@ -1,498 +0,0 @@ |
<?php |
namespace app\controller; |
use app\BaseController; |
use app\model\CarInfoT; |
use app\model\JobsT; |
use app\model\PeerPhoneT; |
use app\model\RepeatFrameT; |
use library\Tree; |
use think\facade\Db; |
use think\facade\Filesystem; |
use think\response\Json; |
class Index extends BaseController |
{ |
/** |
* @var CarInfoT |
*/ |
private $model; |
public function initialize() |
{ |
parent::initialize(); // TODO: Change the autogenerated stub |
$this->model = new CarInfoT; |
} |
/** |
* 显示资源列表 |
* |
* @return string |
* @throws \Exception |
*/ |
public function index() |
{ |
$peer_phone_count = PeerPhoneT::count(); |
$repeat_frame_count = RepeatFrameT::count(); |
$this->assign('peer_phone_count', $peer_phone_count); |
$this->assign('repeat_frame_count', $repeat_frame_count); |
return $this->fetch(); |
} |
/** |
* @return Json |
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException |
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException |
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException |
*/ |
public function carInfo(){ |
$params = $this->request->param(); |
$page = $this->request->param('page', 1); |
$limit = $this->request->param('limit', 20); |
if ($page <= 1) { |
$page = 1; |
} |
$offset = ($page - 1) * $limit; |
$map = $this->getQueryCondition($params); |
$jobs_name = ['0' => '']; |
if (isset($params['is_check_peer_phone']) && $params['is_check_peer_phone'] > 0) { |
$params['data_check'] = 'car_phone_check'; |
} |
if ((isset($params['is_check_repeat_frame']) && $params['is_check_repeat_frame'] > 0) || |
isset($params['is_delete_frame']) && $params['is_delete_frame'] > 0) { |
$params['data_check'] = 'car_frame_check'; |
} |
if(isset($params['data_check']) && $params['data_check'] == 'car_frame_check'){ |
$query = $this->model->rightJoin('repeat_frame_t','repeat_frame_t.car_frame_no = car_info_t.car_frame_no')->field('car_info_t.*')->where($map)->order('repeat_frame_t.car_frame_no desc'); |
if (isset($params['is_check_repeat_frame']) && $params['is_check_repeat_frame'] > 0) { |
$jobs_info = JobsT::find($params['is_check_repeat_frame']); |
$job_info_payload = json_decode($jobs_info->payload,true)['data']['params']; |
if(isset($job_info_payload['export_date1']) && $job_info_payload['export_date1'] != ''){ |
$query = $query->where('car_info_t.register_date', '>=', $job_info_payload['export_date1']); |
} |
if(isset($job_info_payload['export_date2']) && $job_info_payload['export_date2'] != ''){ |
$query = $query->where('car_info_t.register_date', '<=', $job_info_payload['export_date2']); |
} |
$query = $query->where([ |
['repeat_frame_t.source', '=', $params['is_check_repeat_frame']]]); |
} else if (isset($params['is_delete_frame']) && $params['is_delete_frame'] > 0) { |
$query = $query->where('repeat_frame_t.is_delete', '=', $params['is_delete_frame']); |
} |
}else if(isset($params['data_check']) && $params['data_check'] == 'car_phone_check'){ |
$query = $this->model->rightJoin('peer_phone_t',' = car_info_t.car_phone')->field('car_info_t.*')->where($map)->order(' desc'); |
if (isset($params['is_check_peer_phone']) && $params['is_check_peer_phone'] > 0) { |
$jobs_info = JobsT::find($params['is_check_peer_phone']); |
$job_info_payload = json_decode($jobs_info->payload, true)['data']['params']; |
if (isset($job_info_payload['export_date1']) && $job_info_payload['export_date1'] != '') { |
$query = $query->where('car_info_t.register_date', '>=', $job_info_payload['export_date1']); |
} |
if (isset($job_info_payload['export_date2']) && $job_info_payload['export_date2'] != '') { |
$query = $query->where('car_info_t.register_date', '<=', $job_info_payload['export_date2']); |
} |
$query = $query->where('peer_phone_t.source', '=', $params['is_check_peer_phone'])->where('car_info_t.car_number', 'REGEXP', '^[1-9][[:digit:]]{7}((0[[:digit:]])|(1[0-2]))(([0|1|2][[:digit:]])|3[0-1])[[:digit:]]{3}$|^[1-9][[:digit:]]{5}[1-9][[:digit:]]{3}((0[[:digit:]])|(1[0-2]))(([0|1|2][[:digit:]])|3[0-1])[[:digit:]]{3}([0-9]|X)$'); |
} |
} else if (isset($params['export_name']) && $params['export_name'] != '') { |
$export_name = JobsT::where('queue', 'like', '%' . $params['export_name'] . '%')->column('queue,download_times', 'id'); |
$ids = array_keys($export_name); |
$query = $this->model->where($map)->where(function ($query) use ($ids) { |
$query->whereOr(['car_info_t.is_export_bhx' => $ids, 'car_info_t.is_export_bmc' => $ids]); |
})->field('*')->order('is_export_bhx desc,is_export_bmc desc'); |
} else { |
$query = $this->model->where($map)->order('id desc'); |
} |
$map_or1 = []; |
$map_or2 = []; |
$insurer_month1 = $params['insurer_month1']??''; |
$insurer_day1 = $params['insurer_day1']??''; |
$insurer_month2 = $params['insurer_month2']??''; |
$insurer_day2 = $params['insurer_day2']??''; |
if($insurer_month1 != '' && $insurer_day1 == '') { |
$map_or1[] = [Db::raw('month(car_info_t.insurer1_date)'), '>=', $insurer_month1]; |
$map_or2[] = [Db::raw('month(car_info_t.insurer2_date)'), '>=', $insurer_month1]; |
} else if ($insurer_month1 == '' && $insurer_day1 != '') { |
$map_or1[] = [Db::raw('day(car_info_t.insurer1_date)'), '>=', $insurer_day1]; |
$map_or2[] = [Db::raw('day(car_info_t.insurer2_date)'), '>=', $insurer_day1]; |
} else if ($insurer_month1 != '' && $insurer_day1 != '') { |
$map_or1[] = [Db::raw('DATE_FORMAT(car_info_t.insurer1_date,"%m-%d")'), '>=', substr('0' . $insurer_month1, -2) . '-' . substr('0' . $insurer_day1, -2)]; |
$map_or2[] = [Db::raw('DATE_FORMAT(car_info_t.insurer2_date,"%m-%d")'), '>=', substr('0' . $insurer_month1, -2) . '-' . substr('0' . $insurer_day1, -2)]; |
} |
if($insurer_month2 != '' && $insurer_day2 == '') { |
$map_or1[] = [Db::raw('month(car_info_t.insurer1_date)'), '<=', $insurer_month2]; |
$map_or2[] = [Db::raw('month(car_info_t.insurer2_date)'), '<=', $insurer_month2]; |
} else if ($insurer_month2 == '' && $insurer_day2 != '') { |
$map_or1[] = [Db::raw('day(car_info_t.insurer1_date)'), '<=', $insurer_day2]; |
$map_or2[] = [Db::raw('day(car_info_t.insurer2_date)'), '<=', $insurer_day2]; |
} else if ($insurer_month2 != '' && $insurer_day2 != '') { |
$map_or1[] = [Db::raw('DATE_FORMAT(car_info_t.insurer1_date,"%m-%d")'), '<=', substr('0' . $insurer_month2, -2) . '-' . substr('0' . $insurer_day2, -2)]; |
$map_or2[] = [Db::raw('DATE_FORMAT(car_info_t.insurer2_date,"%m-%d")'), '<=', substr('0' . $insurer_month2, -2) . '-' . substr('0' . $insurer_day2, -2)]; |
} |
if(count($map_or1) > 0){ |
$map_or1 = array_merge([['car_info_t.insurer1_date', '<>', '']],$map_or1); |
} |
if(count($map_or2) > 0){ |
$map_or2 = array_merge([['car_info_t.insurer1_date', '=', ''],['car_info_t.insurer2_date', '<>', '']],$map_or2); |
} |
if (count($map_or1) > 0 && count($map_or2) > 0) { |
$query = $query->where(function ($query) use ($map_or1, $map_or2) { |
if (count($map_or1) > 0 && count($map_or2) > 0) { |
$query->whereOr([$map_or1, $map_or2]); |
} |
}); |
} |
if (isset($params['data_filter']) && !empty($params['data_filter'])) { |
$map = $this->getAddStatusQuery(array_flip($params['data_filter'])); |
