id = $request->post('item_id',''); $status = $request->post('status',0); $result = array(); $result['success'] = false; $result['msg'] = '保存失败'; if (!$request->isAjax || $id <= 0 || $car_id <= 0 || $new_car_price <= 0 || empty($item_id) || $status <= 0) return $result; $tran = FixCarT::getDb()->beginTransaction(); try { $follow_car_items = $request->post('follow_car_items'); $sys_remark = $request->post('sys_remark', ''); $row = FixCarT::findOne(['id' => $id]); $old_status = $row->status; //场景选择 $row->scenario = $row->getModelScenario(); //批量赋值 $row->attributes = $request->post(); $row->remark = $sys_remark; //如果有随车物品,则拼接为字符串 if (!empty($follow_car_items)) $row->follow_car_items = implode($follow_car_items, ','); //判断是否有喷漆 $has_paint = false; if(!FixCarItemT::find()->where(['fix_id'=>$row->id,'fix_group'=>8,'status'=>0,'fix_status'=>0])->all()) $has_paint = true; if (!$row->validate()) { $errors = array_values($row->errors); $result['msg'] = $errors[0]; return $result; } if ($old_status >= 0 && $row->status != $old_status) { $log_info = new CarLogT(); $log_info->car_id = $car_id; $log_info->op_time = time(); $log_info->op_man = $this->my->getShowName(); $log_info->group_name = $this->my->group ? $this->my->group->getPath() : ''; $log_info->type = 2; $log_info->remark = $row->getStatusMark($row->status); $log_info->info = $sys_remark; if (!$log_info->save()) throw new Exception(''); } if (!$row->save()) throw new Exception(''); //图片上传 $base64 = $request->post('result', ''); $base64_arr = !empty($base64) ? explode('^#@#$,', $base64) : array(); if (count($base64_arr) > 0) { //批量插入 $table_name = FixCarImg::tableName(); $field = ['fix_id', 'name', 'type']; $insert_data = []; foreach ($base64_arr as $base64_body) { if (false === ($img = Upload::upload($base64_body))) continue; array_push($insert_data, ['fix_id' => $id, 'name' => $img, 'type' => $old_status]); } if (!Yii::$app->db->createCommand()->batchInsert($table_name, $field, $insert_data)->execute()) throw new Exception(''); } $middle = MiddleFixCarT::findOne(['fix_id'=>$id,'type'=>1,'status'=>6]); $middle->status = $has_paint ? 9 : 7; if(!$middle->save()) throw new Exception(''); $result['success'] = true; $result['msg'] = '保存成功'; $result['fix_id'] = $row->id; $tran->commit(); } catch (Exception $e) { $tran->rollBack(); } return $result; } /*************************************************** end *******************************************************/ /****************************************************底子工********************************************************/ public function actionBottomWorkList() { $session = Yii::$app->session; $request = Yii::$app->request; return $this->render('bottom-work-list', $this->getList1($request,$session,self::BOTTOM_WORK)); } public function actionBottomWorkInfo() { $request = Yii::$app->request; $id = $request->get('id', 0); $type = $request->get('type', 0); $gift_enable = $request->get('gift_enable', 0); $info = FixCarT::findOne(['id' => $id]); return $this->render('bottom-work-info', [ 'info' => $info, // 'gift_items' => $gift_items, 'direction_items' => $this->getDirection(), 'range_items' => $this->getRange(), 'log_items' => $this->getCarLog(intval($info->car_id)), 'driver_items' => $this->getDrivers(), 'brand_items' => $this->getBrands(), 'series_items' => $this->getSeries(intval($info->brand_id)), 'displacement_items' => $this->getDisplacement(intval($info->series_id)), 'type' => $type, 'gift_enable' => $gift_enable, 'role' => self::BOTTOM_WORK, ]); } public function actionAjaxBottomWorkList(){ $request = Yii::$app->request; $result['success'] = false; $result['msg'] = '读取失败'; $fix_id = $request->get('fix_id', 0); //fix_item表_t fix_id //fix_group = 7(钣金项目) 并且 status = 0 未总检 $items = ($res = FixCarItemT::find()->where(['fix_id'=>$fix_id,'fix_user'=>$this->my->id,'lock_id'=>$this->my->id,'fix_group'=>13,'status'=>0])->orWhere(['fix_id'=>$fix_id,'type'=>3])->all()) ? $res : []; $items = ArrayHelper::index(ArrayHelper::toArray($items),null,'type'); $html = $this->renderPartial('ajax-bottom-work-list', [ 'items' => $items, ]); $result['success'] = true; $result['html'] = $html; return $result; } public function actionBottomWorkSave(){ $request = Yii::$app->request; $id = $request->post('id', 0); $car_id = $request->post('car_id',0); $new_car_price = $request->post('new_car_price',0); $new_car_price = $this->handleNewCarPrice($new_car_price); $item_id = $request->post('item_id',''); $result = array(); $result['success'] = false; $result['msg'] = '保存失败'; if (!$request->isAjax || $id <= 0 || $car_id <= 0 || $new_car_price <= 0 || empty($item_id)) return $result; $tran = FixCarT::getDb()->beginTransaction(); try { $follow_car_items = $request->post('follow_car_items'); $sys_remark = $request->post('sys_remark', ''); $row = FixCarT::findOne(['id' => $id]); $old_status = $row->status; //场景选择 $row->scenario = $row->getModelScenario(); //批量赋值 $row->attributes = $request->post(); $row->remark = $sys_remark; //如果有随车物品,则拼接为字符串 if (!empty($follow_car_items)) $row->follow_car_items = implode($follow_car_items, ','); if (!$row->validate()) { $errors = array_values($row->errors); $result['msg'] = $errors[0]; return $result; } if ($old_status >= 0 && $row->status != $old_status) { $log_info = new CarLogT(); $log_info->car_id = $car_id; $log_info->op_time = time(); $log_info->op_man = $this->my->getShowName(); $log_info->group_name = $this->my->group ? $this->my->group->getPath() : ''; $log_info->type = 2; $log_info->remark = $row->getStatusMark($row->status); $log_info->info = $sys_remark; if (!