
namespace frontend\controllers;

use common\libs\MyLib;
use common\models\CarT;
use common\models\CarTypeT;
use common\models\CleanTongji;
use common\models\CleanFenpei;
use common\models\FixCarT;
use common\models\GroupT;
use common\models\InsurerCompanyT;
use common\models\OrderT;
use common\models\PhoneDayT;
use common\models\UserT;
use Yii;
use yii\web\Response;

class StatisticsController extends BaseController
    public $enableCsrfValidation = false;
    public $layout = 'blue-main';

    public function actionWork()
        $request = Yii::$app->request;
        $date_begin = $request->get('date_begin',date('Y-m-d'));
        $date_end = $request->get('date_end',date('Y-m-d'));
        $date2_begin = $request->get('date2_begin');
        $date2_end = $request->get('date2_end');
        $username = $request->get('username');
        $group_id = $request->get('group_id');
        $company_id = $request->get('company_id');
        $group_items = GroupT::getTree((int)$this->my->group_id);
        if($this->my->id == 1 || $this->my->username=='6002')
            $group_items = GroupT::getTree();
        $group_ids[] = $group_id;
        if($group_id > 0) {
            $items = GroupT::getTree($group_id);
            foreach($items as $group_info) {
                $group_ids[] = $group_info->id;

//        原来的搜索条件
//        $userSql = '';
//        if($username != '') {
//            $userSql = ' username like "'.$username.'"';
//        }

//      现在的搜索条件
        $userSql = '';
        if($username != '') {
            $userSql = ' username like "'.$username.'" and ';
        //$userSql .= 'is_locked=0 and is_login=1';

        $user_items = $this->my->getChildren($userSql);
        if($this->my->username == '6002')
            $user_items = $this->my->getChildren($userSql,1);
//        $user_items[] = $this->my;
        $user_rows = array();
        $sum_total = array();
        $sum_total[0] = '';
        $sum_total[1] = 0;
        $sum_total[2] = 0;
        $sum_total[3] = 0;
        $sum_total[4] = 0;
        $sum_total[5] = 0;
        $sum_total[6] = 0;
        $sum_total[7] = 0;
        foreach($user_items as $user_info) {
            if($user_info->is_leave == 1) continue;

            if($group_id > 0) {
                if(!in_array($user_info->group_id,$group_ids)) {
            $total[0] = 0;
            $total[1] = 0;
            $total[2] = 0;
            $total[3] = 0;
            $total[4] = 0;
            $total[5] = 0;
            $total[6] = 0;
            $total[7] = 0;

            $row = array();
            $row['id'] = $user_info->id;
            $row['username'] = $user_info->username;
            $row['truename'] = $user_info->name;
            $tmp_query = OrderT::find()
                ->where('user_id='.$user_info->id.' and status_id>1')
                ->andWhere('insurance_status=1 or insurance_status=3');
            if($date_begin != '') {
                $tmp_query = $tmp_query->andWhere('submit_date>="'.$date_begin.'"');
            if($date_end != '') {
                $tmp_query = $tmp_query->andWhere('submit_date<="'.$date_end.'"');
            if($date2_begin != '') {
                $tmp_query = $tmp_query->andWhere('print_date>="'.$date2_begin.'"');
            if($date2_end != '') {
                $tmp_query = $tmp_query->andWhere('print_date<="'.$date2_end.'"');
            if($company_id > 0) {
                $tmp_query = $tmp_query->andWhere('company_id='.$company_id);