if(count($map) > 1 ){ |
$query = $query->where(function ($query) use ($map) { |
if (count($map) > 0){ |
$query->whereOr($map); |
} |
}); |
}else { |
$query = $query->where($map); |
} |
} |
$count = $query->count(); |
$list = $query->limit($offset, $limit)->select()->toArray(); |
if(isset($export_name) && count($export_name) > 0 ){ |
$jobs_name = $jobs_name + $export_name; |
} |
foreach ($list as &$item) { |
$item['export_bhx_name'] = $jobs_name[$item['is_export_bhx']]['queue'] ?? ''; |
$item['export_bmc_name'] = $jobs_name[$item['is_export_bmc']]['queue'] ?? ''; |
$item['bhx_download_times'] = $jobs_name[$item['is_export_bhx']]['download_times'] ?? 0; |
$item['bmc_download_times'] = $jobs_name[$item['is_export_bmc']]['download_times'] ?? 0; |
} |
$this->layui_data['data'] = $list; |
$this->layui_data['count'] = $count; |
return json($this->layui_data); |
} |
/** |
* 显示编辑资源表单页. |
* |
* @param int $id |
* @return string |
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException |
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException |
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException |
*/ |
public function edit($id) |
{ |
$car_info = $this->model->find($id); |
if($this->request->isGet()){ |
$this->assign('info', $car_info); |
return $this->fetch(); |
}else if($this->request->isPost()){ |
$data = $this->request->param(); |
$car_info->car_no = $data['car_no'] ?? $car_info->car_no; |
$car_info->car_frame_no = $data['car_frame_no'] ?? $car_info->car_frame_no; |
$car_info->engine_no = $data['engine_no'] ?? $car_info->engine_no; |
$car_info->factory_model = $data['factory_model'] ?? $car_info->factory_model; |
$car_info->register_date = $data['register_date'] ?? $car_info->register_date; |
$car_info->purchase_price = $data['purchase_price'] ?? $car_info->purchase_price; |
$car_info->company = $data['company'] ?? $car_info->company; |
$car_info->insurer1_date = $data['insurer1_date'] ?? $car_info->insurer1_date; |
$car_info->insurer2_date = $data['insurer2_date'] ?? $car_info->insurer2_date; |
$car_info->car_man = $data['car_man'] ?? $car_info->car_man; |
$car_info->car_number = $data['car_number'] ?? $car_info->car_number; |
$car_info->car_phone = $data['car_phone'] ?? $car_info->car_phone; |
$car_info->id_man = $data['id_man'] ?? $car_info->id_man; |
$car_info->id_number = $data['id_number'] ?? $car_info->id_number; |
$car_info->update_timestamp = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); |
if($car_info->save()){ |
return json($this->json_data); |
}else { |
$this->json_data['code'] = 0; |
$this->json_data['msg'] = '保存失败'; |
return json($this->layui_data); |
} |
} |
} |
/** |
* 删除指定资源 |
* @param $id |
* @return Json |
*/ |
public function delete($id) |
{ |
// |
$this->json_data['code'] = intval($this->model->destroy($id)); |
$this->json_data['msg'] = $this->json_data['code'] ? '删除成功' : '删除失败'; |
return json($this->json_data); |
} |
/** |
* 批量删除 |
* @return Json |
* @throws \Exception |
*/ |
public function deletes() |
{ |
// |
$params = $this->request->param(); |
$map = $this->getQueryCondition($params); |
if($this->model->where($map)->delete()){ |
$this->json_data['msg'] = '删除成功'; |
}else { |
$this->json_data['code'] = 0; |
$this->json_data['msg'] = '删除失败'; |
} |
return json($this->json_data); |
} |
/** |
* 清除数据 |
* @return Json |
*/ |
public function truncate(){ |
$ret = Db::execute("truncate table car_info_t"); |
if($ret === false){ |
$this->json_data['code'] = 0; |
$this->json_data['msg'] = '删除失败'; |
}else { |
$this->json_data['msg'] = '删除成功'; |
} |
return json($this->json_data); |
} |
/** |
* @param $id |
* @return Json |
*/ |
public function clearPhone($id){ |
$this->json_data['code'] = $this->model->where('id', $id)->update(['car_phone' => '']); |
$this->json_data['msg'] = $this->json_data['code'] ? '操作成功' : '操作失败'; |
return json($this->json_data); |
} |
/** |
* 保存更新的资源 |
* |
* @param int $id |
* @param $field |
* @param $value |
* @return \think\Response |
*/ |
public function update($id, $field, $value) |
{ |
$this->json_data['code'] = $this->model->where('id', $id)->update([$field => $value]); |
$this->json_data['msg'] = $this->json_data['code'] ? '更新成功' : '更新失败'; |
return json($this->json_data); |
} |
public function login(){ |
$password = $this->request->param('password',''); |
if ($password === 'wuwei088277') { |
session('login_time', time()); |
session('last_action', time()); |
}else { |
$this->json_data['code'] = 0; |
$this->json_data['msg'] = '密码错误'; |
} |
return json($this->json_data); |
} |
/** |
* @param $params |
* @return array |
*/ |
private function getQueryCondition($params) |
{ |
$map = []; |
if (isset($params['car_man']) && $params['car_man'] != '') { |
$car_man = explode(',', str_replace(',', '', $params['car_man'])); |
array_walk($car_man, function (&$value) { |
$value = '%' . $value . '%'; |
}); |
$map[] = ['car_info_t.car_man', 'like', $car_man]; |
} |
if (isset($params['factory_model']) && $params['factory_model'] != '') { |
$factory_model = explode(',', str_replace(',', '', $params['factory_model'])); |
array_walk($factory_model, function (&$value) { |
$value = '%' . $value . '%'; |
}); |
$map[] = ['car_info_t.factory_model', 'like', $factory_model]; |
} |
if (isset($params['car_frame_no']) && $params['car_frame_no'] != '') { |
$map[] = ['car_info_t.car_frame_no', '=', $params['car_frame_no']]; |
} |
if (isset($params['car_no']) && $params['car_no'] != '') { |
$map[] = ['car_info_t.car_no', '=', $params['car_no']]; |
} |
if (isset($params['car_number']) && $params['car_number'] != '') { |
$map[] = ['car_info_t.car_number', '=', $params['car_number']]; |
} |
if (isset($params['car_phone']) && $params['car_phone'] != '') { |
$map[] = ['car_info_t.car_phone', '=', $params['car_phone']]; |
} |
if (isset($params['register_date']) && $params['register_date'] != '') { |
$map[] = ['car_info_t.register_date', '=', $params['register_date']]; |
} |
if (isset($params['car_phone_empty']) && $params['car_phone_empty'] == 'yes') { |
$map[] = ['car_info_t.car_phone', '<>', '']; |
} |
if (isset($params['car_phone_empty']) && $params['car_phone_empty'] == 'no') { |
$map[] = ['car_info_t.car_phone', '=', '']; |
} |
if (isset($params['car_phone_repeat']) && $params['car_phone_repeat'] == 'yes') { |
$map[] = ['', '=', '']; |
} |
if (isset($params['is_update_bhx']) && $params['is_update_bhx'] > 0 ) { |
$map[] = ['car_info_t.is_update_bhx', '=', $params['is_update_bhx']]; |
} |
if (isset($params['is_export_bhx']) && $params['is_export_bhx'] > 0 ) { |
$map[] = ['car_info_t.is_export_bhx', '=', $params['is_export_bhx']]; |
} |
if (isset($params['is_export_bmc']) && $params['is_export_bmc'] > 0 ) { |
$map[] = ['car_info_t.is_export_bmc', '=', $params['is_export_bmc']]; |
} |
if (isset($params['is_export_failed']) && $params['is_export_failed'] > 0 ) { |
$map[] = ['car_info_t.is_export_failed', '=', $params['is_export_failed']]; |
} |
if (isset($params['is_export_failed_bmc']) && $params['is_export_failed_bmc'] > 0 ) { |