$log_info->save()) throw new Exception(''); } if (!$row->save()) throw new Exception(''); //图片上传 $base64 = $request->post('result', ''); $base64_arr = !empty($base64) ? explode('^#@#$,', $base64) : array(); if (count($base64_arr) > 0) { //批量插入 $table_name = FixCarImg::tableName(); $field = ['fix_id', 'name', 'type']; $insert_data = []; foreach ($base64_arr as $base64_body) { if (false === ($img = Upload::upload($base64_body))) continue; array_push($insert_data, ['fix_id' => $id, 'name' => $img, 'type' => $old_status]); } if (!Yii::$app->db->createCommand()->batchInsert($table_name, $field, $insert_data)->execute()) throw new Exception(''); } $middle = MiddleFixCarT::findOne(['fix_id'=>$id,'type'=>1,'status'=>7]); $middle->status = 8; if(!$middle->save()) throw new Exception(''); $result['success'] = true; $result['msg'] = '保存成功'; $result['fix_id'] = $row->id; $tran->commit(); } catch (Exception $e) { $tran->rollBack(); } return $result; } /**************************************************** end ******************************************************/ /****************************************************喷漆工********************************************************/ public function actionPaintWorkList() { $session = Yii::$app->session; $request = Yii::$app->request; return $this->render('paint-work-list', $this->getList1($request, $session, self::PAINT_WORK)); } public function actionPaintWorkInfo() { $request = Yii::$app->request; $id = $request->get('id', 0); $type = $request->get('type', 0); $gift_enable = $request->get('gift_enable', 0); $info = FixCarT::findOne(['id' => $id]); return $this->render('paint-work-info', [ 'info' => $info, // 'gift_items' => $gift_items, 'direction_items' => $this->getDirection(), 'range_items' => $this->getRange(), 'log_items' => $this->getCarLog(intval($info->car_id)), 'driver_items' => $this->getDrivers(), 'brand_items' => $this->getBrands(), 'series_items' => $this->getSeries(intval($info->brand_id)), 'displacement_items' => $this->getDisplacement(intval($info->series_id)), 'type' => $type, 'gift_enable' => $gift_enable, 'role' => self::PAINT_WORK, ]); } public function actionAjaxPaintWorkList(){ $request = Yii::$app->request; $result['success'] = false; $result['msg'] = '读取失败'; $fix_id = $request->get('fix_id', 0); //fix_item表_t fix_id //fix_group = 7(钣金项目) 并且 status = 0 未总检 $items = ($res = FixCarItemT::find()->where(['fix_id'=>$fix_id,'fix_user'=>$this->my->id,'lock_id'=>$this->my->id,'fix_group'=>8,'status'=>0])->orWhere(['fix_id'=>$fix_id,'type'=>3])->all()) ? $res : []; $items = ArrayHelper::index(ArrayHelper::toArray($items),null,'type'); $html = $this->renderPartial('ajax-paint-work-list', [ 'items' => $items, ]); $result['success'] = true; $result['html'] = $html; return $result; } public function actionPaintWorkSave(){ $request = Yii::$app->request; $id = $request->post('id', 0); $car_id = $request->post('car_id',0); $new_car_price = $request->post('new_car_price',0); $new_car_price = $this->handleNewCarPrice($new_car_price); $item_id = $request->post('item_id',''); $result = array(); $result['success'] = false; $result['msg'] = '保存失败'; if (!$request->isAjax || $id <= 0 || $car_id <= 0 || $new_car_price <= 0 || empty($item_id)) return $result; $tran = FixCarT::getDb()->beginTransaction(); try { $follow_car_items = $request->post('follow_car_items'); $sys_remark = $request->post('sys_remark', ''); $row = FixCarT::findOne(['id' => $id]); $old_status = $row->status; //场景选择 $row->scenario = $row->getModelScenario(); //批量赋值 $row->attributes = $request->post(); $row->remark = $sys_remark; //如果有随车物品,则拼接为字符串 if (!empty($follow_car_items)) $row->follow_car_items = implode($follow_car_items, ','); $is_facial = false; //判断是否有钣金 if(!FixCarItemT::find()->where(['fix_id'=>$row->id,'fix_group'=>7,'fix_status'=>1,'metal_plate_install'=>0,'status'=>0])->all()) $is_facial = true; //没有钣金,则默认已通过钣金安装 if($is_facial) $row->status_1 = 1; if (!$row->validate()) { $errors = array_values($row->errors); $result['msg'] = $errors[0]; return $result; } if (!$row->save()) throw new Exception(''); if ($old_status >= 0 && $row->status != $old_status) { $log_info = new CarLogT(); $log_info->car_id = $car_id; $log_info->op_time = time(); $log_info->op_man = $this->my->getShowName(); $log_info->group_name = $this->my->group ? $this->my->group->getPath() : ''; $log_info->type = 2; $log_info->remark = $row->getStatusMark($row->status); $log_info->info = $sys_remark; if (!$log_info->save()) throw new Exception(''); } //图片上传 $base64 = $request->post('result', ''); $base64_arr = !empty($base64) ? explode('^#@#$,', $base64) : array(); if (count($base64_arr) > 0) { //批量插入 $table_name = FixCarImg::tableName(); $field = ['fix_id', 'name', 'type']; $insert_data = []; foreach ($base64_arr as $base64_body) { if (false === ($img = Upload::upload($base64_body))) continue; array_push($insert_data, ['fix_id' => $id, 'name' => $img, 'type' => $old_status]); } if (!Yii::$app->db->createCommand()->batchInsert($table_name, $field, $insert_data)->execute()) throw new Exception(''); } $middle = MiddleFixCarT::findOne(['fix_id'=>$id,'type'=>1,'status'=>8]); //判断是否有钣金,有则提交到钣金安装,否则直接到美容 $middle->status = $is_facial ? 13 : 9; if(!