@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ |
/.idea |
/.vscode |
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/public/storage |
/public/uploads |
*.log |
.env |
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sudo: false |
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- stable |
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- $HOME/.composer/cache |
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- composer self-update |
install: |
- composer install --no-dev --no-interaction --ignore-platform-reqs |
- zip -r --exclude='*.git*' --exclude='*.zip' --exclude='*.travis.yml' . |
- composer require --update-no-dev --no-interaction "topthink/think-image:^1.0" |
- composer require --update-no-dev --no-interaction "topthink/think-migration:^1.0" |
- composer require --update-no-dev --no-interaction "topthink/think-captcha:^1.0" |
- composer require --update-no-dev --no-interaction "topthink/think-mongo:^1.0" |
- composer require --update-no-dev --no-interaction "topthink/think-worker:^1.0" |
- composer require --update-no-dev --no-interaction "topthink/think-helper:^1.0" |
- composer require --update-no-dev --no-interaction "topthink/think-queue:^1.0" |
- composer require --update-no-dev --no-interaction "topthink/think-angular:^1.0" |
- composer require --dev --update-no-dev --no-interaction "topthink/think-testing:^1.0" |
- zip -r --exclude='*.git*' --exclude='*.zip' --exclude='*.travis.yml' . |
script: |
- php think unit |
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provider: releases |
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secure: 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 |
file: |
- |
- |
skip_cleanup: true |
on: |
tags: true |
@ -0,0 +1,927 @@ |
## V5.1.39 LTS(2019-11-18) |
本次更新为常规更新,主要包括: |
* 修正`memcached`驱动 |
* 改进`HasManyThrough`关联查询 |
* 改进`Request`类`isJson`方法 |
* 改进关联查询 |
* 改进`redis`驱动 |
* 增加 Model类`getWhere`方法对复合主键的支持 |
* 改进`newQuery`方法 |
* 改进闭包查询的参数绑定 |
* 修正`Validate` |
* 修复某些情况下URL会多一个冒号 |
* 调整composer.json |
* 修复使用`Cache::clear()`时,报错缓存文件不存在问题 |
* 使用File类的unlink方法进行文件删除 |
* 改进`paraseData`方法 |
* 修正image验证方法 |
* 改进Url生成 |
* 改进空操作对数字的支持 |
* 改进一处PHP7.4兼容性问题 |
## V5.1.38 LTS(2019-8-8) |
本次更新为常规更新,主要包括: |
* `Request`类增加`isJson`方法 |
* 改进浮点型查询 |
* 修正关联查询关联外键为空的查询错误 |
* 远程一对多支持关联统计和预载入查询 |
* 远程一对多关联支持`has`/`hasWhere`查询 |
* 优化`parseIn`解析 |
* 改进`parseLike`查询 |
* 改进Url生成 |
* 改进模型的`toArray`方法 |
* 修正`notIn`查询 |
* 改进`JSON`字段查询 |
* 改进Controller类`display`/`fetch`方法返回`ViewResponse`对象 |
* 改进`param`方法 |
* 改进`mysql`驱动`getExplain`方法 |
* 改进时间查询 |
* 改进模型关联的`has`/`hasWhere`方法对软删除的支持 |
* 修正社区反馈的BUG |
## V5.1.37 LTS(2019-5-26) |
本次更新为常规更新,主要更新如下: |
* 改进关联数据更新 |
* 修正关联动态获取器 |
* 改进`redis`驱动 |
* 修复验证规则里面出现二维数组时的错误 |
* 改进跨域请求支持 |
* 完善模型`hidden`方法对关联属性的支持 |
* 改进`where`查询方法传入`Query`对象的支持`bind`数据 |
* 改进数据集对象的`load`方法 |
* 修正缓存类`clear`方法对`tag`的支持 |
## V5.1.36 LTS(2019-4-28) |
本次更新为常规更新,主要更新如下: |
* 修正`chunk`方法一处异常抛出的错误 |
* 修正模型输出的`visible` |
* 改进环境变量加载 |
* 改进命令行日志的`level`配置支持 |
* 修复设置有缓存前缀时,无法清空缓存标签的问题 |
* HasMony对象`saveAll`方法兼容`Collection`格式参数格式 |
* 修正`whereOr`查询使用字符串的问题 |
* 改进`dateFormat`设置对写入数据的影响 |
* 修正查询缓存 |
* 记住指定的跳转地址 |
* 改进软删除 |
* 改进聚合查询SQL去除limit 1 |
* 改进缓存驱动 |
## V5.1.35 LTS(2019-3-2) |
本次主要为常规更新,修正了一些反馈的问题。 |
* 修正验证类自定义验证方法执行两次的问题 |
* 模型增加`isEmpty`方法用于判断是否空模型 |
* 改进获取器对`append`的支持 |
* 修正一对多关联的`withCount`自关联问题 |
* facade类注释调整 |
* 改进关联属性的`visible`和`hidden`判断 |
* 修正路由分组的`MISS`路由 |
* 改进pgsql.sql |
## V5.1.34 LTS(2019-1-30) |
本次更新为常规更新,修正了一些反馈的问题。 |
* 改进Request类的`has`方法,支持`patch` |
* 改进`unique`验证的多条件支持 |
* 修复自定义上传验证,检测文件大小 |
* 改进`in`查询支持表达式 |
* 改进路由的`getBind`方法 |
* 改进验证类的错误信息获取 |
* 改进`response`助手函数默认值 |
* 修正mysql的`regexp`查询 |
* 改进模型类型强制转换写入对`Expression`对象的支持 |
## V5.1.33 LTS(2019-1-16) |
* 修复路由中存在多个相同替换的正则BUG |
* 修正whereLike查询 |
* join方法支持参数绑定 |
* 改进union方法 |
* 修正多对多关联的attach方法 |
* 改进验证类的正则规则自定义 |
* 改进Request类method方法 |
* 改进File日志类型的CLI日志写入 |
* 改进文件日志time_format配置对JSON格式的支持 |
## V5.1.32 LTS(2018-12-24) |
本次主要为常规更新,修正了一些反馈的问题。 |
* 改进多对多关联的`attach`方法 |
* 改进聚合查询的`field`处理 |
* 改进关联的`save`方法 |
* 修正模型`exists`方法返回值 |
* 改进时间字段写入和输出 |
* 改进控制器中间件的调用 |
* 改进路由变量替换的性能 |
* 改进缓存标签的处理机制 |
## V5.1.31 LTS (2018-12-9) |
本次版本包含一个安全更新,建议升级。 |
* 改进`field`方法 |
* 改进`count`方法返回类型 |
* `download`函数增加在浏览器中显示文件功能 |
* 修正多对多模型的中间表数据写入 |
* 改进`sqlsrv`驱动支持多个Schemas模式查询 |
* 统一助手函数与\think\response\Download函数文件过期时间 |
* 完善关联模型的`save`方法 增加`make`方法仅创建对象不保存 |
* 修改条件表达式对静态变量的支持 |
* 修正控制器名获取 |
* 改进view方法的`field`解析 |
## V5.1.30 LTS(2018-11-30) |
该版本为常规更新,修正了一些社区反馈的问题。 |
主要更新如下: |
* 改进查询类的`execute`方法 |
* 判断路由规则定义添加对请求类型的判断 |
* 修复`orderRaw`异常 |
* 修正 `optimize:autoload`指令 |
* 改进软删除的`destroy`方法造成重复执行事件的问题 |
* 改进验证类对扩展验证规则 始终验证 不管是否`require` |
* 修复自定义验证`remove`所有规则的异常 |
* 改进时间字段的自动写入支持微秒数据 |
* 改进`Connection`类的`getrealsql`方法 |
* 修正`https`地址的URL生成 |
* 修复 `array_walk_recursive` 在低于PHP7.1消耗内部指针问题 |
* 改进手动参数绑定使用 |
* 改进聚合查询方法的`field`参数支持`Expression` |
## V5.1.29 LTS(2018-11-11) |
该版本主要改进了参数绑定的解析问题和提升性能,并修正了一些反馈的问题。 |
* 改进手动参数绑定 |
* 修正MISS路由的分组参数无效问题 |
* 行为支持对象的方法 |
* 修正全局查询范围 |
* 改进`belongsto`关联的`has`方法 |
* 改进`hasMany`关联 |
* 改进模型观察者多次注册的问题 |
* 改进`query`类的默认查询参数处理 |
* 修正`parseBetween`解析方法 |
* 改进路由地址生成的本地域名支持 |
* 改进参数绑定的实际URL解析性能 |
* 改进`Env`类的`getEnv`和`get`方法 |
* 改进模板缓存的生成优化 |
* 修复验证类的多语言支持 |
* 修复自定义场景验证`remove`规则异常 |
* File类添加是否自动补全扩展名的选项 |
* 改进`strpos`对子串是否存在的判断 |
* 修复`choice`无法用值选择第一个选项问题 |
* 验证器支持多维数组取值验证 |
* 改进解析`extend`和`block`标签的正则 |
## V5.1.28 LTS(2018-10-29) |
该版本主要修正了上一个版本存在的一些问题,并改进了关联查询 |
* 改进聚合查询方法的字段支持DISTINCT |
* 改进定义路由后url函数的端口生成 |
* 改进控制器中间件对`swoole`等的支持 |
* 改进Log类`save`方法 |
* 改进验证类的闭包验证参数 |
* 多对多关联支持指定中间表数据的名称 |
* 关联聚合查询支持闭包方式指定聚合字段 |
* 改进Lang类`get`方法 |
* 多对多关联增加判断关联数据是否存在的方法 |
* 改进关联查询使用`fetchsql`的情况 |
* 改进修改器的是否已经执行判断 |
* 增加`afterWith`和`beforeWith`验证规则 用于比较日期字段 |
## V5.1.27 LTS(2018-10-22) |
该版本主要修正了路由绑定的参数,改进了修改器的执行多次问题,并正式宣布为LTS版本! |
* 修正路由绑定的参数丢失问题 |
* 修正路由别名的参数获取 |
* 改进修改器会执行多次的问题 |
## V5.1.26(2018-10-12) |
该版本主要修正了上一个版本的一些问题,并改进了全局查询范围的支持,同时包含了一个安全更新。 |
* 修正单一模块下注解路由无效的问题 |
* 改进数据库的聚合查询的字段处理 |
* 模型类增加`globalScope`属性定义 用于指定全局的查询范围 |
* 模型的`useGlobalScope`方法支持传入数组 用于指定当前查询需要使用的全局查询范围 |
* 改进数据集的`order`方法对数字类型的支持 |
* 修正上一个版本`order`方法解析的一处BUG |
* 排序字段不合法或者错误的时候抛出异常 |
* 改进`Request`类的`file`方法对上传文件的错误判断 |
## V5.1.25(2018-9-21) |
该版本主要改进了查询参数绑定的性能和对浮点型的支持,以及一些细节的完善。 |
* 修正一处命令行问题 |
* 改进`Socketlog`日志驱动,支持自定义默认展开日志类别 |
* 修正`MorphMany`一处bug |
* 跳转到上次记住的url,并支持默认值 |
* 改进模型的异常提示 |
* 改进参数绑定对浮点型的支持 |
* 改进`order`方法解析 |
* 改进`json`字段数据的自动编码 |
* 改进日志`log_write`可能造成的日志写入死循环 |
* Log类增加`log_level`行为标签位置,用于对某个类型的日志进行处理 |
* Route类增加`clear`方法清空路由规则 |
* 分布式数据库配置支持使用数组 |
* 单日志文件也支持`max_files`参数 |
* 改进查询参数绑定的性能 |
* 改进别名路由的URL后缀参数检测 |
* 控制器前置方法和控制器中间件的`only`和`except`定义不区分大小写 |
## V5.1.24(2018-9-5) |
该版本主要增加了命令行的表格输出功能,并增加了查看路由定义的指令,以及修正了社区的一些反馈问题。 |
* 修正`Request`类的`file`方法 |
* 修正路由的`cache`方法 |
* 修正路由缓存的一处问题 |
* 改进上传文件获取的异常处理 |
* 改进`fetchCollection`方法支持传入数据集类名 |
* 修正多级控制器的注解路由生成 |
* 改进`Middleware`类`clear`方法 |
* 增加`route:list`指令用于[查看定义的路由](752690) 并支持排序 |
* 命令行增加`Table`输出类 |
* `Command`类增加`table`方法用于输出表格 |
* 改进搜索器查询方法支持别名定义 |
* 命令行配置增加`auto_path`参数用于定义自动载入的命令类路径 |
* 增加`make:command`指令用于[快速生成指令](354146) |
* 改进`make:controller`指令对操作方法后缀的支持 |
* 改进命令行的定义文件支持索引数组 用于指令对象的惰性加载 |
* 改进`value`和`column`方法对后续查询结果的影响 |
* 改进`RuleName`类的`setRule`方法 |
## V5.1.23(2018-8-23) |
该版本主要改进了数据集对象的处理,增加了`findOrEmpty`方法,并且修正了一些社区反馈的BUG。 |
* 数据集类增加`diff`/`intersect`方法用于获取差集和交集(默认根据主键值比较) |
* 数据集类增加`order`方法支持指定字段排序 |
* 数据集类增加`map`方法使用回调函数处理数据并返回新的数据集对象 |
* Db增加`allowEmpty`方法允许`find`方法在没有数据的时候返回空数组或者空模型对象而不是null |
* Db增加`findOrEmpty`方法 |
* Db增加`fetchCollection`方法用于指定查询返回数据集对象 |
* 改进`order`方法的数组方式解析,增强安全性 |
* 改进`withSearch`方法,支持第三个参数传入字段前缀标识,用于多表查询字段搜索 |
* 修正`optimize:route`指令开启类库后缀后的注解路由生成 |
* 修正redis缓存及session驱动 |
* 支持指定`Yaconf`的独立配置文件 |
* 增加`yaconf`助手函数用于配置文件 |
## V5.1.22(2018-8-9) |
该版本主要增加了模型搜索器和`withJoin`方法,完善了模型输出和对`Yaconf`的支持,修正了一些社区反馈的BUG。 |
* 改进一对一关联的`table`识别问题 |
* 改进内置`Facade`类 |
* 增加`withJoin`方法支持`join`方式的[一对一关联](一对一关联.md)查询 |
* 改进`join`预载入查询的空数据问题 |
* 改进`Config`类的`load`方法支持快速加载配置文件 |
* 改进`execute`方法和事务的断线重连 |
* 改进`memcache`驱动的`has`方法 |
* 模型类支持定义[搜索器](搜索器.md)方法 |
* 完善`Config`类对`Yaconf`的支持 |
* 改进模型的`hidden/visible/append/withAttr`方法,支持在[查询前后调用](数组访问.md),以及支持数据集对象 |
* 数据集对象增加`where`方法根据字段或者关联数据[过滤数据](模型数据集.md) |
* 改进AJAX请求的`204`判断 |
## V5.1.21(2018-8-2) |
该版本主要增加了下载响应对象和数组查询对象的支持,并修正了一些社区反馈的问题。 |
* 改进核心对象的无用信息调试输出 |
* 改进模型的`isRelationAttr`方法判断 |
* 模型类的`get`和`all`方法并入Db类 |
* 增加[下载响应对象](文件下载.md)和`download`助手函数 |
* 修正别名路由配置定义读取 |
* 改进`resultToModel`方法 |
* 修正开启类库后缀后的注解路由生成 |
* `Response`类增加`noCache`快捷方法 |
* 改进路由对象在`Swoole`/`Workerman`下面参数多次合并问题 |
* 修正路由`ajax`/`pjax`参数后路由变量无法正确获取的问题 |
* 增加清除中间件的方法 |
* 改进依赖注入的参数规范自动识别(便于对接前端小写+下划线规范) |
* 改进`hasWhere`的数组条件的字段判断 |
* 增加[数组查询对象](高级查询.md)`Where`支持(喜欢数组查询的福音) |
* 改进多对多关联的闭包支持 |
## V5.1.20(2018-7-25) |
该版本主要增加了Db和模型的动态获取器的支持,并修正了一些已知问题。 |
* Db类添加[获取器支持](703981) |
* 支持模型及关联模型字段[动态定义获取器](354046) |
* 动态获取器支持`JSON`字段 |
* 改进路由的`before`行为执行(匹配后执行) |
* `Config`类支持`Yaconf` |
* 改进Url生成的端口问题 |
* Request类增加`setUrl`和`setBaseUrl`方法 |
* 改进页面trace的信息显示 |
* 修正`MorphOne`关联 |
* 命令行添加[查看版本指令](703994) |
## V5.1.19 (2018-7-13) |
该版本是一个小幅改进版本,针对`Swoole`和`Workerman`的`Cookie`支持做了一些改进,并修正了一些已知的问题。 |
* 改进query类`delete`方法对软删除条件判断 |
* 修正分表查询的软删除问题 |
* 模型查询的时候同时传入`table`和`name`属性 |
* 容器类增加`IteratorAggregate`和`Countable`接口支持 |
* 路由分组支持对下面的资源路由统一设置`only/except/vars`参数 |
* 改进Cookie类更好支持扩展 |
* 改进Request类`post`方法 |
* 改进模型自关联的自动识别 |
* 改进Request类对`php://input`数据的处理 |
## V5.1.18 (2018-6-30) |
该版本主要完善了对`Swoole`和`Workerman`的`HttpServer`运行支持,改进`Request`类,并修正了一些已知的问题。 |
* 改进关联`append`方法的处理 |
* 路由初始化和检测方法分离 |
* 修正`destroy`方法强制删除 |
* `app_init`钩子位置移入`run`方法 |
* `think-swoole`扩展更新到2.0版本 |
* `think-worker`扩展更新到2.0版本 |
* 改进Url生成的域名自动识别 |
* `Request`类增加`setPathinfo`方法和`setHost`方法 |
* `Request`类增加`withGet`/`withPost`/`withHeader`/`withServer`/`withCookie`/`withEnv`方法进行赋值操作 |
* Route类改进`host`属性的获取 |
* 解决注解路由配置不生效的问题 |
* 取消Test日志驱动,改为使用`close`设置关闭全局日志写入 |
* 修正路由的`response`参数 |
* 修正204响应输出的判断 |
## V5.1.17 (2018-6-18) |
该版本主要增加了控制器中间件的支持,改进了路由功能,并且修正了社区反馈的一些问题。 |
* 修正软删除的`delete`方法 |
* 修正Query类`Count`方法 |
* 改进多对多`detach`方法 |
* 改进Request类`Session`方法 |
* 增加控制器中间件支持 |
* 模型类增加`jsonAssoc`属性用于定义json数据是否返回数组 |
* 修正Request类`method`方法的请求伪装 |
* 改进静态路由的匹配 |
* 分组首页路由自动完整匹配 |
* 改进sqlsrv的`column`方法 |
* 日志类的`apart_level`配置支持true自动生成对应类型的日志文件 |
* 改进`204`输出判断 |
* 修正cli下页面输出的BUG |
* 验证类使用更高效的`ctype`验证机制 |
* 改进Request类`cookie`方法 |
* 修正软删除的`withTrashed`方法 |
* 改进多态一对多的预载入查询 |
* 改进Query类`column`方法的缓存读取 |
* Query类增加`whereBetweenTimeField`方法 |
* 改进分组下多个相同路由规则的合并匹配问题 |
* 路由类增加`getRule`/`getRuleList`方法获取定义的路由 |
## V5.1.16 (2018-6-7) |
该版本主要修正了社区反馈的一些问题,并对Request类做了进一步规范和优化。 |
* 改进Session类的`boot`方法 |
* App类的初始化方法可以单独执行 |
* 改进Request类的`param`方法 |
* 改进资源路由的变量替换 |
* Request类增加`__isset`方法 |
* 改进`useGlobalScope`方法对软删除的影响 |
* 修正命令行调用 |
* 改进Cookie类`init`方法 |
* 改进多对多关联删除的返回值 |
* 一对多关联写入支持`replace` |
* 路由增加`filter`检测方法,用于通过请求参数检测路由是否匹配 |
* 取消Request类`session/env/server`方法的`filter`参数 |
* 改进关联的指定属性输出 |
* 模型删除操作删除后不清空对象数据仅作标记 |
* 调整模型的`save`方法返回值为布尔值 |
* 修正Request类`isAjax`方法 |
* 修正中间件的模块配置读取 |
* 取消Request类的请求变量的设置功能 |
* 取消请求变量获取的默认修饰符 |
* Request类增加`setAction/setModule/setController`方法 |
* 关联模型的`delete`方法调用Query类 |
* 改进URL生成的域名识别 |
* 改进URL检测对已定义路由的域名判断 |
* 模型类增加`isExists`和`isForce`方法 |
* 软删除的`destroy`和`restore`方法返回值调整为布尔值 |
## V5.1.15 (2018-6-1) |
该版本主要改进了路由缓存的性能和缓存方式设置,增加了JSON格式文件日志的支持,并修正了社区反馈的一些问题。 |
* 容器类增加`exists`方法 仅判断是否存在对象实例 |
* 取消配置类的`autoload`方法 |
* 改进路由缓存大小提高性能 |
* 改进Dispatch类`init`方法 |
* 增加`make:validate`指令生成验证器类 |
* Config类`get`方法支持默认值参数 |
* 修正字段缓存指令 |
* 改进App类对`null`数据的返回 |
* 改进模型类的`__isset`方法判断 |
* 修正`Query`类的`withAggregate`方法 |
* 改进`RuleItem`类的`setRuleName`方法 |
* 修正依赖注入和参数的冲突问题 |
* 修正Db类对第三方驱动的支持 |
* 修正模型类查询对象问题 |
* 修正File缓存驱动的`has`方法 |
* 修正资源路由嵌套 |
* 改进Request类对`$_SERVER`变量的读取 |
* 改进请求缓存处理 |
* 路由缓存支持指定单独的缓存方式和参数 |
* 修正资源路由的中间件多次执行问题 |
* 修正`optimize:config`指令 |
* 文件日志支持`JSON`格式日志保存 |
* 修正Db类`connect`方法 |
* 改进Log类`write`方法不会自动写入之前日志 |
* 模型的关联操作默认启用事务 |
* 改进软删除的事件响应 |
## V5.1.14 (2018-5-18) |
该版本主要对底层容器进行了一些优化改进,并增加了路由缓存功能,可以进一步提升路由性能。 |
* 依赖注入的对象参数传入改进 |
* 改进核心类的容器实例化 |
* 改进日期字段的读取 |
* 改进验证类的`getScene`方法 |
* 模型的`create`方法和`save`方法支持`replace`操作 |
* 改进`Db`类的调用机制 |
* App类调整为容器类 |
* 改进容器默认绑定 |
* `Loader`类增加工厂类的实例化方法 |
* 增加路由变量默认规则配置参数 |
* 增加路由缓存设计 |
* 错误处理机制改进 |
* 增加清空路由缓存指令 |
## V5.1.13 (2018-5-11) |
该版本主要增加了MySQL的XA事务支持,模型事件支持观察者,以及对Facade类的改进。 |
* 改进自动缓存 |
* 改进Url生成 |
* 修正数据缓存 |
* 修正`value`方法的缓存 |
* `join`方法和`view`方法的条件支持使用`Expression`对象 |
* 改进驱动的`parseKey`方法 |
* 改进Request类`host`方法和`domain`方法对端口的处理 |
* 模型增加`withEvent`方法用于控制当前操作是否需要执行模型事件 |
* 模型`setInc/setDec`方法支持更新事件 |
* 模型添加`before_restore/after_restore`事件 |
* 增加模型事件观察者 |
* 路由增加`mobile`方法设置是否允许手机访问 |
* 数据库XA事务支持 |
* 改进索引数组查询对`IN`查询的支持 |
* 修正`invokeMethod`方法 |
* 修正空数据写入返回值的BUG |
* redis驱动支持`predis` |
* 改进`parseData`方法 |
* 改进模块加载 |
* App类初始化方法调整 |
* 改进数组查询对表达式`Expression`对象支持 |
* 改进闭包的依赖注入调用 |
* 改进多对多关联的中间表模型更新 |
* 增加容器中对象的自定义实例化 |
## V5.1.12 (2018-4-25) |
该版本主要改进了主从查询的及时性,并支持动态设置请求数据。 |
* 支持动态设置请求数据 |
* 改进`comment`方法解析 |
* 修正App类`__unset`方法 |
* 改进url生成的域名绑定 |
* 改进主从查询的及时性 |
* 修正`value`的数据缓存功能 |
* 改进分页类的集合对象方法调用 |
* 改进Db类的代码提示 |
* SQL日志增加主从标记 |
## V5.1.11 (2018-4-19) |
该版本为安全和修正版本,改进了JSON查询的参数绑定问题和容器类对象实例获取,并包含一处可能的安全隐患,建议更新。 |
* 支持指定JSON数据查询的字段类型 |
* 修正`selectInsert`方法 |
* `whereColumn`方法支持数组方式 |
* 改进容器类`make`方法 |
* 容器类`delete`方法支持数组 |
* 改进`composer`自动加载 |
* 改进模板引擎 |
* 修正`like`查询的一处安全隐患 |
## V5.1.10 (2018-4-16) |
该版本为修正版本,修正上一个版本的一些BUG,并增强了`think clear`指令。 |
* 改进`orderField`方法 |
* 改进`exists`查询 |
* 修改cli模式入口文件位置计算 |
* 修正`null`查询 |
* 改进`parseTime`方法 |
* 修正关联预载入查询 |
* 改进`mysql`驱动 |
* 改进`think clear`指令 支持 `-c -l -r `选项 |
* 改进路由规则对`/`结尾的支持 |
## V5.1.9 (2018-4-12) |
该版本主要是一些改进和修正,并包含一个安全更新,是一个推荐更新版本。 |
* 默认模板渲染规则支持配置保持操作方法名 |
* 改进`Request`类的`ip`方法 |
* 支持模型软删除字段的默认值定义 |
* 改进路由变量规则对中文的支持 |
* 使用闭包查询的时候使用`cache(true)` 抛出异常提示 |
* 改进`Loader`类`loadComposerAutoloadFiles`方法 |
* 改进查询方法安全性 |
* 修正路由地址中控制器名驼峰问题 |
* 调整上一个版本的`module_init`和`app_begin`的钩子顺序问题 |
* 改进CLI命令行执行的问题 |
* 修正社区反馈的其它问题 |
## V5.1.8 (2018-4-5) |
该版本主要改进了中间件的域名和模块支持,并同时修正了几个已知问题。 |
* 增加`template.auto_rule` 参数设置默认模板渲染的操作名自动转换规则 |
* 默认模板渲染规则改由视图驱动实现 |
* 修正路由标识定义 |
* 修正控制器路由方法 |
* 改进Request类`ip`方法支持自定义代理IP参数 |
* 路由注册中间件支持数组方式别名 |
* 改进命令行执行下的`composer`自动加载 |
* 添加域名中间件注册支持 |
* 全局中间件支持模块定义文件 |
* Log日志配置支持`close`参数可以全局关闭日志写入 |
* 中间件方法中捕获`HttpResponseException`异常 |
* 改进中间件的闭包参数传入 |
* 改进分组路由的延迟解析 |
* 改进URL生成对域名绑定的支持 |
* 改进文件缓存和文件日志驱动的并发支持 |
## V5.1.7 (2018-3-28) |
该版本主要修正了路由的一些问题,并改进了查询的安全性。 |
* 支持`middleware`配置文件预先定义中间件别名方便路由调用 |
* 修正资源路由 |
* 改进`field`方法 自动识别`fieldRaw` |
* 增加`Expression`类 |
* Query类增加`raw`方法 |
* Query类的`field`/ `order` 和` where`方法都支持使用`raw`表达式查询 |
* 改进`inc/dec`查询 支持批量更新 |
* 改进路由分组 |
* 改进Response类`create`方法 |
* 改进composer自动加载 |
* 修正域名路由的`append`方法 |
* 修正操作方法的初始化方法获取不到问题 |
## V5.1.6 (2018-3-26) |
该版本主要改进了路由规则的匹配算法,大幅提升了路由性能。并正式引入了中间件的支持,可以在路由中定义或者全局定义。另外包含了一个安全更新,是一个建议更新版本。 |
* 改进URL生成对路由`ext`方法的支持 |
* 改进查询缓存对不同数据库相同表名的支持 |
* 改进composer自动加载的性能 |
* 改进空路由变量对默认参数的影响 |
* mysql的`json`字段查询支持多级 |
* Query类增加`option`方法 |
* 优化路由匹配 |
* 修复验证规则数字键名丢失问题 |
* 改进路由Url生成 |
* 改进一对一关联预载入查询 |
* Request类增加`rootDomain`方法 |
* 支持API资源控制器生成 `make:controller --api` |
* 优化Template类的标签解析 |
* 容器类增加删除和清除对象实例的方法 |
* 修正MorphMany关联的`eagerlyMorphToMany`方法一处错误 |
* Container类的异常捕获改进 |
* Domain对象支持`bind`方法 |
* 修正分页参数 |
* 默认模板的输出规则不受URL影响 |
* 注解路由支持多级控制器 |
* Query类增加`getNumRows`方法获取前次操作影响的记录数 |
* 改进查询条件的性能 |
* 改进模型类`readTransform`方法对序列化类型的处理 |
* Log类增加`close`方法可以临时关闭当前请求的日志写入 |
* 文件日志方式增加自动清理功能(设置`max_files`参数) |
* 修正Query类的`getPk`方法 |
* 修正模板缓存的布局开关问题 |
* 修正Query类`select`方法的缓存 |
* 改进input助手函数 |
* 改进断线重连的信息判断 |
* 改进正则验证方法 |
* 调整语言包的加载顺序 放到`app_init`之前 |
* controller类`fetch`方法改为`final` |
* 路由地址中的变量支持使用`<var>`方式 |
* 改进XMLResponse 支持传入编码过的xml内容 |
* 修正Query类`view`方法的数组表名支持 |
* 改进路由的模型闭包绑定 |
* 改进分组变量规则的继承 |
* 改进`cli-server`模式下的`composer`自动加载 |
* 路由变量规则异常捕获 |
* 引入中间件支持 |
* 路由定义增加`middleware`方法 |
* 增加生成中间件指令`make:middleware` |
* 增加全局中间件定义支持 |
* 改进`optimize:config`指令对全局中间件的支持 |
* 改进config类`has`方法 |
* 改进时间查询的参数绑定 |
* 改进`inc/dec/exp`查询的安全性 |
## V5.1.5 (2018-1-31) |
该版本主要增强了数据库的JSON查询,并支持JSON字段的聚合查询,改进了一些性能问题,修正了路由的一些BUG,主要更新如下: |
* 改进数据集查询对`JSON`数据的支持 |
* 改进聚合查询对`JSON`字段的支持 |
* 模型类增加`getOrFail`方法 |
* 改进数据库驱动的`parseKey`方法 |
* 改进Query类`join`方法的自关联查询 |
* 改进数据查询不存在不生成查询缓存 |
* 增加`run`命令行指令启动内置服务器 |
* `Request`类`pathinfo`方法改进对`cli-server`支持 |
* `Session`类增加`use_lock`配置参数设置是否启用锁机制 |
* 优化`File`缓存自动生成空目录的问题 |
* 域名及分组路由支持`append`方法传递隐式参数 |
* 改进日志的并发写入问题 |
* 改进`Query`类的`where`方法支持传入`Query`对象 |
* 支持设置单个日志文件的文件名 |
* 修正路由规则的域名条件约束 |
* `Request`类增加`subDomain`方法用于获取当前子域名 |
* `Response`类增加`allowCache`方法控制是否允许请求缓存 |
* `Request`类增加`sendData`方法便于扩展 |
* 改进`Env`类不依赖`putenv`方法 |
* 改进控制台`trace`显示错误 |
* 改进`MorphTo`关联 |
* 改进完整路由匹配后带斜线访问出错的情况 |
* 改进路由的多级分组问题 |
* 路由url地址生成支持多级分组 |
* 改进路由Url生成的`url_convert`参数的影响 |
* 改进`miss`和`auto`路由内部解析 |
* 取消预载入关联查询缓存功能 |
## V5.1.4 (2018-1-19) |
该版本主要增强了数据库和模型操作,主要更新如下: |
* 支持设置 `deleteTime`属性为`false` 关闭软删除 |
* 模型增加`getError`方法 |
* 改进Query类的`getTableFields`/`getFieldsType`方法 支持表名自动获取 |
* 模型类`toCollection`方法增加参数指定数据集类 |
* 改进`union`查询 |
* 关联预载入`with`方法增加缓存参数 |
* 改进模型类的`get`和`all`方法的缓存 支持关联缓存 |
* 支持`order by field`操作 |
* 改进`insertAll`分批写入 |
* 改进`json`字段数据支持 |
* 增加JSON数据的模型对象化操作 |
* 改进路由`ext`参数检测 |
* 修正`rule`方法的`method`参数使用 `get|post` 方式注册路由的问题 |
## V5.1.3 (2018-1-12) |
该版本主要改进了路由及调整函数加载顺序,主要更新如下: |
* 增加`env`助手函数; |
* 增加`route`助手函数; |
* 增加视图路由方法; |
* 增加路由重定向方法; |
* 路由默认区分最后的目录斜杆(支持设置不区分); |
* 调整公共文件和配置文件的加载顺序(可以在配置文件中直接使用助手函数); |
* 视图类增加`filter`方法设置输出过滤; |
* `view`助手函数增加`filter`参数; |
* 改进缓存生成指令; |
* Session类的`get`方法支持获取多级; |
* Request类`only`方法支持指定默认值; |
* 改进路由分组; |
* 修正使用闭包查询的时候自动数据缓存出错的情况; |
* 废除`view_filter`钩子位置; |
* 修正分组下面的资源路由; |
* 改进session驱动; |
## V5.1.2 (2018-1-8) |
该版本改进了配置类及数据库类,主要更新如下: |
* 修正嵌套路由分组; |
* 修正自定义模板标签界定符后表达式语法出错的情况; |
* 修正自关联的多次调用问题; |
* 修正数组查询的`null`条件查询; |
* 修正Query类的`order`及`field`的一处可能的BUG; |
* 配置参数设置支持三级; |
* 配置对象支持`ArrayAccess`; |
* App类增加`path`方法用于设置应用目录; |
* 关联定义增加`selfRelation`方法用于设置是否为自关联; |
## V5.1.1 (2018-1-3) |
修正一些反馈的BUG,包括: |
* 修正Cookie类存取数组的问题 |
* 修正Controller的`fetch`方法 |
* 改进跨域请求 |
* 修正`insertAll`方法 |
* 修正`chunk`方法 |
## V5.1.0 (2018-1-1) |
主要更新如下: |
* 增加注解路由支持 |
* 路由支持跨域请求设置 |
* 增加`app_dispatch`钩子位置 |
* 修正多对多关联的`detach`方法 |
* 修正软删除的`destroy`方法 |
* Cookie类`httponly`参数默认为false |
* 日志File驱动增加`single`参数配置记录同一个文件(不按日期生成) |
* 路由的`ext`和`denyExt`方法支持不传任何参数 |
* 改进模型的`save`方法对`oracle`的支持 |
* Query类的`insertall`方法支持配合`data`和`limit`方法 |
* 增加`whereOr`动态查询支持 |
* 日志的ip地址记录改进 |
* 模型`saveAll`方法支持`isUpdate`方法 |
* 改进`Pivot`模型的实例化操作 |
* 改进Model类的`data`方法 |
* 改进多对多中间表模型类 |
* 模型增加`force`方法强制更新所有数据 |
* Hook类支持设置入口方法名称 |
* 改进验证类 |
* 改进`hasWhere`查询的数据重复问题 |
* 模型的`saveall`方法返回数据集对象 |
* 改进File缓存的`clear`方法 |
* 缓存添加统一的序列化机制 |
* 改进泛三级域名的绑定 |
* 改进泛域名的传值和取值 |
* Request类增加`panDomain`方法 |
* 改进废弃字段判断 |
* App类增加`create`方法用于实例化应用类库 |
* 容器类增加`has`方法 |
* 改进多数据库切换连接 |
* 改进断线重连的异常捕获 |
* 改进模型类`buildQuery`方法 |
* Query类增加`unionAll`方法 |
* 关联统计功能增强(支持Sum/Max/Min/Avg) |
* 修正延迟写入 |
* chunk方法支持复合主键 |
* 改进JSON类型的写入 |
* 改进Mysql的insertAll方法 |
* Model类`save`方法改进复合主键包含自增的情况 |
* 改进Query类`inc`和`dec`方法的关键字处理 |
* File缓存inc和dec方法保持原来的有效期 |
* 改进redis缓存的有效期判断 |
* 增加checkRule方法用于单独数据的多个验证规则 |
* 修正setDec方法的延迟写入 |
* max和min方法增加force参数 |
* 二级配置参数区分大小写 |
* 改进join方法自关联的问题 |
* 修正关联模型自定义表名的情况 |
* Query类增加getFieldsType和getTableFields方法 |
* 取消视图替换功能及view_replace_str配置参数 |
* 改进域名绑定模块后的额外路由规则问题 |
* 改进mysql的insertAll方法 |
* 改进insertAll方法写入json字段数据的支持 |
* 改进redis长连接多编号库的情况 |
## RC3版本(2017-11-6) |
主要更新如下: |
* 改进redis驱动的`get`方法 |
* 修正Query类的`alias`方法 |
* `File`类错误信息支持多语言 |
* 修正路由的额外参数解析 |
* 改进`whereTime`方法 |
* 改进Model类`getAttr`方法 |
* 改进App类的`controller`和`validate`方法支持多层 |
* 改进`HasManyThrough`类 |
* 修正软删除的`restore`方法 |
* 改进`MorpthTo`关联 |
* 改进数据库驱动类的`parseKey`方法 |
* 增加`whereField`动态查询方法 |
* 模型增加废弃字段功能 |
* 改进路由的`after`行为检查和`before`行为机制 |
* 改进路由分组的检查 |
* 修正mysql的`json`字段查询 |
* 取消Connection类的`quote`方法 |
* 改进命令行的支持 |
* 验证信息支持多语言 |
* 修正路由模型绑定 |
* 改进参数绑定类型对枚举类型的支持 |
* 修正模板的`{$Think.version} `输出 |
* 改进模板`date`函数解析 |
* 改进`insertAll`方法支持分批执行 |
* Request类`host`方法支持反向代理 |
* 改进`JumpResponse`支持区分成功和错误模板 |
* 改进开启类库后缀后的关联外键自动识别问题 |
* 修正一对一关联的JOIN方式预载入查询问题 |
* Query类增加`hidden`方法 |
## RC2版本(2017-10-17) |
主要更新如下: |
* 修正视图查询 |
* 修正资源路由 |
* 修正`HasMany`关联 修正`where`方法的闭包查询 |
* 一对一关联绑定属性到父模型后 关联属性不再保留 |
* 修正应用的命令行配置文件读取 |
* 改进`Connection`类的`getCacheKey`方法 |
* 改进文件上传的非法图像异常 |
* 改进验证类的`unique`规则 |
* Config类`get`方法支持获取一级配置 |
* 修正count方法对`fetchSql`的支持 |
* 修正mysql驱动对`socket`支持 |
* 改进Connection类的`getRealSql`方法 |
* 修正`view`助手函数 |
* Query类增加`leftJoin` `rightJoin` 和 `fullJoin`方法 |
* 改进app_namespace的获取 |
* 改进`append`方法对一对一`bind`属性的支持 |
* 改进关联的`saveall`方法的返回值 |
* 路由标识设置异常修复 |
* 改进Route类`rule`方法 |
* 改进模型的`table`属性设置 |
* 改进composer autofile的加载顺序 |
* 改进`exception_handle`配置对闭包的支持 |
* 改进app助手函数增加参数 |
* 改进composer的加载路径判断 |
* 修正路由组合变量的URL生成 |
* 修正路由URL生成 |
* 改进`whereTime`查询并支持扩展规则 |
* File类的`move`方法第二个参数支持`false` |
* 改进Config类 |
* 改进缓存类`remember`方法 |
* 惯例配置文件调整 Url类当普通模式参数的时候不做`urlencode`处理 |
* 取消`ROOT_PATH`和`APP_PATH`常量定义 如需更改应用目录 自己重新定义入口文件 |
* 增加`app_debug`的`Env`获取 |
* 修正泛域名绑定 |
* 改进查询表达式的解析机制 |
* mysql增加`regexp`查询表达式 支持正则查询 |
* 改进查询表达式的异常判断 |
* 改进model类的`destroy`方法 |
* 改进Builder类 取消`parseValue`方法 |
* 修正like查询的参数绑定问题 |
* console和start文件移出核心纳入应用库 |
* 改进Db类主键删除方法 |
* 改进泛域名绑定模块 |
* 取消`BIND_MODULE`常量 改为在入口文件使用`bind`方法设置 |
* 改进数组查询 |
* 改进模板渲染的异常处理 |