$map[] = ['car_info_t.is_export_failed_bmc', '=', $params['is_export_failed_bmc']]; |
} |
if (isset($params['is_export_none_bmc']) && $params['is_export_none_bmc'] > 0 ) { |
$map[] = ['car_info_t.is_export_none_bmc', '=', $params['is_export_none_bmc']]; |
} |
if (isset($params['source']) && $params['source'] > 0 ) { |
$map[] = ['car_info_t.source', '=', $params['source']]; |
} |
if(isset($params['register_date1']) && $params['register_date1'] != ''){ |
$map[] = ['car_info_t.register_date', '>=', $params['register_date1']]; |
} |
if(isset($params['register_date2']) && $params['register_date2'] != ''){ |
$map[] = ['car_info_t.register_date', '<=', $params['register_date2']]; |
} |
if (isset($params['price1']) && $params['price1'] != '') { |
$map[] = ['car_info_t.purchase_price', '>=', $params['price1'] * 10000]; |
} |
if (isset($params['price2']) && $params['price2'] != '') { |
$map[] = ['car_info_t.purchase_price', '<=', $params['price2'] * 10000]; |
} |
return $map; |
} |
/** |
* 添加状态筛选 |
* @param $data_filter |
* @return array |
*/ |
private function getAddStatusQuery($data_filter) |
{ |
$tree = new Tree(); |
$tree->setNode(1, isset($data_filter['bhx']) ? [['car_info_t.is_export_bhx', '>', 0]] : []); |
$tree->setNode(2, isset($data_filter['none']) ? [['car_info_t.is_export_bhx', '=', 0]] : []); |
if(isset($data_filter['bhx_success'])){ |
$tree->setNode(3, [[ |
['car_info_t.is_export_bhx', '>', 0], |
['car_info_t.is_update_bhx', '>', 0], |
]],1); |
$tree->setNode(1, [], 0); |
}else { |
$tree->setNode(3, [],1); |
} |
if(isset($data_filter['bhx_failed'])){ |
$tree->setNode(4, [[ |
['car_info_t.is_export_bhx', '>', 0], |
['car_info_t.is_update_bhx', '<', 0], |
]],1); |
$tree->setNode(1, [], 0); |
}else { |
$tree->setNode(4, [],1); |
} |
if(isset($data_filter['bhx_none'])){ |
$tree->setNode(5, [[ |
['car_info_t.is_export_bhx', '>', 0], |
['car_info_t.is_update_bhx', '=', 0], |
]],1); |
$tree->setNode(1, [], 0); |
}else { |
$tree->setNode(5, [],1); |
} |
if(isset($data_filter['none_bmc'])){ |
$tree->setNode(6, [[ |
['car_info_t.is_export_bhx', '=', 0], |
['car_info_t.is_export_none_bmc', '>', 0], |
]],2); |
$tree->setNode(2, [], 0); |
}else { |
$tree->setNode(6, [],2); |
} |
if(isset($data_filter['none_none'])){ |
$tree->setNode(7, [[ |
['car_info_t.is_export_bhx', '=', 0], |
['car_info_t.is_export_none_bmc', '=', 0], |
]],2); |
$tree->setNode(2, [], 0); |
}else { |
$tree->setNode(7, [],2); |
} |
if(isset($data_filter['bhx_success_bmc'])){ |
$tree->setNode(8, [[ |
['car_info_t.is_export_bhx', '>', 0], |
['car_info_t.is_update_bhx', '>', 0], |
['car_info_t.is_export_bmc', '>', 0], |
]],3); |
$tree->setNode(3, [], 0); |
}else { |
$tree->setNode(8, [],3); |
} |
if(isset($data_filter['bhx_success_none'])){ |
$tree->setNode(9, [[ |
['car_info_t.is_export_bhx', '>', 0], |
['car_info_t.is_update_bhx', '>', 0], |
['car_info_t.is_export_bmc', '=', 0], |
]],3); |
$tree->setNode(3, [], 0); |
}else { |
$tree->setNode(9, [],3); |
} |
if(isset($data_filter['bhx_failed_bmc'])){ |
$tree->setNode(10, [[ |
['car_info_t.is_export_bhx', '>', 0], |
['car_info_t.is_update_bhx', '=', -1], |
['car_info_t.is_export_bmc', '=', 0], |
['car_info_t.is_export_failed', '=', 0], |
['car_info_t.is_export_failed_bmc', '>', 0], |
]],4); |
$tree->setNode(4, [], 0); |
}else { |
$tree->setNode(10, [],4); |
} |
if(isset($data_filter['bhx_failed_bhx'])){ |
$tree->setNode(11, [[ |
['car_info_t.is_export_bhx', '>', 0], |
['car_info_t.is_export_bhx', '>', 0], |
['car_info_t.is_update_bhx', '=', -1], |
['car_info_t.is_export_bmc', '=', 0], |
['car_info_t.is_export_failed', '>', 0], |
]],4); |
$tree->setNode(4, [], 0); |
}else { |
$tree->setNode(11, [],4); |
} |
if(isset($data_filter['bhx_failed_none'])){ |
$tree->setNode(12, [[ |
['car_info_t.is_export_bhx', '>', 0], |
['car_info_t.is_update_bhx', '=', -1], |
['car_info_t.is_export_bmc', '=', 0], |
['car_info_t.is_export_failed', '=', 0], |
['car_info_t.is_export_failed_bmc', '=', 0], |
]],4); |
$tree->setNode(4, [], 0); |
}else { |
$tree->setNode(12, [],4); |
} |
$map = $tree->getAllChildrenNodes(0, function ($value) { |
return count($value) > 0; |
}, function ($value) { |
return $value; |
}); |
return array_column(array_filter($map), null); |
} |
} |
@ -1,605 +0,0 @@ |
<?php |
declare (strict_types = 1); |
namespace app\controller; |
use app\BaseController; |
use app\model\CarInfoT; |
use app\model\ExportLogT; |
use app\model\JobsT; |
use app\model\PeerPhoneT; |
use app\model\RepeatFrameT; |
use excel\Excel; |
use think\facade\Cache; |
use think\facade\Db; |
use think\facade\Filesystem; |
use think\facade\Queue; |
use think\Request; |
use think\response\Json; |
class Task extends BaseController |
{ |
/** |
* @var JobsT |
*/ |
private $model; |
public function initialize() |
{ |
parent::initialize(); // TODO: Change the autogenerated stub |
$this->model = new JobsT; |
} |
/** |
* 显示资源列表 |
* |
* @return string |
* @throws \Exception |
*/ |
public function index() |
{ |
return $this->fetch(); |
} |
/** |
* @return \think\response\Json |
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException |
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException |
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException |
*/ |
public function taskInfo(){ |
$page = $this->request->param('page', 1); |
$limit = $this->request->param('limit', 20); |
$queue = $this->request->param('queue', ''); |
if ($page <= 1) { |
$page = 1; |
} |
$offset = ($page - 1) * $limit; |
$query = $this->model->field(['id','payload','remark', 'type', 'queue', 'download_times', |
"(case `status` when 2 then '100' else '0' end)" => 'process', |
'date_format(from_unixtime(create_time),"%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s") as create_timestamp', |
"(case `type` when 1 then '导入' when 2 then '导出' when 3 then '同行电话' when 4 then '重复车架号' when 5 then '更新车辆信息' when 6 then '清除重复电话' when 7 then '删除重复数据' else '' end)" => 'type_txt', |
"(case `status` when 0 then '排队中' when 1 then '处理中' when 2 then '已完成' when 3 then '失败' else '' end)" => 'status', 'create_time']); |
if($queue != ''){ |
$query = $query->where('queue','like','%'. $queue .'%')->whereOr('payload','like','%'. str_replace(['\\','"'],['_',''],json_encode($queue)) .'%'); |
} |
$count = $query->count(); |
$list = $query->limit($offset, (int)$limit)->order('id desc')->select()->toArray(); |
foreach ($list as &$item){ |
if($item['type'] == 1 || $item['type'] == 5){ |
$item['type_txt'] = json_decode($item['payload'],true)['data']['params']['original_filename'] ?? ''; |
} |
if ($item['type'] == 2) { |
$item['type_txt'] = $item['queue'] != 'default' ? $item['queue']: $item['type_txt']; |
} |
if($item['type'] == 3){ |
$item['info_num'] = PeerPhoneT::where(['source' => $item['id']])->count(); |
} |
if($item['type'] == 4){ |
$item['info_num'] = RepeatFrameT::where(['source' => $item['id'], 'is_delete' => 0])->count(); |
} |
} |
$this->layui_data['data'] = $list; |
$this->layui_data['count'] = $count; |
return json($this->layui_data); |
} |
/** |
* 显示创建资源表单页. |
* |
*/ |
public function create() |
{ |
} |
/** |
* 保存新建的资源 |
* |
