You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

641 lines
30 KiB

declare (strict_types = 1);
namespace app\controller;
use app\BaseController;
use app\model\CarInfoT;
use app\model\ExportLogT;
use app\model\JobsT;
use app\model\PeerPhoneT;
use app\model\RepeatFrameT;
use excel\Excel;
use think\facade\Cache;
use think\facade\Db;
use think\facade\Filesystem;
use think\facade\Queue;
use think\Request;
use think\response\Json;
class Task extends BaseController
* @var JobsT
private $model;
public function initialize()
parent::initialize(); // TODO: Change the autogenerated stub
$this->model = new JobsT;
public function test(){
return Db::table('jobs_t')->where('id',8917)->update(['payload' => '{"job":"app\\jobs\\DelayQueue","maxTries":null,"timeout":null,"data":{"params":{"task_type":"5","original_filename":"\u5bfc\u51fa\u6e05\u6d17\u5931\u8d252019-02-01\u20142019-02-28\u7b2c3\u62791472\u6761(\u6267\u884c\u7ed3\u679c)","filename":"uploads\/20201122\\88559f1802f684d14c2e9aa1def8353e.xlsx"},"controller":"service\\CarInfoHandle","action":"carInfoUpdate"}}']);
* 显示资源列表
* @return string
* @throws \Exception
public function index()
return $this->fetch();
* @return \think\response\Json
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function taskInfo(){
$page = $this->request->param('page', 1);
$limit = $this->request->param('limit', 20);
$queue = $this->request->param('queue', '');
if ($page <= 1) {
$page = 1;
$offset = ($page - 1) * $limit;
$query = $this->model->field(['id','payload','remark', 'type', 'queue', 'download_times',
"(case `status` when 2 then '100' else '0' end)" => 'process',
'date_format(from_unixtime(create_time),"%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s") as create_timestamp',
"(case `type` when 1 then '导入' when 2 then '导出' when 3 then '同行电话' when 4 then '重复车架号' when 5 then '更新车辆信息' when 6 then '清除重复电话' when 7 then '删除重复数据' else '' end)" => 'type_txt',
"(case `status` when 0 then '排队中' when 1 then '处理中' when 2 then '已完成' when 3 then '失败' else '' end)" => 'status', 'create_time']);
if($queue != ''){
$query = $query->where('queue','like','%'. $queue .'%')->whereOr('payload','like','%'. str_replace(['\\','"'],['_',''],json_encode($queue)) .'%');
$count = $query->count();
$list = $query->limit($offset, (int)$limit)->order('id desc')->select()->toArray();
foreach ($list as &$item){
if($item['type'] == 1 || $item['type'] == 5){
$item['type_txt'] = json_decode($item['payload'],true)['data']['params']['original_filename'] ?? '';
if ($item['type'] == 2) {
$item['type_txt'] = $item['queue'] != 'default' ? $item['queue']: $item['type_txt'];
if($item['type'] == 3){
$item['info_num'] = PeerPhoneT::where(['source' => $item['id']])->count();
if($item['type'] == 4){
$item['info_num'] = RepeatFrameT::where(['source' => $item['id'], 'is_delete' => 0])->count();
$this->layui_data['data'] = $list;
$this->layui_data['count'] = $count;
return json($this->layui_data);
* 显示创建资源表单页.