* 改进控制器基类的架构方法参数 |
* 改进Controller类的`success`和`error`方法 |
* 改进对浏览器`JSON-Handle`插件的支持 |
* 优化跳转模板的移动端显示 |
* 修正模型查询的`chunk`方法对时间字段的支持 |
* 改进trace驱动 |
* Collection类增加`push`方法 |
* 改进Redis Session驱动 |
* 增加JumpResponse驱动 |
## RC1(2017-9-8) |
主要新特性为: |
* 引入容器和Facade支持 |
* 依赖注入完善和支持更多场景 |
* 重构的(对象化)路由 |
* 配置和路由目录独立 |
* 取消系统常量 |
* 助手函数增强 |
* 类库别名机制 |
* 模型和数据库增强 |
* 验证类增强 |
* 模板引擎改进 |
* 支持PSR-3日志规范 |
* RC1版本取消了5.0多个字段批量数组查询的方式 |
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ |
ThinkPHP遵循Apache2开源协议发布,并提供免费使用。 |
版权所有Copyright © 2006-2016 by ThinkPHP ( |
All rights reserved。 |
ThinkPHP® 商标和著作权所有者为上海顶想信息科技有限公司。 |
Apache Licence是著名的非盈利开源组织Apache采用的协议。 |
该协议和BSD类似,鼓励代码共享和尊重原作者的著作权, |
允许代码修改,再作为开源或商业软件发布。需要满足 |
的条件: |
1. 需要给代码的用户一份Apache Licence ; |
2. 如果你修改了代码,需要在被修改的文件中说明; |
3. 在延伸的代码中(修改和有源代码衍生的代码中)需要 |
带有原来代码中的协议,商标,专利声明和其他原来作者规 |
定需要包含的说明; |
4. 如果再发布的产品中包含一个Notice文件,则在Notice文 |
件中需要带有本协议内容。你可以在Notice中增加自己的 |
许可,但不可以表现为对Apache Licence构成更改。 |
具体的协议参考: |
@ -1,2 +1,52 @@ |
# excel_handle |
ThinkPHP 6.0 |
=============== |
> 运行环境要求PHP7.1+。 |
## 主要新特性 |
* 采用`PHP7`强类型(严格模式) |
* 支持更多的`PSR`规范 |
* 原生多应用支持 |
* 更强大和易用的查询 |
* 全新的事件系统 |
* 模型事件和数据库事件统一纳入事件系统 |
* 模板引擎分离出核心 |
* 内部功能中间件化 |
* SESSION/Cookie机制改进 |
* 对Swoole以及协程支持改进 |
* 对IDE更加友好 |
* 统一和精简大量用法 |
## 安装 |
~~~ |
composer create-project topthink/think tp 6.0.* |
~~~ |
如果需要更新框架使用 |
~~~ |
composer update topthink/framework |
~~~ |
## 文档 |
[完全开发手册]( |
## 参与开发 |
请参阅 [ThinkPHP 核心框架包](。 |
## 版权信息 |
ThinkPHP遵循Apache2开源协议发布,并提供免费使用。 |
本项目包含的第三方源码和二进制文件之版权信息另行标注。 |
版权所有Copyright © 2006-2020 by ThinkPHP ( |
All rights reserved。 |
ThinkPHP® 商标和著作权所有者为上海顶想信息科技有限公司。 |
更多细节参阅 [LICENSE.txt](LICENSE.txt) |
@ -0,0 +1 @@ |
deny from all |
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ |
<?php |
declare (strict_types = 1); |
namespace app; |
use think\Service; |
/** |
* 应用服务类 |
*/ |
class AppService extends Service |
{ |
public function register() |
{ |
// 服务注册 |
} |
public function boot() |
{ |
// 服务启动 |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,182 @@ |
<?php |
declare (strict_types = 1); |
namespace app; |
use Exception; |
use think\App; |
use think\exception\HttpResponseException; |
use think\exception\ValidateException; |
use think\facade\View; |
use think\Validate; |
/** |
* 控制器基础类 |
*/ |
abstract class BaseController |
{ |
/** |
* Request实例 |
* @var \think\Request |
*/ |
protected $request; |
/** |
* 应用实例 |
* @var \think\App |
*/ |
protected $app; |
/** |
* 是否批量验证 |
* @var bool |
*/ |
protected $batchValidate = false; |
/** |
* 控制器中间件 |
* @var array |
*/ |
protected $middleware = []; |
/** |
* @var View |
*/ |
protected $view; |
/** |
* @var array |
*/ |
protected $layui_data; |
/** |
* @var array |
*/ |
protected $json_data; |
/** |
* 构造方法 |
* @access public |
* @param App $app 应用对象 |
*/ |
public function __construct(App $app) |
{ |
$this->app = $app; |
$this->request = $this->app->request; |
$this->view = $this->app->view; |
// 控制器初始化 |
$this->initialize(); |
} |
// 初始化 |
protected function initialize() |
{ |
if($this->request->isAjax() && $this->request->action() != 'login'){ |
$lastAction = session('last_action'); |
if (session('login_time') === null || time() - $lastAction > 600) { |
session('login_time', null); |
$this->json_data['code'] = '-1'; |
$this->json_data['msg'] = '登录超时'; |
throw new HttpResponseException(json($this->json_data)); |
}else if($this->request->action() != 'process'){ |
session('last_action', time()); |
} |
} |
$this->layui_data = [ |
'code' => 0, |
'msg' => '请求成功', |
'count' => 0, |
'data' => [], |
]; |
$this->json_data = ['code' => 1, 'msg' => '操作成功']; |
} |
/** |
* 验证数据 |
* @access protected |
* @param array $data 数据 |
* @param string|array $validate 验证器名或者验证规则数组 |
* @param array $message 提示信息 |
* @param bool $batch 是否批量验证 |
* @return array|string|true |
* @throws ValidateException |
*/ |
protected function validate(array $data, $validate, array $message = [], bool $batch = false) |
{ |
if (is_array($validate)) { |
$v = new Validate(); |
$v->rule($validate); |
} else { |
if (strpos($validate, '.')) { |
// 支持场景 |
[$validate, $scene] = explode('.', $validate); |
} |
$class = false !== strpos($validate, '\\') ? $validate : $this->app->parseClass('validate', $validate); |
$v = new $class(); |
if (!empty($scene)) { |
$v->scene($scene); |
} |
} |
$v->message($message); |
// 是否批量验证 |
if ($batch || $this->batchValidate) { |
$v->batch(true); |
} |
return $v->failException(true)->check($data); |
} |
/** |
* 加载模板输出 |
* @access protected |
* @param string $template 模板文件名 |
* @param array $vars 模板输出变量 |
* @return string |
* @throws Exception |
*/ |
protected function fetch($template = '', $vars = []) |
{ |
return $this->view->fetch($template, $vars); |
} |
/** |
* 渲染内容输出 |
* @access protected |
* @param string $content 模板内容 |
* @param array $vars 模板输出变量 |
* @return mixed |
*/ |
protected function display($content = '', $vars = []) |
{ |
return $this->view->display($content, $vars); |
} |
/** |
* 模板变量赋值 |
* @access protected |
* @param mixed $name 要显示的模板变量 |
* @param mixed $value 变量的值 |
* @return $this |
*/ |
protected function assign($name, $value = '') |
{ |
$this->view->assign($name, $value); |
return $this; |
} |
/** |
* 初始化模板引擎 |
* @access protected |
* @param array|string $engine 引擎参数 |
* @return $this |
*/ |
protected function engine($engine) |
{ |
$this->view->engine($engine); |
return $this; |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ |
<?php |
namespace app; |
use think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException; |
use think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException; |
use think\exception\Handle; |
use think\exception\HttpException; |
use think\exception\HttpResponseException; |
use think\exception\ValidateException; |
use think\Response; |
use Throwable; |
/** |
* 应用异常处理类 |
*/ |
class ExceptionHandle extends Handle |
{ |
/** |
* 不需要记录信息(日志)的异常类列表 |
* @var array |
*/ |
protected $ignoreReport = [ |
HttpException::class, |
HttpResponseException::class, |
ModelNotFoundException::class, |
DataNotFoundException::class, |
ValidateException::class, |
]; |
/** |
* 记录异常信息(包括日志或者其它方式记录) |
* |
* @access public |
* @param Throwable $exception |
* @return void |
*/ |
public function report(Throwable $exception): void |
{ |
// 使用内置的方式记录异常日志 |
parent::report($exception); |
} |
/** |
* Render an exception into an HTTP response. |
* |
* @access public |
* @param \think\Request $request |
* @param Throwable $e |
* @return Response |
*/ |
public function render($request, Throwable $e): Response |
{ |
// 添加自定义异常处理机制 |
// 其他错误交给系统处理 |
return parent::render($request, $e); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ |
<?php |
namespace app; |
// 应用请求对象类 |
class Request extends \think\Request |
{ |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ |
<?php |
// 应用公共文件 |
function startsWith($haystack, $needle) |
{ |
return strncmp($haystack, $needle, strlen($needle)) === 0; |
} |
function endsWith($haystack, $needle) |
{ |
return $haystack != '' && $needle != '' && substr_compare($haystack, $needle, -strlen($needle)) === 0; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,86 @@ |
<?php |
declare (strict_types = 1); |
namespace app\controller; |
use app\BaseController; |
use think\Request; |
class Crontab extends BaseController |
{ |
/** |
* 显示资源列表 |
* |
* @return \think\Response |
*/ |
public function index() |
{ |
// |
} |
/** |
* 显示创建资源表单页. |
* |
* @return \think\Response |
*/ |
public function create() |
{ |
// |
} |
/** |
* 保存新建的资源 |
* |
* @param \think\Request $request |
* @return \think\Response |
*/ |
public function save(Request $request) |
{ |
// |
} |
/** |
* 显示指定的资源 |
* |
* @param int $id |
* @return \think\Response |
*/ |
public function read($id) |
{ |
// |
} |
/** |
* 显示编辑资源表单页. |
* |
* @param int $id |
* @return \think\Response |
*/ |
public function edit($id) |
{ |
// |
} |
/** |
* 保存更新的资源 |
* |
* @param \think\Request $request |
* @param int $id |
* @return \think\Response |
*/ |
public function update(Request $request, $id) |
{ |
// |
} |
/** |
* 删除指定资源 |
* |
* @param int $id |
* @return \think\Response |
*/ |
public function delete($id) |
{ |
// |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,498 @@ |
<?php |
namespace app\controller; |
use app\BaseController; |
use app\model\CarInfoT; |
use app\model\JobsT; |
use app\model\PeerPhoneT; |
use app\model\RepeatFrameT; |
use library\Tree; |
use think\facade\Db; |
use think\facade\Filesystem; |
use think\response\Json; |
class Index extends BaseController |
{ |
/** |
* @var CarInfoT |
*/ |
private $model; |
public function initialize() |
{ |
parent::initialize(); // TODO: Change the autogenerated stub |
$this->model = new CarInfoT; |
} |
/** |
* 显示资源列表 |
* |
* @return string |
* @throws \Exception |
*/ |
public function index() |
{ |
$peer_phone_count = PeerPhoneT::count(); |
$repeat_frame_count = RepeatFrameT::count(); |
$this->assign('peer_phone_count', $peer_phone_count); |
$this->assign('repeat_frame_count', $repeat_frame_count); |
return $this->fetch(); |
} |
/** |
* @return Json |
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException |
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException |
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException |
*/ |
public function carInfo(){ |
$params = $this->request->param(); |
$page = $this->request->param('page', 1); |
$limit = $this->request->param('limit', 20); |
if ($page <= 1) { |
$page = 1; |
} |
$offset = ($page - 1) * $limit; |
$map = $this->getQueryCondition($params); |
$jobs_name = ['0' => '']; |
if (isset($params['is_check_peer_phone']) && $params['is_check_peer_phone'] > 0) { |
$params['data_check'] = 'car_phone_check'; |
} |
if ((isset($params['is_check_repeat_frame']) && $params['is_check_repeat_frame'] > 0) || |
isset($params['is_delete_frame']) && $params['is_delete_frame'] > 0) { |
$params['data_check'] = 'car_frame_check'; |
} |
if(isset($params['data_check']) && $params['data_check'] == 'car_frame_check'){ |
$query = $this->model->rightJoin('repeat_frame_t','repeat_frame_t.car_frame_no = car_info_t.car_frame_no')->field('car_info_t.*')->where($map)->order('repeat_frame_t.car_frame_no desc'); |
if (isset($params['is_check_repeat_frame']) && $params['is_check_repeat_frame'] > 0) { |
$jobs_info = JobsT::find($params['is_check_repeat_frame']); |
$job_info_payload = json_decode($jobs_info->payload,true)['data']['params']; |
if(isset($job_info_payload['export_date1']) && $job_info_payload['export_date1'] != ''){ |
$query = $query->where('car_info_t.register_date', '>=', $job_info_payload['export_date1']); |
} |
if(isset($job_info_payload['export_date2']) && $job_info_payload['export_date2'] != ''){ |
$query = $query->where('car_info_t.register_date', '<=', $job_info_payload['export_date2']); |
} |
$query = $query->where([ |
['repeat_frame_t.source', '=', $params['is_check_repeat_frame']]]); |
} else if (isset($params['is_delete_frame']) && $params['is_delete_frame'] > 0) { |
$query = $query->where('repeat_frame_t.is_delete', '=', $params['is_delete_frame']); |
} |
}else if(isset($params['data_check']) && $params['data_check'] == 'car_phone_check'){ |
$query = $this->model->rightJoin('peer_phone_t',' = car_info_t.car_phone')->field('car_info_t.*')->where($map)->order(' desc'); |
if (isset($params['is_check_peer_phone']) && $params['is_check_peer_phone'] > 0) { |
$jobs_info = JobsT::find($params['is_check_peer_phone']); |
$job_info_payload = json_decode($jobs_info->payload, true)['data']['params']; |
if (isset($job_info_payload['export_date1']) && $job_info_payload['export_date1'] != '') { |
$query = $query->where('car_info_t.register_date', '>=', $job_info_payload['export_date1']); |
} |
if (isset($job_info_payload['export_date2']) && $job_info_payload['export_date2'] != '') { |
$query = $query->where('car_info_t.register_date', '<=', $job_info_payload['export_date2']); |
} |
$query = $query->where('peer_phone_t.source', '=', $params['is_check_peer_phone'])->where('car_info_t.car_number', 'REGEXP', '^[1-9][[:digit:]]{7}((0[[:digit:]])|(1[0-2]))(([0|1|2][[:digit:]])|3[0-1])[[:digit:]]{3}$|^[1-9][[:digit:]]{5}[1-9][[:digit:]]{3}((0[[:digit:]])|(1[0-2]))(([0|1|2][[:digit:]])|3[0-1])[[:digit:]]{3}([0-9]|X)$'); |
} |
} else if (isset($params['export_name']) && $params['export_name'] != '') { |
$export_name = JobsT::where('queue', 'like', '%' . $params['export_name'] . '%')->column('queue,download_times', 'id'); |
$ids = array_keys($export_name); |
$query = $this->model->where($map)->where(function ($query) use ($ids) { |
$query->whereOr(['car_info_t.is_export_bhx' => $ids, 'car_info_t.is_export_bmc' => $ids]); |
})->field('*')->order('is_export_bhx desc,is_export_bmc desc'); |
} else { |
$query = $this->model->where($map)->order('id desc'); |
} |
$map_or1 = []; |
$map_or2 = []; |
$insurer_month1 = $params['insurer_month1']??''; |
$insurer_day1 = $params['insurer_day1']??''; |
$insurer_month2 = $params['insurer_month2']??''; |
$insurer_day2 = $params['insurer_day2']??''; |
if($insurer_month1 != '' && $insurer_day1 == '') { |
$map_or1[] = [Db::raw('month(car_info_t.insurer1_date)'), '>=', $insurer_month1]; |
$map_or2[] = [Db::raw('month(car_info_t.insurer2_date)'), '>=', $insurer_month1]; |
} else if ($insurer_month1 == '' && $insurer_day1 != '') { |
$map_or1[] = [Db::raw('day(car_info_t.insurer1_date)'), '>=', $insurer_day1]; |
$map_or2[] = [Db::raw('day(car_info_t.insurer2_date)'), '>=', $insurer_day1]; |
} else if ($insurer_month1 != '' && $insurer_day1 != '') { |
$map_or1[] = [Db::raw('DATE_FORMAT(car_info_t.insurer1_date,"%m-%d")'), '>=', substr('0' . $insurer_month1, -2) . '-' . substr('0' . $insurer_day1, -2)]; |
$map_or2[] = [Db::raw('DATE_FORMAT(car_info_t.insurer2_date,"%m-%d")'), '>=', substr('0' . $insurer_month1, -2) . '-' . substr('0' . $insurer_day1, -2)]; |
} |
if($insurer_month2 != '' && $insurer_day2 == '') { |
$map_or1[] = [Db::raw('month(car_info_t.insurer1_date)'), '<=', $insurer_month2]; |
$map_or2[] = [Db::raw('month(car_info_t.insurer2_date)'), '<=', $insurer_month2]; |
} else if ($insurer_month2 == '' && $insurer_day2 != '') { |
$map_or1[] = [Db::raw('day(car_info_t.insurer1_date)'), '<=', $insurer_day2]; |
$map_or2[] = [Db::raw('day(car_info_t.insurer2_date)'), '<=', $insurer_day2]; |
} else if ($insurer_month2 != '' && $insurer_day2 != '') { |
$map_or1[] = [Db::raw('DATE_FORMAT(car_info_t.insurer1_date,"%m-%d")'), '<=', substr('0' . $insurer_month2, -2) . '-' . substr('0' . $insurer_day2, -2)]; |
$map_or2[] = [Db::raw('DATE_FORMAT(car_info_t.insurer2_date,"%m-%d")'), '<=', substr('0' . $insurer_month2, -2) . '-' . substr('0' . $insurer_day2, -2)]; |
} |
if(count($map_or1) > 0){ |
$map_or1 = array_merge([['car_info_t.insurer1_date', '<>', '']],$map_or1); |
} |
if(count($map_or2) > 0){ |
$map_or2 = array_merge([['car_info_t.insurer1_date', '=', ''],['car_info_t.insurer2_date', '<>', '']],$map_or2); |
} |
if (count($map_or1) > 0 && count($map_or2) > 0) { |
$query = $query->where(function ($query) use ($map_or1, $map_or2) { |
if (count($map_or1) > 0 && count($map_or2) > 0) { |
$query->whereOr([$map_or1, $map_or2]); |
} |
}); |
} |
if (isset($params['data_filter']) && !empty($params['data_filter'])) { |
$map = $this->getAddStatusQuery(array_flip($params['data_filter'])); |
if(count($map) > 1 ){ |
$query = $query->where(function ($query) use ($map) { |
if (count($map) > 0){ |
$query->whereOr($map); |
} |
}); |
}else { |
$query = $query->where($map); |
} |
} |
$count = $query->count(); |
$list = $query->limit($offset, $limit)->select()->toArray(); |
if(isset($export_name) && count($export_name) > 0 ){ |
$jobs_name = $jobs_name + $export_name; |
} |
foreach ($list as &$item) { |
$item['export_bhx_name'] = $jobs_name[$item['is_export_bhx']]['queue'] ?? ''; |
$item['export_bmc_name'] = $jobs_name[$item['is_export_bmc']]['queue'] ?? ''; |
$item['bhx_download_times'] = $jobs_name[$item['is_export_bhx']]['download_times'] ?? 0; |
$item['bmc_download_times'] = $jobs_name[$item['is_export_bmc']]['download_times'] ?? 0; |
} |
$this->layui_data['data'] = $list; |
$this->layui_data['count'] = $count; |
return json($this->layui_data); |
} |
/** |
* 显示编辑资源表单页. |
* |
* @param int $id |
* @return string |
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException |
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException |
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException |
*/ |
public function edit($id) |
{ |
$car_info = $this->model->find($id); |
if($this->request->isGet()){ |
$this->assign('info', $car_info); |
return $this->fetch(); |
}else if($this->request->isPost()){ |
$data = $this->request->param(); |
$car_info->car_no = $data['car_no'] ?? $car_info->car_no; |
$car_info->car_frame_no = $data['car_frame_no'] ?? $car_info->car_frame_no; |
$car_info->engine_no = $data['engine_no'] ?? $car_info->engine_no; |
$car_info->factory_model = $data['factory_model'] ?? $car_info->factory_model; |
$car_info->register_date = $data['register_date'] ?? $car_info->register_date; |
$car_info->purchase_price = $data['purchase_price'] ?? $car_info->purchase_price; |
$car_info->company = $data['company'] ?? $car_info->company; |
$car_info->insurer1_date = $data['insurer1_date'] ?? $car_info->insurer1_date; |
$car_info->insurer2_date = $data['insurer2_date'] ?? $car_info->insurer2_date; |
$car_info->car_man = $data['car_man'] ?? $car_info->car_man; |
$car_info->car_number = $data['car_number'] ?? $car_info->car_number; |
$car_info->car_phone = $data['car_phone'] ?? $car_info->car_phone; |
$car_info->id_man = $data['id_man'] ?? $car_info->id_man; |
$car_info->id_number = $data['id_number'] ?? $car_info->id_number; |
$car_info->update_timestamp = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); |
if($car_info->save()){ |
return json($this->json_data); |
}else { |
$this->json_data['code'] = 0; |
$this->json_data['msg'] = '保存失败'; |
return json($this->layui_data); |
} |
} |
} |
/** |
* 删除指定资源 |
* @param $id |
* @return Json |
*/ |
public function delete($id) |
{ |
// |
$this->json_data['code'] = intval($this->model->destroy($id)); |
$this->json_data['msg'] = $this->json_data['code'] ? '删除成功' : '删除失败'; |
return json($this->json_data); |
} |
/** |
* 批量删除 |
* @return Json |
* @throws \Exception |
*/ |
public function deletes() |
{ |
// |
$params = $this->request->param(); |
$map = $this->getQueryCondition($params); |
if($this->model->where($map)->delete()){ |
$this->json_data['msg'] = '删除成功'; |
}else { |
$this->json_data['code'] = 0; |
$this->json_data['msg'] = '删除失败'; |
} |
return json($this->json_data); |
} |
/** |
* 清除数据 |
* @return Json |
*/ |
public function truncate(){ |
$ret = Db::execute("truncate table car_info_t"); |
if($ret === false){ |
$this->json_data['code'] = 0; |
$this->json_data['msg'] = '删除失败'; |
}else { |
$this->json_data['msg'] = '删除成功'; |
} |
return json($this->json_data); |
} |
/** |
* @param $id |
* @return Json |
*/ |
public function clearPhone($id){ |
$this->json_data['code'] = $this->model->where('id', $id)->update(['car_phone' => '']); |
$this->json_data['msg'] = $this->json_data['code'] ? '操作成功' : '操作失败'; |
return json($this->json_data); |
} |
/** |
* 保存更新的资源 |
* |
* @param int $id |
* @param $field |
* @param $value |
* @return \think\Response |
*/ |
public function update($id, $field, $value) |
{ |
$this->json_data['code'] = $this->model->where('id', $id)->update([$field => $value]); |
$this->json_data['msg'] = $this->json_data['code'] ? '更新成功' : '更新失败'; |
return json($this->json_data); |
} |
public function login(){ |
$password = $this->request->param('password',''); |
if ($password === 'wuwei088277') { |
session('login_time', time()); |
session('last_action', time()); |
}else { |
$this->json_data['code'] = 0; |
$this->json_data['msg'] = '密码错误'; |
} |
return json($this->json_data); |
} |
/** |
* @param $params |
* @return array |
*/ |
private function getQueryCondition($params) |
{ |
$map = []; |
if (isset($params['car_man']) && $params['car_man'] != '') { |
$car_man = explode(',', str_replace(',', '', $params['car_man'])); |
array_walk($car_man, function (&$value) { |
$value = '%' . $value . '%'; |
}); |
$map[] = ['car_info_t.car_man', 'like', $car_man]; |
} |
if (isset($params['factory_model']) && $params['factory_model'] != '') { |
$factory_model = explode(',', str_replace(',', '', $params['factory_model'])); |
array_walk($factory_model, function (&$value) { |
$value = '%' . $value . '%'; |
}); |
$map[] = ['car_info_t.factory_model', 'like', $factory_model]; |
} |
if (isset($params['car_frame_no']) && $params['car_frame_no'] != '') { |
$map[] = ['car_info_t.car_frame_no', '=', $params['car_frame_no']]; |
} |
if (isset($params['car_no']) && $params['car_no'] != '') { |
$map[] = ['car_info_t.car_no', '=', $params['car_no']]; |
} |
if (isset($params['car_number']) && $params['car_number'] != '') { |
$map[] = ['car_info_t.car_number', '=', $params['car_number']]; |
} |
if (isset($params['car_phone']) && $params['car_phone'] != '') { |
$map[] = ['car_info_t.car_phone', '=', $params['car_phone']]; |
} |
if (isset($params['register_date']) && $params['register_date'] != '') { |