* @return \think\Response |
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException |
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException |
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException |
*/ |
public function save() |
{ |
$params = $this->request->param(); |
$type = $this->request->param('task_type', '0'); |
$original_filename = $this->request->param('original_filename'); |
$filename = $this->request->param('filename'); |
$peer_phone_number = $this->request->param('peer_phone_number'); |
$queue = $this->request->param('queue', ''); |
if(isset($params['source_id']) && $params['source_id'] > 0) { |
$job_info = JobsT::find($params['source_id']); |
$job_info_payload = json_decode($job_info->payload,true)['data']['params']; |
$params = []; |
$params['export_type'] = 'repeat'; |
$params['export_limit'] = 0; |
$params['export_table'] = $job_info->type == 3? 'peer_phone_t': ($job_info->type == 4?'repeat_frame_t':''); |
$params['source_id'] = $job_info->id; |
$params['export_date1'] = $job_info_payload['export_date1']; |
$params['export_date2'] = $job_info_payload['export_date2']; |
} |
if (($type == 1 || $type == 5) && ( $filename == '' || ($filename != '' && !file_exists(public_path('public/storage') . $filename)))) { |
$this->json_data['code'] = 0; |
$this->json_data['msg'] = '导入文件不存在'; |
return json($this->json_data); |
} else if ($type == 1 || $type == 5) { |
$original_filename = basename($original_filename); |
$original_filename = str_replace(strrchr($original_filename, '.'), '', $original_filename); |
$params['original_filename'] = $original_filename; |
} |
if ($type == 2 && (!isset($params['source_id']) || $params['source_id'] <= 0) && $params['export_date1'] == '' && $params['export_date2'] == '') { |
$this->json_data['code'] = 0; |
$this->json_data['msg'] = '请先填写注册日期'; |
return json($this->json_data); |
} else if ($type == 2 && isset($params['export_type']) && $params['export_type'] != '' && !in_array($params['export_type'], ['bhx', 'bmc', 'failed', 'repeat', 'failed_bmc', 'none_bmc'])) { |
$this->json_data['code'] = 0; |
$this->json_data['msg'] = '导出类型错误,请选择正确的导出类型'; |
return json($this->json_data); |
} else if ($type == 2) { |
$where = []; |
$map_or1 = []; |
$map_or2 = []; |
if(isset($params['export_date1']) && $params['export_date1'] != ''){ |
$where[] = ['car_info_t.register_date', '>=', $params['export_date1']]; |
} |
if(isset($params['export_date2']) && $params['export_date2'] != ''){ |
$where[] = ['car_info_t.register_date', '<=', $params['export_date2']]; |
} |
if (isset($params['price1']) && $params['price1'] != '') { |
$where[] = ['car_info_t.purchase_price', '>=', $params['price1'] * 10000]; |
} |
if (isset($params['price2']) && $params['price2'] != '') { |
$where[] = ['car_info_t.purchase_price', '<=', $params['price2'] * 10000]; |
} |
if(isset($params['empty_phone_check']) && $params['empty_phone_check'] == 'yes'){ |
$where[] = ['car_phone', '<>', '']; |
} |
if(isset($params['export_field'])){ |
foreach ($params['export_field'] as $item){ |
$where[] = [$item, '<>', '']; |
} |
} |
if(isset($params['export_type']) && $params['export_type'] != '' && $params['export_limit'] != 0){ |
if($params['export_type'] == 'bhx'){ |
$where[] = ['is_export_bhx', '=', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_update_bhx', '=', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_export_bmc', '=', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_export_failed', '=', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_export_failed_bmc', '=', 0]; |
} |
if($params['export_type'] == 'bmc'){ |
$where[] = ['is_export_bhx', '>', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_update_bhx', '>', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_export_bmc', '=', 0]; |
} |
if ($params['export_type'] == 'failed') { |
$where[] = ['is_export_bhx', '>', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_update_bhx', '<', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_export_bmc', '=', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_export_failed', '=', 0]; |
} |
if ($params['export_type'] == 'failed_bmc') { |
$where[] = ['is_export_bhx', '>', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_update_bhx', '<', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_export_bmc', '=', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_export_failed_bmc', '=', 0]; |
} |
if ($params['export_type'] == 'none_bmc') { |
$where[] = ['is_export_bhx', '=', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_update_bhx', '=', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_export_bmc', '=', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_export_failed', '=', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_export_failed_bmc', '=', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_export_none_bmc', '=', 0]; |
} |
} |
$insurer_month1 = $params['insurer_month1']??''; |
$insurer_day1 = $params['insurer_day1']??''; |
$insurer_month2 = $params['insurer_month2']??''; |
$insurer_day2 = $params['insurer_day2']??''; |
if($insurer_month1 != '' && $insurer_day1 == '') { |
$map_or1[] = [Db::raw('month(car_info_t.insurer1_date)'), '>=', $insurer_month1]; |
$map_or2[] = [Db::raw('month(car_info_t.insurer2_date)'), '>=', $insurer_month1]; |
} else if ($insurer_month1 == '' && $insurer_day1 != '') { |
$map_or1[] = [Db::raw('day(car_info_t.insurer1_date)'), '>=', $insurer_day1]; |
$map_or2[] = [Db::raw('day(car_info_t.insurer2_date)'), '>=', $insurer_day1]; |
} else if ($insurer_month1 != '' && $insurer_day1 != '') { |
$map_or1[] = [Db::raw('DATE_FORMAT(car_info_t.insurer1_date,"%m-%d")'), '>=', substr('0' . $insurer_month1, -2) . '-' . substr('0' . $insurer_day1, -2)]; |
$map_or2[] = [Db::raw('DATE_FORMAT(car_info_t.insurer2_date,"%m-%d")'), '>=', substr('0' . $insurer_month1, -2) . '-' . substr('0' . $insurer_day1, -2)]; |
} |
if($insurer_month2 != '' && $insurer_day2 == '') { |
$map_or1[] = [Db::raw('month(car_info_t.insurer1_date)'), '<=', $insurer_month2]; |
$map_or2[] = [Db::raw('month(car_info_t.insurer2_date)'), '<=', $insurer_month2]; |
} else if ($insurer_month2 == '' && $insurer_day2 != '') { |
$map_or1[] = [Db::raw('day(car_info_t.insurer1_date)'), '<=', $insurer_day2]; |
$map_or2[] = [Db::raw('day(car_info_t.insurer2_date)'), '<=', $insurer_day2]; |
} else if ($insurer_month2 != '' && $insurer_day2 != '') { |
$map_or1[] = [Db::raw('DATE_FORMAT(car_info_t.insurer1_date,"%m-%d")'), '<=', substr('0' . $insurer_month2, -2) . '-' . substr('0' . $insurer_day2, -2)]; |
$map_or2[] = [Db::raw('DATE_FORMAT(car_info_t.insurer2_date,"%m-%d")'), '<=', substr('0' . $insurer_month2, -2) . '-' . substr('0' . $insurer_day2, -2)]; |
} |
if(count($map_or1) > 0){ |
$map_or1 = array_merge([['car_info_t.insurer1_date', '<>', '']],$map_or1); |
} |
if(count($map_or2) > 0){ |
$map_or2 = array_merge([['car_info_t.insurer1_date', '=', ''],['car_info_t.insurer2_date', '<>', '']],$map_or2); |
} |
$query = CarInfoT::where($where)->where(function ($query) use ($map_or1, $map_or2) { |