public function create()
* 保存新建的资源
* @return \think\Response
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function save()
$params = $this->request->param();
$type = $this->request->param('task_type', '0');
$original_filename = $this->request->param('original_filename');
$filename = $this->request->param('filename');
$peer_phone_number = $this->request->param('peer_phone_number');
$queue = $this->request->param('queue', '');
if(isset($params['source_id']) && $params['source_id'] > 0) {
$job_info = JobsT::find($params['source_id']);
$job_info_payload = json_decode($job_info->payload,true)['data']['params'];
$params = [];
$params['export_type'] = 'repeat';
$params['export_limit'] = 0;
$params['export_table'] = $job_info->type == 3? 'peer_phone_t': ($job_info->type == 4?'repeat_frame_t':'');
$params['source_id'] = $job_info->id;
$params['export_date1'] = $job_info_payload['export_date1'];
$params['export_date2'] = $job_info_payload['export_date2'];
if (($type == 1 || $type == 5) && ( $filename == '' || ($filename != '' && !file_exists(public_path('public/storage') . $filename)))) {
$this->json_data['code'] = 0;
$this->json_data['msg'] = '导入文件不存在';
return json($this->json_data);
} else if ($type == 1 || $type == 5) {
$original_filename = basename($original_filename);
$original_filename = str_replace(strrchr($original_filename, '.'), '', $original_filename);
$params['original_filename'] = $original_filename;
if ($type == 2 && (!isset($params['source_id']) || $params['source_id'] <= 0) && $params['export_date1'] == '' && $params['export_date2'] == '') {
$this->json_data['code'] = 0;
$this->json_data['msg'] = '请先填写注册日期';
return json($this->json_data);
} else if ($type == 2 && isset($params['export_type']) && $params['export_type'] != '' && !in_array($params['export_type'], ['bhx', 'bmc', 'failed', 'repeat', 'failed_bmc', 'none_bmc', 'success_bmc'])) {
$this->json_data['code'] = 0;
$this->json_data['msg'] = '导出类型错误,请选择正确的导出类型';
return json($this->json_data);
} else if ($type == 2) {
if(trim($params['export_limit']) === ''){
$this->json_data['code'] = 0;
$this->json_data['msg'] = '导出数量必填';
return json($this->json_data);
$where = [];
$map_or1 = [];
$map_or2 = [];
if(isset($params['export_date1']) && $params['export_date1'] != ''){
$where[] = ['car_info_t.register_date', '>=', $params['export_date1']];
if(isset($params['export_date2']) && $params['export_date2'] != ''){
$where[] = ['car_info_t.register_date', '<=', $params['export_date2']];
if (isset($params['price1']) && $params['price1'] != '') {
$where[] = ['car_info_t.purchase_price', '>=', $params['price1'] * 10000];
if (isset($params['price2']) && $params['price2'] != '') {
$where[] = ['car_info_t.purchase_price', '<=', $params['price2'] * 10000];
if(isset($params['empty_phone_check']) && $params['empty_phone_check'] == 'yes'){
$where[] = ['car_phone', '<>', ''];
foreach ($params['export_field'] as $item){
$where[] = [$item, '<>', ''];
if(isset($params['export_type']) && $params['export_type'] != '' && $params['export_limit'] != 0){
if($params['export_type'] == 'bhx'){
$where[] = ['is_export_bhx', '=', 0];
$where[] = ['is_update_bhx', '=', 0];
$where[] = ['is_export_bmc', '=', 0];
$where[] = ['is_export_failed', '=', 0];
$where[] = ['is_export_failed_bmc', '=', 0];
if($params['export_type'] == 'bmc'){
$where[] = ['is_export_bhx', '>', 0];
$where[] = ['is_update_bhx', '>', 0];
$where[] = ['is_export_bmc', '=', 0];
if($params['update_no'] > 0){
$where[] = ['is_update_bhx', '=', $params['update_no']];
if ($params['export_type'] == 'failed') {
$where[] = ['is_export_bhx', '>', 0];
$where[] = ['is_update_bhx', '<', 0];
$where[] = ['is_export_bmc', '=', 0];
$where[] = ['is_export_failed', '=', 0];
if ($params['export_type'] == 'failed_bmc') {
$where[] = ['is_export_bhx', '>', 0];
$where[] = ['is_update_bhx', '<', 0];
$where[] = ['is_export_bmc', '=', 0];
$where[] = ['is_export_failed_bmc', '=', 0];
if ($params['export_type'] == 'none_bmc') {
$where[] = ['is_export_bhx', '=', 0];
$where[] = ['is_update_bhx', '=', 0];