$map[] = ['car_info_t.register_date', '=', $params['register_date']]; |
} |
if (isset($params['car_phone_empty']) && $params['car_phone_empty'] == 'yes') { |
$map[] = ['car_info_t.car_phone', '<>', '']; |
} |
if (isset($params['car_phone_empty']) && $params['car_phone_empty'] == 'no') { |
$map[] = ['car_info_t.car_phone', '=', '']; |
} |
if (isset($params['car_phone_repeat']) && $params['car_phone_repeat'] == 'yes') { |
$map[] = ['', '=', '']; |
} |
if (isset($params['is_update_bhx']) && $params['is_update_bhx'] > 0 ) { |
$map[] = ['car_info_t.is_update_bhx', '=', $params['is_update_bhx']]; |
} |
if (isset($params['is_export_bhx']) && $params['is_export_bhx'] > 0 ) { |
$map[] = ['car_info_t.is_export_bhx', '=', $params['is_export_bhx']]; |
} |
if (isset($params['is_export_bmc']) && $params['is_export_bmc'] > 0 ) { |
$map[] = ['car_info_t.is_export_bmc', '=', $params['is_export_bmc']]; |
} |
if (isset($params['is_export_failed']) && $params['is_export_failed'] > 0 ) { |
$map[] = ['car_info_t.is_export_failed', '=', $params['is_export_failed']]; |
} |
if (isset($params['is_export_failed_bmc']) && $params['is_export_failed_bmc'] > 0 ) { |
$map[] = ['car_info_t.is_export_failed_bmc', '=', $params['is_export_failed_bmc']]; |
} |
if (isset($params['is_export_none_bmc']) && $params['is_export_none_bmc'] > 0 ) { |
$map[] = ['car_info_t.is_export_none_bmc', '=', $params['is_export_none_bmc']]; |
} |
if (isset($params['source']) && $params['source'] > 0 ) { |
$map[] = ['car_info_t.source', '=', $params['source']]; |
} |
if(isset($params['register_date1']) && $params['register_date1'] != ''){ |
$map[] = ['car_info_t.register_date', '>=', $params['register_date1']]; |
} |
if(isset($params['register_date2']) && $params['register_date2'] != ''){ |
$map[] = ['car_info_t.register_date', '<=', $params['register_date2']]; |
} |
if (isset($params['price1']) && $params['price1'] != '') { |
$map[] = ['car_info_t.purchase_price', '>=', $params['price1'] * 10000]; |
} |
if (isset($params['price2']) && $params['price2'] != '') { |
$map[] = ['car_info_t.purchase_price', '<=', $params['price2'] * 10000]; |
} |
return $map; |
} |
/** |
* 添加状态筛选 |
* @param $data_filter |
* @return array |
*/ |
private function getAddStatusQuery($data_filter) |
{ |
$tree = new Tree(); |
$tree->setNode(1, isset($data_filter['bhx']) ? [['car_info_t.is_export_bhx', '>', 0]] : []); |
$tree->setNode(2, isset($data_filter['none']) ? [['car_info_t.is_export_bhx', '=', 0]] : []); |
if(isset($data_filter['bhx_success'])){ |
$tree->setNode(3, [[ |
['car_info_t.is_export_bhx', '>', 0], |
['car_info_t.is_update_bhx', '>', 0], |
]],1); |
$tree->setNode(1, [], 0); |
}else { |
$tree->setNode(3, [],1); |
} |
if(isset($data_filter['bhx_failed'])){ |
$tree->setNode(4, [[ |
['car_info_t.is_export_bhx', '>', 0], |
['car_info_t.is_update_bhx', '<', 0], |
]],1); |
$tree->setNode(1, [], 0); |
}else { |
$tree->setNode(4, [],1); |
} |
if(isset($data_filter['bhx_none'])){ |
$tree->setNode(5, [[ |
['car_info_t.is_export_bhx', '>', 0], |
['car_info_t.is_update_bhx', '=', 0], |
]],1); |
$tree->setNode(1, [], 0); |
}else { |
$tree->setNode(5, [],1); |
} |
if(isset($data_filter['none_bmc'])){ |
$tree->setNode(6, [[ |
['car_info_t.is_export_bhx', '=', 0], |
['car_info_t.is_export_none_bmc', '>', 0], |
]],2); |
$tree->setNode(2, [], 0); |
}else { |
$tree->setNode(6, [],2); |
} |
if(isset($data_filter['none_none'])){ |
$tree->setNode(7, [[ |
['car_info_t.is_export_bhx', '=', 0], |
['car_info_t.is_export_none_bmc', '=', 0], |
]],2); |
$tree->setNode(2, [], 0); |
}else { |
$tree->setNode(7, [],2); |
} |
if(isset($data_filter['bhx_success_bmc'])){ |
$tree->setNode(8, [[ |
['car_info_t.is_export_bhx', '>', 0], |
['car_info_t.is_update_bhx', '>', 0], |
['car_info_t.is_export_bmc', '>', 0], |
]],3); |
$tree->setNode(3, [], 0); |
}else { |
$tree->setNode(8, [],3); |
} |
if(isset($data_filter['bhx_success_none'])){ |
$tree->setNode(9, [[ |
['car_info_t.is_export_bhx', '>', 0], |
['car_info_t.is_update_bhx', '>', 0], |
['car_info_t.is_export_bmc', '=', 0], |
]],3); |
$tree->setNode(3, [], 0); |
}else { |
$tree->setNode(9, [],3); |
} |
if(isset($data_filter['bhx_failed_bmc'])){ |
$tree->setNode(10, [[ |
['car_info_t.is_export_bhx', '>', 0], |
['car_info_t.is_update_bhx', '<', 0], |
['car_info_t.is_export_bmc', '=', 0], |
['car_info_t.is_export_failed', '=', 0], |
['car_info_t.is_export_failed_bmc', '>', 0], |
]],4); |
$tree->setNode(4, [], 0); |
}else { |
$tree->setNode(10, [],4); |
} |
if(isset($data_filter['bhx_failed_bhx'])){ |
$tree->setNode(11, [[ |
['car_info_t.is_export_bhx', '>', 0], |
['car_info_t.is_export_bhx', '>', 0], |
['car_info_t.is_update_bhx', '<', 0], |
['car_info_t.is_export_bmc', '=', 0], |
['car_info_t.is_export_failed', '>', 0], |
]],4); |
$tree->setNode(4, [], 0); |
}else { |
$tree->setNode(11, [],4); |
} |
if(isset($data_filter['bhx_failed_none'])){ |
$tree->setNode(12, [[ |
['car_info_t.is_export_bhx', '>', 0], |
['car_info_t.is_update_bhx', '<', 0], |
['car_info_t.is_export_bmc', '=', 0], |
['car_info_t.is_export_failed', '=', 0], |
['car_info_t.is_export_failed_bmc', '=', 0], |
]],4); |
$tree->setNode(4, [], 0); |
}else { |
$tree->setNode(12, [],4); |
} |
$map = $tree->getAllChildrenNodes(0, function ($value) { |
return count($value) > 0; |
}, function ($value) { |
return $value; |
}); |
return array_column(array_filter($map), null); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,498 @@ |
<?php |
namespace app\controller; |
use app\BaseController; |
use app\model\CarInfoT; |
use app\model\JobsT; |
use app\model\PeerPhoneT; |
use app\model\RepeatFrameT; |
use library\Tree; |
use think\facade\Db; |
use think\facade\Filesystem; |
use think\response\Json; |
class Index extends BaseController |
{ |
/** |
* @var CarInfoT |
*/ |
private $model; |
public function initialize() |
{ |
parent::initialize(); // TODO: Change the autogenerated stub |
$this->model = new CarInfoT; |
} |
/** |
* 显示资源列表 |
* |
* @return string |
* @throws \Exception |
*/ |
public function index() |
{ |
$peer_phone_count = PeerPhoneT::count(); |
$repeat_frame_count = RepeatFrameT::count(); |
$this->assign('peer_phone_count', $peer_phone_count); |
$this->assign('repeat_frame_count', $repeat_frame_count); |
return $this->fetch(); |
} |
/** |
* @return Json |
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException |
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException |
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException |
*/ |
public function carInfo(){ |
$params = $this->request->param(); |
$page = $this->request->param('page', 1); |
$limit = $this->request->param('limit', 20); |
if ($page <= 1) { |
$page = 1; |
} |
$offset = ($page - 1) * $limit; |
$map = $this->getQueryCondition($params); |
$jobs_name = ['0' => '']; |
if (isset($params['is_check_peer_phone']) && $params['is_check_peer_phone'] > 0) { |
$params['data_check'] = 'car_phone_check'; |
} |
if ((isset($params['is_check_repeat_frame']) && $params['is_check_repeat_frame'] > 0) || |
isset($params['is_delete_frame']) && $params['is_delete_frame'] > 0) { |
$params['data_check'] = 'car_frame_check'; |
} |
if(isset($params['data_check']) && $params['data_check'] == 'car_frame_check'){ |
$query = $this->model->rightJoin('repeat_frame_t','repeat_frame_t.car_frame_no = car_info_t.car_frame_no')->field('car_info_t.*')->where($map)->order('repeat_frame_t.car_frame_no desc'); |
if (isset($params['is_check_repeat_frame']) && $params['is_check_repeat_frame'] > 0) { |
$jobs_info = JobsT::find($params['is_check_repeat_frame']); |
$job_info_payload = json_decode($jobs_info->payload,true)['data']['params']; |
if(isset($job_info_payload['export_date1']) && $job_info_payload['export_date1'] != ''){ |
$query = $query->where('car_info_t.register_date', '>=', $job_info_payload['export_date1']); |
} |
if(isset($job_info_payload['export_date2']) && $job_info_payload['export_date2'] != ''){ |
$query = $query->where('car_info_t.register_date', '<=', $job_info_payload['export_date2']); |
} |
$query = $query->where([ |
['repeat_frame_t.source', '=', $params['is_check_repeat_frame']]]); |
} else if (isset($params['is_delete_frame']) && $params['is_delete_frame'] > 0) { |
$query = $query->where('repeat_frame_t.is_delete', '=', $params['is_delete_frame']); |
} |
}else if(isset($params['data_check']) && $params['data_check'] == 'car_phone_check'){ |
$query = $this->model->rightJoin('peer_phone_t',' = car_info_t.car_phone')->field('car_info_t.*')->where($map)->order(' desc'); |
if (isset($params['is_check_peer_phone']) && $params['is_check_peer_phone'] > 0) { |
$jobs_info = JobsT::find($params['is_check_peer_phone']); |
$job_info_payload = json_decode($jobs_info->payload, true)['data']['params']; |
if (isset($job_info_payload['export_date1']) && $job_info_payload['export_date1'] != '') { |
$query = $query->where('car_info_t.register_date', '>=', $job_info_payload['export_date1']); |
} |
if (isset($job_info_payload['export_date2']) && $job_info_payload['export_date2'] != '') { |
$query = $query->where('car_info_t.register_date', '<=', $job_info_payload['export_date2']); |
} |
$query = $query->where('peer_phone_t.source', '=', $params['is_check_peer_phone'])->where('car_info_t.car_number', 'REGEXP', '^[1-9][[:digit:]]{7}((0[[:digit:]])|(1[0-2]))(([0|1|2][[:digit:]])|3[0-1])[[:digit:]]{3}$|^[1-9][[:digit:]]{5}[1-9][[:digit:]]{3}((0[[:digit:]])|(1[0-2]))(([0|1|2][[:digit:]])|3[0-1])[[:digit:]]{3}([0-9]|X)$'); |
} |
} else if (isset($params['export_name']) && $params['export_name'] != '') { |
$export_name = JobsT::where('queue', 'like', '%' . $params['export_name'] . '%')->column('queue,download_times', 'id'); |
$ids = array_keys($export_name); |
$query = $this->model->where($map)->where(function ($query) use ($ids) { |
$query->whereOr(['car_info_t.is_export_bhx' => $ids, 'car_info_t.is_export_bmc' => $ids]); |
})->field('*')->order('is_export_bhx desc,is_export_bmc desc'); |
} else { |
$query = $this->model->where($map)->order('id desc'); |
} |
$map_or1 = []; |
$map_or2 = []; |
$insurer_month1 = $params['insurer_month1']??''; |
$insurer_day1 = $params['insurer_day1']??''; |
$insurer_month2 = $params['insurer_month2']??''; |
$insurer_day2 = $params['insurer_day2']??''; |
if($insurer_month1 != '' && $insurer_day1 == '') { |
$map_or1[] = [Db::raw('month(car_info_t.insurer1_date)'), '>=', $insurer_month1]; |
$map_or2[] = [Db::raw('month(car_info_t.insurer2_date)'), '>=', $insurer_month1]; |
} else if ($insurer_month1 == '' && $insurer_day1 != '') { |
$map_or1[] = [Db::raw('day(car_info_t.insurer1_date)'), '>=', $insurer_day1]; |
$map_or2[] = [Db::raw('day(car_info_t.insurer2_date)'), '>=', $insurer_day1]; |
} else if ($insurer_month1 != '' && $insurer_day1 != '') { |
$map_or1[] = [Db::raw('DATE_FORMAT(car_info_t.insurer1_date,"%m-%d")'), '>=', substr('0' . $insurer_month1, -2) . '-' . substr('0' . $insurer_day1, -2)]; |
$map_or2[] = [Db::raw('DATE_FORMAT(car_info_t.insurer2_date,"%m-%d")'), '>=', substr('0' . $insurer_month1, -2) . '-' . substr('0' . $insurer_day1, -2)]; |
} |
if($insurer_month2 != '' && $insurer_day2 == '') { |
$map_or1[] = [Db::raw('month(car_info_t.insurer1_date)'), '<=', $insurer_month2]; |
$map_or2[] = [Db::raw('month(car_info_t.insurer2_date)'), '<=', $insurer_month2]; |
} else if ($insurer_month2 == '' && $insurer_day2 != '') { |
$map_or1[] = [Db::raw('day(car_info_t.insurer1_date)'), '<=', $insurer_day2]; |
$map_or2[] = [Db::raw('day(car_info_t.insurer2_date)'), '<=', $insurer_day2]; |
} else if ($insurer_month2 != '' && $insurer_day2 != '') { |
$map_or1[] = [Db::raw('DATE_FORMAT(car_info_t.insurer1_date,"%m-%d")'), '<=', substr('0' . $insurer_month2, -2) . '-' . substr('0' . $insurer_day2, -2)]; |
$map_or2[] = [Db::raw('DATE_FORMAT(car_info_t.insurer2_date,"%m-%d")'), '<=', substr('0' . $insurer_month2, -2) . '-' . substr('0' . $insurer_day2, -2)]; |
} |
if(count($map_or1) > 0){ |
$map_or1 = array_merge([['car_info_t.insurer1_date', '<>', '']],$map_or1); |
} |
if(count($map_or2) > 0){ |
$map_or2 = array_merge([['car_info_t.insurer1_date', '=', ''],['car_info_t.insurer2_date', '<>', '']],$map_or2); |
} |
if (count($map_or1) > 0 && count($map_or2) > 0) { |
$query = $query->where(function ($query) use ($map_or1, $map_or2) { |
if (count($map_or1) > 0 && count($map_or2) > 0) { |
$query->whereOr([$map_or1, $map_or2]); |
} |
}); |
} |
if (isset($params['data_filter']) && !empty($params['data_filter'])) { |
$map = $this->getAddStatusQuery(array_flip($params['data_filter'])); |
if(count($map) > 1 ){ |
$query = $query->where(function ($query) use ($map) { |
if (count($map) > 0){ |
$query->whereOr($map); |
} |
}); |
}else { |
$query = $query->where($map); |
} |
} |
$count = $query->count(); |
$list = $query->limit($offset, $limit)->select()->toArray(); |
if(isset($export_name) && count($export_name) > 0 ){ |
$jobs_name = $jobs_name + $export_name; |
} |
foreach ($list as &$item) { |
$item['export_bhx_name'] = $jobs_name[$item['is_export_bhx']]['queue'] ?? ''; |
$item['export_bmc_name'] = $jobs_name[$item['is_export_bmc']]['queue'] ?? ''; |
$item['bhx_download_times'] = $jobs_name[$item['is_export_bhx']]['download_times'] ?? 0; |
$item['bmc_download_times'] = $jobs_name[$item['is_export_bmc']]['download_times'] ?? 0; |
} |
$this->layui_data['data'] = $list; |
$this->layui_data['count'] = $count; |
return json($this->layui_data); |
} |
/** |
* 显示编辑资源表单页. |
* |
* @param int $id |
* @return string |
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException |
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException |
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException |
*/ |
public function edit($id) |
{ |
$car_info = $this->model->find($id); |
if($this->request->isGet()){ |
$this->assign('info', $car_info); |
return $this->fetch(); |
}else if($this->request->isPost()){ |
$data = $this->request->param(); |
$car_info->car_no = $data['car_no'] ?? $car_info->car_no; |
$car_info->car_frame_no = $data['car_frame_no'] ?? $car_info->car_frame_no; |
$car_info->engine_no = $data['engine_no'] ?? $car_info->engine_no; |
$car_info->factory_model = $data['factory_model'] ?? $car_info->factory_model; |
$car_info->register_date = $data['register_date'] ?? $car_info->register_date; |
$car_info->purchase_price = $data['purchase_price'] ?? $car_info->purchase_price; |
$car_info->company = $data['company'] ?? $car_info->company; |
$car_info->insurer1_date = $data['insurer1_date'] ?? $car_info->insurer1_date; |
$car_info->insurer2_date = $data['insurer2_date'] ?? $car_info->insurer2_date; |
$car_info->car_man = $data['car_man'] ?? $car_info->car_man; |
$car_info->car_number = $data['car_number'] ?? $car_info->car_number; |
$car_info->car_phone = $data['car_phone'] ?? $car_info->car_phone; |
$car_info->id_man = $data['id_man'] ?? $car_info->id_man; |
$car_info->id_number = $data['id_number'] ?? $car_info->id_number; |
$car_info->update_timestamp = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); |
if($car_info->save()){ |
return json($this->json_data); |
}else { |
$this->json_data['code'] = 0; |
$this->json_data['msg'] = '保存失败'; |
return json($this->layui_data); |
} |
} |
} |
/** |
* 删除指定资源 |
* @param $id |
* @return Json |
*/ |
public function delete($id) |
{ |
// |
$this->json_data['code'] = intval($this->model->destroy($id)); |
$this->json_data['msg'] = $this->json_data['code'] ? '删除成功' : '删除失败'; |
return json($this->json_data); |
} |
/** |
* 批量删除 |
* @return Json |
* @throws \Exception |
*/ |
public function deletes() |
{ |
// |
$params = $this->request->param(); |
$map = $this->getQueryCondition($params); |
if($this->model->where($map)->delete()){ |
$this->json_data['msg'] = '删除成功'; |
}else { |
$this->json_data['code'] = 0; |
$this->json_data['msg'] = '删除失败'; |
} |
return json($this->json_data); |
} |
/** |
* 清除数据 |
* @return Json |
*/ |
public function truncate(){ |
$ret = Db::execute("truncate table car_info_t"); |
if($ret === false){ |
$this->json_data['code'] = 0; |
$this->json_data['msg'] = '删除失败'; |
}else { |
$this->json_data['msg'] = '删除成功'; |
} |
return json($this->json_data); |
} |
/** |
* @param $id |
* @return Json |
*/ |
public function clearPhone($id){ |
$this->json_data['code'] = $this->model->where('id', $id)->update(['car_phone' => '']); |
$this->json_data['msg'] = $this->json_data['code'] ? '操作成功' : '操作失败'; |
return json($this->json_data); |
} |
/** |
* 保存更新的资源 |
* |
* @param int $id |
* @param $field |
* @param $value |
* @return \think\Response |
*/ |
public function update($id, $field, $value) |
{ |
$this->json_data['code'] = $this->model->where('id', $id)->update([$field => $value]); |
$this->json_data['msg'] = $this->json_data['code'] ? '更新成功' : '更新失败'; |
return json($this->json_data); |
} |
public function login(){ |
$password = $this->request->param('password',''); |
if ($password === 'wuwei088277') { |
session('login_time', time()); |
session('last_action', time()); |
}else { |
$this->json_data['code'] = 0; |
$this->json_data['msg'] = '密码错误'; |
} |
return json($this->json_data); |
} |
/** |
* @param $params |
* @return array |
*/ |
private function getQueryCondition($params) |
{ |
$map = []; |
if (isset($params['car_man']) && $params['car_man'] != '') { |
$car_man = explode(',', str_replace(',', '', $params['car_man'])); |
array_walk($car_man, function (&$value) { |
$value = '%' . $value . '%'; |
}); |
$map[] = ['car_info_t.car_man', 'like', $car_man]; |
} |
if (isset($params['factory_model']) && $params['factory_model'] != '') { |
$factory_model = explode(',', str_replace(',', '', $params['factory_model'])); |
array_walk($factory_model, function (&$value) { |
$value = '%' . $value . '%'; |
}); |
$map[] = ['car_info_t.factory_model', 'like', $factory_model]; |
} |
if (isset($params['car_frame_no']) && $params['car_frame_no'] != '') { |
$map[] = ['car_info_t.car_frame_no', '=', $params['car_frame_no']]; |
} |
if (isset($params['car_no']) && $params['car_no'] != '') { |
$map[] = ['car_info_t.car_no', '=', $params['car_no']]; |
} |
if (isset($params['car_number']) && $params['car_number'] != '') { |
$map[] = ['car_info_t.car_number', '=', $params['car_number']]; |
} |
if (isset($params['car_phone']) && $params['car_phone'] != '') { |
$map[] = ['car_info_t.car_phone', '=', $params['car_phone']]; |
} |
if (isset($params['register_date']) && $params['register_date'] != '') { |
$map[] = ['car_info_t.register_date', '=', $params['register_date']]; |
} |
if (isset($params['car_phone_empty']) && $params['car_phone_empty'] == 'yes') { |
$map[] = ['car_info_t.car_phone', '<>', '']; |
} |
if (isset($params['car_phone_empty']) && $params['car_phone_empty'] == 'no') { |
$map[] = ['car_info_t.car_phone', '=', '']; |
} |
if (isset($params['car_phone_repeat']) && $params['car_phone_repeat'] == 'yes') { |
$map[] = ['', '=', '']; |
} |
if (isset($params['is_update_bhx']) && $params['is_update_bhx'] > 0 ) { |
$map[] = ['car_info_t.is_update_bhx', '=', $params['is_update_bhx']]; |
} |
if (isset($params['is_export_bhx']) && $params['is_export_bhx'] > 0 ) { |
$map[] = ['car_info_t.is_export_bhx', '=', $params['is_export_bhx']]; |
} |
if (isset($params['is_export_bmc']) && $params['is_export_bmc'] > 0 ) { |
$map[] = ['car_info_t.is_export_bmc', '=', $params['is_export_bmc']]; |
} |
if (isset($params['is_export_failed']) && $params['is_export_failed'] > 0 ) { |
$map[] = ['car_info_t.is_export_failed', '=', $params['is_export_failed']]; |
} |
if (isset($params['is_export_failed_bmc']) && $params['is_export_failed_bmc'] > 0 ) { |
$map[] = ['car_info_t.is_export_failed_bmc', '=', $params['is_export_failed_bmc']]; |
} |
if (isset($params['is_export_none_bmc']) && $params['is_export_none_bmc'] > 0 ) { |
$map[] = ['car_info_t.is_export_none_bmc', '=', $params['is_export_none_bmc']]; |
} |
if (isset($params['source']) && $params['source'] > 0 ) { |
$map[] = ['car_info_t.source', '=', $params['source']]; |
} |
if(isset($params['register_date1']) && $params['register_date1'] != ''){ |
$map[] = ['car_info_t.register_date', '>=', $params['register_date1']]; |
} |
if(isset($params['register_date2']) && $params['register_date2'] != ''){ |
$map[] = ['car_info_t.register_date', '<=', $params['register_date2']]; |
} |
if (isset($params['price1']) && $params['price1'] != '') { |
$map[] = ['car_info_t.purchase_price', '>=', $params['price1'] * 10000]; |
} |
if (isset($params['price2']) && $params['price2'] != '') { |
$map[] = ['car_info_t.purchase_price', '<=', $params['price2'] * 10000]; |
} |
return $map; |
} |
/** |
* 添加状态筛选 |
* @param $data_filter |
* @return array |
*/ |
private function getAddStatusQuery($data_filter) |
{ |
$tree = new Tree(); |
$tree->setNode(1, isset($data_filter['bhx']) ? [['car_info_t.is_export_bhx', '>', 0]] : []); |
$tree->setNode(2, isset($data_filter['none']) ? [['car_info_t.is_export_bhx', '=', 0]] : []); |
if(isset($data_filter['bhx_success'])){ |
$tree->setNode(3, [[ |
['car_info_t.is_export_bhx', '>', 0], |
['car_info_t.is_update_bhx', '>', 0], |
]],1); |
$tree->setNode(1, [], 0); |
}else { |
$tree->setNode(3, [],1); |
} |
if(isset($data_filter['bhx_failed'])){ |
$tree->setNode(4, [[ |