if (count($map_or1) > 0 && count($map_or2) > 0){ |
$query->whereOr([$map_or1, $map_or2]); |
} |
}); |
$count = $query->count(); |
if ($count < $params['export_limit']) { |
$this->json_data['code'] = 0; |
$this->json_data['msg'] = '当前导出数量为' . $count . ', 不足' . $params['export_limit'] . ',请检查条件'; |
return json($this->json_data); |
} |
} |
if ($type == 3 && $peer_phone_number <= 0) { |
$this->json_data['code'] = 0; |
$this->json_data['msg'] = '请填写正确的个人电话重复数'; |
return json($this->json_data); |
} |
if ($type == 3 || $type == 4) { |
$where = []; |
if($params['export_date1'] != ''){ |
$where[] = ['car_info_t.register_date', '>=', $params['export_date1']]; |
} |
if($params['export_date2'] != ''){ |
$where[] = ['car_info_t.register_date', '<=', $params['export_date2']]; |
} |
$count = CarInfoT::where($where)->count(); |
if ($count <= 0) { |
$this->json_data['code'] = 0; |
$this->json_data['msg'] = '当前待处理数据为空,请检查条件'; |
return json($this->json_data); |
} |
} |
$action = [ |
'1'=>'import', |
'2'=>'export', |
'3'=>'peerPhones', |
'4'=>'carFrameNo', |
'5'=>'carInfoUpdate', |
'6'=>'deletePeerPhones', |
'7'=>'deleteCarFrameNo', |
]; |
$id = Queue::push( |
'app\jobs\DelayQueue', |
['params' => $params, 'controller' => 'service\\CarInfoHandle', 'action' => $action[$type]], |
$queue, $type); |
if (!$id) { |
$this->json_data['code'] = 0; |
$this->json_data['msg'] = '任务创建失败'; |
} |
return json($this->json_data); |
} |
/** |
* 显示指定的资源 |
* |
* @param int $id |
* @return \think\Response |
*/ |
public function read($id) |
{ |
// |
} |
/** |
* 显示编辑资源表单页. |
* |
* @param int $id |
* @return \think\Response |
*/ |
public function edit($id) |
{ |
// |
} |
/** |
* 保存更新的资源 |
* |
* @param \think\Request $request |
* @param int $id |
* @return \think\Response |
*/ |
public function update(Request $request, $id) |
{ |
// |
} |
/** |
* 删除指定资源 |
* |
* @param int $id |
* @return \think\Response |
*/ |
public function delete($id) |
{ |
// |
} |
/** |
* @return Json |
*/ |
public function upload(){ |
$file = request()->file('file'); |
$savename = Filesystem::disk('public')->putFile('uploads', $file); |
$filename = public_path('public\storage') . $savename; |
if ($this->checkUploadTpl($filename, $this->request->param('task_type'))) { |
$this->json_data['msg'] = '上传成功'; |
$this->json_data['original_filename'] = $file->getOriginalName(); |
$this->json_data['filename'] = $savename; |
} else { |
@unlink($filename); |
$this->json_data['code'] = 0; |
$this->json_data['msg'] = '上传文件[' . $file->getOriginalName() . ']与模板不匹配,请检查文件重新上传'; |
} |
return json($this->json_data); |
} |
public function clearSubTable(){ |
Db::startTrans(); |
try { |
Db::execute("truncate table jobs_t;"); |
Db::execute("truncate table peer_phone_t;"); |
Db::execute("truncate table repeat_frame_t;"); |
$this->json_data['msg'] = '删除成功'; |
Db::commit(); |
} catch (\Exception $e) { |
Db::rollback(); |
$this->json_data['code'] = 0; |
$this->json_data['msg'] = '删除失败'; |
} |
return json($this->json_data); |
} |
public function download($id) |
{ |
$job_info = JobsT::find($id); |
$job_info->download_times = Db::raw('download_times+1'); |
$downloadName = $this->downloadName($job_info); |
$job_info->save(); |
return download(root_path(). 'public' . $job_info->remark, $downloadName); |
} |
public function process(){ |
$list = JobsT::where('status', '=', 1) |
->whereOr('create_time', '>=', strtotime(date('Y-m-d'))) |
->order('create_time desc') |
->select(); |
foreach ($list as $item) { |
$process = cache('shell_process_' . $item['id']); |
if($item->status == 1 || $process){ |
$this->json_data['data'][] = [ |
'id' => $item['id'], |
'process' => $process, |
]; |
} |
if($process >= 100){ |
Cache::delete('shell_process_' . $item['id']); |
} |
} |
return json($this->json_data); |
} |
/** |
* 导出名称 |
* @return \think\response\Json |
*/ |
public function exportName() |
{ |
$export_date1 = $this->request->param('export_date1'); |
$export_date2 = $this->request->param('export_date2'); |
if ($export_date1 == '' || $export_date2 == '') { |
$this->json_data['code'] = 0; |
$this->json_data['msg'] = '注册日期范围不能为空'; |
return json($this->json_data); |
} |
$type = $this->request->param('export_type'); |
$export_limit = $this->request->param('export_limit'); |
$name = ''; |
if ($type == 'bhx') { |
$name = '导出清洗'; |
} else if ($type == 'failed') { |
$name = '导出清洗失败'; |
} else if ($type == 'bmc') { |
$name = '导出清洗成功至上传'; |
} else if ($type == 'failed_bmc') { |
$name = '导出清洗失败至上传'; |
} else if ($type == 'none_bmc') { |
$name = '导出未处理至上传'; |
} |
$count = ExportLogT::where('name','like', $name . $export_date1 . '—' . $export_date2 . '%')->count(); |
$name .= $export_date1 . '—' . $export_date2 . '第' . ($count + 1) . '批' . $export_limit . '条'; |
$this->json_data['name'] = $name; |
return json($this->json_data); |
} |
/** |
* 任务操作 |
* @param $jobId |
* @return \think\response\Json |
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException |
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException |
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException |
*/ |
public function taskBtn($jobId){ |
$job_info = JobsT::find($jobId); |
if($job_info->type == 2){ |
$this->json_data['btns'] = '<a class="layui-btn" href="' . url('task/download', ['id' => $job_info->id]) . '">下载文件</a>'; |
}else if($job_info->type == 3 && PeerPhoneT::where(['source' => $job_info->id])->count() > 0){ |
$this->json_data['btns'] = ' |
<button type="button" class="layui-btn" onclick="task_create(2,' . $job_info->id . ')">导出</button> |
<button type="button" class="layui-btn layui-btn-danger" onclick="task_create(6,' . $job_info->id . ')">清除重复电话</button> |
'; |
}else if($job_info->type == 4 && RepeatFrameT::where(['source' => $job_info->id, 'is_delete' => 0])->count() > 0){ |
$this->json_data['btns'] = ' |
<button type="button" class="layui-btn" onclick="task_create(2,' . $job_info->id . ')">导出</button> |
<button type="button" class="layui-btn layui-btn-danger" onclick="task_create(7,' . $job_info->id . ')">删除重复数据</button> |
'; |
} |
return json($this->json_data); |
} |
public function exportNum(){ |
$params = $this->request->param(); |
$where = []; |
$map_or1 = []; |
$map_or2 = []; |
if(isset($params['export_date1']) && $params['export_date1'] != ''){ |
$where[] = ['car_info_t.register_date', '>=', $params['export_date1']]; |
} |
if(isset($params['export_date2']) && $params['export_date2'] != ''){ |
$where[] = ['car_info_t.register_date', '<=', $params['export_date2']]; |
} |
if (isset($params['price1']) && $params['price1'] != '') { |
$where[] = ['car_info_t.purchase_price', '>=', $params['price1'] * 10000]; |
} |
if (isset($params['price2']) && $params['price2'] != '') { |
$where[] = ['car_info_t.purchase_price', '<=', $params['price2'] * 10000]; |
} |
if(isset($params['empty_phone_check']) && $params['empty_phone_check'] == 'yes'){ |
$where[] = ['car_phone', '<>', '']; |
} |
if(isset($params['export_field'])){ |
foreach ($params['export_field'] as $item){ |
$where[] = [$item, '<>', '']; |
} |
} |
if(isset($params['export_type']) && $params['export_type'] != ''){ |