//            exit;
            foreach($tmp_query->each() as $item) {
                if ($item->status_id > 0) {
                    $total[2] += $item->total1_clear;//提单总净保费
                    $total[3] += $item->total2_clear;//交强总净保费
                    if($item->status_id > 5) {
                        $total[4] += $item->total1_clear;//商业已收净保费
                        $total[5] += $item->total2_clear;//商业已收净保费
                    $total[6] += $item->total1_clear + $item->total2_clear;//总签单净保费
            $tmp_query = FixCarT::find()
                ->where('user_id='.$user_info->id.' and status>0');
            if($date_begin != '') {
                $tmp_query = $tmp_query->andWhere('submit_date>="'.$date_begin.'"');
            if($date_end != '') {
                $tmp_query = $tmp_query->andWhere('submit_date<="'.$date_end.'"');
            if($date2_begin != '') {
                $tmp_query = $tmp_query->andWhere('submit_date>="'.$date2_begin.'"');
            if($date2_end != '') {
                $tmp_query = $tmp_query->andWhere('submit_date<="'.$date2_end.'"');
            $total[7] = $tmp_query->count();

            $phone_time = '';
            $query = PhoneDayT::find()
                ->where('user_id='.$user_info->id.' and call_date>="'.$date_begin.'" and call_date<="'.$date_end.'"');
//            echo $query->createCommand()->rawSql;
            $items = $query->all();
            $call_time = 0;
            foreach($items as $item) {
                $call_time += $item->call_time;
            if($call_time > 0) {
                $h = floor($call_time/3600);
                $m = floor(($call_time - $h * 3600)/60);
                $s = $call_time - $h * 3600 - $m * 60;
                $phone_time =  $h.':'.$m.':'.$s;

            $total[0] = $phone_time;
            $row['total'] = $total;
            $user_rows[] = $row;

//            $sum_total[0] += $total[0];
            $sum_total[1] += $total[1];
            $sum_total[2] += $total[2];
            $sum_total[3] += $total[3];
            $sum_total[4] += $total[4];
            $sum_total[5] += $total[5];
            $sum_total[6] += $total[6];
            $sum_total[7] += $total[7];

        $company_items = InsurerCompanyT::find()

        return $this->render('work',[
            'user_rows' => $user_rows,
            'date_begin' => $date_begin,
            'date_end' => $date_end,
            'date2_begin' => $date2_begin,
            'date2_end' => $date2_end,
            'username' => $username,
            'sum_total' => $sum_total,
            'group_id' => $group_id,
            'group_items' => $group_items,
            'company_items' => $company_items,
            'company_id' => $company_id
    public function actionCleanWork()
        $request = Yii::$app->request;
        $date_begin = $request->get('date_begin',date('Y-m-d'));
        $date_end = $request->get('date_end',date('Y-m-d'));

        $username = $request->get('username');
        $group_id = $request->get('group_id');
        $company_id = $request->get('company_id');
        $group_items = GroupT::getTree((int)$this->my->group_id);
        if($this->my->id == 1 || $this->my->username=='6002')
            $group_items = GroupT::getTree();
        $group_ids[] = $group_id;
        if($group_id > 0) {
            $items = GroupT::getTree($group_id);
            foreach($items as $group_info) {
                $group_ids[] = $group_info->id;

//      现在的搜索条件
        $userSql = '';
        if($username != '') {
            $userSql = ' username like "'.$username.'" and ';

        $user_items = $this->my->getChildrenClean($userSql);
        if($this->my->username == '6002')
            $user_items = $this->my->getChildrenClean($userSql,1);
        $user_items[] = $this->my;
        $user_rows = array();
        $sum_total = array();
        $sum_total[0] = 0;
        $sum_total[1] = 0;
        $sum_total[2] = 0;

        foreach($user_items as $user_info) {
            if($user_info->is_leave == 1) continue;

            if($group_id > 0) {
                if(!in_array($user_info->group_id,$group_ids)) {

            $row = array();
            $row['id'] = $user_info->id;
            $row['username'] = $user_info->username;
            $row['truename'] = $user_info->name;
            $tmp_query = CleanTongji::find()
            if($date_begin != '') {
                $tmp_query = $tmp_query->andWhere('yuefen>="'.$date_begin.'"');
            if($date_end != '') {
                $tmp_query = $tmp_query->andWhere('yuefen<="'.$date_end.'"');

            if($company_id > 0) {
                $tmp_query = $tmp_query->andWhere('company_id='.$company_id);