$middle->save()) throw new Exception(''); $result['success'] = true; $result['msg'] = '保存成功'; $result['fix_id'] = $row->id; $tran->commit(); } catch (Exception $e) { $tran->rollBack(); } return $result; } /**************************************************** end ******************************************************/ /**************************************************钣金安装********************************************************/ public function actionMetalPlateInstallList() { $session = Yii::$app->session; $request = Yii::$app->request; return $this->render('metal-plate-install-list', $this->getList1($request, $session, self::METAL_PLATE_INSTALL)); } public function actionMetalPlateInstallInfo() { $request = Yii::$app->request; $id = $request->get('id', 0); $type = $request->get('type', 0); $gift_enable = $request->get('gift_enable', 0); $info = FixCarT::findOne(['id' => $id]); return $this->render('metal-plate-install-info', [ 'info' => $info, // 'gift_items' => $gift_items, 'direction_items' => $this->getDirection(), 'range_items' => $this->getRange(), 'log_items' => $this->getCarLog(intval($info->car_id)), 'driver_items' => $this->getDrivers(), 'brand_items' => $this->getBrands(), 'series_items' => $this->getSeries(intval($info->brand_id)), 'displacement_items' => $this->getDisplacement(intval($info->series_id)), 'type' => $type, 'gift_enable' => $gift_enable, 'role' => self::METAL_PLATE_INSTALL, ]); } public function actionAjaxMetalPlateInstallList(){ $request = Yii::$app->request; $result['success'] = false; $result['msg'] = '读取失败'; $fix_id = $request->get('fix_id', 0); //fix_item表_t fix_id //fix_group = 7(钣金项目) 并且 status = 0 未总检 $items = ($res = FixCarItemT::find()->where(['fix_id'=>$fix_id,'fix_user'=>$this->my->id,'lock_id'=>$this->my->id,'fix_group'=>7,'fix_status'=>1,'status'=>0])->orWhere(['fix_id'=>$fix_id,'type'=>3])->all()) ? $res : []; $items = ArrayHelper::index(ArrayHelper::toArray($items),null,'type'); $html = $this->renderPartial('ajax-metal-plate-install-list', [ 'items' => $items, ]); $result['success'] = true; $result['html'] = $html; return $result; } public function actionMetalPlateInstallSave(){ $request = Yii::$app->request; $id = $request->post('id', 0); $car_id = $request->post('car_id',0); $new_car_price = $request->post('new_car_price',0); $new_car_price = $this->handleNewCarPrice($new_car_price); $item_id = $request->post('item_id',''); $result = array(); $result['success'] = false; $result['msg'] = '保存失败'; if (!$request->isAjax || $id <= 0 || $car_id <= 0 || $new_car_price <= 0 || empty($item_id)) return $result; $tran = FixCarT::getDb()->beginTransaction(); try { $follow_car_items = $request->post('follow_car_items'); $sys_remark = $request->post('sys_remark', ''); $row = FixCarT::findOne(['id' => $id]); $old_status = $row->status; //场景选择 $row->scenario = $row->getModelScenario(); //批量赋值 $row->attributes = $request->post(); $row->status_1 = 1; $row->remark = $sys_remark; //如果有随车物品,则拼接为字符串 if (!empty($follow_car_items)) $row->follow_car_items = implode($follow_car_items, ','); if (!$row->validate()) { $errors = array_values($row->errors); $result['msg'] = $errors[0]; return $result; } if ($old_status >= 0 && $row->status != $old_status) { $log_info = new CarLogT(); $log_info->car_id = $car_id; $log_info->op_time = time(); $log_info->op_man = $this->my->getShowName(); $log_info->group_name = $this->my->group ? $this->my->group->getPath() : ''; $log_info->type = 2; $log_info->remark = $row->getStatusMark($row->status); $log_info->info = $sys_remark; if (!$log_info->save()) throw new Exception(''); } if (!$row->save()) throw new Exception(''); //图片上传 $base64 = $request->post('result', ''); $base64_arr = !empty($base64) ? explode('^#@#$,', $base64) : array(); if (count($base64_arr) > 0) { //批量插入 $table_name = FixCarImg::tableName(); $field = ['fix_id', 'name', 'type']; $insert_data = []; foreach ($base64_arr as $base64_body) { if (false === ($img = Upload::upload($base64_body))) continue; array_push($insert_data, ['fix_id' => $id, 'name' => $img, 'type' => $old_status]); } if (!Yii::$app->db->createCommand()->batchInsert($table_name, $field, $insert_data)->execute()) throw new Exception(''); } $middle = MiddleFixCarT::findOne(['fix_id'=>$id,'type'=>1,'status'=>9]); $middle->status = 13; if(!$middle->save()) throw new Exception(''); $result['success'] = true; $result['msg'] = '保存成功'; $result['fix_id'] = $row->id; $tran->commit(); } catch (Exception $e) { $tran->rollBack(); } return $result; } /**************************************************** end ******************************************************/ /************************************************** 机电 ********************************************************/ public function actionElectromechanicalList() { $session = Yii::$app->session; $request = Yii::$app->request; return $this->render('electromechanical-list', $this->getList1($request, $session, self::ELECTROMECHANICAL)); } public function actionElectromechanicalInfo() { $request = Yii::$app->request; $id = $request->get('id', 0); $type = $request->get('type', 0); $gift_enable = $request->get('gift_enable', 0); $info = FixCarT::findOne(['id' => $id]); return $this->render('electromechanical-info', [ 'info' => $info, // 'gift_items' => $gift_items, 'direction_items' => $this->getDirection(), 'range_items' => $this->getRange(), 'log_items' => $this->getCarLog(intval($info->car_id)), 'driver_items' => $this->getDrivers(), 'brand_items' => $this->getBrands(), 'series_items' => $this->getSeries(intval($info->brand_id)), 'displacement_items' => $this->getDisplacement(intval($info->series_id)), 'type' => $type, 'gift_enable' => $gift_enable, 'role' => self::ELECTROMECHANICAL, ]); } public function actionAjaxElectromechanicalList(){ $request = Yii::$app->request; $result['success'] = false; $result['msg'] = '读取失败'; $fix_id = $request->get('fix_id', 0); //fix_item表_t fix_id //fix_group = 7(钣金项目) 并且 status = 0 未总检 $items = ($res = FixCarItemT::find()->where('fix_id='.