$where[] = ['is_export_bmc', '=', 0];
$where[] = ['is_export_failed', '=', 0];
$where[] = ['is_export_failed_bmc', '=', 0];
$where[] = ['is_export_none_bmc', '=', 0];
if ($params['export_type'] == 'success_bmc') {
$where[] = ['is_export_bhx', '>', 0];
$where[] = ['is_update_bhx', '>', 0];
$where[] = ['is_export_bmc', '>', 0];
$insurer_date1 = $params['insurer_date1']??'';
$insurer_date2 = $params['insurer_date2']??'';
$map_or1[] = ['car_info_t.insurer1_date', '>=', $insurer_date1];
$map_or2[] = ['car_info_t.insurer2_date', '>=', $insurer_date1];
$map_or1[] = ['car_info_t.insurer1_date', '<=', $insurer_date2];
$map_or2[] = ['car_info_t.insurer2_date', '<=', $insurer_date2];
$insurer_month1 = $params['insurer_month1']??'';
$insurer_day1 = $params['insurer_day1']??'';
$insurer_month2 = $params['insurer_month2']??'';
$insurer_day2 = $params['insurer_day2']??'';
if($insurer_month1 != '' && $insurer_day1 == '') {
$map_or1[] = [Db::raw('month(car_info_t.insurer1_date)'), '>=', $insurer_month1];
$map_or2[] = [Db::raw('month(car_info_t.insurer2_date)'), '>=', $insurer_month1];
} else if ($insurer_month1 == '' && $insurer_day1 != '') {
$map_or1[] = [Db::raw('day(car_info_t.insurer1_date)'), '>=', $insurer_day1];
$map_or2[] = [Db::raw('day(car_info_t.insurer2_date)'), '>=', $insurer_day1];
} else if ($insurer_month1 != '' && $insurer_day1 != '') {
$map_or1[] = [Db::raw('DATE_FORMAT(car_info_t.insurer1_date,"%m-%d")'), '>=', substr('0' . $insurer_month1, -2) . '-' . substr('0' . $insurer_day1, -2)];
$map_or2[] = [Db::raw('DATE_FORMAT(car_info_t.insurer2_date,"%m-%d")'), '>=', substr('0' . $insurer_month1, -2) . '-' . substr('0' . $insurer_day1, -2)];
if($insurer_month2 != '' && $insurer_day2 == '') {
$map_or1[] = [Db::raw('month(car_info_t.insurer1_date)'), '<=', $insurer_month2];
$map_or2[] = [Db::raw('month(car_info_t.insurer2_date)'), '<=', $insurer_month2];
} else if ($insurer_month2 == '' && $insurer_day2 != '') {
$map_or1[] = [Db::raw('day(car_info_t.insurer1_date)'), '<=', $insurer_day2];
$map_or2[] = [Db::raw('day(car_info_t.insurer2_date)'), '<=', $insurer_day2];
} else if ($insurer_month2 != '' && $insurer_day2 != '') {
$map_or1[] = [Db::raw('DATE_FORMAT(car_info_t.insurer1_date,"%m-%d")'), '<=', substr('0' . $insurer_month2, -2) . '-' . substr('0' . $insurer_day2, -2)];
$map_or2[] = [Db::raw('DATE_FORMAT(car_info_t.insurer2_date,"%m-%d")'), '<=', substr('0' . $insurer_month2, -2) . '-' . substr('0' . $insurer_day2, -2)];
if(count($map_or1) > 0){
$map_or1 = array_merge([['car_info_t.insurer1_date', '<>', '']],$map_or1);
if(count($map_or2) > 0){
$map_or2 = array_merge([['car_info_t.insurer1_date', '=', ''],['car_info_t.insurer2_date', '<>', '']],$map_or2);
$query = CarInfoT::where($where)->where(function ($query) use ($map_or1, $map_or2) {
if (count($map_or1) > 0 && count($map_or2) > 0){
$query->whereOr([$map_or1, $map_or2]);
$count = $query->count();
if ($count < $params['export_limit']) {
$this->json_data['code'] = 0;
$this->json_data['msg'] = '当前导出数量为' . $count . ', 不足' . $params['export_limit'] . ',请检查条件';
return json($this->json_data);
if ($type == 3 && $peer_phone_number <= 0) {
$this->json_data['code'] = 0;
$this->json_data['msg'] = '请填写正确的个人电话重复数';
return json($this->json_data);
if ($type == 3 || $type == 4) {
$where = [];
if($params['export_date1'] != ''){
$where[] = ['car_info_t.register_date', '>=', $params['export_date1']];
if($params['export_date2'] != ''){
$where[] = ['car_info_t.register_date', '<=', $params['export_date2']];
$count = CarInfoT::where($where)->count();
if ($count <= 0) {
$this->json_data['code'] = 0;
$this->json_data['msg'] = '当前待处理数据为空,请检查条件';
return json($this->json_data);
$action = [
$id = Queue::push(
['params' => $params, 'controller' => 'service\\CarInfoHandle', 'action' => $action[$type]],
$queue, $type);
if (!$id) {
$this->json_data['code'] = 0;
$this->json_data['msg'] = '任务创建失败';
return json($this->json_data);
* 显示指定的资源
* @param int $id
* @return \think\Response
public function read($id)
* 显示编辑资源表单页.