if($params['export_type'] == 'bhx'){ |
$where[] = ['is_export_bhx', '=', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_update_bhx', '=', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_export_bmc', '=', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_export_failed', '=', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_export_failed_bmc', '=', 0]; |
} |
if($params['export_type'] == 'bmc'){ |
$where[] = ['is_export_bhx', '>', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_update_bhx', '>', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_export_bmc', '=', 0]; |
} |
if ($params['export_type'] == 'failed') { |
$where[] = ['is_export_bhx', '>', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_update_bhx', '<', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_export_bmc', '=', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_export_failed', '=', 0]; |
} |
if ($params['export_type'] == 'failed_bmc') { |
$where[] = ['is_export_bhx', '>', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_update_bhx', '<', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_export_bmc', '=', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_export_failed_bmc', '=', 0]; |
} |
if ($params['export_type'] == 'none_bmc') { |
$where[] = ['is_export_bhx', '=', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_update_bhx', '=', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_export_bmc', '=', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_export_failed', '=', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_export_failed_bmc', '=', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_export_none_bmc', '=', 0]; |
} |
} |
$insurer_month1 = $params['insurer_month1']??''; |
$insurer_day1 = $params['insurer_day1']??''; |
$insurer_month2 = $params['insurer_month2']??''; |
$insurer_day2 = $params['insurer_day2']??''; |
if($insurer_month1 != '' && $insurer_day1 == '') { |
$map_or1[] = [Db::raw('month(car_info_t.insurer1_date)'), '>=', $insurer_month1]; |
$map_or2[] = [Db::raw('month(car_info_t.insurer2_date)'), '>=', $insurer_month1]; |
} else if ($insurer_month1 == '' && $insurer_day1 != '') { |
$map_or1[] = [Db::raw('day(car_info_t.insurer1_date)'), '>=', $insurer_day1]; |
$map_or2[] = [Db::raw('day(car_info_t.insurer2_date)'), '>=', $insurer_day1]; |
} else if ($insurer_month1 != '' && $insurer_day1 != '') { |
$map_or1[] = [Db::raw('DATE_FORMAT(car_info_t.insurer1_date,"%m-%d")'), '>=', substr('0' . $insurer_month1, -2) . '-' . substr('0' . $insurer_day1, -2)]; |
$map_or2[] = [Db::raw('DATE_FORMAT(car_info_t.insurer2_date,"%m-%d")'), '>=', substr('0' . $insurer_month1, -2) . '-' . substr('0' . $insurer_day1, -2)]; |
} |
if($insurer_month2 != '' && $insurer_day2 == '') { |
$map_or1[] = [Db::raw('month(car_info_t.insurer1_date)'), '<=', $insurer_month2]; |
$map_or2[] = [Db::raw('month(car_info_t.insurer2_date)'), '<=', $insurer_month2]; |
} else if ($insurer_month2 == '' && $insurer_day2 != '') { |
$map_or1[] = [Db::raw('day(car_info_t.insurer1_date)'), '<=', $insurer_day2]; |
$map_or2[] = [Db::raw('day(car_info_t.insurer2_date)'), '<=', $insurer_day2]; |
} else if ($insurer_month2 != '' && $insurer_day2 != '') { |
$map_or1[] = [Db::raw('DATE_FORMAT(car_info_t.insurer1_date,"%m-%d")'), '<=', substr('0' . $insurer_month2, -2) . '-' . substr('0' . $insurer_day2, -2)]; |
$map_or2[] = [Db::raw('DATE_FORMAT(car_info_t.insurer2_date,"%m-%d")'), '<=', substr('0' . $insurer_month2, -2) . '-' . substr('0' . $insurer_day2, -2)]; |
} |
if(count($map_or1) > 0){ |
$map_or1 = array_merge([['car_info_t.insurer1_date', '<>', '']],$map_or1); |
} |
if(count($map_or2) > 0){ |
$map_or2 = array_merge([['car_info_t.insurer1_date', '=', ''],['car_info_t.insurer2_date', '<>', '']],$map_or2); |
} |
$query = CarInfoT::where($where)->where(function ($query) use ($map_or1, $map_or2) { |
if (count($map_or1) > 0 && count($map_or2) > 0){ |
$query->whereOr([$map_or1, $map_or2]); |
} |
}); |
$this->json_data['data'] = $query->count(); |
return json($this->json_data); |
} |
public function checkIsExistName($name,$type){ |
if($name == ''){ |
$this->json_data['code'] = 0; |
$this->json_data['msg'] = '文件名为空,请检查'; |
return json($this->json_data); |
} |
if($type == 'update'){ |
$name = basename($name); |
$name = str_replace(strrchr($name, '.'), '', $name); |
} |
$count = $this->model->where('queue', '=', $name) |
->whereOr('payload', 'like', '%' . str_replace(['\\', '"'], ['_', ''], json_encode($name)) . '%') |
->count(); |
if ($count > 0) { |
$this->json_data['msg'] = $type == 'upload' ? '当前文件已处理,确定继续?' : '当前任务名已存在,是否继续'; |
}else { |
$this->json_data['code'] = 2; |
} |
return json($this->json_data); |
} |
private function downloadName(JobsT $job_info){ |
$job_params = json_decode($job_info->payload,true)['data']['params']; |
list(,$ext) = explode('.', $job_info->remark); |
$downloadName = $job_params['export_date1'] . '-' . $job_params['export_date2']; |
if($job_info->queue != 'default'){ |
$downloadName = $job_info->queue; |
}else if($job_params['export_type'] == 'repeat' && $job_params['export_table'] == 'repeat_frame_t'){ |
$downloadName = '重复车架' . $downloadName; |
} else if($job_params['export_type'] == 'repeat' && $job_params['export_table'] == 'peer_phone_t'){ |
$downloadName = '重复电话' . $downloadName; |
} |
$downloadName .= '.' . $ext; |
return $downloadName; |
} |
private function checkUploadTpl($file, $type) |
{ |
$path_info = pathinfo($file); |
if ($type == 1 && $path_info['extension'] == 'csv') { |
$title = \file\FileSystem::getFileBlockData($file,0,1); |
$tpl_title = ['税号', '初登日期', '车主', '证件号', '电话号码', '车架号', '车牌号', '发动机号', '车型', '新车购置价']; |
// $tpl_title = ['区域', '购车日期', '客户姓名', '证件号码', '联系方式', '车架号', '车牌号', '发动机号', '品牌型号', '新车购置价', '保险公司', '商业止保日期', '交强止保日期', '被保险人', '被保险人证件号']; |
$title = explode(',', trim($title[0])); |
if (count(array_diff($tpl_title, $title)) > 0) { |
return false; |
} |
} else if ($type == 5 && $path_info['extension'] == 'xlsx') { |
$spreadsheetReader = Excel::loadFile($file); |
$sheet = $spreadsheetReader->getSheet(0); |
$highestColumn = $sheet->getHighestColumn(); // e.g 'F' |
$title = $sheet->rangeToArray("A1:{$highestColumn}1")[0]; |
$tpl_title = ['车牌号','车主','品牌型号','发动机号','车架号','注册日期','上年承保公司','商业险到期日期','交强险到期日期','被保险人姓名','被保险人证件号']; |
if (count(array_diff($tpl_title, $title)) > 0) { |
return false; |
} |
} |
return true; |
} |
} |
@ -1,444 +0,0 @@ |
{extend name="public/layout" /} |
{block name="header"} |
{/block} |
{block name="body"} |
<div class="layui-card"> |
<div class="layui-card-header layui-card-header-auto layui-form"> |
<div id="task-model-add" class="layui-form"> |
<div class="layui-form-item active"> |
<label class="layui-form-label" style="width: 140px;">任务类型</label> |
<div class="layui-input-block"> |
<input type="radio" lay-filter="task_type" name="task_type" value="1" title="导入处理" checked> |
<input type="radio" lay-filter="task_type" name="task_type" value="2" title="导出处理"> |
<input type="radio" lay-filter="task_type" name="task_type" value="3" title="重复电话处理"> |