$fix_id.' AND fix_user='.$this->my->id.' AND lock_id='.$this->my->id.' AND fix_group IN(10,11) AND status=0' )->orWhere(['fix_id'=>$fix_id,'type'=>3])->all()) ? $res : []; $items = ArrayHelper::index(ArrayHelper::toArray($items),null,'type'); $html = $this->renderPartial('ajax-electromechanical-list', [ 'items' => $items, ]); $result['success'] = true; $result['html'] = $html; return $result; } public function actionElectromechanicalSave(){ $request = Yii::$app->request; $id = $request->post('id', 0); $car_id = $request->post('car_id',0); $new_car_price = $request->post('new_car_price',0); $new_car_price = $this->handleNewCarPrice($new_car_price); $result = array(); $result['success'] = false; $result['msg'] = '保存失败'; if (!$request->isAjax || $id <= 0 || $car_id <= 0 || $new_car_price <= 0) return $result; $tran = FixCarT::getDb()->beginTransaction(); try { $follow_car_items = $request->post('follow_car_items'); $sys_remark = $request->post('sys_remark', ''); $row = FixCarT::findOne(['id' => $id]); $old_status = $row->status; //场景选择 $row->scenario = $row->getModelScenario(); //批量赋值 $row->attributes = $request->post(); $row->status_2 = 1; $row->remark = $sys_remark; //如果有随车物品,则拼接为字符串 if (!empty($follow_car_items)) $row->follow_car_items = implode($follow_car_items, ','); if (!$row->validate()) { $errors = array_values($row->errors); $result['msg'] = $errors[0]; return $result; } if ($old_status >= 0 && $row->status != $old_status) { $log_info = new CarLogT(); $log_info->car_id = $car_id; $log_info->op_time = time(); $log_info->op_man = $this->my->getShowName(); $log_info->group_name = $this->my->group ? $this->my->group->getPath() : ''; $log_info->type = 2; $log_info->remark = $row->getStatusMark($row->status); $log_info->info = $sys_remark; if (!$log_info->save()) throw new Exception(''); } if (!$row->save()) throw new Exception(''); //图片上传 $base64 = $request->post('result', ''); $base64_arr = !empty($base64) ? explode('^#@#$,', $base64) : array(); if (count($base64_arr) > 0) { //批量插入 $table_name = FixCarImg::tableName(); $field = ['fix_id', 'name', 'type']; $insert_data = []; foreach ($base64_arr as $base64_body) { if (false === ($img = Upload::upload($base64_body))) continue; array_push($insert_data, ['fix_id' => $id, 'name' => $img, 'type' => $old_status]); } if (!Yii::$app->db->createCommand()->batchInsert($table_name, $field, $insert_data)->execute()) throw new Exception(''); } $middle = MiddleFixCarT::findOne(['fix_id'=>$id,'type'=>2,'status'=>11]); $middle->status = 13; if(!$middle->save()) throw new Exception(''); $result['success'] = true; $result['msg'] = '保存成功'; $result['fix_id'] = $row->id; $tran->commit(); } catch (Exception $e) { $tran->rollBack(); } return $result; } /**************************************************** end ******************************************************/ /************************************************** 洗车 *****************************************************/ public function actionCarWashList() { $session = Yii::$app->session; $request = Yii::$app->request; return $this->render('car-wash-list', $this->getList1($request, $session, self::CAR_WASH)); } public function actionCarWashInfo() { $request = Yii::$app->request; $id = $request->get('id', 0); $type = $request->get('type', 0); $gift_enable = $request->get('gift_enable', 0); $info = FixCarT::findOne(['id' => $id]); return $this->render('car-wash-info', [ 'info' => $info, 'direction_items' => $this->getDirection(), 'range_items' => $this->getRange(), 'log_items' => $this->getCarLog(intval($info->car_id)), 'driver_items' => $this->getDrivers(), 'brand_items' =>$this->getBrands(), 'series_items' => $this->getSeries(intval($info->brand_id)), 'displacement_items' => $this->getDisplacement(intval($info->series_id)), 'type' => $type, 'gift_enable' => $gift_enable, 'role' => self::CAR_WASH, ]); } public function actionAjaxCarWashList(){ $request = Yii::$app->request; $result['success'] = false; $result['msg'] = '读取失败'; $fix_id = $request->get('fix_id', 0); //fix_item表_t fix_id //fix_group = 7(钣金项目) 并且 status = 0 未总检 $items = ($res = FixCarItemT::find()->where(['fix_id'=>$fix_id,'type'=>3])->orWhere(['fix_id'=>$fix_id,'type'=>5])->all()) ? $res : []; $items = ArrayHelper::index(ArrayHelper::toArray($items),null,'type'); $html = $this->renderPartial('ajax-car-wash-list', [ 'items' => $items, ]); $result['success'] = true; $result['html'] = $html; return $result; } public function actionCarWashSave(){ $request = Yii::$app->request; $id = $request->post('id', 0); $car_id = $request->post('car_id',0); $new_car_price = $request->post('new_car_price',0); $new_car_price = $this->handleNewCarPrice($new_car_price); $status = $request->post('status'); $result = array(); $result['success'] = false; $result['msg'] = '保存失败'; if (!