['car_info_t.is_export_bhx', '>', 0], |
['car_info_t.is_update_bhx', '<', 0], |
]],1); |
$tree->setNode(1, [], 0); |
}else { |
$tree->setNode(4, [],1); |
} |
if(isset($data_filter['bhx_none'])){ |
$tree->setNode(5, [[ |
['car_info_t.is_export_bhx', '>', 0], |
['car_info_t.is_update_bhx', '=', 0], |
]],1); |
$tree->setNode(1, [], 0); |
}else { |
$tree->setNode(5, [],1); |
} |
if(isset($data_filter['none_bmc'])){ |
$tree->setNode(6, [[ |
['car_info_t.is_export_bhx', '=', 0], |
['car_info_t.is_export_none_bmc', '>', 0], |
]],2); |
$tree->setNode(2, [], 0); |
}else { |
$tree->setNode(6, [],2); |
} |
if(isset($data_filter['none_none'])){ |
$tree->setNode(7, [[ |
['car_info_t.is_export_bhx', '=', 0], |
['car_info_t.is_export_none_bmc', '=', 0], |
]],2); |
$tree->setNode(2, [], 0); |
}else { |
$tree->setNode(7, [],2); |
} |
if(isset($data_filter['bhx_success_bmc'])){ |
$tree->setNode(8, [[ |
['car_info_t.is_export_bhx', '>', 0], |
['car_info_t.is_update_bhx', '>', 0], |
['car_info_t.is_export_bmc', '>', 0], |
]],3); |
$tree->setNode(3, [], 0); |
}else { |
$tree->setNode(8, [],3); |
} |
if(isset($data_filter['bhx_success_none'])){ |
$tree->setNode(9, [[ |
['car_info_t.is_export_bhx', '>', 0], |
['car_info_t.is_update_bhx', '>', 0], |
['car_info_t.is_export_bmc', '=', 0], |
]],3); |
$tree->setNode(3, [], 0); |
}else { |
$tree->setNode(9, [],3); |
} |
if(isset($data_filter['bhx_failed_bmc'])){ |
$tree->setNode(10, [[ |
['car_info_t.is_export_bhx', '>', 0], |
['car_info_t.is_update_bhx', '=', -1], |
['car_info_t.is_export_bmc', '=', 0], |
['car_info_t.is_export_failed', '=', 0], |
['car_info_t.is_export_failed_bmc', '>', 0], |
]],4); |
$tree->setNode(4, [], 0); |
}else { |
$tree->setNode(10, [],4); |
} |
if(isset($data_filter['bhx_failed_bhx'])){ |
$tree->setNode(11, [[ |
['car_info_t.is_export_bhx', '>', 0], |
['car_info_t.is_export_bhx', '>', 0], |
['car_info_t.is_update_bhx', '=', -1], |
['car_info_t.is_export_bmc', '=', 0], |
['car_info_t.is_export_failed', '>', 0], |
]],4); |
$tree->setNode(4, [], 0); |
}else { |
$tree->setNode(11, [],4); |
} |
if(isset($data_filter['bhx_failed_none'])){ |
$tree->setNode(12, [[ |
['car_info_t.is_export_bhx', '>', 0], |
['car_info_t.is_update_bhx', '=', -1], |
['car_info_t.is_export_bmc', '=', 0], |
['car_info_t.is_export_failed', '=', 0], |
['car_info_t.is_export_failed_bmc', '=', 0], |
]],4); |
$tree->setNode(4, [], 0); |
}else { |
$tree->setNode(12, [],4); |
} |
$map = $tree->getAllChildrenNodes(0, function ($value) { |
return count($value) > 0; |
}, function ($value) { |
return $value; |
}); |
return array_column(array_filter($map), null); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,615 @@ |
<?php |
declare (strict_types = 1); |
namespace app\controller; |
use app\BaseController; |
use app\model\CarInfoT; |
use app\model\ExportLogT; |
use app\model\JobsT; |
use app\model\PeerPhoneT; |
use app\model\RepeatFrameT; |
use excel\Excel; |
use think\facade\Cache; |
use think\facade\Db; |
use think\facade\Filesystem; |
use think\facade\Queue; |
use think\Request; |
use think\response\Json; |
class Task extends BaseController |
{ |
/** |
* @var JobsT |
*/ |
private $model; |
public function initialize() |
{ |
parent::initialize(); // TODO: Change the autogenerated stub |
$this->model = new JobsT; |
} |
public function test(){ |
return Db::table('jobs_t')->where('id',8917)->update(['payload' => '{"job":"app\\jobs\\DelayQueue","maxTries":null,"timeout":null,"data":{"params":{"task_type":"5","original_filename":"\u5bfc\u51fa\u6e05\u6d17\u5931\u8d252019-02-01\u20142019-02-28\u7b2c3\u62791472\u6761(\u6267\u884c\u7ed3\u679c)","filename":"uploads\/20201122\\88559f1802f684d14c2e9aa1def8353e.xlsx"},"controller":"service\\CarInfoHandle","action":"carInfoUpdate"}}']); |
} |
/** |
* 显示资源列表 |
* |
* @return string |
* @throws \Exception |
*/ |
public function index() |
{ |
return $this->fetch(); |
} |
/** |
* @return \think\response\Json |
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException |
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException |
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException |
*/ |
public function taskInfo(){ |
$page = $this->request->param('page', 1); |
$limit = $this->request->param('limit', 20); |
$queue = $this->request->param('queue', ''); |
if ($page <= 1) { |
$page = 1; |
} |
$offset = ($page - 1) * $limit; |
$query = $this->model->field(['id','payload','remark', 'type', 'queue', 'download_times', |
"(case `status` when 2 then '100' else '0' end)" => 'process', |
'date_format(from_unixtime(create_time),"%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s") as create_timestamp', |
"(case `type` when 1 then '导入' when 2 then '导出' when 3 then '同行电话' when 4 then '重复车架号' when 5 then '更新车辆信息' when 6 then '清除重复电话' when 7 then '删除重复数据' else '' end)" => 'type_txt', |
"(case `status` when 0 then '排队中' when 1 then '处理中' when 2 then '已完成' when 3 then '失败' else '' end)" => 'status', 'create_time']); |
if($queue != ''){ |
$query = $query->where('queue','like','%'. $queue .'%')->whereOr('payload','like','%'. str_replace(['\\','"'],['_',''],json_encode($queue)) .'%'); |
} |
$count = $query->count(); |
$list = $query->limit($offset, (int)$limit)->order('id desc')->select()->toArray(); |
foreach ($list as &$item){ |
if($item['type'] == 1 || $item['type'] == 5){ |
$item['type_txt'] = json_decode($item['payload'],true)['data']['params']['original_filename'] ?? ''; |
} |
if ($item['type'] == 2) { |
$item['type_txt'] = $item['queue'] != 'default' ? $item['queue']: $item['type_txt']; |
} |
if($item['type'] == 3){ |
$item['info_num'] = PeerPhoneT::where(['source' => $item['id']])->count(); |
} |
if($item['type'] == 4){ |
$item['info_num'] = RepeatFrameT::where(['source' => $item['id'], 'is_delete' => 0])->count(); |
} |
} |
$this->layui_data['data'] = $list; |
$this->layui_data['count'] = $count; |
return json($this->layui_data); |
} |
/** |
* 显示创建资源表单页. |
* |
*/ |
public function create() |
{ |
} |
/** |
* 保存新建的资源 |
* |
* @return \think\Response |
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException |
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException |
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException |
*/ |
public function save() |
{ |
$params = $this->request->param(); |
$type = $this->request->param('task_type', '0'); |
$original_filename = $this->request->param('original_filename'); |
$filename = $this->request->param('filename'); |
$peer_phone_number = $this->request->param('peer_phone_number'); |
$queue = $this->request->param('queue', ''); |
if(isset($params['source_id']) && $params['source_id'] > 0) { |
$job_info = JobsT::find($params['source_id']); |
$job_info_payload = json_decode($job_info->payload,true)['data']['params']; |
$params = []; |
$params['export_type'] = 'repeat'; |
$params['export_limit'] = 0; |
$params['export_table'] = $job_info->type == 3? 'peer_phone_t': ($job_info->type == 4?'repeat_frame_t':''); |
$params['source_id'] = $job_info->id; |
$params['export_date1'] = $job_info_payload['export_date1']; |
$params['export_date2'] = $job_info_payload['export_date2']; |
} |
if (($type == 1 || $type == 5) && ( $filename == '' || ($filename != '' && !file_exists(public_path('public/storage') . $filename)))) { |
$this->json_data['code'] = 0; |
$this->json_data['msg'] = '导入文件不存在'; |
return json($this->json_data); |
} else if ($type == 1 || $type == 5) { |
$original_filename = basename($original_filename); |
$original_filename = str_replace(strrchr($original_filename, '.'), '', $original_filename); |
$params['original_filename'] = $original_filename; |
} |
if ($type == 2 && (!isset($params['source_id']) || $params['source_id'] <= 0) && $params['export_date1'] == '' && $params['export_date2'] == '') { |
$this->json_data['code'] = 0; |
$this->json_data['msg'] = '请先填写注册日期'; |
return json($this->json_data); |
} else if ($type == 2 && isset($params['export_type']) && $params['export_type'] != '' && !in_array($params['export_type'], ['bhx', 'bmc', 'failed', 'repeat', 'failed_bmc', 'none_bmc'])) { |
$this->json_data['code'] = 0; |
$this->json_data['msg'] = '导出类型错误,请选择正确的导出类型'; |
return json($this->json_data); |
} else if ($type == 2) { |
if(trim($params['export_limit']) === ''){ |
$this->json_data['code'] = 0; |
$this->json_data['msg'] = '导出数量必填'; |
return json($this->json_data); |
} |
$where = []; |
$map_or1 = []; |
$map_or2 = []; |
if(isset($params['export_date1']) && $params['export_date1'] != ''){ |
$where[] = ['car_info_t.register_date', '>=', $params['export_date1']]; |
} |
if(isset($params['export_date2']) && $params['export_date2'] != ''){ |
$where[] = ['car_info_t.register_date', '<=', $params['export_date2']]; |
} |
if (isset($params['price1']) && $params['price1'] != '') { |
$where[] = ['car_info_t.purchase_price', '>=', $params['price1'] * 10000]; |
} |
if (isset($params['price2']) && $params['price2'] != '') { |
$where[] = ['car_info_t.purchase_price', '<=', $params['price2'] * 10000]; |
} |
if(isset($params['empty_phone_check']) && $params['empty_phone_check'] == 'yes'){ |
$where[] = ['car_phone', '<>', '']; |
} |
if(isset($params['export_field'])){ |
foreach ($params['export_field'] as $item){ |
$where[] = [$item, '<>', '']; |
} |
} |
if(isset($params['export_type']) && $params['export_type'] != '' && $params['export_limit'] != 0){ |
if($params['export_type'] == 'bhx'){ |
$where[] = ['is_export_bhx', '=', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_update_bhx', '=', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_export_bmc', '=', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_export_failed', '=', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_export_failed_bmc', '=', 0]; |
} |
if($params['export_type'] == 'bmc'){ |
$where[] = ['is_export_bhx', '>', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_update_bhx', '>', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_export_bmc', '=', 0]; |
} |
if ($params['export_type'] == 'failed') { |
$where[] = ['is_export_bhx', '>', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_update_bhx', '<', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_export_bmc', '=', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_export_failed', '=', 0]; |
} |
if ($params['export_type'] == 'failed_bmc') { |
$where[] = ['is_export_bhx', '>', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_update_bhx', '<', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_export_bmc', '=', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_export_failed_bmc', '=', 0]; |
} |
if ($params['export_type'] == 'none_bmc') { |
$where[] = ['is_export_bhx', '=', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_update_bhx', '=', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_export_bmc', '=', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_export_failed', '=', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_export_failed_bmc', '=', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_export_none_bmc', '=', 0]; |
} |
} |
$insurer_month1 = $params['insurer_month1']??''; |
$insurer_day1 = $params['insurer_day1']??''; |
$insurer_month2 = $params['insurer_month2']??''; |
$insurer_day2 = $params['insurer_day2']??''; |
if($insurer_month1 != '' && $insurer_day1 == '') { |
$map_or1[] = [Db::raw('month(car_info_t.insurer1_date)'), '>=', $insurer_month1]; |
$map_or2[] = [Db::raw('month(car_info_t.insurer2_date)'), '>=', $insurer_month1]; |
} else if ($insurer_month1 == '' && $insurer_day1 != '') { |
$map_or1[] = [Db::raw('day(car_info_t.insurer1_date)'), '>=', $insurer_day1]; |
$map_or2[] = [Db::raw('day(car_info_t.insurer2_date)'), '>=', $insurer_day1]; |
} else if ($insurer_month1 != '' && $insurer_day1 != '') { |
$map_or1[] = [Db::raw('DATE_FORMAT(car_info_t.insurer1_date,"%m-%d")'), '>=', substr('0' . $insurer_month1, -2) . '-' . substr('0' . $insurer_day1, -2)]; |
$map_or2[] = [Db::raw('DATE_FORMAT(car_info_t.insurer2_date,"%m-%d")'), '>=', substr('0' . $insurer_month1, -2) . '-' . substr('0' . $insurer_day1, -2)]; |
} |
if($insurer_month2 != '' && $insurer_day2 == '') { |
$map_or1[] = [Db::raw('month(car_info_t.insurer1_date)'), '<=', $insurer_month2]; |
$map_or2[] = [Db::raw('month(car_info_t.insurer2_date)'), '<=', $insurer_month2]; |
} else if ($insurer_month2 == '' && $insurer_day2 != '') { |
$map_or1[] = [Db::raw('day(car_info_t.insurer1_date)'), '<=', $insurer_day2]; |
$map_or2[] = [Db::raw('day(car_info_t.insurer2_date)'), '<=', $insurer_day2]; |
} else if ($insurer_month2 != '' && $insurer_day2 != '') { |
$map_or1[] = [Db::raw('DATE_FORMAT(car_info_t.insurer1_date,"%m-%d")'), '<=', substr('0' . $insurer_month2, -2) . '-' . substr('0' . $insurer_day2, -2)]; |
$map_or2[] = [Db::raw('DATE_FORMAT(car_info_t.insurer2_date,"%m-%d")'), '<=', substr('0' . $insurer_month2, -2) . '-' . substr('0' . $insurer_day2, -2)]; |
} |
if(count($map_or1) > 0){ |
$map_or1 = array_merge([['car_info_t.insurer1_date', '<>', '']],$map_or1); |
} |
if(count($map_or2) > 0){ |
$map_or2 = array_merge([['car_info_t.insurer1_date', '=', ''],['car_info_t.insurer2_date', '<>', '']],$map_or2); |
} |
$query = CarInfoT::where($where)->where(function ($query) use ($map_or1, $map_or2) { |
if (count($map_or1) > 0 && count($map_or2) > 0){ |
$query->whereOr([$map_or1, $map_or2]); |
} |
}); |
$count = $query->count(); |
if ($count < $params['export_limit']) { |
$this->json_data['code'] = 0; |
$this->json_data['msg'] = '当前导出数量为' . $count . ', 不足' . $params['export_limit'] . ',请检查条件'; |
return json($this->json_data); |
} |
} |
if ($type == 3 && $peer_phone_number <= 0) { |
$this->json_data['code'] = 0; |
$this->json_data['msg'] = '请填写正确的个人电话重复数'; |
return json($this->json_data); |
} |
if ($type == 3 || $type == 4) { |
$where = []; |
if($params['export_date1'] != ''){ |
$where[] = ['car_info_t.register_date', '>=', $params['export_date1']]; |
} |
if($params['export_date2'] != ''){ |
$where[] = ['car_info_t.register_date', '<=', $params['export_date2']]; |
} |
$count = CarInfoT::where($where)->count(); |
if ($count <= 0) { |
$this->json_data['code'] = 0; |
$this->json_data['msg'] = '当前待处理数据为空,请检查条件'; |
return json($this->json_data); |
} |
} |
$action = [ |
'1'=>'import', |
'2'=>'export', |
'3'=>'peerPhones', |
'4'=>'carFrameNo', |
'5'=>'carInfoUpdate', |
'6'=>'deletePeerPhones', |
'7'=>'deleteCarFrameNo', |
]; |
$id = Queue::push( |
'app\jobs\DelayQueue', |
['params' => $params, 'controller' => 'service\\CarInfoHandle', 'action' => $action[$type]], |
$queue, $type); |
if (!$id) { |
$this->json_data['code'] = 0; |
$this->json_data['msg'] = '任务创建失败'; |
} |
return json($this->json_data); |
} |
/** |
* 显示指定的资源 |
* |
* @param int $id |
* @return \think\Response |
*/ |
public function read($id) |
{ |
// |
} |
/** |
* 显示编辑资源表单页. |
* |
* @param int $id |
* @return \think\Response |
*/ |
public function edit($id) |
{ |
// |
} |
/** |
* 保存更新的资源 |
* |
* @param \think\Request $request |
* @param int $id |
* @return \think\Response |
*/ |
public function update(Request $request, $id) |
{ |
// |
} |
/** |
* 删除指定资源 |
* |
* @param int $id |
* @return \think\Response |
*/ |
public function delete($id) |
{ |
// |
} |
/** |
* @return Json |
*/ |
public function upload(){ |
$file = request()->file('file'); |
$savename = Filesystem::disk('public')->putFile('uploads', $file); |
$filename = public_path('public\storage') . $savename; |
if ($this->checkUploadTpl($filename, $this->request->param('task_type'))) { |
$this->json_data['msg'] = '上传成功'; |
$this->json_data['original_filename'] = $file->getOriginalName(); |
$this->json_data['filename'] = $savename; |
} else { |
@unlink($filename); |
$this->json_data['code'] = 0; |
$this->json_data['msg'] = '上传文件[' . $file->getOriginalName() . ']与模板不匹配,请检查文件重新上传'; |
} |
return json($this->json_data); |
} |
public function clearSubTable(){ |
Db::startTrans(); |
try { |
Db::execute("truncate table jobs_t;"); |
Db::execute("truncate table peer_phone_t;"); |
Db::execute("truncate table repeat_frame_t;"); |
$this->json_data['msg'] = '删除成功'; |
Db::commit(); |
} catch (\Exception $e) { |
Db::rollback(); |
$this->json_data['code'] = 0; |
$this->json_data['msg'] = '删除失败'; |
} |
return json($this->json_data); |
} |
public function download($id) |
{ |
$job_info = JobsT::find($id); |
$job_info->download_times = Db::raw('download_times+1'); |
$downloadName = $this->downloadName($job_info); |
$job_info->save(); |
return download(root_path(). 'public' . $job_info->remark, $downloadName); |
} |
public function process(){ |
$list = JobsT::where('status', '=', 1) |
->whereOr('create_time', '>=', strtotime(date('Y-m-d'))) |
->order('create_time desc') |
->select(); |
foreach ($list as $item) { |
$process = cache('shell_process_' . $item['id']); |
if($item->status == 1 || $process){ |
$this->json_data['data'][] = [ |
'id' => $item['id'], |
'process' => $process, |
]; |
} |
if($process >= 100){ |
Cache::delete('shell_process_' . $item['id']); |
} |
} |
return json($this->json_data); |
} |
/** |
* 导出名称 |
* @return \think\response\Json |
*/ |
public function exportName() |
{ |
$export_date1 = $this->request->param('export_date1'); |
$export_date2 = $this->request->param('export_date2'); |
if ($export_date1 == '' || $export_date2 == '') { |
$this->json_data['code'] = 0; |
$this->json_data['msg'] = '注册日期范围不能为空'; |
return json($this->json_data); |
} |
$type = $this->request->param('export_type'); |
$export_limit = $this->request->param('export_limit'); |
$name = ''; |
if ($type == 'bhx') { |
$name = '导出清洗'; |
} else if ($type == 'failed') { |
$name = '导出清洗失败'; |
} else if ($type == 'bmc') { |
$name = '导出清洗成功至上传'; |
} else if ($type == 'failed_bmc') { |
$name = '导出清洗失败至上传'; |
} else if ($type == 'none_bmc') { |
$name = '导出未处理至上传'; |
} |
$count = ExportLogT::where('name','like', $name . $export_date1 . '—' . $export_date2 . '%')->count(); |
$name .= $export_date1 . '—' . $export_date2 . '第' . ($count + 1) . '批' . $export_limit . '条'; |
$this->json_data['name'] = $name; |
return json($this->json_data); |
} |
/** |
* 任务操作 |
* @param $jobId |
* @return \think\response\Json |
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException |
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException |
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException |
*/ |
public function taskBtn($jobId){ |
$job_info = JobsT::find($jobId); |
if($job_info->type == 2){ |
$this->json_data['btns'] = '<a class="layui-btn" href="' . url('task/download', ['id' => $job_info->id]) . '">下载文件</a>'; |
}else if($job_info->type == 3 && PeerPhoneT::where(['source' => $job_info->id])->count() > 0){ |
$this->json_data['btns'] = ' |
<button type="button" class="layui-btn" onclick="task_create(2,' . $job_info->id . ')">导出</button> |
<button type="button" class="layui-btn layui-btn-danger" onclick="task_create(6,' . $job_info->id . ')">清除重复电话</button> |
'; |
}else if($job_info->type == 4 && RepeatFrameT::where(['source' => $job_info->id, 'is_delete' => 0])->count() > 0){ |
$this->json_data['btns'] = ' |
<button type="button" class="layui-btn" onclick="task_create(2,' . $job_info->id . ')">导出</button> |
<button type="button" class="layui-btn layui-btn-danger" onclick="task_create(7,' . $job_info->id . ')">删除重复数据</button> |
'; |
} |
return json($this->json_data); |
} |
public function exportNum(){ |
$params = $this->request->param(); |
$where = []; |
$map_or1 = []; |
$map_or2 = []; |
if(isset($params['export_date1']) && $params['export_date1'] != ''){ |
$where[] = ['car_info_t.register_date', '>=', $params['export_date1']]; |
} |
if(isset($params['export_date2']) && $params['export_date2'] != ''){ |
$where[] = ['car_info_t.register_date', '<=', $params['export_date2']]; |
} |
if (isset($params['price1']) && $params['price1'] != '') { |
$where[] = ['car_info_t.purchase_price', '>=', $params['price1'] * 10000]; |
} |
if (isset($params['price2']) && $params['price2'] != '') { |
$where[] = ['car_info_t.purchase_price', '<=', $params['price2'] * 10000]; |
} |
if(isset($params['empty_phone_check']) && $params['empty_phone_check'] == 'yes'){ |
$where[] = ['car_phone', '<>', '']; |
} |
if(isset($params['export_field'])){ |
foreach ($params['export_field'] as $item){ |
$where[] = [$item, '<>', '']; |
} |
} |
if(isset($params['export_type']) && $params['export_type'] != ''){ |
if($params['export_type'] == 'bhx'){ |
$where[] = ['is_export_bhx', '=', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_update_bhx', '=', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_export_bmc', '=', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_export_failed', '=', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_export_failed_bmc', '=', 0]; |
} |
if($params['export_type'] == 'bmc'){ |
$where[] = ['is_export_bhx', '>', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_update_bhx', '>', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_export_bmc', '=', 0]; |
} |
if ($params['export_type'] == 'failed') { |
$where[] = ['is_export_bhx', '>', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_update_bhx', '<', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_export_bmc', '=', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_export_failed', '=', 0]; |