//            exit;
//            foreach($tmp_query->each() as $item) {
//                $total[0]++;
//                //提单总数
//                if ($item->status_id > 0) {
//                    $total[1]++;
//                    $total[2] += $item->total1_clear;//提单总净保费
//                    $total[3] += $item->total2_clear;//交强总净保费
//                    if($item->status_id > 5) {
//                        $total[4] += $item->total1_clear;//商业已收净保费
//                        $total[5] += $item->total2_clear;//商业已收净保费
//                    }
//                    $total[6] += $item->total1_clear + $item->total2_clear;//总签单净保费
//                }
//            }

            $row['total'] = $total;
            $user_rows[] = $row;

            $sum_total[0] += $total['right_num'];
            $sum_total[1] += $total['wrong_num'];
            $sum_total[2] += $total['yuyue_num'];

//            $sum_total[3] += $total[3];
//            $sum_total[4] += $total[4];
//            $sum_total[5] += $total[5];
//            $sum_total[6] += $total[6];


        $company_items = InsurerCompanyT::find()

        return $this->render('clean-work',[
            'user_rows' => $user_rows,
            'date_begin' => $date_begin,
            'date_end' => $date_end,
            'username' => $username,
            'sum_total' => $sum_total,
            'group_id' => $group_id,
            'group_items' => $group_items,
            'company_items' => $company_items,
            'company_id' => $company_id
    public function actionCleanWorkZj()
        $request = Yii::$app->request;
        $date_begin = $request->get('date_begin',date('Y-m-d'));
        $date_end = $request->get('date_end',date('Y-m-d'));

        $query = CleanFenpei::find();
        if($date_begin != '') {
            $query = $query->andWhere('fenpei_date>="'.$date_begin.'"');
        if($date_end != '') {
            $query = $query->andWhere('fenpei_date<="'.$date_end.'"');
           $CleanFenpei=$query ->count();

        return $this->render('clean-work-zj',[
            'CleanFenpei' => $CleanFenpei,
            'date_begin' => $date_begin,
            'date_end' => $date_end,

    public function actionFixWork()
        $request = Yii::$app->request;
        $date_begin = $request->get('date_begin',date('Y-m-d'));
        $date_end = $request->get('date_end',date('Y-m-d'));
        $join_date_begin = $request->get('join_date_begin',date('Y-m-d'));
        $join_date_end = $request->get('join_date_end',date('Y-m-d'));

        $username = $request->get('username');
        $group_id = $request->get('group_id');
        $company_id = $request->get('company_id');
        $group_items = GroupT::getTree((int)$this->my->group_id);
        if($this->my->id == 1 || $this->my->username=='6002')
            $group_items = GroupT::getTree();
        $group_ids[] = $group_id;
        if($group_id > 0) {
            $items = GroupT::getTree($group_id);
            foreach($items as $group_info) {
                $group_ids[] = $group_info->id;

//        原来的搜索条件
//        $userSql = '';
//        if($username != '') {
//            $userSql = ' username like "'.$username.'"';
//        }

//      现在的搜索条件
        $userSql = '';
        if($username != '') {
            $userSql = ' username like "'.$username.'" and ';
        //$userSql .= 'is_locked=0 and is_login=1';

        $user_items = $this->my->getChildren($userSql);
        if($this->my->username == '6002')
            $user_items = $this->my->getChildren($userSql,1);
        $user_items[] = $this->my;
        $user_rows = array();
        $sum_total = array();
        $sum_total[0] = '';
        $sum_total[1] = 0;
        $sum_total[2] = 0;
        $sum_total[3] = 0;
        $sum_total[4] = 0;
        $sum_total[5] = 0;
        $sum_total[6] = 0;
        $sum_total[7] = 0;

        foreach($user_items as $user_info) {
            if($user_info->is_leave == 1) continue;

            if($group_id > 0) {
                if(!in_array($user_info->group_id,$group_ids)) {
            $total[0] = 0;
            $total[1] = 0;
            $total[2] = 0;
            $total[3] = 0;
            $total[4] = 0;
            $total[5] = 0;
            $total[6] = 0;
            $total[7] = 0;