$request->isAjax || $id < 1 || $car_id < 1 || $new_car_price < 1 || $status < 1) return $result; $tran = FixCarT::getDb()->beginTransaction(); try { $follow_car_items = $request->post('follow_car_items'); $sys_remark = $request->post('sys_remark', ''); $row = FixCarT::findOne(['id' => $id]); $old_status = $row->status; $row->status = $status; //场景选择 $row->scenario = $row->getModelScenario(); //批量赋值 $row->attributes = $request->post(); $row->remark = $sys_remark; //如果有随车物品,则拼接为字符串 if (!empty($follow_car_items)) $row->follow_car_items = implode($follow_car_items, ','); if (!$row->validate()) { $errors = array_values($row->errors); $result['msg'] = $errors[0]; return $result; } if ($old_status >= 0 && $row->status != $old_status) { $log_info = new CarLogT(); $log_info->car_id = $car_id; $log_info->op_time = time(); $log_info->op_man = $this->my->getShowName(); $log_info->group_name = $this->my->group ? $this->my->group->getPath() : ''; $log_info->type = 2; $log_info->remark = $row->getStatusMark($row->status); $log_info->info = $sys_remark; if (!$log_info->save()) throw new Exception(''); } if (!$row->save()) throw new Exception('a'); //图片上传 $base64 = $request->post('result', ''); $base64_arr = !empty($base64) ? explode('^#@#$,', $base64) : array(); if (count($base64_arr) > 0) { //批量插入 $table_name = FixCarImg::tableName(); $field = ['fix_id', 'name', 'type']; $insert_data = []; foreach ($base64_arr as $base64_body) { if (false === ($img = Upload::upload($base64_body))) continue; array_push($insert_data, ['fix_id' => $id, 'name' => $img, 'type' => $old_status]); } if (!Yii::$app->db->createCommand()->batchInsert($table_name, $field, $insert_data)->execute()) throw new Exception(''); } if(14 == $status) { $middle_fix_car_t = MiddleFixCarT::findOne(['fix_id' => $id, 'type' => 1, 'status' => 13]); $middle_fix_car_t->status = 14; if (!$middle_fix_car_t->save()) throw new Exception('操作失败!'); } $result['success'] = true; $result['msg'] = '保存成功'; $result['fix_id'] = $row->id; $tran->commit(); } catch (Exception $e) { $result['msg'] = $e->getMessage(); $tran->rollBack(); } return $result; } /**************************************************** end ******************************************************/ /****************************************************** 总检 ****************************************************/ public function actionLastCheckList() { $session = Yii::$app->session; $request = Yii::$app->request; return $this->render('last-check-list', $this->getList($request, $session,self::LAST_CHECK)); } public function actionLastCheckInfo() { $request = Yii::$app->request; $id = $request->get('id', 0); $type = $request->get('type', 0); $gift_enable = $request->get('gift_enable', 0); $info = FixCarT::findOne(['id' => $id]); return $this->render('last-check-info', [ 'info' => $info, // 'gift_items' => $gift_items, 'direction_items' => $this->getDirection(), 'range_items' => $this->getRange(), 'log_items' => $this->getCarLog(intval($info->car_id)), 'driver_items' => $this->getDrivers(), 'brand_items' => $this->getBrands(), 'series_items' => $this->getSeries(intval($info->brand_id)), 'displacement_items' => $this->getDisplacement(intval($info->series_id)), 'type' => $type, 'gift_enable' => $gift_enable, ]); } public function actionAjaxLastCheckList(){ $request = Yii::$app->request; $result['success'] = false; $result['msg'] = '读取失败'; $fix_id = $request->get('fix_id', 0); //fix_item表_t fix_id //fix_group = 7(钣金项目) 并且 status = 0 未总检 $items = ($res = FixCarItemT::find()->where('fix_id='.$fix_id.' AND fix_group!=13')->all()) ? $res : []; $items = ArrayHelper::index(ArrayHelper::toArray($items),null,'type'); $html = $this->renderPartial('ajax-last-check-list', [ 'items' => $items, ]); $result['success'] = true; $result['html'] = $html; return $result; } public function actionLastCheckSave(){ $request = Yii::$app->request; $id = $request->post('id', 0); $car_id = $request->post('car_id',0); $new_car_price = $request->post('new_car_price',0); $new_car_price = $this->handleNewCarPrice($new_car_price); $result = array(); $result['success'] = false; $result['msg'] = '保存失败'; if (!$request->isAjax || $id <= 0 || $car_id <= 0 || $new_car_price <= 0) return $result; $tran = FixCarT::getDb()->beginTransaction(); try { $follow_car_items = $request->post('follow_car_items'); $sys_remark = $request->post('sys_remark', ''); $row = FixCarT::findOne(['id' => $id]); $old_status = $row->status; //场景选择 $row->scenario = $row->getModelScenario(); //批量赋值 $row->attributes = $request->post(); $row->remark = $sys_remark; //如果有随车物品,则拼接为字符串 if (!empty($follow_car_items)) $row->follow_car_items = implode($follow_car_items, ','); if (!$row->validate()) { $errors = array_values($row->errors); $result['msg'] = $errors[0]; return $result; } if ($old_status >= 0 && $row->status != $old_status) { $log_info = new CarLogT(); $log_info->car_id = $car_id; $log_info->op_time = time(); $log_info->op_man = $this->my->getShowName(); $log_info->group_name = $this->my->group ? $this->my->group->getPath() : ''; $log_info->type = 2; $log_info->remark = $row->getStatusMark($row->status); $log_info->info = $sys_remark; if (!$log_info->save()) throw new Exception(''); } if (!