} |
if ($params['export_type'] == 'failed_bmc') { |
$where[] = ['is_export_bhx', '>', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_update_bhx', '<', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_export_bmc', '=', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_export_failed_bmc', '=', 0]; |
} |
if ($params['export_type'] == 'none_bmc') { |
$where[] = ['is_export_bhx', '=', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_update_bhx', '=', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_export_bmc', '=', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_export_failed', '=', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_export_failed_bmc', '=', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_export_none_bmc', '=', 0]; |
} |
} |
$insurer_month1 = $params['insurer_month1']??''; |
$insurer_day1 = $params['insurer_day1']??''; |
$insurer_month2 = $params['insurer_month2']??''; |
$insurer_day2 = $params['insurer_day2']??''; |
if($insurer_month1 != '' && $insurer_day1 == '') { |
$map_or1[] = [Db::raw('month(car_info_t.insurer1_date)'), '>=', $insurer_month1]; |
$map_or2[] = [Db::raw('month(car_info_t.insurer2_date)'), '>=', $insurer_month1]; |
} else if ($insurer_month1 == '' && $insurer_day1 != '') { |
$map_or1[] = [Db::raw('day(car_info_t.insurer1_date)'), '>=', $insurer_day1]; |
$map_or2[] = [Db::raw('day(car_info_t.insurer2_date)'), '>=', $insurer_day1]; |
} else if ($insurer_month1 != '' && $insurer_day1 != '') { |
$map_or1[] = [Db::raw('DATE_FORMAT(car_info_t.insurer1_date,"%m-%d")'), '>=', substr('0' . $insurer_month1, -2) . '-' . substr('0' . $insurer_day1, -2)]; |
$map_or2[] = [Db::raw('DATE_FORMAT(car_info_t.insurer2_date,"%m-%d")'), '>=', substr('0' . $insurer_month1, -2) . '-' . substr('0' . $insurer_day1, -2)]; |
} |
if($insurer_month2 != '' && $insurer_day2 == '') { |
$map_or1[] = [Db::raw('month(car_info_t.insurer1_date)'), '<=', $insurer_month2]; |
$map_or2[] = [Db::raw('month(car_info_t.insurer2_date)'), '<=', $insurer_month2]; |
} else if ($insurer_month2 == '' && $insurer_day2 != '') { |
$map_or1[] = [Db::raw('day(car_info_t.insurer1_date)'), '<=', $insurer_day2]; |
$map_or2[] = [Db::raw('day(car_info_t.insurer2_date)'), '<=', $insurer_day2]; |
} else if ($insurer_month2 != '' && $insurer_day2 != '') { |
$map_or1[] = [Db::raw('DATE_FORMAT(car_info_t.insurer1_date,"%m-%d")'), '<=', substr('0' . $insurer_month2, -2) . '-' . substr('0' . $insurer_day2, -2)]; |
$map_or2[] = [Db::raw('DATE_FORMAT(car_info_t.insurer2_date,"%m-%d")'), '<=', substr('0' . $insurer_month2, -2) . '-' . substr('0' . $insurer_day2, -2)]; |
} |
if(count($map_or1) > 0){ |
$map_or1 = array_merge([['car_info_t.insurer1_date', '<>', '']],$map_or1); |
} |
if(count($map_or2) > 0){ |
$map_or2 = array_merge([['car_info_t.insurer1_date', '=', ''],['car_info_t.insurer2_date', '<>', '']],$map_or2); |
} |
$query = CarInfoT::where($where)->where(function ($query) use ($map_or1, $map_or2) { |
if (count($map_or1) > 0 && count($map_or2) > 0){ |
$query->whereOr([$map_or1, $map_or2]); |
} |
}); |
$this->json_data['data'] = $query->count(); |
$this->json_data['sql'] = CarInfoT::getLastSql(); |
return json($this->json_data); |
} |
public function checkIsExistName($name,$type){ |
if($name == ''){ |
$this->json_data['code'] = 0; |
$this->json_data['msg'] = '文件名为空,请检查'; |
return json($this->json_data); |
} |
if($type == 'update'){ |
$name = basename($name); |
$name = str_replace(strrchr($name, '.'), '', $name); |
} |
$count = $this->model->where('queue', '=', $name) |
->whereOr('payload', 'like', '%' . str_replace(['\\', '"'], ['_', ''], json_encode($name)) . '%') |
->count(); |
if ($count > 0) { |
$this->json_data['msg'] = $type == 'upload' ? '当前文件已处理,确定继续?' : '当前任务名已存在,是否继续'; |
}else { |
$this->json_data['code'] = 2; |
} |
return json($this->json_data); |
} |
private function downloadName(JobsT $job_info){ |
$job_params = json_decode($job_info->payload,true)['data']['params']; |
list(,$ext) = explode('.', $job_info->remark); |
$downloadName = $job_params['export_date1'] . '-' . $job_params['export_date2']; |
if($job_info->queue != 'default'){ |
$downloadName = $job_info->queue; |
}else if($job_params['export_type'] == 'repeat' && $job_params['export_table'] == 'repeat_frame_t'){ |
$downloadName = '重复车架' . $downloadName; |
} else if($job_params['export_type'] == 'repeat' && $job_params['export_table'] == 'peer_phone_t'){ |
$downloadName = '重复电话' . $downloadName; |
} |
$downloadName .= '.' . $ext; |
return $downloadName; |
} |
private function checkUploadTpl($file, $type) |
{ |
$path_info = pathinfo($file); |
if ($type == 1 && $path_info['extension'] == 'csv') { |
$title = \file\FileSystem::getFileBlockData($file,0,1); |
$tpl_title = ['税号', '初登日期', '车主', '证件号', '电话号码', '车架号', '车牌号', '发动机号', '车型', '新车购置价']; |
// $tpl_title = ['区域', '购车日期', '客户姓名', '证件号码', '联系方式', '车架号', '车牌号', '发动机号', '品牌型号', '新车购置价', '保险公司', '商业止保日期', '交强止保日期', '被保险人', '被保险人证件号']; |
$title = explode(',', trim($title[0])); |
if (count(array_diff($tpl_title, $title)) > 0) { |
return false; |
} |
} else if ($type == 5 && $path_info['extension'] == 'xlsx') { |
$spreadsheetReader = Excel::loadFile($file); |
$sheet = $spreadsheetReader->getSheet(0); |
$highestColumn = $sheet->getHighestColumn(); // e.g 'F' |
$title = $sheet->rangeToArray("A1:{$highestColumn}1")[0]; |
$tpl_title = ['车牌号','车主','品牌型号','发动机号','车架号','注册日期','上年承保公司','商业险到期日期','交强险到期日期','被保险人姓名','被保险人证件号']; |
if (count(array_diff($tpl_title, $title)) > 0) { |
return false; |
} |
} |
return true; |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,605 @@ |
<?php |
declare (strict_types = 1); |
namespace app\controller; |
use app\BaseController; |
use app\model\CarInfoT; |
use app\model\ExportLogT; |
use app\model\JobsT; |
use app\model\PeerPhoneT; |
use app\model\RepeatFrameT; |
use excel\Excel; |
use think\facade\Cache; |
use think\facade\Db; |
use think\facade\Filesystem; |
use think\facade\Queue; |
use think\Request; |
use think\response\Json; |
class Task extends BaseController |
{ |
/** |
* @var JobsT |
*/ |
private $model; |
public function initialize() |
{ |
parent::initialize(); // TODO: Change the autogenerated stub |
$this->model = new JobsT; |
} |
/** |
* 显示资源列表 |
* |
* @return string |
* @throws \Exception |
*/ |
public function index() |
{ |
return $this->fetch(); |
} |
/** |
* @return \think\response\Json |
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException |
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException |
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException |
*/ |
public function taskInfo(){ |
$page = $this->request->param('page', 1); |
$limit = $this->request->param('limit', 20); |
$queue = $this->request->param('queue', ''); |
if ($page <= 1) { |
$page = 1; |
} |
$offset = ($page - 1) * $limit; |
$query = $this->model->field(['id','payload','remark', 'type', 'queue', 'download_times', |
"(case `status` when 2 then '100' else '0' end)" => 'process', |
'date_format(from_unixtime(create_time),"%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s") as create_timestamp', |
"(case `type` when 1 then '导入' when 2 then '导出' when 3 then '同行电话' when 4 then '重复车架号' when 5 then '更新车辆信息' when 6 then '清除重复电话' when 7 then '删除重复数据' else '' end)" => 'type_txt', |
"(case `status` when 0 then '排队中' when 1 then '处理中' when 2 then '已完成' when 3 then '失败' else '' end)" => 'status', 'create_time']); |
if($queue != ''){ |
$query = $query->where('queue','like','%'. $queue .'%')->whereOr('payload','like','%'. str_replace(['\\','"'],['_',''],json_encode($queue)) .'%'); |
} |
$count = $query->count(); |
$list = $query->limit($offset, (int)$limit)->order('id desc')->select()->toArray(); |
foreach ($list as &$item){ |
if($item['type'] == 1 || $item['type'] == 5){ |
$item['type_txt'] = json_decode($item['payload'],true)['data']['params']['original_filename'] ?? ''; |
} |
if ($item['type'] == 2) { |
$item['type_txt'] = $item['queue'] != 'default' ? $item['queue']: $item['type_txt']; |
} |
if($item['type'] == 3){ |
$item['info_num'] = PeerPhoneT::where(['source' => $item['id']])->count(); |
} |
if($item['type'] == 4){ |
$item['info_num'] = RepeatFrameT::where(['source' => $item['id'], 'is_delete' => 0])->count(); |
} |
} |
$this->layui_data['data'] = $list; |
$this->layui_data['count'] = $count; |
return json($this->layui_data); |
} |
/** |
* 显示创建资源表单页. |
* |
*/ |
public function create() |
{ |
} |
/** |
* 保存新建的资源 |
* |
* @return \think\Response |
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException |
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException |
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException |
*/ |
public function save() |
{ |
$params = $this->request->param(); |
$type = $this->request->param('task_type', '0'); |
$original_filename = $this->request->param('original_filename'); |
$filename = $this->request->param('filename'); |
$peer_phone_number = $this->request->param('peer_phone_number'); |
$queue = $this->request->param('queue', ''); |
if(isset($params['source_id']) && $params['source_id'] > 0) { |
$job_info = JobsT::find($params['source_id']); |
$job_info_payload = json_decode($job_info->payload,true)['data']['params']; |
$params = []; |
$params['export_type'] = 'repeat'; |
$params['export_limit'] = 0; |
$params['export_table'] = $job_info->type == 3? 'peer_phone_t': ($job_info->type == 4?'repeat_frame_t':''); |
$params['source_id'] = $job_info->id; |
$params['export_date1'] = $job_info_payload['export_date1']; |
$params['export_date2'] = $job_info_payload['export_date2']; |
} |
if (($type == 1 || $type == 5) && ( $filename == '' || ($filename != '' && !file_exists(public_path('public/storage') . $filename)))) { |
$this->json_data['code'] = 0; |
$this->json_data['msg'] = '导入文件不存在'; |
return json($this->json_data); |
} else if ($type == 1 || $type == 5) { |
$original_filename = basename($original_filename); |
$original_filename = str_replace(strrchr($original_filename, '.'), '', $original_filename); |
$params['original_filename'] = $original_filename; |
} |
if ($type == 2 && (!isset($params['source_id']) || $params['source_id'] <= 0) && $params['export_date1'] == '' && $params['export_date2'] == '') { |
$this->json_data['code'] = 0; |
$this->json_data['msg'] = '请先填写注册日期'; |
return json($this->json_data); |
} else if ($type == 2 && isset($params['export_type']) && $params['export_type'] != '' && !in_array($params['export_type'], ['bhx', 'bmc', 'failed', 'repeat', 'failed_bmc', 'none_bmc'])) { |
$this->json_data['code'] = 0; |
$this->json_data['msg'] = '导出类型错误,请选择正确的导出类型'; |
return json($this->json_data); |
} else if ($type == 2) { |
$where = []; |
$map_or1 = []; |
$map_or2 = []; |
if(isset($params['export_date1']) && $params['export_date1'] != ''){ |
$where[] = ['car_info_t.register_date', '>=', $params['export_date1']]; |
} |
if(isset($params['export_date2']) && $params['export_date2'] != ''){ |
$where[] = ['car_info_t.register_date', '<=', $params['export_date2']]; |
} |
if (isset($params['price1']) && $params['price1'] != '') { |
$where[] = ['car_info_t.purchase_price', '>=', $params['price1'] * 10000]; |
} |
if (isset($params['price2']) && $params['price2'] != '') { |
$where[] = ['car_info_t.purchase_price', '<=', $params['price2'] * 10000]; |
} |
if(isset($params['empty_phone_check']) && $params['empty_phone_check'] == 'yes'){ |
$where[] = ['car_phone', '<>', '']; |
} |
if(isset($params['export_field'])){ |
foreach ($params['export_field'] as $item){ |
$where[] = [$item, '<>', '']; |
} |
} |
if(isset($params['export_type']) && $params['export_type'] != '' && $params['export_limit'] != 0){ |
if($params['export_type'] == 'bhx'){ |
$where[] = ['is_export_bhx', '=', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_update_bhx', '=', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_export_bmc', '=', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_export_failed', '=', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_export_failed_bmc', '=', 0]; |
} |
if($params['export_type'] == 'bmc'){ |
$where[] = ['is_export_bhx', '>', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_update_bhx', '>', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_export_bmc', '=', 0]; |
} |
if ($params['export_type'] == 'failed') { |
$where[] = ['is_export_bhx', '>', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_update_bhx', '<', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_export_bmc', '=', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_export_failed', '=', 0]; |
} |
if ($params['export_type'] == 'failed_bmc') { |
$where[] = ['is_export_bhx', '>', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_update_bhx', '<', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_export_bmc', '=', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_export_failed_bmc', '=', 0]; |
} |
if ($params['export_type'] == 'none_bmc') { |
$where[] = ['is_export_bhx', '=', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_update_bhx', '=', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_export_bmc', '=', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_export_failed', '=', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_export_failed_bmc', '=', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_export_none_bmc', '=', 0]; |
} |
} |
$insurer_month1 = $params['insurer_month1']??''; |
$insurer_day1 = $params['insurer_day1']??''; |
$insurer_month2 = $params['insurer_month2']??''; |
$insurer_day2 = $params['insurer_day2']??''; |
if($insurer_month1 != '' && $insurer_day1 == '') { |
$map_or1[] = [Db::raw('month(car_info_t.insurer1_date)'), '>=', $insurer_month1]; |
$map_or2[] = [Db::raw('month(car_info_t.insurer2_date)'), '>=', $insurer_month1]; |
} else if ($insurer_month1 == '' && $insurer_day1 != '') { |
$map_or1[] = [Db::raw('day(car_info_t.insurer1_date)'), '>=', $insurer_day1]; |
$map_or2[] = [Db::raw('day(car_info_t.insurer2_date)'), '>=', $insurer_day1]; |
} else if ($insurer_month1 != '' && $insurer_day1 != '') { |
$map_or1[] = [Db::raw('DATE_FORMAT(car_info_t.insurer1_date,"%m-%d")'), '>=', substr('0' . $insurer_month1, -2) . '-' . substr('0' . $insurer_day1, -2)]; |
$map_or2[] = [Db::raw('DATE_FORMAT(car_info_t.insurer2_date,"%m-%d")'), '>=', substr('0' . $insurer_month1, -2) . '-' . substr('0' . $insurer_day1, -2)]; |
} |
if($insurer_month2 != '' && $insurer_day2 == '') { |
$map_or1[] = [Db::raw('month(car_info_t.insurer1_date)'), '<=', $insurer_month2]; |
$map_or2[] = [Db::raw('month(car_info_t.insurer2_date)'), '<=', $insurer_month2]; |
} else if ($insurer_month2 == '' && $insurer_day2 != '') { |
$map_or1[] = [Db::raw('day(car_info_t.insurer1_date)'), '<=', $insurer_day2]; |
$map_or2[] = [Db::raw('day(car_info_t.insurer2_date)'), '<=', $insurer_day2]; |
} else if ($insurer_month2 != '' && $insurer_day2 != '') { |
$map_or1[] = [Db::raw('DATE_FORMAT(car_info_t.insurer1_date,"%m-%d")'), '<=', substr('0' . $insurer_month2, -2) . '-' . substr('0' . $insurer_day2, -2)]; |
$map_or2[] = [Db::raw('DATE_FORMAT(car_info_t.insurer2_date,"%m-%d")'), '<=', substr('0' . $insurer_month2, -2) . '-' . substr('0' . $insurer_day2, -2)]; |
} |
if(count($map_or1) > 0){ |
$map_or1 = array_merge([['car_info_t.insurer1_date', '<>', '']],$map_or1); |
} |
if(count($map_or2) > 0){ |
$map_or2 = array_merge([['car_info_t.insurer1_date', '=', ''],['car_info_t.insurer2_date', '<>', '']],$map_or2); |
} |
$query = CarInfoT::where($where)->where(function ($query) use ($map_or1, $map_or2) { |
if (count($map_or1) > 0 && count($map_or2) > 0){ |
$query->whereOr([$map_or1, $map_or2]); |
} |
}); |
$count = $query->count(); |
if ($count < $params['export_limit']) { |
$this->json_data['code'] = 0; |
$this->json_data['msg'] = '当前导出数量为' . $count . ', 不足' . $params['export_limit'] . ',请检查条件'; |
return json($this->json_data); |
} |
} |
if ($type == 3 && $peer_phone_number <= 0) { |
$this->json_data['code'] = 0; |
$this->json_data['msg'] = '请填写正确的个人电话重复数'; |
return json($this->json_data); |
} |
if ($type == 3 || $type == 4) { |
$where = []; |
if($params['export_date1'] != ''){ |
$where[] = ['car_info_t.register_date', '>=', $params['export_date1']]; |
} |
if($params['export_date2'] != ''){ |
$where[] = ['car_info_t.register_date', '<=', $params['export_date2']]; |
} |
$count = CarInfoT::where($where)->count(); |
if ($count <= 0) { |
$this->json_data['code'] = 0; |
$this->json_data['msg'] = '当前待处理数据为空,请检查条件'; |
return json($this->json_data); |
} |
} |
$action = [ |
'1'=>'import', |
'2'=>'export', |
'3'=>'peerPhones', |
'4'=>'carFrameNo', |
'5'=>'carInfoUpdate', |
'6'=>'deletePeerPhones', |
'7'=>'deleteCarFrameNo', |
]; |
$id = Queue::push( |
'app\jobs\DelayQueue', |
['params' => $params, 'controller' => 'service\\CarInfoHandle', 'action' => $action[$type]], |
$queue, $type); |
if (!$id) { |
$this->json_data['code'] = 0; |
$this->json_data['msg'] = '任务创建失败'; |
} |
return json($this->json_data); |
} |
/** |
* 显示指定的资源 |
* |
* @param int $id |
* @return \think\Response |
*/ |
public function read($id) |
{ |
// |
} |
/** |
* 显示编辑资源表单页. |
* |
* @param int $id |
* @return \think\Response |
*/ |
public function edit($id) |
{ |
// |
} |
/** |
* 保存更新的资源 |
* |
* @param \think\Request $request |
* @param int $id |
* @return \think\Response |
*/ |
public function update(Request $request, $id) |
{ |
// |
} |
/** |
* 删除指定资源 |
* |
* @param int $id |
* @return \think\Response |
*/ |
public function delete($id) |
{ |
// |
} |
/** |
* @return Json |
*/ |
public function upload(){ |
$file = request()->file('file'); |
$savename = Filesystem::disk('public')->putFile('uploads', $file); |
$filename = public_path('public\storage') . $savename; |
if ($this->checkUploadTpl($filename, $this->request->param('task_type'))) { |
$this->json_data['msg'] = '上传成功'; |
$this->json_data['original_filename'] = $file->getOriginalName(); |
$this->json_data['filename'] = $savename; |
} else { |
@unlink($filename); |
$this->json_data['code'] = 0; |
$this->json_data['msg'] = '上传文件[' . $file->getOriginalName() . ']与模板不匹配,请检查文件重新上传'; |
} |
return json($this->json_data); |
} |
public function clearSubTable(){ |
Db::startTrans(); |
try { |
Db::execute("truncate table jobs_t;"); |
Db::execute("truncate table peer_phone_t;"); |
Db::execute("truncate table repeat_frame_t;"); |
$this->json_data['msg'] = '删除成功'; |
Db::commit(); |
} catch (\Exception $e) { |
Db::rollback(); |
$this->json_data['code'] = 0; |
$this->json_data['msg'] = '删除失败'; |
} |
return json($this->json_data); |
} |
public function download($id) |
{ |
$job_info = JobsT::find($id); |
$job_info->download_times = Db::raw('download_times+1'); |
$downloadName = $this->downloadName($job_info); |
$job_info->save(); |
return download(root_path(). 'public' . $job_info->remark, $downloadName); |
} |
public function process(){ |
$list = JobsT::where('status', '=', 1) |
->whereOr('create_time', '>=', strtotime(date('Y-m-d'))) |
->order('create_time desc') |
->select(); |
foreach ($list as $item) { |
$process = cache('shell_process_' . $item['id']); |
if($item->status == 1 || $process){ |
$this->json_data['data'][] = [ |
'id' => $item['id'], |
'process' => $process, |
]; |
} |
if($process >= 100){ |
Cache::delete('shell_process_' . $item['id']); |
} |
} |
return json($this->json_data); |
} |
/** |
* 导出名称 |
* @return \think\response\Json |
*/ |
public function exportName() |
{ |
$export_date1 = $this->request->param('export_date1'); |
$export_date2 = $this->request->param('export_date2'); |
if ($export_date1 == '' || $export_date2 == '') { |
$this->json_data['code'] = 0; |
$this->json_data['msg'] = '注册日期范围不能为空'; |
return json($this->json_data); |
} |
$type = $this->request->param('export_type'); |
$export_limit = $this->request->param('export_limit'); |
$name = ''; |
if ($type == 'bhx') { |
$name = '导出清洗'; |
} else if ($type == 'failed') { |
$name = '导出清洗失败'; |
} else if ($type == 'bmc') { |
$name = '导出清洗成功至上传'; |
} else if ($type == 'failed_bmc') { |
$name = '导出清洗失败至上传'; |
} else if ($type == 'none_bmc') { |
$name = '导出未处理至上传'; |
} |
$count = ExportLogT::where('name','like', $name . $export_date1 . '—' . $export_date2 . '%')->count(); |
$name .= $export_date1 . '—' . $export_date2 . '第' . ($count + 1) . '批' . $export_limit . '条'; |
$this->json_data['name'] = $name; |
return json($this->json_data); |
} |
/** |
* 任务操作 |
* @param $jobId |
* @return \think\response\Json |
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException |
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException |
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException |
*/ |
public function taskBtn($jobId){ |
$job_info = JobsT::find($jobId); |
if($job_info->type == 2){ |
$this->json_data['btns'] = '<a class="layui-btn" href="' . url('task/download', ['id' => $job_info->id]) . '">下载文件</a>'; |
}else if($job_info->type == 3 && PeerPhoneT::where(['source' => $job_info->id])->count() > 0){ |
$this->json_data['btns'] = ' |
<button type="button" class="layui-btn" onclick="task_create(2,' . $job_info->id . ')">导出</button> |