* @param int $id
* @return \think\Response
public function edit($id)
* 保存更新的资源
* @param \think\Request $request
* @param int $id
* @return \think\Response
public function update(Request $request, $id)
* 删除指定资源
* @param int $id
* @return \think\Response
public function delete($id)
* @return Json
public function upload(){
$file = request()->file('file');
$savename = Filesystem::disk('public')->putFile('uploads', $file);
$filename = public_path('public\storage') . $savename;
if ($this->checkUploadTpl($filename, $this->request->param('task_type'))) {
$this->json_data['msg'] = '上传成功';
$this->json_data['original_filename'] = $file->getOriginalName();
$this->json_data['filename'] = $savename;
} else {
$this->json_data['code'] = 0;
$this->json_data['msg'] = '上传文件[' . $file->getOriginalName() . ']与模板不匹配,请检查文件重新上传';
return json($this->json_data);
public function download($id)
$job_info = JobsT::find($id);
$job_info->download_times = Db::raw('download_times+1');
$downloadName = $this->downloadName($job_info);
return download(root_path(). 'public' . $job_info->remark, $downloadName);
public function process(){
$list = JobsT::where('status', '=', 1)
->whereOr('create_time', '>=', strtotime(date('Y-m-d')))
->order('create_time desc')
foreach ($list as $item) {
$process = cache('shell_process_' . $item['id']);
if($item->status == 1 || $process){
$this->json_data['data'][] = [
'id' => $item['id'],
'process' => $process,
if($process >= 100){
Cache::delete('shell_process_' . $item['id']);
return json($this->json_data);
* 导出名称
* @return \think\response\Json
public function exportName()
$export_date1 = $this->request->param('export_date1');
$export_date2 = $this->request->param('export_date2');
if ($export_date1 == '' || $export_date2 == '') {
$this->json_data['code'] = 0;
$this->json_data['msg'] = '注册日期范围不能为空';
return json($this->json_data);
$type = $this->request->param('export_type');
$export_limit = $this->request->param('export_limit');
$name = '';
if ($type == 'bhx') {
$name = '导出清洗';
} else if ($type == 'failed') {
$name = '导出清洗失败';
} else if ($type == 'bmc') {
$name = '导出清洗成功至上传';
} else if ($type == 'failed_bmc') {
$name = '导出清洗失败至上传';
} else if ($type == 'none_bmc') {
$name = '导出未处理至上传';
} else if ($type == 'success_bmc') {
$name = '导出清洗成功再次清洗';
$count = ExportLogT::where('name','like', $name . $export_date1 . '—' . $export_date2 . '%')->count();
$name .= $export_date1 . '—' . $export_date2 . '第' . ($count + 1) . '批' . $export_limit . '条';
$this->json_data['name'] = $name;
return json($this->json_data);
* 任务操作
* @param $jobId
* @return \think\response\Json
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function taskBtn($jobId){
$job_info = JobsT::find($jobId);
if($job_info->type == 2){
$this->json_data['btns'] = '<a class="layui-btn" href="' . url('task/download', ['id' => $job_info->id]) . '">下载文件</a>';
}else if($job_info->type == 3 && PeerPhoneT::where(['source' => $job_info->id])->count() > 0){
$this->json_data['btns'] = '
<button type="button" class="layui-btn" onclick="task_create(2,' . $job_info->id . ')">导出</button>
<button type="button" class="layui-btn layui-btn-danger" onclick="task_create(6,' . $job_info->id . ')">清除重复电话</button>
}else if($job_info->type == 4 && RepeatFrameT::where(['source' => $job_info->id, 'is_delete' => 0])->count() > 0){
$this->json_data['btns'] = '
<button type="button" class="layui-btn" onclick="task_create(2,' . $job_info->id . ')">导出</button>
<button type="button" class="layui-btn layui-btn-danger" onclick="task_create(7,' . $job_info->id . ')">删除重复数据</button>
return json($this->json_data);
public function exportNum(){