$row->save()) throw new Exception('a'); //图片上传 $base64 = $request->post('result', ''); $base64_arr = !empty($base64) ? explode('^#@#$,', $base64) : array(); if (count($base64_arr) > 0) { //批量插入 $table_name = FixCarImg::tableName(); $field = ['fix_id', 'name', 'type']; $insert_data = []; foreach ($base64_arr as $base64_body) { if (false === ($img = Upload::upload($base64_body))) continue; array_push($insert_data, ['fix_id' => $id, 'name' => $img, 'type' => $old_status]); } if (!Yii::$app->db->createCommand()->batchInsert($table_name, $field, $insert_data)->execute()) throw new Exception(''); } $result['success'] = true; $result['msg'] = '保存成功'; $result['fix_id'] = $row->id; $tran->commit(); } catch (Exception $e) { $result['msg'] = $e->getMessage(); $tran->rollBack(); } return $result; } /****************************************************** end ****************************************************/ /*********************************************公共方法*************************************************************/ /** *------------------------------------------------------------ * 清单添加 art.dialog * @param int fix_id fix_car_t 主键 及 fix_item_t 表外键 * @return view * @author liuyingjie *------------------------------------------------------------ */ public function actionDialogBox() { $request = Yii::$app->request; $fix_id = $request->get('fix_id', 0); $type = $request->get('type', 0); $info = $request->get('info', 0); $data = [ 'fix_id' => $fix_id, 'type' => $type ]; if ($info > 0) { $id = $request->get('id', 0); $info = FixItemT::findOne($id); $gid = $info->userT->group_id; $user = UserT::findAll(['group_id' => $gid]); $data['info'] = $info; $data['user'] = $user; } return $this->render('dialog-box', $data); } public function actionFixUserSibling() { $request = Yii::$app->request; $result = []; $result['success'] = false; if (!$request->isAjax) return $result; $fix_user = $request->post('fix_user', 0); $gid = UserT::findOne($fix_user)->group_id; if ($gid <= 0) return $result; $siblings = UserT::find()->where(['group_id' => $gid])->all(); if ($siblings) { $result['success'] = true; $result['content'] = $siblings; } return $result; } public function actionFixCarSave() { $request = Yii::$app->request; $result = array(); $result['success'] = false; $result['msg'] = '保存失败'; if (!$request->isAjax) return $result; $tran = FixCarT::getDb()->beginTransaction(); try { $id = $request->post('id', 0); $follow_car_items = $request->post('follow_car_items'); $car_id = $request->post('car_id'); $sys_remark = $request->post('sys_remark', ''); $row = null; if ($id > 0) { $row = FixCarT::findOne(['id' => $id]); $old_status = $row->status; } else { if (!($row = FixCarT::findOne(['car_id' => $car_id]))) { $row = new FixCarT(); } $old_status = 0; } //场景选择 $row->scenario = $row->getModelScenario(); //批量赋值 $row->attributes = $request->post(); $row->remark = $sys_remark; //如果有随车物品,则拼接为字符串 if (!empty($follow_car_items)) $row->follow_car_items = implode($follow_car_items, ','); if (!$row->validate()) { $errors = array_values($row->errors); $result['msg'] = $errors[0]; return $result; } //新增 if ($row->isNewRecord) { $row->submit_date = date('Y-m-d'); $row->user_id = $this->my->id; } if ($old_status >= 0 && $row->status != $old_status) { $log_info = new CarLogT(); $log_info->car_id = $car_id; $log_info->op_time = time(); $log_info->op_man = $this->my->getShowName(); $log_info->group_name = $this->my->group ? $this->my->group->getPath() : ''; $log_info->type = 2; //提单审核 提交 //上门接车 && (自费维修 || 保险理赔),都进入司机接车 if ((2 == $row->status) && ('上门接车' == $row->receive_type)) { $row->status = 2; } //客户自送 && 自费维修,则直接进入前台审核 elseif (2 == $row->status && ('客户自送' == $row->receive_type)) { $row->status = 3; } //前台审核 提交 if (4 == $row->status && '自费维修' == $row->accident_type) { $row->status = 5; } $log_info->remark = $row->getStatusMark($row->status); $log_info->info = $sys_remark; if (!$log_info->save()) throw new Exception(''); } // //已进入车间维修 // if(6 == $row->status){ // $groups = FixCarItemT::find()->select('fix_group')->where(['fix_id' => $id, 'status' => 0, 'fix_status' => 0, 'fix_user' => 0, 'lock_id' => 0])->groupBy('fix_group')->asArray()->all(); // $groups = array_column($groups,'fix_group'); // //如果有机电项目,则标记机电为未完成 // if(in_array(10,$groups) || in_array(11,$groups)){ // $row->status_2 = 0; // $middle_fix_car_t = MiddleFixCarT::findOne(['fix_id'=>$id,'type'=>2,'status'=>13]); // if($middle_fix_car_t){ // $middle_fix_car_t->status=11; // $middle_fix_car_t->save(); // } // } // // //如果有钣金项目,则标记钣金为未完成 // if(in_array(7,$groups) || in_array(13,$groups) || in_array(14,$groups)){ // $row->status_1 = 0; // $middle_fix_car_t = MiddleFixCarT::findOne(['fix_id'=>$id,'type'=>1,'status'=>13]); // if($middle_fix_car_t){ // $middle_fix_car_t->status=6; // $middle_fix_car_t->save(); // } // } // } if (!$row->save()) throw new Exception(''); //图片上传 $base64 = $request->post('result', ''); $base64_arr = !empty($base64) ? explode('^#@#$,', $base64) : array(); if (count($base64_arr) > 0) { //批量插入 $table_name = FixCarImg::tableName(); $field = ['fix_id', 'name', 'type']; $insert_data = []; foreach ($base64_arr as $base64_body) { if (false === ($img = Upload::upload($base64_body))) continue; array_push($insert_data, ['fix_id' => $id, 'name' => $img, 'type' => $old_status]); } if (!Yii::$app->db->createCommand()->batchInsert($table_name, $field, $insert_data)->execute()) throw new Exception(''); } $result['success'] = true; $result['msg'] = '保存成功'; $result['fix_id'] = $row->id; $tran->commit(); } catch (Exception $e) { $tran->rollBack(); } return $result; } /** *------------------------------------------------------------ * * @param int fix_id fix_item表_t fix_id * @param int pay_type 保险理赔、自费维修 * @param int small_type_id 对应 更换清单、维修清单、辅料清单、待定清单、汽车保养、美容装饰 其中一种 * @return view * @author liuyingjie *------------------------------------------------------------ */ public function actionAjaxItemList() { $request = Yii::$app->request; $result['success'] = false; $result['msg'] = '读取失败'; $fix_id = $request->get('fix_id', 0); //fix_item表_t fix_id $fix_items = null; $items = FixCarItemT::findAll(['fix_id'=>$fix_id]); var_dump(ArrayHelper::index(ArrayHelper::toArray($items),null,'type')); die; $html = $this->renderPartial('ajax-item-list', [ 'insurances' => $insurances_after_group, 'facial' => $facial, 'maintenance' => $maintenance, 'self_paying' => $self_paying_after_group ]); $result['success'] = true; $result['html'] = $html; return $result; } public function actionAjaxItemListBak() { $request = Yii::$app->request; $result['success'] = false; $result['msg'] = '读取失败'; $fix_id = $request->get('fix_id', 0); //fix_item表_t fix_id $pay_type = $request->get('pay_type', 0); //pay_type 保险理赔、自费维修 $small_type_id = $request->get('small_type_id', 0); //small_type_id 对应 更换清单、维修清单、辅料清单、待定清单、汽车保养、美容装饰 其中一种 $role = $request->get('role', ''); //role 对应钣金、底子工... //钣金分组 $role_id = $role ? $this->getRoleId($role) : 0; $query = null; $query = FixItemT::find(); $type1_items = []; if (1 == $pay_type && $small_type_id === 0) { $query = $query->where('fix_id=' . $fix_id . ' and pay_type=' . $pay_type . ' AND small_type_id BETWEEN 1 AND 4'); if (0 !== $role_id) $query = $query->andWhere('type = ' . $role_id); $type1_items = $query->all(); $arr = []; foreach ($type1_items as $k => $v) { if (!$v->small_type_id) continue; $arr[$v->small_type_id][] = $v; } $type1_items = $arr; } $type2_items = []; if (2 == $pay_type && $small_type_id === 0) { $query = $query->where('fix_id=' . $fix_id . ' and pay_type=' . $pay_type . ' AND small_type_id BETWEEN 1 AND 4'); if (0 !== $role_id) $query = $query->andWhere('type = ' . $role_id); $type2_items = $query->all(); $arr = []; foreach ($type2_items as $k => $v) { if (!$v->small_type_id) continue; $arr[$v->small_type_id][] = $v; } $type2_items = $arr; } $type3_items = []; $query = $query->where('fix_id=' . $fix_id . ' AND small_type_id=' . $small_type_id); if (0 !== $role_id) $query = $query->andWhere('type = ' . $role_id); $type3_items = $query->all(); if ($type3_items) { $arr = []; foreach ($type3_items as $k => $v) { if (5 != $v->small_type_id) continue; $arr[$v->small_type_id][] = $v; } $type3_items = $arr; } $type4_items = []; $query = $query->where('fix_id=' . $fix_id . ' AND small_type_id=' . $small_type_id); if (0 !== $role_id) $query = $query->andWhere('type = ' . $role_id); $type4_items = $query->all(); if ($type4_items) { $arr = []; foreach ($type4_items as $k => $v) { if (6 != $v->small_type_id) continue; $arr[$v->small_type_id][] = $v; } $type4_items = $arr; } $query = $query->where('fix_id=' . $fix_id . ' and big_type_id=5 and pay_type NOT IN(1,2)'); if (0 !== $role_id) $query = $query->andWhere('type = ' . $role_id); $type5_items = $query->all(); $html = $this->renderPartial('ajax-item-list', [ 'type1_items' => $type1_items, 'type2_items' => $type2_items, 'type3_items' => $type3_items, 'type4_items' => $type4_items, 'type5_items' => $type5_items ]); $result['success'] = true; $result['msg'] = '读取成功'; $result['html'] = $html; return $result; } public function actionPrintOrder() { $request = Yii::$app->request; var_dump($request->post()); die; } /** *------------------------------------------------------------ * 维修已完成操作 * @param int id fix_item_t 表 id * @return json $result * @author liuyingjie *------------------------------------------------------------ */ public function actionFixItemFinish() { $result = []; $result['success'] = false; $result['msg'] = '操作失败!'; $request = Yii::$app->request; if (!$request->isAjax) return $result; $id = $request->post('id', 0); if (0 == $id) return $result; $fix_item = FixItemT::findOne($id); $fix_item->status = 1; $fix_item->save(); $result['success'] = true; $result['msg'] = '操作成功'; $result['status'] = self::FIX_FINISH; return $result; } /** *------------------------------------------------------------ * 根据角色名获取对应id * @param string $name , default null * @return int role_t 表id * @author liuyingjie *------------------------------------------------------------ */ private function getRoleId($name = null) { $role = null; if (is_null($name)) return 0; if (!($role = RoleT::findOne(['name' => $name]))) return 0; return ArrayHelper::getValue($role, 'id'); } /** *------------------------------------------------------------ * 损伤程度 * @param * @return view * @author liuyingjie *------------------------------------------------------------ */ public function actionGetDamageLevel() { $request = Yii::$app->request; $result = []; $result['success'] = false; $result['msg'] = '操作失败!'; if (!$request->isAjax) return $result; $level = $request->post('level'); $id = $request->post('id'); if ($level <= 0 || $id <= 0) return $result; $middles = MiddleDamageLevel::find()->where('metal_id=' . $id . ' AND level=' . $level)->one(); $result['success'] = true; $result['msg'] = '操作成功!'; $result['content'] = $middles; return $result; } public function actionGetMetalPlate() { $request = Yii::$app->request; $result = []; $result['success'] = false; $result['msg'] = '操作失败!'; if (!