<button type="button" class="layui-btn layui-btn-danger" onclick="task_create(6,' . $job_info->id . ')">清除重复电话</button> |
'; |
}else if($job_info->type == 4 && RepeatFrameT::where(['source' => $job_info->id, 'is_delete' => 0])->count() > 0){ |
$this->json_data['btns'] = ' |
<button type="button" class="layui-btn" onclick="task_create(2,' . $job_info->id . ')">导出</button> |
<button type="button" class="layui-btn layui-btn-danger" onclick="task_create(7,' . $job_info->id . ')">删除重复数据</button> |
'; |
} |
return json($this->json_data); |
} |
public function exportNum(){ |
$params = $this->request->param(); |
$where = []; |
$map_or1 = []; |
$map_or2 = []; |
if(isset($params['export_date1']) && $params['export_date1'] != ''){ |
$where[] = ['car_info_t.register_date', '>=', $params['export_date1']]; |
} |
if(isset($params['export_date2']) && $params['export_date2'] != ''){ |
$where[] = ['car_info_t.register_date', '<=', $params['export_date2']]; |
} |
if (isset($params['price1']) && $params['price1'] != '') { |
$where[] = ['car_info_t.purchase_price', '>=', $params['price1'] * 10000]; |
} |
if (isset($params['price2']) && $params['price2'] != '') { |
$where[] = ['car_info_t.purchase_price', '<=', $params['price2'] * 10000]; |
} |
if(isset($params['empty_phone_check']) && $params['empty_phone_check'] == 'yes'){ |
$where[] = ['car_phone', '<>', '']; |
} |
if(isset($params['export_field'])){ |
foreach ($params['export_field'] as $item){ |
$where[] = [$item, '<>', '']; |
} |
} |
if(isset($params['export_type']) && $params['export_type'] != ''){ |
if($params['export_type'] == 'bhx'){ |
$where[] = ['is_export_bhx', '=', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_update_bhx', '=', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_export_bmc', '=', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_export_failed', '=', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_export_failed_bmc', '=', 0]; |
} |
if($params['export_type'] == 'bmc'){ |
$where[] = ['is_export_bhx', '>', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_update_bhx', '>', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_export_bmc', '=', 0]; |
} |
if ($params['export_type'] == 'failed') { |
$where[] = ['is_export_bhx', '>', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_update_bhx', '<', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_export_bmc', '=', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_export_failed', '=', 0]; |
} |
if ($params['export_type'] == 'failed_bmc') { |
$where[] = ['is_export_bhx', '>', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_update_bhx', '<', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_export_bmc', '=', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_export_failed_bmc', '=', 0]; |
} |
if ($params['export_type'] == 'none_bmc') { |
$where[] = ['is_export_bhx', '=', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_update_bhx', '=', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_export_bmc', '=', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_export_failed', '=', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_export_failed_bmc', '=', 0]; |
$where[] = ['is_export_none_bmc', '=', 0]; |
} |
} |
$insurer_month1 = $params['insurer_month1']??''; |
$insurer_day1 = $params['insurer_day1']??''; |
$insurer_month2 = $params['insurer_month2']??''; |
$insurer_day2 = $params['insurer_day2']??''; |
if($insurer_month1 != '' && $insurer_day1 == '') { |
$map_or1[] = [Db::raw('month(car_info_t.insurer1_date)'), '>=', $insurer_month1]; |
$map_or2[] = [Db::raw('month(car_info_t.insurer2_date)'), '>=', $insurer_month1]; |
} else if ($insurer_month1 == '' && $insurer_day1 != '') { |
$map_or1[] = [Db::raw('day(car_info_t.insurer1_date)'), '>=', $insurer_day1]; |
$map_or2[] = [Db::raw('day(car_info_t.insurer2_date)'), '>=', $insurer_day1]; |
} else if ($insurer_month1 != '' && $insurer_day1 != '') { |
$map_or1[] = [Db::raw('DATE_FORMAT(car_info_t.insurer1_date,"%m-%d")'), '>=', substr('0' . $insurer_month1, -2) . '-' . substr('0' . $insurer_day1, -2)]; |
$map_or2[] = [Db::raw('DATE_FORMAT(car_info_t.insurer2_date,"%m-%d")'), '>=', substr('0' . $insurer_month1, -2) . '-' . substr('0' . $insurer_day1, -2)]; |
} |
if($insurer_month2 != '' && $insurer_day2 == '') { |
$map_or1[] = [Db::raw('month(car_info_t.insurer1_date)'), '<=', $insurer_month2]; |
$map_or2[] = [Db::raw('month(car_info_t.insurer2_date)'), '<=', $insurer_month2]; |
} else if ($insurer_month2 == '' && $insurer_day2 != '') { |
$map_or1[] = [Db::raw('day(car_info_t.insurer1_date)'), '<=', $insurer_day2]; |
$map_or2[] = [Db::raw('day(car_info_t.insurer2_date)'), '<=', $insurer_day2]; |
} else if ($insurer_month2 != '' && $insurer_day2 != '') { |
$map_or1[] = [Db::raw('DATE_FORMAT(car_info_t.insurer1_date,"%m-%d")'), '<=', substr('0' . $insurer_month2, -2) . '-' . substr('0' . $insurer_day2, -2)]; |
$map_or2[] = [Db::raw('DATE_FORMAT(car_info_t.insurer2_date,"%m-%d")'), '<=', substr('0' . $insurer_month2, -2) . '-' . substr('0' . $insurer_day2, -2)]; |
} |
if(count($map_or1) > 0){ |
$map_or1 = array_merge([['car_info_t.insurer1_date', '<>', '']],$map_or1); |
} |
if(count($map_or2) > 0){ |
$map_or2 = array_merge([['car_info_t.insurer1_date', '=', ''],['car_info_t.insurer2_date', '<>', '']],$map_or2); |
} |
$query = CarInfoT::where($where)->where(function ($query) use ($map_or1, $map_or2) { |
if (count($map_or1) > 0 && count($map_or2) > 0){ |
$query->whereOr([$map_or1, $map_or2]); |
} |
}); |
$this->json_data['data'] = $query->count(); |
return json($this->json_data); |
} |
public function checkIsExistName($name,$type){ |
if($name == ''){ |
$this->json_data['code'] = 0; |
$this->json_data['msg'] = '文件名为空,请检查'; |
return json($this->json_data); |
} |
if($type == 'update'){ |
$name = basename($name); |
$name = str_replace(strrchr($name, '.'), '', $name); |
} |
$count = $this->model->where('queue', '=', $name) |
->whereOr('payload', 'like', '%' . str_replace(['\\', '"'], ['_', ''], json_encode($name)) . '%') |
->count(); |
if ($count > 0) { |
$this->json_data['msg'] = $type == 'upload' ? '当前文件已处理,确定继续?' : '当前任务名已存在,是否继续'; |
}else { |
$this->json_data['code'] = 2; |
} |
return json($this->json_data); |
} |
private function downloadName(JobsT $job_info){ |
$job_params = json_decode($job_info->payload,true)['data']['params']; |
list(,$ext) = explode('.', $job_info->remark); |
$downloadName = $job_params['export_date1'] . '-' . $job_params['export_date2']; |
if($job_info->queue != 'default'){ |
$downloadName = $job_info->queue; |
}else if($job_params['export_type'] == 'repeat' && $job_params['export_table'] == 'repeat_frame_t'){ |
$downloadName = '重复车架' . $downloadName; |
} else if($job_params['export_type'] == 'repeat' && $job_params['export_table'] == 'peer_phone_t'){ |
$downloadName = '重复电话' . $downloadName; |
} |
$downloadName .= '.' . $ext; |
return $downloadName; |
} |
private function checkUploadTpl($file, $type) |
{ |
$path_info = pathinfo($file); |
if ($type == 1 && $path_info['extension'] == 'csv') { |
$title = \file\FileSystem::getFileBlockData($file,0,1); |
$tpl_title = ['税号', '初登日期', '车主', '证件号', '电话号码', '车架号', '车牌号', '发动机号', '车型', '新车购置价']; |
// $tpl_title = ['区域', '购车日期', '客户姓名', '证件号码', '联系方式', '车架号', '车牌号', '发动机号', '品牌型号', '新车购置价', '保险公司', '商业止保日期', '交强止保日期', '被保险人', '被保险人证件号']; |
$title = explode(',', trim($title[0])); |
if (count(array_diff($tpl_title, $title)) > 0) { |
return false; |
} |
} else if ($type == 5 && $path_info['extension'] == 'xlsx') { |
$spreadsheetReader = Excel::loadFile($file); |
$sheet = $spreadsheetReader->getSheet(0); |
$highestColumn = $sheet->getHighestColumn(); // e.g 'F' |
$title = $sheet->rangeToArray("A1:{$highestColumn}1")[0]; |
$tpl_title = ['车牌号','车主','品牌型号','发动机号','车架号','注册日期','上年承保公司','商业险到期日期','交强险到期日期','被保险人姓名','被保险人证件号']; |
if (count(array_diff($tpl_title, $title)) > 0) { |
return false; |
} |
} |
return true; |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ |
<?php |
// 事件定义文件 |
return [ |
'bind' => [ |
], |
'listen' => [ |
'AppInit' => [], |
'HttpRun' => [], |
'HttpEnd' => [], |
'LogLevel' => [], |
'LogWrite' => [], |
], |
'subscribe' => [ |
], |
]; |
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ |
<?php |
declare (strict_types=1); |
namespace app\jobs; |
use think\facade\Db; |
use think\facade\Cache; |
use think\queue\Job; |
class DelayQueue |
{ |
/** |
* The job handler instance. |
* @var mixed |
*/ |
protected $instance; |
public function fire(Job $job, $data) |
{ |
//执行业务处理 |
$result = $this->doJob($job, $data); |
if ($result['code'] == 1) { |
$job->finish(2, $result['msg']); |
} else { |
$job->finish(3, $result['msg']); |
} |
} |
private function doJob(Job $job, $data) |
{ |
ini_set('memory_limit', '2048M'); |
$class = $data['controller']; |
$method = $data['action']; |
$this->instance = app()->make($class); |
if ($this->instance) { |
return ['code' => 1, 'msg' => $this->instance->{$method}($data['params'], $job->getJobId())]; |
} |
return ['code' => 0, 'msg' => '处理类不存在']; |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ |
<?php |
// 全局中间件定义文件 |
return [ |
// 全局请求缓存 |
// \think\middleware\CheckRequestCache::class, |
// 多语言加载 |
// \think\middleware\LoadLangPack::class, |
// Session初始化 |
\think\middleware\SessionInit::class |
]; |
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ |
<?php |
namespace app\model; |
use think\Model; |
class CarInfoT extends Model |
{ |
protected $createTime = 'create_timestamp'; |
protected $updateTime = 'update_timestamp'; |
public function importLog() |
{ |
return $this->hasOne('ImportLog','id','batch_id'); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ |
<?php |
namespace app\model; |
use crontab\CronParser; |
use think\Model; |
/** |
* Class CrontabT |
* @property string $crontab_str |
* @package crontab |
*/ |
class CrontabT extends Model |
{ |
public function getNextRunDate() |
{ |
if (!CronParser::check($this->crontab_str)) { |
return ['code' => 0, 'msg' => "格式错误: {$this->crontab_str}"]; |
} |
return CronParser::formatToDate($this->crontab_str, 1)[0]; |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ |
<?php |
namespace app\model; |
use think\Model; |
class ExportLogT extends Model |
{ |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ |
<?php |
namespace app\model; |
use think\Model; |
class JobsT extends Model |
{ |
// |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ |
<?php |
declare (strict_types = 1); |
namespace app\model; |
use think\Model; |
/** |
* @mixin think\Model |
*/ |
class PeerPhoneT extends Model |
{ |
// |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ |
<?php |
declare (strict_types = 1); |
namespace app\model; |
use think\Model; |
/** |
* @mixin think\Model |
*/ |
class RepeatFrameT extends Model |
{ |
// |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ |
<?php |
use app\ExceptionHandle; |
use app\Request; |
// 容器Provider定义文件 |
return [ |
'think\Request' => Request::class, |
'think\exception\Handle' => ExceptionHandle::class, |
]; |
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ |
<?php |
use app\AppService; |
// 系统服务定义文件 |
// 服务在完成全局初始化之后执行 |
return [ |
AppService::class, |
]; |
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ |
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<div id="task-model-add" class="layui-form"> |
<div class="layui-form-item active"> |
<label class="layui-form-label" style="width: 140px;">任务类型</label> |
<div class="layui-input-block"> |
<input type="radio" lay-filter="task_type" name="task_type" value="1" title="导入处理" checked> |
<input type="radio" lay-filter="task_type" name="task_type" value="2" title="导出处理"> |
<input type="radio" lay-filter="task_type" name="task_type" value="3" title="重复电话处理"> |
<input type="radio" lay-filter="task_type" name="task_type" value="4" title="重复车架处理"> |
<input type="radio" lay-filter="task_type" name="task_type" value="5" title="更新数据"> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="layui-form-item task-param active" id="task-import"> |
<label class="layui-form-label" style="width: 140px;">上传文件</label> |
<div class="layui-input-inline" style="width: 405px;"> |
<input type="text" name="original_filename" id="original_filename" class="layui-input" readonly> |
<input type="hidden" name="filename" id="filename" autocomplete="off" class="layui-input"> |
</div> |
<div class="layui-input-inline" style="width: 200px;"> |
<button type="button" class="layui-btn" id="upload"> |
<i class="layui-icon"></i>上传CSV文件 |
</button> |
</div> |
<a href="/static/tpl.csv" download="车辆信息导入模板.csv" style="color: #009688;">[下载车辆信息导入模板]</a> |
</div> |
<div class="task-param" id="task-export" style="display: none;"> |
<div class="layui-form-item"> |
<div class="layui-inline"> |
<label class="layui-form-label" style="width: 140px;">初登日期</label> |
<div class="layui-input-inline" style="width: 200px;"> |
<input type="text" name="export_date1" class="layui-input export-date1"> |
</div> |
<div class="layui-form-mid">-</div> |
<div class="layui-input-inline" style="width: 200px;"> |
<input type="text" name="export_date2" class="layui-input export-date2"> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="layui-inline"> |
<label class="layui-form-label" style="width: 140px;">保险日期</label> |
<div class="layui-input-inline"> |
<input type="text" name="insurer_month1" class="layui-input" style="display: inline-block; width: 60px;"> 月 |
<input type="text" name="insurer_day1" class="layui-input" style="display: inline-block; width: 60px;"> 日 |
</div> |
<div class="layui-form-mid">-</div> |
<div class="layui-input-inline"> |
<input type="text" name="insurer_month2" class="layui-input" style="display: inline-block; width: 60px;"> 月 |
<input type="text" name="insurer_day2" class="layui-input" style="display: inline-block; width: 60px;"> 日 |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="layui-form-item"> |
<div class="layui-inline"> |
<label class="layui-form-label" style="width: 140px;">导出类型</label> |
<div class="layui-input-inline" style="width: 780px;"> |
<input type="radio" lay-filter="export_type" name="export_type" value="bhx" class="layui-input" title="导出清洗" checked> |
<input type="radio" lay-filter="export_type" name="export_type" value="failed" class="layui-input" title="导出清洗失败"> |
<input type="radio" lay-filter="export_type" name="export_type" value="bmc" class="layui-input" title="导出清洗成功至上传"> |
<input type="radio" lay-filter="export_type" name="export_type" value="success_bmc" class="layui-input" title="导出清洗成功"> |
<!-- <input type="radio" lay-filter="export_type" name="export_type" value="failed_bmc" class="layui-input" title="导出清洗失败至上传"> |
<input type="radio" lay-filter="export_type" name="export_type" value="none_bmc" class="layui-input" title="导出未处理至上传"> |
--> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="layui-inline" id="sub_export_type"> |
<label class="layui-form-label" style="width: 100px;">导出字段</label> |
<div class="layui-input-inline" style="width: 210px;"> |
<input type="checkbox" name="export_field[]" lay-filter="export_field" value="car_no" title="车牌号"> |
<input type="checkbox" name="export_field[]" lay-filter="export_field" value="car_frame_no" title="车架号" checked> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="layui-form-item"> |
<div class="layui-inline"> |
<label class="layui-form-label" style="width: 140px;">导出数量</label> |
<div class="layui-input-inline"> |
<input type="text" name="export_limit" class="layui-input"> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="layui-inline"> |
<label class="layui-form-label" style="width: 100px;">导出文件名</label> |
<div class="layui-input-inline" style="width: 450px;"> |
<input type="text" name="queue" id="queue-name" class="layui-input" style="display:inline-block; width: 325px;"> |
<button type="button" class="layui-btn" onclick="getExportName(event)">生成文件名</button> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="layui-inline"> |
<label class="layui-form-label">导出总计:</label> |
<div class="layui-input-inline" style="width: 120px;"> |
<input type="text" name="num" id="count" class="layui-input" disabled> |
</div> |
<div class="layui-input-inline"> |
<button type="button" class="layui-btn" onclick="export_num(event)">获取总数</button> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="layui-form-item"> |
<div class="layui-inline"> |
<label class="layui-form-label" style="width: 140px;">新车购置价</label> |
<div class="layui-input-inline" style="width: auto;"> |
<input type="text" name="price1" class="layui-input" style="display: inline-block; width: 60px;"> 万 |
</div> |
<div class="layui-form-mid">-</div> |
<div class="layui-input-inline" style="width: auto;"> |
<input type="text" name="price2" class="layui-input" style="display: inline-block; width: 60px;"> 万 |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="layui-inline"> |
<label class="layui-form-label" style="width: 140px;">空电话检测</label> |
<div class="layui-input-inline" style="width: 80px;"> |
<input type="checkbox" name="empty_phone_check" lay-skin="switch" lay-filter="empty_phone_check" value="yes" lay-text="开启|关闭" checked> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="layui-inline"> |
<label class="layui-form-label" style="width: 140px;">是否EXCEL</label> |
<div class="layui-input-inline" style="width: 80px;"> |
<input type="checkbox" name="is_excel" lay-skin="switch" value="yes" lay-text="开启|关闭" checked> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="task-param" id="task-peer-phone" style="display: none;"> |
<div class="layui-form-item"> |
<div class="layui-inline"> |
<label class="layui-form-label" style="width: 140px;">初登日期</label> |
<div class="layui-input-inline" style="width: 200px;"> |
<input type="text" name="export_date1" class="layui-input export-date1"> |
</div> |
<div class="layui-form-mid">-</div> |
<div class="layui-input-inline" style="width: 200px;"> |
<input type="text" name="export_date2" class="layui-input export-date2"> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="layui-inline"> |
<label class="layui-form-label" style="width: 140px;">个人电话重复次数</label> |
<div class="layui-input-inline"> |
<input type="number" name="peer_phone_number" required lay-verify="required" class="layui-input"> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="task-param" id="task-repeat_frame" style="display: none;"> |
<div class="layui-form-item"> |
<div class="layui-inline"> |
<label class="layui-form-label" style="width: 140px;">初登日期</label> |
<div class="layui-input-inline" style="width: 200px;"> |
<input type="text" name="export_date1" class="layui-input export-date1"> |
</div> |
<div class="layui-form-mid">-</div> |
<div class="layui-input-inline" style="width: 200px;"> |
<input type="text" name="export_date2" class="layui-input export-date2"> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="layui-form-item" style="margin:24px 0 -15px;"> |
<div class="layui-inline" style="float: left;position: relative;z-index: 999;"> |
<label class="layui-form-label" style="width: 65px;"></label> |
<div class="layui-input-inline" style="width: 405px"> |
<input type="text" name="queue" id="queue" class="layui-input"> |
</div> |
<div class="layui-input-inline" style=""> |
<button type="button" class="layui-btn" onclick="search(event)">查询</button> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="layui-input-block layui-text-right"> |
<button type="button" class="layui-btn" onclick="task_add()">立即提交</button> |
<button type="button" class="layui-btn layui-btn-danger" id="clear-btn">清空数据</button> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="layui-card-body layui-form"> |
<table class="layui-hide" id="task-info" lay-filter="task-info"></table> |
</div> |
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{/block} |
{block name="script"} |
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<script type="text/html" id="table-bar"> |
{{# |
var payload = JSON.parse(d.payload); |
var export_date1 = payload['data']['params']['export_date1']; |
var export_date2 = payload['data']['params']['export_date2']; |
var ext = d.remark.split('.')[1]; |
}} |
{{# if(d.type == 2){ }} |
{{# if(payload['data']['params']['export_limit'] > 0){ }} |
{{# |
var arrParam = []; |
var exportUrlParam = ''; |
exportUrlParam += 'export_date1=' + export_date1 + '&'; |
exportUrlParam += 'export_date2=' + export_date2 + '&'; |
exportUrlParam += 'insurer_month1=' + payload['data']['params']['insurer_month1'] + '&'; |
exportUrlParam += 'insurer_day1=' + payload['data']['params']['insurer_day1'] + '&'; |
exportUrlParam += 'insurer_month2=' + payload['data']['params']['insurer_month2'] + '&'; |
exportUrlParam += 'insurer_day2=' + payload['data']['params']['insurer_day2'] + '&'; |
exportUrlParam += 'is_export_' + payload['data']['params']['export_type'] + '=' +; |
}} |
<a class="layui-btn layui-btn-xs" href="/index/index.html?{{exportUrlParam}}">查看</a> |
{{# } }} |
{{# if(d.download_times > 0){ }} |
<buton class="layui-btn layui-btn-xs" onclick="layer.confirm('已下载过,是否继续',function(index){layer.close(index);'{:url(\'task/download\')}?id={{}}');window.location.reload();});">下载文件</buton> |