$params = $this->request->param();
$where = [];
$map_or1 = [];
$map_or2 = [];
if(isset($params['export_date1']) && $params['export_date1'] != ''){
$where[] = ['car_info_t.register_date', '>=', $params['export_date1']];
if(isset($params['export_date2']) && $params['export_date2'] != ''){
$where[] = ['car_info_t.register_date', '<=', $params['export_date2']];
if (isset($params['price1']) && $params['price1'] != '') {
$where[] = ['car_info_t.purchase_price', '>=', $params['price1'] * 10000];
if (isset($params['price2']) && $params['price2'] != '') {
$where[] = ['car_info_t.purchase_price', '<=', $params['price2'] * 10000];
if(isset($params['empty_phone_check']) && $params['empty_phone_check'] == 'yes'){
$where[] = ['car_phone', '<>', ''];
foreach ($params['export_field'] as $item){
$where[] = [$item, '<>', ''];
if(isset($params['export_type']) && $params['export_type'] != ''){
if($params['export_type'] == 'bhx'){
$where[] = ['is_export_bhx', '=', 0];
$where[] = ['is_update_bhx', '=', 0];
$where[] = ['is_export_bmc', '=', 0];
$where[] = ['is_export_failed', '=', 0];
$where[] = ['is_export_failed_bmc', '=', 0];
if($params['export_type'] == 'bmc'){
$where[] = ['is_export_bhx', '>', 0];
$where[] = ['is_update_bhx', '>', 0];
$where[] = ['is_export_bmc', '=', 0];
if($params['update_no'] > 0){
$where[] = ['is_update_bhx', '=', $params['update_no']];
if ($params['export_type'] == 'failed') {
$where[] = ['is_export_bhx', '>', 0];
$where[] = ['is_update_bhx', '<', 0];
$where[] = ['is_export_bmc', '=', 0];
$where[] = ['is_export_failed', '=', 0];
if ($params['export_type'] == 'failed_bmc') {
$where[] = ['is_export_bhx', '>', 0];
$where[] = ['is_update_bhx', '<', 0];
$where[] = ['is_export_bmc', '=', 0];
$where[] = ['is_export_failed_bmc', '=', 0];
if ($params['export_type'] == 'none_bmc') {
$where[] = ['is_export_bhx', '=', 0];
$where[] = ['is_update_bhx', '=', 0];
$where[] = ['is_export_bmc', '=', 0];
$where[] = ['is_export_failed', '=', 0];
$where[] = ['is_export_failed_bmc', '=', 0];
$where[] = ['is_export_none_bmc', '=', 0];
if ($params['export_type'] == 'success_bmc') {
$where[] = ['is_export_bhx', '>', 0];
$where[] = ['is_update_bhx', '>', 0];
$where[] = ['is_export_bmc', '>', 0];
$insurer_date1 = $params['insurer_date1']??'';
$insurer_date2 = $params['insurer_date2']??'';
$map_or1[] = ['car_info_t.insurer1_date', '>=', $insurer_date1];
$map_or2[] = ['car_info_t.insurer2_date', '>=', $insurer_date1];
$map_or1[] = ['car_info_t.insurer1_date', '<=', $insurer_date2];
$map_or2[] = ['car_info_t.insurer2_date', '<=', $insurer_date2];
$insurer_month1 = $params['insurer_month1']??'';
$insurer_day1 = $params['insurer_day1']??'';
$insurer_month2 = $params['insurer_month2']??'';
$insurer_day2 = $params['insurer_day2']??'';
if($insurer_month1 != '' && $insurer_day1 == '') {
$map_or1[] = [Db::raw('month(car_info_t.insurer1_date)'), '>=', $insurer_month1];
$map_or2[] = [Db::raw('month(car_info_t.insurer2_date)'), '>=', $insurer_month1];
} else if ($insurer_month1 == '' && $insurer_day1 != '') {
$map_or1[] = [Db::raw('day(car_info_t.insurer1_date)'), '>=', $insurer_day1];
$map_or2[] = [Db::raw('day(car_info_t.insurer2_date)'), '>=', $insurer_day1];
} else if ($insurer_month1 != '' && $insurer_day1 != '') {
$map_or1[] = [Db::raw('DATE_FORMAT(car_info_t.insurer1_date,"%m-%d")'), '>=', substr('0' . $insurer_month1, -2) . '-' . substr('0' . $insurer_day1, -2)];
$map_or2[] = [Db::raw('DATE_FORMAT(car_info_t.insurer2_date,"%m-%d")'), '>=', substr('0' . $insurer_month1, -2) . '-' . substr('0' . $insurer_day1, -2)];
if($insurer_month2 != '' && $insurer_day2 == '') {
$map_or1[] = [Db::raw('month(car_info_t.insurer1_date)'), '<=', $insurer_month2];