            $row = array();
            $row['id'] = $user_info->id;
            $row['username'] = $user_info->username;
            $row['truename'] = $user_info->name;


//            $tmp_query = OrderT::find()
//                ->where('user_id='.$user_info->id.' and status_id>1');
//            if($date_begin != '') {
//                $tmp_query = $tmp_query->andWhere('submit_date>="'.$date_begin.'"');
//            }
//            if($date_end != '') {
//                $tmp_query = $tmp_query->andWhere('submit_date<="'.$date_end.'"');
//            }
//            if($company_id > 0) {
//                $tmp_query = $tmp_query->andWhere('company_id='.$company_id);
//            }
////            exit;
//            foreach($tmp_query->each() as $item) {
//                $total[0]++;
//                //提单总数
//                if ($item->status_id > 0) {
//                    $total[1]++;
//                    $total[2] += $item->total1_clear;//提单总净保费
//                    $total[3] += $item->total2_clear;//交强总净保费
//                    if($item->status_id > 5) {
//                        $total[4] += $item->total1_clear;//商业已收净保费
//                        $total[5] += $item->total2_clear;//商业已收净保费
//                    }
//                    $total[6] += $item->total1_clear + $item->total2_clear;//总签单净保费
//                }
//            }

            $tmp_query = FixCarT::find()
                ->where('user_id='.$user_info->id.' and status>0');
            if($date_begin != '') {
                $tmp_query = $tmp_query->andWhere('submit_date>="'.$date_begin.'"');
            if($date_end != '') {
                $tmp_query = $tmp_query->andWhere('submit_date<="'.$date_end.'"');
            if($join_date_begin != '') {
                $tmp_query = $tmp_query->andWhere('join_date>="'.$join_date_begin.'"');
            if($join_date_end != '') {
                $tmp_query = $tmp_query->andWhere('join_date<="'.$join_date_end.'"');
            foreach($tmp_query->each() as $item) {
                if ($item->status > 0) {

                    $total[2] += $item->dingsun_hour_money;//工时费
                    $total[3] += $item->dingsun_huanjian_money;//配件费
                    $total[4] += $item->zhuche_money;//定损金额
            $total[7] = $tmp_query->count();

//            $phone_time = '';
//            $query = PhoneDayT::find()
//                ->where('user_id='.$user_info->id.' and call_date>="'.$date_begin.'" and call_date<="'.$date_end.'"');
////            echo $query->createCommand()->rawSql;
//            $items = $query->all();
//            $call_time = 0;
//            foreach($items as $item) {
//                $call_time += $item->call_time;
//            }
//            if($call_time > 0) {
//                $h = floor($call_time/3600);
//                $m = floor(($call_time - $h * 3600)/60);
//                $s = $call_time - $h * 3600 - $m * 60;
//                $phone_time =  $h.':'.$m.':'.$s;
//            }

            $total[0] = 0;
            $row['total'] = $total;
            $user_rows[] = $row;

//            $sum_total[0] += $total[0];
            $sum_total[1] += $total[1];
            $sum_total[2] += $total[2];
            $sum_total[3] += $total[3];
            $sum_total[4] += $total[4];
            $sum_total[5] += $total[5];
            $sum_total[6] += $total[6];
            $sum_total[7] += $total[7];

        $company_items = InsurerCompanyT::find()

        return $this->render('fix-work',[
            'user_rows' => $user_rows,
            'date_begin' => $date_begin,
            'date_end' => $date_end,
            'join_date_begin' => $join_date_begin,
            'join_date_end' => $join_date_end,
            'username' => $username,
            'sum_total' => $sum_total,
            'group_id' => $group_id,
            'group_items' => $group_items,
            'company_items' => $company_items,
            'company_id' => $company_id

    public function actionWorkOutput()
        $objectPHPExcel = new \PHPExcel();
        $index = 1;