{{# }else { }} |
<buton class="layui-btn layui-btn-xs" onclick="'{:url(\'task/download\')}?id={{}}');window.location.reload();">下载文件</buton> |
{{# } }} |
{{# }else if(d.type == 3){ }} |
<a class="layui-btn layui-btn-xs" href="/index/index.html?is_check_peer_phone={{}}">查看</a> |
{{# if(d.info_num > 0){ }} |
<button type="button" class="layui-btn layui-btn-xs" onclick="task_create(2,{{}})">导出</button> |
<button type="button" class="layui-btn layui-btn-xs layui-btn-danger" onclick="task_create(6,{{}})">清除重复</button> |
{{# } }} |
{{# }else if(d.type == 4){ }} |
<a class="layui-btn layui-btn-xs" href="/index/index.html?is_check_repeat_frame={{}}">查看</a> |
{{# if(d.info_num > 0){ }} |
<button type="button" class="layui-btn layui-btn-xs" onclick="task_create(2,{{}})">导出</button> |
<button type="button" class="layui-btn layui-btn-xs layui-btn-danger" onclick="task_create(7,{{}})">删除重复</button> |
{{# } }} |
{{# }else if(d.type == 5){ }} |
<a class="layui-btn layui-btn-xs" href="/index/index.html?is_update_bhx={{}}">查看</a> |
{{# }else if(d.type == 7){ }} |
<a class="layui-btn layui-btn-xs" href="/index/index.html?is_delete_frame={{}}">查看</a> |
{{# }else if(d.type == 1){ }} |
<a class="layui-btn layui-btn-xs" href="/index/index.html?source={{}}">查看</a> |
{{# } }} |
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<div class="layui-progress layui-progress-big" lay-filter="process-{{}}" lay-showPercent="yes"> |
<div class="layui-progress-bar layui-bg-green" lay-percent="{{d.process}}%"></div> |
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case 1: |
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break; |
case 2: |
$('#task-export').addClass('active').show(); |
break; |
case 3: |
$('#task-peer-phone').addClass('active').show(); |
break; |
case 4: |
$('#task-repeat_frame').addClass('active').show(); |
break; |
case 5: |
$('#task-import').addClass('active').show(); |
break; |
} |
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layui.form.on('radio(export_type)', function(data){ |
if(['bmc','failed_bmc','none_bmc'].indexOf(data.value) != -1){ |
$('#sub_export_type').hide(); |
$('#sub_export_type').find(':input').attr('disabled',true); |
}else if(data.value == 'success_bmc'){ |
$('#sub_export_type').hide(); |
$('#sub_export_type').find(':input').attr('disabled',true); |
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$('#sub_export_type').find(':input').removeAttr('disabled'); |
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id: 'taskInfo', |
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title:'车辆信息', |
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cols: [[ //表头 |
// {type: 'checkbox', fixed: 'left'}, |
{field: 'id', title: '序号', fixed: 'left', width: 100}, |
{field: 'type_txt', title: '任务名称', sort: true, width: 400}, |
{field: 'process', title: '处理进度', templet: '#process-tpl'}, |
{field: 'remark', title: '任务结果', sort: true}, |
{field: 'create_timestamp', title: '创建时间', sort: true, width: 200}, |
{field: 'status', title: '任务状态', sort: true, width: 100}, |
{field: 'download_times', title: '下载次数', sort: true, width: 100}, |
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layer.confirm('确定要清楚此项手机吗', function(index){ |
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layui.upload.render({ |
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task_type: function () { |
return $("input[name='task_type']:checked").val(); |
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//请求异常回调 |
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$(function(){ |
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$('#clear-btn').on('click', function () { |
layer.confirm('清空数据将不能恢复,确认清空附属表吗?', function(index){ |
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layer.msg(ret.msg, function () { |
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function export_num(){ |
if($('[name="export_date1"]').val() == '' && $('[name="export_date1"]').val() == ''){ |
layer.msg('请先填写初登日期'); |
return false; |
} |
$.post('{:url("task/exportNum")}', $('#task-export').find(':input').serialize(), function (ret) { |
layer.msg(ret['msg']); |
$('#count').val(; |
}); |
} |
function task_create(type,id = 0){ |
$.post('{:url("task/save")}', {task_type: type,source_id: id}, function (ret) { |
layer.msg(ret['msg'],function(){ |
layui.table.reload('taskInfo'); |
}); |
}); |
} |
function task_add() { |
var task_type = $('[name="task_type"]:checked').val(); |
if (task_type == 5 || task_type == 2) { |
var name = task_type == 5 ? $('#original_filename').val() : $('#queue-name').val(); |
var type = task_type == 5 ? 'update' : 'export'; |
$.get('{:url("task/checkIsExistName")}?name=' + name + '&type=' + type, function (ret) { |
if (ret.code == 1) { |
layer.confirm(ret.msg, function (index) { |
layer.close(index); |
submitForm(); |
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layer.alert(ret.msg); |
}else if (ret.code == 2) { |
submitForm(); |
} |
}); |
}else { |
submitForm(); |
} |
} |
function submitForm(){ |
$.post('{:url("task/save")}', $('#task-model-add').find('.active :input').serialize(), function (ret) { |
if(ret.code == 0){ |
layer.alert(ret.msg); |
}else { |
layer.msg(ret['msg'],function(){ |
layui.table.reload('taskInfo'); |
}); |
} |
}); |
} |
function search(event){ |
tableIns.reload({ |
page: { |
curr: 1 //重新从第 1 页开始 |
}, |
where: {queue: $('#queue').val()}, |
}, 'data'); |
} |
function getExportName(event) { |
var target =; |
$.get('{:url("task/exportName")}', $('#task-export').find(':input').serialize(), function (ret) { |
if(ret.code == 0){ |
layer.alert(ret.msg); |
}else { |
$(target).prev('input[name="queue"]').val(; |
} |
}); |
} |
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@ -0,0 +1,444 @@ |
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{block name="body"} |
<div class="layui-card"> |
<div class="layui-card-header layui-card-header-auto layui-form"> |
<div id="task-model-add" class="layui-form"> |
<div class="layui-form-item active"> |
<label class="layui-form-label" style="width: 140px;">任务类型</label> |
<div class="layui-input-block"> |
<input type="radio" lay-filter="task_type" name="task_type" value="1" title="导入处理" checked> |
<input type="radio" lay-filter="task_type" name="task_type" value="2" title="导出处理"> |
<input type="radio" lay-filter="task_type" name="task_type" value="3" title="重复电话处理"> |
<input type="radio" lay-filter="task_type" name="task_type" value="4" title="重复车架处理"> |
<input type="radio" lay-filter="task_type" name="task_type" value="5" title="更新数据"> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="layui-form-item task-param active" id="task-import"> |
<label class="layui-form-label" style="width: 140px;">上传文件</label> |
<div class="layui-input-inline" style="width: 405px;"> |
<input type="text" name="original_filename" id="original_filename" class="layui-input" readonly> |
<input type="hidden" name="filename" id="filename" autocomplete="off" class="layui-input"> |
</div> |
<div class="layui-input-inline" style="width: 200px;"> |
<button type="button" class="layui-btn" id="upload"> |
<i class="layui-icon"></i>上传CSV文件 |
</button> |
</div> |
<a href="/static/tpl.csv" download="车辆信息导入模板.csv" style="color: #009688;">[下载车辆信息导入模板]</a> |
</div> |
<div class="task-param" id="task-export" style="display: none;"> |
<div class="layui-form-item"> |
<div class="layui-inline"> |
<label class="layui-form-label" style="width: 140px;">初登日期</label> |
<div class="layui-input-inline" style="width: 200px;"> |
<input type="text" name="export_date1" class="layui-input export-date1"> |
</div> |
<div class="layui-form-mid">-</div> |
<div class="layui-input-inline" style="width: 200px;"> |
<input type="text" name="export_date2" class="layui-input export-date2"> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="layui-inline"> |
<label class="layui-form-label" style="width: 140px;">商业保险日期</label> |
<div class="layui-input-inline"> |
<input type="text" name="insurer_month1" class="layui-input" style="display: inline-block; width: 60px;"> 月 |
<input type="text" name="insurer_day1" class="layui-input" style="display: inline-block; width: 60px;"> 日 |
</div> |
<div class="layui-form-mid">-</div> |
<div class="layui-input-inline"> |
<input type="text" name="insurer_month2" class="layui-input" style="display: inline-block; width: 60px;"> 月 |
<input type="text" name="insurer_day2" class="layui-input" style="display: inline-block; width: 60px;"> 日 |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="layui-form-item"> |
<div class="layui-inline"> |
<label class="layui-form-label" style="width: 140px;">导出类型</label> |
<div class="layui-input-inline" style="width: 780px;"> |
<input type="radio" lay-filter="export_type" name="export_type" value="bhx" class="layui-input" title="导出清洗" checked> |
<input type="radio" lay-filter="export_type" name="export_type" value="failed" class="layui-input" title="导出清洗失败"> |
<input type="radio" lay-filter="export_type" name="export_type" value="bmc" class="layui-input" title="导出清洗成功至上传"> |
<input type="radio" lay-filter="export_type" name="export_type" value="failed_bmc" class="layui-input" title="导出清洗失败至上传"> |
<input type="radio" lay-filter="export_type" name="export_type" value="none_bmc" class="layui-input" title="导出未处理至上传"> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="layui-inline" id="sub_export_type"> |
<label class="layui-form-label" style="width: 100px;">导出字段</label> |
<div class="layui-input-inline" style="width: 210px;"> |
<input type="checkbox" name="export_field[]" lay-filter="export_field" value="car_no" title="车牌号" checked> |
<input type="checkbox" name="export_field[]" lay-filter="export_field" value="car_frame_no" title="车架号" checked> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="layui-form-item"> |
<div class="layui-inline"> |
<label class="layui-form-label" style="width: 140px;">导出数量</label> |
<div class="layui-input-inline"> |
<input type="text" name="export_limit" class="layui-input"> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="layui-inline"> |
<label class="layui-form-label" style="width: 100px;">导出文件名</label> |
<div class="layui-input-inline" style="width: 450px;"> |
<input type="text" name="queue" id="queue-name" class="layui-input" style="display:inline-block; width: 325px;"> |
<button type="button" class="layui-btn" onclick="getExportName(event)">生成文件名</button> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="layui-inline"> |
<label class="layui-form-label">导出总计:</label> |
<div class="layui-input-inline" style="width: 120px;"> |
<input type="text" name="num" id="count" class="layui-input" disabled> |
</div> |
<div class="layui-input-inline"> |
<button type="button" class="layui-btn" onclick="export_num(event)">获取总数</button> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="layui-form-item"> |
<div class="layui-inline"> |
<label class="layui-form-label" style="width: 140px;">新车购置价</label> |
<div class="layui-input-inline" style="width: auto;"> |
<input type="text" name="price1" class="layui-input" style="display: inline-block; width: 60px;"> 万 |
</div> |
<div class="layui-form-mid">-</div> |
<div class="layui-input-inline" style="width: auto;"> |
<input type="text" name="price2" class="layui-input" style="display: inline-block; width: 60px;"> 万 |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="layui-inline"> |
<label class="layui-form-label" style="width: 140px;">空电话检测</label> |
<div class="layui-input-inline" style="width: 80px;"> |
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</div> |
</div> |
<div class="layui-inline"> |
<label class="layui-form-label" style="width: 140px;">是否EXCEL</label> |
<div class="layui-input-inline" style="width: 80px;"> |
<input type="checkbox" name="is_excel" lay-skin="switch" value="yes" lay-text="开启|关闭" checked> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="task-param" id="task-peer-phone" style="display: none;"> |
<div class="layui-form-item"> |
<div class="layui-inline"> |
<label class="layui-form-label" style="width: 140px;">初登日期</label> |
<div class="layui-input-inline" style="width: 200px;"> |
<input type="text" name="export_date1" class="layui-input export-date1"> |
</div> |
<div class="layui-form-mid">-</div> |
<div class="layui-input-inline" style="width: 200px;"> |
<input type="text" name="export_date2" class="layui-input export-date2"> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="layui-inline"> |
<label class="layui-form-label" style="width: 140px;">个人电话重复次数</label> |
<div class="layui-input-inline"> |
<input type="number" name="peer_phone_number" required lay-verify="required" class="layui-input"> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="task-param" id="task-repeat_frame" style="display: none;"> |
<div class="layui-form-item"> |
<div class="layui-inline"> |
<label class="layui-form-label" style="width: 140px;">初登日期</label> |
<div class="layui-input-inline" style="width: 200px;"> |
<input type="text" name="export_date1" class="layui-input export-date1"> |
</div> |
<div class="layui-form-mid">-</div> |
<div class="layui-input-inline" style="width: 200px;"> |
<input type="text" name="export_date2" class="layui-input export-date2"> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
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<label class="layui-form-label" style="width: 65px;"></label> |
<div class="layui-input-inline" style="width: 405px"> |
<input type="text" name="queue" id="queue" class="layui-input"> |
</div> |
<div class="layui-input-inline" style=""> |
<button type="button" class="layui-btn" onclick="search(event)">查询</button> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="layui-input-block layui-text-right"> |
<button type="button" class="layui-btn" onclick="task_add()">立即提交</button> |
<button type="button" class="layui-btn layui-btn-danger" id="clear-btn">清空数据</button> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="layui-card-body layui-form"> |
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{block name="script"} |
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{{# |
var payload = JSON.parse(d.payload); |
var export_date1 = payload['data']['params']['export_date1']; |
var export_date2 = payload['data']['params']['export_date2']; |
var ext = d.remark.split('.')[1]; |
}} |
{{# if(d.type == 2){ }} |
{{# if(payload['data']['params']['export_limit'] > 0){ }} |
{{# |
var arrParam = []; |
var exportUrlParam = ''; |
exportUrlParam += 'export_date1=' + export_date1 + '&'; |
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exportUrlParam += 'insurer_day1=' + payload['data']['params']['insurer_day1'] + '&'; |
exportUrlParam += 'insurer_month2=' + payload['data']['params']['insurer_month2'] + '&'; |
exportUrlParam += 'insurer_day2=' + payload['data']['params']['insurer_day2'] + '&'; |
exportUrlParam += 'is_export_' + payload['data']['params']['export_type'] + '=' +; |
}} |
<a class="layui-btn layui-btn-xs" href="/index/index.html?{{exportUrlParam}}">查看</a> |
{{# } }} |
{{# if(d.download_times > 0){ }} |
<buton class="layui-btn layui-btn-xs" onclick="layer.confirm('已下载过,是否继续',function(index){layer.close(index);'{:url(\'task/download\')}?id={{}}');window.location.reload();});">下载文件</buton> |
{{# }else { }} |
<buton class="layui-btn layui-btn-xs" onclick="'{:url(\'task/download\')}?id={{}}');window.location.reload();">下载文件</buton> |
{{# } }} |
{{# }else if(d.type == 3){ }} |
<a class="layui-btn layui-btn-xs" href="/index/index.html?is_check_peer_phone={{}}">查看</a> |
{{# if(d.info_num > 0){ }} |
<button type="button" class="layui-btn layui-btn-xs" onclick="task_create(2,{{}})">导出</button> |
<button type="button" class="layui-btn layui-btn-xs layui-btn-danger" onclick="task_create(6,{{}})">清除重复</button> |
{{# } }} |
{{# }else if(d.type == 4){ }} |
<a class="layui-btn layui-btn-xs" href="/index/index.html?is_check_repeat_frame={{}}">查看</a> |
{{# if(d.info_num > 0){ }} |
<button type="button" class="layui-btn layui-btn-xs" onclick="task_create(2,{{}})">导出</button> |
<button type="button" class="layui-btn layui-btn-xs layui-btn-danger" onclick="task_create(7,{{}})">删除重复</button> |
{{# } }} |
{{# }else if(d.type == 5){ }} |
<a class="layui-btn layui-btn-xs" href="/index/index.html?is_update_bhx={{}}">查看</a> |
{{# }else if(d.type == 7){ }} |
<a class="layui-btn layui-btn-xs" href="/index/index.html?is_delete_frame={{}}">查看</a> |
{{# }else if(d.type == 1){ }} |
<a class="layui-btn layui-btn-xs" href="/index/index.html?source={{}}">查看</a> |
{{# } }} |
</script> |
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<div class="layui-progress layui-progress-big" lay-filter="process-{{}}" lay-showPercent="yes"> |
<div class="layui-progress-bar layui-bg-green" lay-percent="{{d.process}}%"></div> |
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<script> |
layui.form.on('radio(task_type)', function(data){ |
$('#task-model-add').find('.task-param').removeClass('active').hide(); |
switch (+data.value) { |
case 1: |
$('#task-import').addClass('active').show(); |
break; |
case 2: |
$('#task-export').addClass('active').show(); |
break; |
case 3: |
$('#task-peer-phone').addClass('active').show(); |
break; |
case 4: |
$('#task-repeat_frame').addClass('active').show(); |
break; |
case 5: |
$('#task-import').addClass('active').show(); |
break; |
} |
}); |
layui.form.on('radio(export_type)', function(data){ |
if(['bmc','failed_bmc','none_bmc'].indexOf(data.value) != -1){ |
$('#sub_export_type').hide(); |
$('#sub_export_type').find(':input').attr('disabled',true); |
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$('#sub_export_type').show(); |
$('#sub_export_type').find(':input').removeAttr('disabled'); |
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var tableIns = layui.table.render({ |
id: 'taskInfo', |
elem: '#task-info', |
title:'车辆信息', |
url: '{:url("/task/taskInfo/")}', //数据接口 |
page: true, //开启分页 |
limit: 20, |
loading: true, |
cols: [[ //表头 |
// {type: 'checkbox', fixed: 'left'}, |
{field: 'id', title: '序号', fixed: 'left', width: 100}, |
{field: 'type_txt', title: '任务名称', sort: true, width: 400}, |
{field: 'process', title: '处理进度', templet: '#process-tpl'}, |
{field: 'remark', title: '任务结果', sort: true}, |
{field: 'create_timestamp', title: '创建时间', sort: true, width: 200}, |
{field: 'status', title: '任务状态', sort: true, width: 100}, |
{field: 'download_times', title: '下载次数', sort: true, width: 100}, |
{fixed: 'right', width: 240, align:'center', toolbar: '#table-bar'} |
]], |
done: function (res, curr, count) { |
layui.element.render(); |
var timer = setInterval(function(){ |
$.get('{:url("task/process")}', function (ret) { |
if(! || == 0 ){ |
clearInterval(timer); |
delete timer; |
}else { |
$.each(,function(i,d){ |
d.process = d.process > 100 ? 100 : d.process; |
layui.element.progress('process-' +, +d.process + '%'); |
if(d.process >= 100){ |
layui.table.reload('taskInfo'); |
} |
}) |
} |
}); |
},3000) |
} |
}); |
//监听行工具事件 |
layui.table.on('tool(task-info)', function(obj){ //注:tool 是工具条事件名,test 是 table 原始容器的属性 lay-filter="对应的值" |
var data =, //获得当前行数据 |
layEvent = obj.event; //获得 lay-event 对应的值 |
if(layEvent === 'detail'){ |
layer.confirm('确定要清楚此项手机吗', function(index){ |
layer.close(index); |
index = layer.load(); |
$.post('{:url("index/clearPhone")}', {id:}, function (res) { |
layer.close(index); |
layer.msg(res.msg,function () { |
layui.table.reload('taskInfo'); |
}); |
}) |
}); |
} |
}); |
layui.upload.render({ |
elem: '#upload', //绑定元素 |
accept: 'file', |
url: '{:url("task/upload")}', //上传接口 |
data: { |
task_type: function () { |
return $("input[name='task_type']:checked").val(); |
} |
}, |
done: function (res) { |
if (res.code == -1) { |
$('#lock-screen').css('display', 'flex'); |
} else if (res.code == 0) { |
layer.alert(res.msg); |
} else if (res.code == 1) { |
$('#original_filename').val(res.original_filename); |
$('#filename').val(res.filename); |
return true; |
} |
}, |
error: function (res) { |
//请求异常回调 |
layer.alert(res.msg); |
} |
}); |
$(function(){ |
$('.export-date1,.export-date2').each(function (i, d) { |
layui.laydate.render({ |
elem: d, |
}); |
}); |
$('#clear-btn').on('click', function () { |
layer.confirm('清空数据将不能恢复,确认清空附属表吗?', function(index){ |
layer.close(index); |
index = layer.load(); |
//向服务端发送删除指令 |
$.post('{:url("task/clearSubTable/")}', function (ret) { |
layer.close(index); |
layer.msg(ret.msg, function () { |
layui.table.reload('taskInfo'); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
function export_num(){ |
if($('[name="export_date1"]').val() == '' && $('[name="export_date1"]').val() == ''){ |
layer.msg('请先填写初登日期'); |
return false; |
} |
$.post('{:url("task/exportNum")}', $('#task-export').find(':input').serialize(), function (ret) { |
layer.msg(ret['msg']); |
$('#count').val(; |
}); |
} |
function task_create(type,id = 0){ |
$.post('{:url("task/save")}', {task_type: type,source_id: id}, function (ret) { |
layer.msg(ret['msg'],function(){ |
layui.table.reload('taskInfo'); |
}); |
}); |
} |
function task_add() { |