$map_or2[] = [Db::raw('month(car_info_t.insurer2_date)'), '<=', $insurer_month2];
} else if ($insurer_month2 == '' && $insurer_day2 != '') {
$map_or1[] = [Db::raw('day(car_info_t.insurer1_date)'), '<=', $insurer_day2];
$map_or2[] = [Db::raw('day(car_info_t.insurer2_date)'), '<=', $insurer_day2];
} else if ($insurer_month2 != '' && $insurer_day2 != '') {
$map_or1[] = [Db::raw('DATE_FORMAT(car_info_t.insurer1_date,"%m-%d")'), '<=', substr('0' . $insurer_month2, -2) . '-' . substr('0' . $insurer_day2, -2)];
$map_or2[] = [Db::raw('DATE_FORMAT(car_info_t.insurer2_date,"%m-%d")'), '<=', substr('0' . $insurer_month2, -2) . '-' . substr('0' . $insurer_day2, -2)];
if(count($map_or1) > 0){
$map_or1 = array_merge([['car_info_t.insurer1_date', '<>', '']],$map_or1);
if(count($map_or2) > 0){
$map_or2 = array_merge([['car_info_t.insurer1_date', '=', ''],['car_info_t.insurer2_date', '<>', '']],$map_or2);
$query = CarInfoT::where($where)->where(function ($query) use ($map_or1, $map_or2) {
if (count($map_or1) > 0 && count($map_or2) > 0){
$query->whereOr([$map_or1, $map_or2]);
$this->json_data['data'] = $query->count();
$this->json_data['sql'] = CarInfoT::getLastSql();
return json($this->json_data);
public function checkIsExistName($name,$type){
if($name == ''){
$this->json_data['code'] = 0;
$this->json_data['msg'] = '文件名为空,请检查';
return json($this->json_data);
if($type == 'update'){
$name = basename($name);
$name = str_replace(strrchr($name, '.'), '', $name);
$count = $this->model->where('queue', '=', $name)
->whereOr('payload', 'like', '%' . str_replace(['\\', '"'], ['_', ''], json_encode($name)) . '%')
if ($count > 0) {
$this->json_data['msg'] = $type == 'upload' ? '当前文件已处理,确定继续?' : '当前任务名已存在,是否继续';
}else {
$this->json_data['code'] = 2;
return json($this->json_data);
private function downloadName(JobsT $job_info){
$job_params = json_decode($job_info->payload,true)['data']['params'];
list(,$ext) = explode('.', $job_info->remark);
$downloadName = $job_params['export_date1'] . '-' . $job_params['export_date2'];
if($job_info->queue != 'default'){
$downloadName = $job_info->queue;
}else if($job_params['export_type'] == 'repeat' && $job_params['export_table'] == 'repeat_frame_t'){
$downloadName = '重复车架' . $downloadName;
} else if($job_params['export_type'] == 'repeat' && $job_params['export_table'] == 'peer_phone_t'){
$downloadName = '重复电话' . $downloadName;
$downloadName .= '.' . $ext;
return $downloadName;
private function checkUploadTpl($file, $type)
$path_info = pathinfo($file);
if ($type == 1) {
$spreadsheetReader = Excel::loadFile($file);
$sheet = $spreadsheetReader->getSheet(0);
$highestColumn = $sheet->getHighestColumn(); // e.g 'F'
$title = $sheet->rangeToArray("A1:{$highestColumn}1")[0];
$tpl_title = ['税号', '初登日期', '车主', '证件号', '电话号码', '车架号', '车牌号', '发动机号', '车型', '新车购置价', '商业止保日期', '交强止保日期'];
// $tpl_title = ['区域', '购车日期', '客户姓名', '证件号码', '联系方式', '车架号', '车牌号', '发动机号', '品牌型号', '新车购置价', '保险公司', '商业止保日期', '交强止保日期', '被保险人', '被保险人证件号'];
if (count(array_diff($tpl_title, $title)) > 0) {
return false;
} else if ($type == 5 && $path_info['extension'] == 'xlsx') {
$spreadsheetReader = Excel::loadFile($file);
$sheet = $spreadsheetReader->getSheet(0);
$highestColumn = $sheet->getHighestColumn(); // e.g 'F'
$title = $sheet->rangeToArray("A1:{$highestColumn}1")[0];
$tpl_title = ['车牌号', '车架号', '发动机号', '车主证件号码', '车主姓名', '被保人证件号', '被保人姓名', '投保人证件号', '投保人姓名', '品牌型号', '注册日期', '去年投保公司', '交强险到期时间', '商业险到期时间', '客户姓名', '客户电话1', '客户电话2', '客户类别', '地址信息', '客户备注1', '客户备注2', '用户姓名', '用户账号'];
if (count(array_diff($tpl_title, $title)) > 0) {
return false;
return true;