        $request = Yii::$app->request;
        $date_begin = $request->get('date_begin',date('Y-m-d'));
        $date_end = $request->get('date_end',date('Y-m-d'));
        $date2_begin = $request->get('date2_begin');
        $date2_end = $request->get('date2_end');
        $username = $request->get('username');
        $group_id = $request->get('group_id');
        $company_id = $request->get('company_id');
        $group_items = GroupT::getTree((int)$this->my->group_id);
        if($this->my->id == 1 || $this->my->username=='6002')
            $group_items = GroupT::getTree();
        $group_ids[] = $group_id;
        if($group_id > 0) {
            $items = GroupT::getTree($group_id);
            foreach($items as $group_info) {
                $group_ids[] = $group_info->id;

//        原来的搜索条件
//        $userSql = '';
//        if($username != '') {
//            $userSql = ' username like "'.$username.'"';
//        }

//      现在的搜索条件
        $userSql = '';
        if($username != '') {
            $userSql = ' username like "'.$username.'" and ';
        //$userSql .= 'is_locked=0 and is_login=1';

        $user_items = $this->my->getChildren($userSql);
        if($this->my->username == '6002')
            $user_items = $this->my->getChildren($userSql,1);
        $user_items[] = $this->my;
        $user_rows = array();
        $sum_total = array();
        $sum_total[0] = '';
        $sum_total[1] = 0;
        $sum_total[2] = 0;
        $sum_total[3] = 0;
        $sum_total[4] = 0;
        $sum_total[5] = 0;
        $sum_total[6] = 0;
        $sum_total[7] = 0;
        foreach($user_items as $user_info) {
            if($user_info->is_leave == 1) continue;

            if($group_id > 0) {
                if(!in_array($user_info->group_id,$group_ids)) {
            $total[0] = 0;
            $total[1] = 0;
            $total[2] = 0;
            $total[3] = 0;
            $total[4] = 0;
            $total[5] = 0;
            $total[6] = 0;
            $total[7] = 0;

            $row = array();
            $row['id'] = $user_info->id;
            $row['username'] = trim($user_info->username);
            $row['truename'] = $user_info->name;
            $tmp_query = OrderT::find()
                ->where('user_id='.$user_info->id.' and status_id>1');
            if($date_begin != '') {
                $tmp_query = $tmp_query->andWhere('submit_date>="'.$date_begin.'"');
            if($date_end != '') {
                $tmp_query = $tmp_query->andWhere('submit_date<="'.$date_end.'"');
            if($date2_begin != '') {
                $tmp_query = $tmp_query->andWhere('print_date>="'.$date2_begin.'"');
            if($date2_end != '') {
                $tmp_query = $tmp_query->andWhere('print_date<="'.$date2_end.'"');
            if($company_id > 0) {
                $tmp_query = $tmp_query->andWhere('company_id='.$company_id);
//            exit;
            foreach($tmp_query->each() as $item) {

                if ($item->status_id > 0) {
                    $total[2] += $item->total1_clear;//提单总净保费
                    $total[3] += $item->total2_clear;//交强总净保费
                    if($item->status_id > 5) {
                        $total[4] += $item->total1_clear;//商业已收净保费
                        $total[5] += $item->total2_clear;//商业已收净保费
                    $total[6] += $item->total1_clear + $item->total2_clear;//总签单净保费


            $tmp_query = FixCarT::find()
                ->where('user_id='.$user_info->id.' and status>0');
            if($date_begin != '') {
                $tmp_query = $tmp_query->andWhere('submit_date>="'.$date_begin.'"');
            if($date_end != '') {
                $tmp_query = $tmp_query->andWhere('submit_date<="'.$date_end.'"');
            if($date2_begin != '') {
                $tmp_query = $tmp_query->andWhere('submit_date>="'.$date2_begin.'"');
            if($date2_end != '') {
                $tmp_query = $tmp_query->andWhere('submit_date<="'.$date2_end.'"');
            $total[7] = $tmp_query->count();