<input type="radio" lay-filter="task_type" name="task_type" value="4" title="重复车架处理"> |
<input type="radio" lay-filter="task_type" name="task_type" value="5" title="更新数据"> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="layui-form-item task-param active" id="task-import"> |
<label class="layui-form-label" style="width: 140px;">上传文件</label> |
<div class="layui-input-inline" style="width: 405px;"> |
<input type="text" name="original_filename" id="original_filename" class="layui-input" readonly> |
<input type="hidden" name="filename" id="filename" autocomplete="off" class="layui-input"> |
</div> |
<div class="layui-input-inline" style="width: 200px;"> |
<button type="button" class="layui-btn" id="upload"> |
<i class="layui-icon"></i>上传CSV文件 |
</button> |
</div> |
<a href="/static/tpl.csv" download="车辆信息导入模板.csv" style="color: #009688;">[下载车辆信息导入模板]</a> |
</div> |
<div class="task-param" id="task-export" style="display: none;"> |
<div class="layui-form-item"> |
<div class="layui-inline"> |
<label class="layui-form-label" style="width: 140px;">初登日期</label> |
<div class="layui-input-inline" style="width: 200px;"> |
<input type="text" name="export_date1" class="layui-input export-date1"> |
</div> |
<div class="layui-form-mid">-</div> |
<div class="layui-input-inline" style="width: 200px;"> |
<input type="text" name="export_date2" class="layui-input export-date2"> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="layui-inline"> |
<label class="layui-form-label" style="width: 140px;">商业保险日期</label> |
<div class="layui-input-inline"> |
<input type="text" name="insurer_month1" class="layui-input" style="display: inline-block; width: 60px;"> 月 |
<input type="text" name="insurer_day1" class="layui-input" style="display: inline-block; width: 60px;"> 日 |
</div> |
<div class="layui-form-mid">-</div> |
<div class="layui-input-inline"> |
<input type="text" name="insurer_month2" class="layui-input" style="display: inline-block; width: 60px;"> 月 |
<input type="text" name="insurer_day2" class="layui-input" style="display: inline-block; width: 60px;"> 日 |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="layui-form-item"> |
<div class="layui-inline"> |
<label class="layui-form-label" style="width: 140px;">导出类型</label> |
<div class="layui-input-inline" style="width: 780px;"> |
<input type="radio" lay-filter="export_type" name="export_type" value="bhx" class="layui-input" title="导出清洗" checked> |
<input type="radio" lay-filter="export_type" name="export_type" value="failed" class="layui-input" title="导出清洗失败"> |
<input type="radio" lay-filter="export_type" name="export_type" value="bmc" class="layui-input" title="导出清洗成功至上传"> |
<input type="radio" lay-filter="export_type" name="export_type" value="failed_bmc" class="layui-input" title="导出清洗失败至上传"> |
<input type="radio" lay-filter="export_type" name="export_type" value="none_bmc" class="layui-input" title="导出未处理至上传"> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="layui-inline" id="sub_export_type"> |
<label class="layui-form-label" style="width: 100px;">导出字段</label> |
<div class="layui-input-inline" style="width: 210px;"> |
<input type="checkbox" name="export_field[]" lay-filter="export_field" value="car_no" title="车牌号" checked> |
<input type="checkbox" name="export_field[]" lay-filter="export_field" value="car_frame_no" title="车架号" checked> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="layui-form-item"> |
<div class="layui-inline"> |
<label class="layui-form-label" style="width: 140px;">导出数量</label> |
<div class="layui-input-inline"> |
<input type="text" name="export_limit" class="layui-input"> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="layui-inline"> |
<label class="layui-form-label" style="width: 100px;">导出文件名</label> |
<div class="layui-input-inline" style="width: 450px;"> |
<input type="text" name="queue" id="queue-name" class="layui-input" style="display:inline-block; width: 325px;"> |
<button type="button" class="layui-btn" onclick="getExportName(event)">生成文件名</button> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="layui-inline"> |
<label class="layui-form-label">导出总计:</label> |
<div class="layui-input-inline" style="width: 120px;"> |
<input type="text" name="num" id="count" class="layui-input" disabled> |
</div> |
<div class="layui-input-inline"> |
<button type="button" class="layui-btn" onclick="export_num(event)">获取总数</button> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="layui-form-item"> |
<div class="layui-inline"> |
<label class="layui-form-label" style="width: 140px;">新车购置价</label> |
<div class="layui-input-inline" style="width: auto;"> |
<input type="text" name="price1" class="layui-input" style="display: inline-block; width: 60px;"> 万 |
</div> |
<div class="layui-form-mid">-</div> |
<div class="layui-input-inline" style="width: auto;"> |
<input type="text" name="price2" class="layui-input" style="display: inline-block; width: 60px;"> 万 |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="layui-inline"> |
<label class="layui-form-label" style="width: 140px;">空电话检测</label> |
<div class="layui-input-inline" style="width: 80px;"> |
<input type="checkbox" name="empty_phone_check" lay-skin="switch" lay-filter="empty_phone_check" value="yes" lay-text="开启|关闭" checked> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="layui-inline"> |
<label class="layui-form-label" style="width: 140px;">是否EXCEL</label> |
<div class="layui-input-inline" style="width: 80px;"> |
<input type="checkbox" name="is_excel" lay-skin="switch" value="yes" lay-text="开启|关闭" checked> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="task-param" id="task-peer-phone" style="display: none;"> |
<div class="layui-form-item"> |
<div class="layui-inline"> |
<label class="layui-form-label" style="width: 140px;">初登日期</label> |
<div class="layui-input-inline" style="width: 200px;"> |
<input type="text" name="export_date1" class="layui-input export-date1"> |
</div> |
<div class="layui-form-mid">-</div> |
<div class="layui-input-inline" style="width: 200px;"> |
<input type="text" name="export_date2" class="layui-input export-date2"> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="layui-inline"> |
<label class="layui-form-label" style="width: 140px;">个人电话重复次数</label> |
<div class="layui-input-inline"> |
<input type="number" name="peer_phone_number" required lay-verify="required" class="layui-input"> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="task-param" id="task-repeat_frame" style="display: none;"> |
<div class="layui-form-item"> |
<div class="layui-inline"> |
<label class="layui-form-label" style="width: 140px;">初登日期</label> |
<div class="layui-input-inline" style="width: 200px;"> |
<input type="text" name="export_date1" class="layui-input export-date1"> |
</div> |
<div class="layui-form-mid">-</div> |
<div class="layui-input-inline" style="width: 200px;"> |
<input type="text" name="export_date2" class="layui-input export-date2"> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="layui-form-item" style="margin:24px 0 -15px;"> |