$request->isAjax) return $result; $name = $request->post('search'); if (empty($name)) return $result; $parts = MetalPlatePart::find()->where(['like', 'name', $name])->all(); $result['success'] = true; $result['msg'] = '操作成功!'; $result['content'] = $parts; return $result; } /** *------------------------------------------------------------ * 根据维修部位、新车购置价 查询自费单价 * @param string name 维修部位 * @param int price 新车购置价 * @return json * @author liuyingjie *------------------------------------------------------------ */ public function actionGetSelfFree() { $request = Yii::$app->request; $result = []; $result['success'] = false; $result['msg'] = '操作失败!'; if (!$request->isAjax) return $result; $name = $request->post('name', ''); $car_price = $request->post('price', 0); $level = $request->post('level'); $i = $m = null; if ($car_price >= 3) { $len = strlen($car_price); switch ($len) { case 1: break; case 2: $car_price = floor(doubleval($car_price / 10)) * 10; break; case 3: $car_price = floor(doubleval($car_price / 100)) * 100; break; } $i = MetalPlatePart::find()->where('name=\'' . $name . '\'')->one(); // $m = MiddleParintPrice::find()->where('metal_id=' . $i->id . ' AND min_price=' . $car_price)->one(); $m = MiddleDamageLevel::find()->where('metal_id='.$i->id.' AND level='.$level)->one(); } $result['success'] = true; $result['msg'] = '操作成功!'; $result['content'] = $m; return $result; } /** *------------------------------------------------------------ * 根据配件名获取自费单价 * @param * @return view * @author liuyingjie *------------------------------------------------------------ */ public function actionGetPriceByShop() { $request = Yii::$app->request; $name = $request->post('name'); $price = $request->post('price'); $result = []; $result['success'] = true; $result['msg'] = '操作失败!'; if (!$request->isAjax || empty($name) || empty($price)) return $result; $i = $s = $m = null; //初始化 //格式化新车购置价 if ($price >= 3) { $len = strlen($price); switch ($len) { case 1: break; case 2: $price = floor(doubleval($price / 10)) * 10; break; case 3: $price = floor(doubleval($price / 100)) * 100; break; } $s = StoreRoom::find()->where('name=\'' . $name . '\'')->one(); $i = FixCarCategory::find()->where('name=\'' . $name . '\'')->one(); $m = MiddleScaleHour::find()->where('scale_id=' . $i->id . ' AND min_price=' . $price)->one(); //配件售价($selling_price) = 产品价格($s->price) * 比例($i->scale) $selling_price = $s ? ($s->price + ($s->price * ($i->scale / 100))) : 0; //工时($m->work_hour) + 配件售价($selling_price) $work_hour = $m ? ($m->work_hour + $selling_price) : $selling_price; $result['success'] = true; $result['msg'] = '操作成功!'; $result['content'] = $work_hour; } return $result; } /** *------------------------------------------------------------ *Ajax 删除图片 * @param id fix_car_img 表id * @return json * @author liuyingjie *------------------------------------------------------------ */ public function actionRmImg() { $request = Yii::$app->request; $id = $request->post('id', 0); $result['success'] = false; $result['msg'] = '删除失败'; if ($request->isAjax) { $model = FixCarImg::findOne($id); if (unlink($model->name)) { $model->delete(); $result['success'] = true; $result['msg'] = '删除成功'; } } return $result; } /** *------------------------------------------------------------ *下载图片 * @param int id fix_car_img 表外键 * @return json * @author liuyingjie *------------------------------------------------------------ */ public function actionDownloadImg() { $request = Yii::$app->request; $id = $request->get('id'); $model = FixCarImg::findOne($id); return Yii::$app->response->sendFile(realpath($model->name)); } /** *------------------------------------------------------------ * 调用WebUploader插件 * @param int type 图片分类 ; int id fix_car_t 表主键 * @return json * @author liuyingjie *------------------------------------------------------------ */ public function actionWebUploader(){ $request = Yii::$app->request; $type = $request->post('type',0); $id = $request->post('id',0); $html = $this->renderPartial('web-uploader',['type'=>$type,'id'=>$id]); return Message::getMessage(true,'操作成功!',$html); } /** *------------------------------------------------------------ * 查看图片 * @param int type 图片分类 ; id fix_car_t 表主键 * @return json * @author liuyingjie *------------------------------------------------------------ */ public function actionLookImage(){ $request = Yii::$app->request; $type = $request->post('type',0); $id = $request->post('id',0); $images = FixCarImg::find()->where('fix_id='.$id.' AND type<='.$type)->asArray()->all(); $images = ArrayHelper::index($images,null,'type'); $html = $this->render('look-image',['images'=>$images]); return Message::getMessage(true,'操作成功!',$html); } /** *------------------------------------------------------------ * 清单列表 * @param int id fix_car_t 表主键 ; * @param int gid fix_car_group 表主键 * 7 钣金项目 ; 8 喷漆项目 ; 10 维修项目 ; 11 保养项目 ; 12 美容项目 * @return json * @author liuyingjie *------------------------------------------------------------ */ public function actionRefreshItemList(){ $request = Yii::$app->request; $id = $request->post('id',0); $gid = $request->post('gid',0); $is_report = $request->post('report'); if($id < 1 || $gid < 1) return Message::getMessage(); $items = ($res = FixCarItemT::find()->where('fix_id='.$id . ' AND fix_group !='.$gid)->all()) ? $res : []; //查勘定损、前台派工 if('is_report' === $is_report){ $render['reports'] = FixCarReport::find()->where('fix_id='.$id)->all(); } $render['items'] = $items = ArrayHelper::index(ArrayHelper::toArray($items),null,'type'); $html = $this->render('fix-item-list',$render); return Message::getMessage(true,'操作成功!',$html); } /************************************************* end ************************************************************/ }