            $phone_time = '';
            $query = PhoneDayT::find()
                ->where('user_id='.$user_info->id.' and call_date>="'.$date_begin.'" and call_date<="'.$date_end.'"');
//            echo $query->createCommand()->rawSql;
            $items = $query->all();
            $call_time = 0;
            foreach($items as $item) {
                $call_time += $item->call_time;
            if($call_time > 0) {
                $h = floor($call_time/3600);
                $m = floor(($call_time - $h * 3600)/60);
                $s = $call_time - $h * 3600 - $m * 60;
                $phone_time =  $h.':'.$m.':'.$s;

            $total[0] = $phone_time;
            $row['total'] = $total;
            $user_rows[] = $row;

//            $sum_total[0] += $total[0];
//            $sum_total[1] += $total[1];
//            $sum_total[2] += $total[2];
//            $sum_total[3] += $total[3];
//            $sum_total[4] += $total[4];
//            $sum_total[5] += $total[5];
//            $sum_total[6] += $total[6];
//            $sum_total[7] += $total[7];

        header('Content-Type: application/vnd.ms-excel;charset=utf-8');
        header('Cache-Control: max-age=0');
        $objWriter = \PHPExcel_IOFactory::createWriter($objectPHPExcel, 'Excel5');


    public function actionWorkInfo()
        $request = Yii::$app->request;
        $user_id = $request->get('user_id');
        $date_begin = $request->get('date_begin');
        $date_end = $request->get('date_end');
        $date2_begin = $request->get('date2_begin');
        $date2_end = $request->get('date2_end');
        $username = $request->get('username');

        $user_info = UserT::findOne(['id'=>$user_id]);

        $total[0] = '';
        $total[1] = 0;
        $total[2] = 0;
        $total[3] = 0;
        $total[4] = 0;
        $total[5] = 0;
        $total[6] = 0;
        $total[7] = 0;
        $total[8] = 0;
        $total[9] = 0;
        $total[10] = 0;

        $tmp_query = OrderT::find()
            ->where('user_id='.$user_info->id.' and status_id>1')
            ->andWhere('insurance_status=1 or insurance_status=3');
        if($date_begin != '') {
            $tmp_query = $tmp_query->andWhere('submit_date>="'.$date_begin.'"');
        if($date_end != '') {
            $tmp_query = $tmp_query->andWhere('submit_date<="'.$date_end.'"');
        if($date2_begin != '') {
            $tmp_query = $tmp_query->andWhere('print_date>="'.$date2_begin.'"');
        if($date2_end != '') {
            $tmp_query = $tmp_query->andWhere('print_date<="'.$date2_end.'"');
//        echo $tmp_query->createCommand()->rawSql."<br>";
        $items = $tmp_query->all();
        foreach($items as $item) {
            if($item->status_id > 1) {
                $total[2] += $item->total1_clear;//商业总净保费
                $total[3] += $item->total1;//商业含税总保费
                $total[4] += $item->total2_clear;//交强总净保费
                $total[5] += $item->total2;//交强含税总保费
                $total[6] += $item->total3;//车船税
                $total[7] += $item->total_all;//共计签单
                $total[8] += $item->total1_real;//折扣后商业净保费
                $total[9] += $item->total1_dis;//减免金额
                $total[10] += $item->total_real;//应收

        $phone_time = '';
        $total[0] = $phone_time;

        return $this->render('work-info',[
            'user_info' => $user_info,
            'items' => $items,
            'date_begin' => $date_begin,
            'date_end' => $date_end,
            'date2_begin' => $date2_begin,
            'date2_end' => $date2_end,
            'username' => $username,
            'total' => $total
    public function actionFixWorkInfo()
        $request = Yii::$app->request;
        $user_id = $request->get('user_id');
        $date_begin = $request->get('date_begin');
        $date_end = $request->get('date_end');
        $join_date_begin = $request->get('join_date_begin');
        $join_date_end = $request->get('join_date_end');
        $username = $request->get('username');