<div class="layui-inline" style="float: left;position: relative;z-index: 999;"> |
<label class="layui-form-label" style="width: 65px;"></label> |
<div class="layui-input-inline" style="width: 405px"> |
<input type="text" name="queue" id="queue" class="layui-input"> |
</div> |
<div class="layui-input-inline" style=""> |
<button type="button" class="layui-btn" onclick="search(event)">查询</button> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="layui-input-block layui-text-right"> |
<button type="button" class="layui-btn" onclick="task_add()">立即提交</button> |
<button type="button" class="layui-btn layui-btn-danger" id="clear-btn">清空数据</button> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="layui-card-body layui-form"> |
<table class="layui-hide" id="task-info" lay-filter="task-info"></table> |
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{{# |
var payload = JSON.parse(d.payload); |
var export_date1 = payload['data']['params']['export_date1']; |
var export_date2 = payload['data']['params']['export_date2']; |
var ext = d.remark.split('.')[1]; |
}} |
{{# if(d.type == 2){ }} |
{{# if(payload['data']['params']['export_limit'] > 0){ }} |
{{# |
var arrParam = []; |
var exportUrlParam = ''; |
exportUrlParam += 'export_date1=' + export_date1 + '&'; |
exportUrlParam += 'export_date2=' + export_date2 + '&'; |
exportUrlParam += 'insurer_month1=' + payload['data']['params']['insurer_month1'] + '&'; |
exportUrlParam += 'insurer_day1=' + payload['data']['params']['insurer_day1'] + '&'; |
exportUrlParam += 'insurer_month2=' + payload['data']['params']['insurer_month2'] + '&'; |
exportUrlParam += 'insurer_day2=' + payload['data']['params']['insurer_day2'] + '&'; |
exportUrlParam += 'is_export_' + payload['data']['params']['export_type'] + '=' +; |
}} |
<a class="layui-btn layui-btn-xs" href="/index/index.html?{{exportUrlParam}}">查看</a> |
{{# } }} |
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{{# }else { }} |
<buton class="layui-btn layui-btn-xs" onclick="'{:url(\'task/download\')}?id={{}}');window.location.reload();">下载文件</buton> |
{{# } }} |
{{# }else if(d.type == 3){ }} |
<a class="layui-btn layui-btn-xs" href="/index/index.html?is_check_peer_phone={{}}">查看</a> |
{{# if(d.info_num > 0){ }} |
<button type="button" class="layui-btn layui-btn-xs" onclick="task_create(2,{{}})">导出</button> |
<button type="button" class="layui-btn layui-btn-xs layui-btn-danger" onclick="task_create(6,{{}})">清除重复</button> |
{{# } }} |
{{# }else if(d.type == 4){ }} |
<a class="layui-btn layui-btn-xs" href="/index/index.html?is_check_repeat_frame={{}}">查看</a> |
{{# if(d.info_num > 0){ }} |
<button type="button" class="layui-btn layui-btn-xs" onclick="task_create(2,{{}})">导出</button> |
<button type="button" class="layui-btn layui-btn-xs layui-btn-danger" onclick="task_create(7,{{}})">删除重复</button> |
{{# } }} |
{{# }else if(d.type == 5){ }} |
<a class="layui-btn layui-btn-xs" href="/index/index.html?is_update_bhx={{}}">查看</a> |
{{# }else if(d.type == 7){ }} |
<a class="layui-btn layui-btn-xs" href="/index/index.html?is_delete_frame={{}}">查看</a> |
{{# }else if(d.type == 1){ }} |
<a class="layui-btn layui-btn-xs" href="/index/index.html?source={{}}">查看</a> |
{{# } }} |
</script> |
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<div class="layui-progress layui-progress-big" lay-filter="process-{{}}" lay-showPercent="yes"> |
<div class="layui-progress-bar layui-bg-green" lay-percent="{{d.process}}%"></div> |
</div> |
</script> |
<script> |
layui.form.on('radio(task_type)', function(data){ |
$('#task-model-add').find('.task-param').removeClass('active').hide(); |
switch (+data.value) { |
case 1: |
$('#task-import').addClass('active').show(); |
break; |
case 2: |
$('#task-export').addClass('active').show(); |
break; |
case 3: |
$('#task-peer-phone').addClass('active').show(); |
break; |
case 4: |
$('#task-repeat_frame').addClass('active').show(); |
break; |
case 5: |
$('#task-import').addClass('active').show(); |
break; |
} |
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layui.form.on('radio(export_type)', function(data){ |
if(['bmc','failed_bmc','none_bmc'].indexOf(data.value) != -1){ |
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$('#sub_export_type').find(':input').attr('disabled',true); |
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limit: 20, |
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cols: [[ //表头 |
// {type: 'checkbox', fixed: 'left'}, |
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{field: 'process', title: '处理进度', templet: '#process-tpl'}, |
{field: 'remark', title: '任务结果', sort: true}, |
{field: 'create_timestamp', title: '创建时间', sort: true, width: 200}, |
{field: 'status', title: '任务状态', sort: true, width: 100}, |
{field: 'download_times', title: '下载次数', sort: true, width: 100}, |
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layui.upload.render({ |
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task_type: function () { |
return $("input[name='task_type']:checked").val(); |
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layer.msg(ret.msg, function () { |
layui.table.reload('taskInfo'); |
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function export_num(){ |
if($('[name="export_date1"]').val() == '' && $('[name="export_date1"]').val() == ''){ |
layer.msg('请先填写初登日期'); |
return false; |
} |
$.post('{:url("task/exportNum")}', $('#task-export').find(':input').serialize(), function (ret) { |
layer.msg(ret['msg']); |
$('#count').val(; |
}); |
} |
function task_create(type,id = 0){ |
$.post('{:url("task/save")}', {task_type: type,source_id: id}, function (ret) { |
layer.msg(ret['msg'],function(){ |
layui.table.reload('taskInfo'); |
}); |
}); |
} |
function task_add() { |
var task_type = $('[name="task_type"]:checked').val(); |
if (task_type == 5 || task_type == 2) { |
var name = task_type == 5 ? $('#original_filename').val() : $('#queue-name').val(); |
var type = task_type == 5 ? 'update' : 'export'; |
$.get('{:url("task/checkIsExistName")}?name=' + name + '&type=' + type, function (ret) { |
if (ret.code == 1) { |
layer.confirm(ret.msg, function (index) { |
layer.close(index); |
submitForm(); |
}); |
}else if (ret.code == 0) { |
layer.alert(ret.msg); |
}else if (ret.code == 2) { |
submitForm(); |
} |
}); |
}else { |
submitForm(); |
} |
} |
function submitForm(){ |
$.post('{:url("task/save")}', $('#task-model-add').find('.active :input').serialize(), function (ret) { |
if(ret.code == 0){ |
layer.alert(ret.msg); |
}else { |
layer.msg(ret['msg'],function(){ |
layui.table.reload('taskInfo'); |
}); |
} |
}); |
} |
function search(event){ |
tableIns.reload({ |
page: { |
curr: 1 //重新从第 1 页开始 |
}, |
where: {queue: $('#queue').val()}, |
}, 'data'); |
} |
function getExportName(event) { |
var target =; |
$.get('{:url("task/exportName")}', $('#task-export').find(':input').serialize(), function (ret) { |
if(ret.code == 0){ |
layer.alert(ret.msg); |
}else { |
$(target).prev('input[name="queue"]').val(; |
} |
}); |
} |
</script> |
{/block} |
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