        $user_info = UserT::findOne(['id'=>$user_id]);

        $total[0] = 0;
        $total[1] = 0;
        $total[2] = 0;

        $tmp_query = FixCarT::find()
            ->where('user_id='.$user_info->id.' and status>0');
        if($date_begin != '') {
            $tmp_query = $tmp_query->andWhere('submit_date>="'.$date_begin.'"');
        if($date_end != '') {
            $tmp_query = $tmp_query->andWhere('submit_date<="'.$date_end.'"');
        if($join_date_begin != '') {
            $tmp_query = $tmp_query->andWhere('join_date>="'.$join_date_begin.'"');
        if($join_date_end != '') {
            $tmp_query = $tmp_query->andWhere('join_date<="'.$join_date_end.'"');

//        echo $tmp_query->createCommand()->rawSql."<br>";
        $items = $tmp_query->all();
        foreach($items as $item) {
            if ($item->status > 0) {

                $total[0] += $item->dingsun_hour_money;//工时费
                $total[1] += $item->dingsun_huanjian_money;//配件费
                $total[2] += $item->zhuche_money;//定损金额
//        foreach($items as $item) {
//            $total[0]++;
//            //提单总数
//            if($item->status_id > 1) {
//                $total[1]++;
//                $total[2] += $item->total1_clear;//商业总净保费
//                $total[3] += $item->total1;//商业含税总保费
//                $total[4] += $item->total2_clear;//交强总净保费
//                $total[5] += $item->total2;//交强含税总保费
//                $total[6] += $item->total3;//车船税
//                $total[7] += $item->total_all;//共计签单
//                $total[8] += $item->total1_real;//折扣后商业净保费
//                $total[9] += $item->total1_dis;//减免金额
//                $total[10] += $item->total_real;//应收
//            }
//        }
//        //通时
//        $phone_time = '';
//        $total[0] = $phone_time;

        return $this->render('fix-work-info',[
            'user_info' => $user_info,
            'items' => $items,
            'date_begin' => $date_begin,
            'date_end' => $date_end,
            'join_date_begin' => $join_date_begin,
            'join_date_end' => $join_date_end,
            'username' => $username,
            'total' => $total

    public function actionNonWork()
        $request = Yii::$app->request;
        $date_begin = $request->get('date_begin',date('Y-m-d'));
        $date_end = $request->get('date_end',date('Y-m-d'));
        $date2_begin = $request->get('date2_begin');
        $date2_end = $request->get('date2_end');
        $username = $request->get('username');
        $group_id = $request->get('group_id');
        $company_id = $request->get('company_id');
        $group_items = GroupT::getTree((int)$this->my->group_id);
        if($this->my->id == 1 || $this->my->username=='6002')
            $group_items = GroupT::getTree();
        $group_ids[] = $group_id;
        if($group_id > 0) {
            $items = GroupT::getTree($group_id);
            foreach($items as $group_info) {
                $group_ids[] = $group_info->id;

//        原来的搜索条件
//        $userSql = '';
//        if($username != '') {
//            $userSql = ' username like "'.$username.'"';
//        }

//      现在的搜索条件
        $userSql = '';
        if($username != '') {
            $userSql = ' username like "'.$username.'" and ';
        //$userSql .= 'is_locked=0 and is_login=1';

        $user_items = $this->my->getChildren($userSql);
        if($this->my->username == '6002')
            $user_items = $this->my->getChildren($userSql,1);
        $user_items[] = $this->my;
        $user_rows = array();
        $sum_total = array();
        $sum_total[0] = '';
        $sum_total[1] = 0;
        $sum_total[2] = 0;
        $sum_total[3] = 0;
        $sum_total[4] = 0;
        $sum_total[5] = 0;
        $sum_total[6] = 0;
        $sum_total[7] = 0;
        foreach($user_items as $user_info) {
            if($user_info->is_leave == 1) continue;

            if($group_id > 0) {
                if(!in_array($user_info->group_id,$group_ids)) {
            $total[0] = 0;
            $total[1] = 0;
            $total[2] = 0;
            $total[3] = 0;
            $total[4] = 0;
            $total[5] = 0;
            $total[6] = 0;
            $total[7] = 0;

            $row = array();
            $row['id'] = $user_info->id;
            $row['username'] = $user_info->username;
            $row['truename'] = $user_info->name;
            $tmp_query = OrderT::find()
                ->where('user_id='.$user_info->id.' and status_id>1')
            if($date_begin != '') {
                $tmp_query = $tmp_query->andWhere('submit_date>="'.$date_begin.'"');
            if($date_end != '') {
                $tmp_query = $tmp_query->andWhere('submit_date<="'.$date_end.'"');
            if($date2_begin != '') {
                $tmp_query = $tmp_query->andWhere('print_date>="'.$date2_begin.'"');
            if($date2_end != '') {
                $tmp_query = $tmp_query->andWhere('print_date<="'.$date2_end.'"');
            if($company_id > 0) {
                $tmp_query = $tmp_query->andWhere('company_id='.$company_id);

//            exit;
            foreach($tmp_query->each() as $item) {
                if ($item->status_id > 0) {
                    $total[2] += $item->nona->baofei;//保险费用
                    $total[3] += $item->non_num;//投保份数


            $phone_time = '';

            $total[0] = $phone_time;
            $row['total'] = $total;
            $user_rows[] = $row;

//            $sum_total[0] += $total[0];
            $sum_total[1] += $total[1];
            $sum_total[2] += $total[2];
            $sum_total[3] += $total[3];


        $company_items = InsurerCompanyT::find()

        return $this->render('non-work',[
            'user_rows' => $user_rows,
            'date_begin' => $date_begin,
            'date_end' => $date_end,
            'date2_begin' => $date2_begin,
            'date2_end' => $date2_end,
            'username' => $username,
            'sum_total' => $sum_total,
            'group_id' => $group_id,
            'group_items' => $group_items,
            'company_items' => $company_items,
            'company_id' => $company_id
    public function actionNonWorkInfo()
        $request = Yii::$app->request;
        $user_id = $request->get('user_id');
        $date_begin = $request->get('date_begin');
        $date_end = $request->get('date_end');
        $date2_begin = $request->get('date2_begin');
        $date2_end = $request->get('date2_end');
        $username = $request->get('username');

        $user_info = UserT::findOne(['id'=>$user_id]);

        $total[0] = '';
        $total[1] = 0;
        $total[2] = 0;
        $total[3] = 0;
        $total[4] = 0;
        $total[5] = 0;
        $total[6] = 0;
        $total[7] = 0;
        $total[8] = 0;
        $total[9] = 0;
        $total[10] = 0;

        $tmp_query = OrderT::find()
            ->where('user_id='.$user_info->id.' and status_id>1')

        if($date_begin != '') {
            $tmp_query = $tmp_query->andWhere('submit_date>="'.$date_begin.'"');
        if($date_end != '') {
            $tmp_query = $tmp_query->andWhere('submit_date<="'.$date_end.'"');
        if($date2_begin != '') {
            $tmp_query = $tmp_query->andWhere('print_date>="'.$date2_begin.'"');
        if($date2_end != '') {
            $tmp_query = $tmp_query->andWhere('print_date<="'.$date2_end.'"');
//        echo $tmp_query->createCommand()->rawSql."<br>";
        $items = $tmp_query->all();
        foreach($items as $item) {
            if($item->status_id > 1) {
                $total[2] += $item->nona->baofei;//保险费用
                $total[3] += $item->non_num;//投保份数


        return $this->render('non-work-info',[
            'user_info' => $user_info,
            'items' => $items,
            'date_begin' => $date_begin,
            'date_end' => $date_end,
            'date2_begin' => $date2_begin,
            'date2_end' => $date2_end,
            'username' => $username,
            'total' => $total