var task_type = $('[name="task_type"]:checked').val(); |
if (task_type == 5 || task_type == 2) { |
var name = task_type == 5 ? $('#original_filename').val() : $('#queue-name').val(); |
var type = task_type == 5 ? 'update' : 'export'; |
$.get('{:url("task/checkIsExistName")}?name=' + name + '&type=' + type, function (ret) { |
if (ret.code == 1) { |
layer.confirm(ret.msg, function (index) { |
layer.close(index); |
submitForm(); |
}); |
}else if (ret.code == 0) { |
layer.alert(ret.msg); |
}else if (ret.code == 2) { |
submitForm(); |
} |
}); |
}else { |
submitForm(); |
} |
} |
function submitForm(){ |
$.post('{:url("task/save")}', $('#task-model-add').find('.active :input').serialize(), function (ret) { |
if(ret.code == 0){ |
layer.alert(ret.msg); |
}else { |
layer.msg(ret['msg'],function(){ |
layui.table.reload('taskInfo'); |
}); |
} |
}); |
} |
function search(event){ |
tableIns.reload({ |
page: { |
curr: 1 //重新从第 1 页开始 |
}, |
where: {queue: $('#queue').val()}, |
}, 'data'); |
} |
function getExportName(event) { |
var target =; |
$.get('{:url("task/exportName")}', $('#task-export').find(':input').serialize(), function (ret) { |
if(ret.code == 0){ |
layer.alert(ret.msg); |
}else { |
$(target).prev('input[name="queue"]').val(; |
} |
}); |
} |
</script> |
{/block} |
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ |
<?php |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// | Copyright (c) 2006~2018 All rights reserved. |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// | Licensed ( ) |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// | Author: liu21st <> |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
return [ |
// 生成应用公共文件 |
'__file__' => ['common.php'], |
// 定义demo模块的自动生成 (按照实际定义的文件名生成) |
'demo' => [ |
'__file__' => ['common.php'], |
'__dir__' => ['behavior', 'controller', 'model', 'view'], |
'controller' => ['Index', 'Test', 'UserType'], |
'model' => ['User', 'UserType'], |
'view' => ['index/index'], |
], |
// 其他更多的模块定义 |
]; |
@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ |
{ |
"name": "topthink/think", |
"description": "the new thinkphp framework", |
"type": "project", |
"keywords": [ |
"framework", |
"thinkphp", |
"ORM" |
], |
"homepage": "", |
"license": "Apache-2.0", |
"authors": [ |
{ |
"name": "liu21st", |
"email": "" |
}, |
{ |
"name": "yunwuxin", |
"email": "" |
} |
], |
"require": { |
"php": ">=7.1.0", |
"topthink/framework": "^6.0.0", |
"topthink/think-orm": "^2.0", |
"topthink/think-multi-app": "^1.0", |
"topthink/think-template": "^2.0", |
"topthink/think-view": "^1.0", |
"topthink/think-queue": "^3.0", |
"nuovo/spreadsheet-reader": "^0.5.11", |
"phpoffice/phpspreadsheet": "^1.10" |
}, |
"require-dev": { |
"symfony/var-dumper": "^4.2", |
"topthink/think-trace":"^1.0" |
}, |
"autoload": { |
"psr-4": { |
"app\\": "app" |
}, |
"psr-0": { |
"": "extend/" |
} |
}, |
"config": { |
"preferred-install": "dist" |
}, |
"scripts": { |
"post-autoload-dump": [ |
"@php think service:discover", |
"@php think vendor:publish" |
] |
} |
} |
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ |
<?php |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// | 应用设置 |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
return [ |
// 应用地址 |
'app_host' => env('', ''), |
// 应用的命名空间 |
'app_namespace' => '', |
// 是否启用路由 |
'with_route' => true, |
// 是否启用事件 |
'with_event' => true, |
// 默认应用 |
'default_app' => 'index', |
// 默认时区 |
'default_timezone' => 'Asia/Shanghai', |
// 应用映射(自动多应用模式有效) |
'app_map' => [], |
// 域名绑定(自动多应用模式有效) |
'domain_bind' => [], |
// 禁止URL访问的应用列表(自动多应用模式有效) |
'deny_app_list' => [], |
// 异常页面的模板文件 |
'exception_tmpl' => app()->getThinkPath() . 'tpl/think_exception.tpl', |
// 错误显示信息,非调试模式有效 |
'error_message' => '页面错误!请稍后再试~', |
// 显示错误信息 |
'show_error_msg' => false, |
]; |
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ |
<?php |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// | 缓存设置 |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
return [ |
// 默认缓存驱动 |
'default' => env('cache.driver', 'file'), |
// 缓存连接方式配置 |
'stores' => [ |
'file' => [ |
// 驱动方式 |
'type' => 'File', |
// 缓存保存目录 |
'path' => '', |
// 缓存前缀 |
'prefix' => '', |
// 缓存有效期 0表示永久缓存 |
'expire' => 0, |
// 缓存标签前缀 |
'tag_prefix' => 'tag:', |
// 序列化机制 例如 ['serialize', 'unserialize'] |
'serialize' => [], |
], |
// 更多的缓存连接 |
], |
]; |
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ |
<?php |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// | 控制台配置 |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
return [ |
// 指令定义 |
'commands' => [ |
'crontab' => 'app\command\Crontab', |
'hello' => 'app\command\Hello', |
], |
]; |
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ |
<?php |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// | Cookie设置 |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
return [ |
// cookie 保存时间 |
'expire' => 0, |
// cookie 保存路径 |
'path' => '/', |
// cookie 有效域名 |
'domain' => '', |
// cookie 启用安全传输 |
'secure' => false, |
// httponly设置 |
'httponly' => false, |
// 是否使用 setcookie |
'setcookie' => true, |
]; |
@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ |
<?php |
return [ |
// 默认使用的数据库连接配置 |
'default' => env('database.driver', 'mysql'), |
// 自定义时间查询规则 |
'time_query_rule' => [], |
// 自动写入时间戳字段 |
// true为自动识别类型 false关闭 |
// 字符串则明确指定时间字段类型 支持 int timestamp datetime date |
'auto_timestamp' => true, |
// 时间字段取出后的默认时间格式 |
'datetime_format' => 'Y-m-d H:i:s', |
// 数据库连接配置信息 |
'connections' => [ |
'mysql' => [ |
// 数据库类型 |
'type' => env('database.type', 'mysql'), |
// 服务器地址 |
'hostname' => env('database.hostname', ''), |
// 数据库名 |
'database' => env('database.database', ''), |
// 用户名 |
'username' => env('database.username', 'root'), |
// 密码 |
'password' => env('database.password', ''), |
// 端口 |
'hostport' => env('database.hostport', '3306'), |
// 数据库连接参数 |
'params' => [], |
// 数据库编码默认采用utf8 |
'charset' => env('database.charset', 'utf8'), |
// 数据库表前缀 |
'prefix' => env('database.prefix', ''), |
// 数据库部署方式:0 集中式(单一服务器),1 分布式(主从服务器) |
'deploy' => 0, |
// 数据库读写是否分离 主从式有效 |
'rw_separate' => false, |
// 读写分离后 主服务器数量 |
'master_num' => 1, |
// 指定从服务器序号 |
'slave_no' => '', |
// 是否严格检查字段是否存在 |
'fields_strict' => true, |
// 是否需要断线重连 |
'break_reconnect' => false, |
// 监听SQL |
'trigger_sql' => env('app_debug', true), |
// 开启字段缓存 |
'fields_cache' => false, |
// 字段缓存路径 |
'schema_cache_path' => app()->getRuntimePath() . 'schema' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, |
], |
// 更多的数据库配置信息 |
], |
]; |
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ |
<?php |
return [ |
// 默认磁盘 |
'default' => env('filesystem.driver', 'local'), |
// 磁盘列表 |
'disks' => [ |
'local' => [ |
'type' => 'local', |
'root' => app()->getRuntimePath() . 'storage', |
], |
'public' => [ |
// 磁盘类型 |
'type' => 'local', |
// 磁盘路径 |
'root' => app()->getRootPath() . 'public/storage', |
// 磁盘路径对应的外部URL路径 |
'url' => '/storage', |
// 可见性 |
'visibility' => 'public', |
], |
// 更多的磁盘配置信息 |
], |
]; |
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ |
<?php |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// | 多语言设置 |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
return [ |
// 默认语言 |
'default_lang' => env('lang.default_lang', 'zh-cn'), |
// 允许的语言列表 |
'allow_lang_list' => [], |
// 多语言自动侦测变量名 |
'detect_var' => 'lang', |
// 是否使用Cookie记录 |
'use_cookie' => true, |
// 多语言cookie变量 |
'cookie_var' => 'think_lang', |
// 扩展语言包 |
'extend_list' => [], |
// Accept-Language转义为对应语言包名称 |
'accept_language' => [ |
'zh-hans-cn' => 'zh-cn', |
], |
// 是否支持语言分组 |
'allow_group' => false, |
]; |
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ |
<?php |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// | 日志设置 |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
return [ |
// 默认日志记录通道 |
'default' => env('', 'file'), |
// 日志记录级别 |
'level' => [], |
// 日志类型记录的通道 ['error'=>'email',...] |
'type_channel' => [], |
// 关闭全局日志写入 |
'close' => false, |
// 全局日志处理 支持闭包 |
'processor' => null, |
// 日志通道列表 |
'channels' => [ |
'file' => [ |
// 日志记录方式 |
'type' => 'File', |
// 日志保存目录 |
'path' => '', |
// 单文件日志写入 |
'single' => false, |
// 独立日志级别 |
'apart_level' => [], |
// 最大日志文件数量 |
'max_files' => env('log.max_files', 0), |
// 使用JSON格式记录 |
'json' => false, |
// 日志处理 |
'processor' => null, |
// 关闭通道日志写入 |
'close' => false, |
// 日志输出格式化 |
'format' => '[%s][%s] %s', |
// 是否实时写入 |
'realtime_write' => false, |
], |
// 其它日志通道配置 |
], |
]; |
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ |
<?php |
// 中间件配置 |
return [ |
// 别名或分组 |
'alias' => [], |
// 优先级设置,此数组中的中间件会按照数组中的顺序优先执行 |
'priority' => [], |
]; |
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ |
<?php |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// | Copyright (c) 2006-2016 All rights reserved. |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// | Licensed ( ) |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// | Author: yunwuxin <> |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
return [ |
'default' => 'database', |
'connections' => [ |
'database' => [ |
'type' => 'database', |
'queue' => 'default', |
'table' => 'jobs_t', |
], |
], |
]; |
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ |
<?php |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// | 路由设置 |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
return [ |
// pathinfo分隔符 |
'pathinfo_depr' => '/', |
// URL伪静态后缀 |
'url_html_suffix' => 'html', |
// URL普通方式参数 用于自动生成 |
'url_common_param' => true, |
// 是否开启路由延迟解析 |
'url_lazy_route' => false, |
// 是否强制使用路由 |
'url_route_must' => false, |
// 合并路由规则 |
'route_rule_merge' => false, |
// 路由是否完全匹配 |
'route_complete_match' => false, |
// 访问控制器层名称 |
'controller_layer' => 'controller', |
// 空控制器名 |
'empty_controller' => 'Error', |
// 是否使用控制器后缀 |
'controller_suffix' => false, |
// 默认的路由变量规则 |
'default_route_pattern' => '[\w\.]+', |
// 是否开启请求缓存 true自动缓存 支持设置请求缓存规则 |
'request_cache' => false, |
// 请求缓存有效期 |
'request_cache_expire' => null, |
// 全局请求缓存排除规则 |
'request_cache_except' => [], |
// 默认控制器名 |
'default_controller' => 'Index', |
// 默认操作名 |
'default_action' => 'index', |
// 操作方法后缀 |
'action_suffix' => '', |
// 默认JSONP格式返回的处理方法 |
'default_jsonp_handler' => 'jsonpReturn', |
// 默认JSONP处理方法 |
'var_jsonp_handler' => 'callback', |
]; |
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ |
<?php |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// | 会话设置 |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
return [ |
// session name |
'name' => 'PHPSESSID', |
// SESSION_ID的提交变量,解决flash上传跨域 |
'var_session_id' => '', |
// 驱动方式 支持file cache |
'type' => 'file', |
// 存储连接标识 当type使用cache的时候有效 |
'store' => null, |
// 过期时间 |
'expire' => 1440, |
// 前缀 |
'prefix' => '', |
]; |
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ |
<?php |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// | Copyright (c) 2006~2018 All rights reserved. |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// | Licensed ( ) |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// | Author: liu21st <> |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// | 模板设置 |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
return [ |
// 模板引擎类型 支持 php think 支持扩展 |
'type' => 'Think', |
// 默认模板渲染规则 1 解析为小写+下划线 2 全部转换小写 3 保持操作方法 |
'auto_rule' => 1, |
// 模板路径 |
'view_path' => '', |
// 模板后缀 |
'view_suffix' => 'html', |
// 模板文件名分隔符 |
'view_depr' => DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, |
// 模板引擎普通标签开始标记 |
'tpl_begin' => '{', |
// 模板引擎普通标签结束标记 |
'tpl_end' => '}', |
// 标签库标签开始标记 |
'taglib_begin' => '{', |
// 标签库标签结束标记 |
'taglib_end' => '}', |
]; |
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ |
<?php |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// | Trace设置 开启调试模式后有效 |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
return [ |
// 内置Html和Console两种方式 支持扩展 |
'type' => 'Html', |
// 读取的日志通道名 |
'channel' => '', |
]; |
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ |
<?php |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// | 模板设置 |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
return [ |
// 模板引擎类型使用Think |
'type' => 'Think', |
// 默认模板渲染规则 1 解析为小写+下划线 2 全部转换小写 3 保持操作方法 |
'auto_rule' => 1, |
// 模板目录名 |
'view_dir_name' => 'view', |
// 模板后缀 |
'view_suffix' => 'html', |
// 模板文件名分隔符 |
'view_depr' => DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, |
// 模板引擎普通标签开始标记 |
'tpl_begin' => '{', |
// 模板引擎普通标签结束标记 |
'tpl_end' => '}', |
// 标签库标签开始标记 |
'taglib_begin' => '{', |
// 标签库标签结束标记 |
'taglib_end' => '}', |
]; |
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ |
* |
!.gitignore |
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ |
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c> |
Options +FollowSymlinks -Multiviews |
RewriteEngine On |
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d |
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f |
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php/$1 [QSA,PT,L] |
</IfModule> |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 1.1 KiB |
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ |
<?php |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// | Copyright (c) 2006-2019 All rights reserved. |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// | Licensed ( ) |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// | Author: liu21st <> |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// [ 应用入口文件 ] |
namespace think; |
require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php'; |
// 执行HTTP应用并响应 |
$http = (new App())->http; |
$response = $http->run(); |
$response->send(); |
$http->end($response); |
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ |
User-agent: * |
Disallow: |
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ |
<?php |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// | Copyright (c) 2006~2019 All rights reserved. |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// | Licensed ( ) |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// | Author: liu21st <> |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// $Id$ |
if (is_file($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"])) { |
return false; |
} else { |
$_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"] = __DIR__ . '/index.php'; |
require __DIR__ . "/index.php"; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ |
* |
!.gitignore |
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ |
<?php |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
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use think\facade\Route; |
Route::get('think', function () { |
return 'hello,ThinkPHP6!'; |
}); |
Route::get('hello/:name', 'index/hello'); |
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ |
<?php |
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use think\facade\Route; |
Route::get('think', function () { |
return 'hello,ThinkPHP5!'; |
}); |
Route::get('hello/:name', 'index/hello'); |
return [ |
]; |
@ -0,0 +1 @@ |
a:2:{s:10:"login_time";i:1613982663;s:11:"last_action";i:1613982691;} |
@ -0,0 +1,433 @@ |
<?php /*a:4:{s:52:"D:\htdocs_new\excel-handle\app\view\index\index.html";i:1613834390;s:54:"D:\htdocs_new\excel-handle\app\view\public\layout.html";i:1582189092;s:54:"D:\htdocs_new\excel-handle\app\view\public\header.html";i:1583504952;s:54:"D:\htdocs_new\excel-handle\app\view\public\script.html";i:1581330838;}*/ ?> |
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<label class="layui-form-label" style="width: 100px;">车牌号</label> |
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<label class="layui-form-label" style="width: 100px;">车主姓名</label> |
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<label class="layui-form-label" style="width: 100px;">身份证号</label> |
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<label class="layui-form-label" style="width: 100px;">联系电话</label> |
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<label class="layui-form-label" style="width: 100px;">导出文件名</label> |
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class="layui-input" value="<?php echo htmlentities((isset($params['export_name']) && ($params['export_name'] !== '')?$params['export_name']:'')); ?>">
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<div class="layui-inline" style="width: 695px;"> |
<label class="layui-form-label" style="width: 100px;">初登日期</label> |
<div class="layui-input-inline" style="width: 200px;"> |
<input type="text" name="register_date1" id="register-date1" class="layui-input layui-date-elem"> |
</div> |
<div class="layui-form-mid">-</div> |
<div class="layui-input-inline" style="width: 200px;"> |
<input type="text" name="register_date2" id="register-date2" class="layui-input layui-date-elem"> |
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<div class="layui-inline"> |
<label class="layui-form-label" style="width: 100px;">保险日期</label> |
<div class="layui-input-inline"> |
<input type="text" name="insurer_month1" class="layui-input" style="display: inline-block; width: 60px;"> 月 |
<input type="text" name="insurer_day1" class="layui-input" style="display: inline-block; width: 60px;"> 日 |
</div> |
<div class="layui-form-mid">-</div> |
<div class="layui-input-inline"> |
<input type="text" name="insurer_month2" class="layui-input" style="display: inline-block; width: 60px;"> 月 |
<input type="text" name="insurer_day2" class="layui-input" style="display: inline-block; width: 60px;"> 日 |
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<div class="layui-form-item"> |
<div class="layui-inline" style="width: 100%;"> |
<label class="layui-form-label" style="width: 100px;">数据状态</label> |
<div class="layui-input-inline" style="width: 1100px;"> |
<table class="layui-table"> |
<tr> |
<td colspan="3"><input type="checkbox" name="data_filter[]" value="bhx" title="已导出清洗"></td> |
<td colspan="2"><input type="checkbox" name="data_filter[]" value="none" title="未处理"></td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td><input type="checkbox" name="data_filter[]" value="bhx_success" title="已清洗成功"></td> |
<td><input type="checkbox" name="data_filter[]" value="bhx_failed" title="已清洗失败"></td> |
<td><input type="checkbox" name="data_filter[]" value="bhx_none" title="未处理"></td> |
<td><input type="checkbox" name="data_filter[]" value="none_bmc" title="已上传"></td> |
<td><input type="checkbox" name="data_filter[]" value="none_none" title="未处理"></td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td><input type="checkbox" name="data_filter[]" value="bhx_success_bmc" title="已上传"> |
<input type="checkbox" name="data_filter[]" value="bhx_success_none" title="未上传"></td> |
<td><input type="checkbox" name="data_filter[]" value="bhx_failed_bmc" title="已上传"> |
<input type="checkbox" name="data_filter[]" value="bhx_failed_bhx" title="已导出清洗"> |
<input type="checkbox" name="data_filter[]" value="bhx_failed_none" title="未处理"></td> |
<td></td> |
<td></td> |
<td></td> |
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<div class="layui-form-item"> |
<div class="layui-inline"> |
<label class="layui-form-label" style="width: 100px;">新车购置价</label> |
<div class="layui-input-inline" style="width: auto;"> |
<input type="text" name="price1" class="layui-input" style="display: inline-block; width: 60px;"> 万 |
</div> |
<div class="layui-form-mid">-</div> |
<div class="layui-input-inline" style="width: auto;"> |
<input type="text" name="price2" class="layui-input" style="display: inline-block; width: 60px;"> 万 |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="layui-inline"> |
<label class="layui-form-label" style="width: 100px;">电话检测</label> |
<div class="layui-input-inline" style="width: 300px"> |
<input type="radio" class="layui-input" name="car_phone_empty" value="all" title="全部" checked> |
<input type="radio" class="layui-input" name="car_phone_empty" value="yes" title="不为空"> |
<input type="radio" class="layui-input" name="car_phone_empty" value="no" title="空"> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="layui-inline"> |
<label class="layui-form-label" style="width: 100px;">重复数据检测</label> |
<div class="layui-input-inline" style="width: 400px;"> |
<input type="radio" class="layui-input" name="data_check" value="no" title="否" checked> |
<?php if($repeat_frame_count > 0): ?> |
<input type="radio" class="layui-input" name="data_check" value="car_frame_check" title="车架号"> |
<?php endif; if($peer_phone_count > 0): ?> |
<input type="radio" class="layui-input" name="data_check" value="car_phone_check" title="个人电话"> |
<?php endif; ?> |
</div> |
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<button type="button" class="layui-btn layui-btn-danger" id="clear-btn">清空数据</button> |
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<script type="text/html" id="BmcNameTpl"> |
{{# if(d.bmc_download_times > 0){ }} |
<span style="color: #01AAED;">{{ d.export_bmc_name }}</span> |
{{# } else { }} |
<span style="color: #ed0e1b;">{{ d.export_bmc_name }}</span> |
{{# } }} |
</script> |
<script type="text/html" id="BhxNameTpl"> |
{{# if(d.bhx_download_times > 0){ }} |
<span style="color: #01AAED;">{{ d.export_bhx_name }}</span> |
{{# } else { }} |
<span style="color: #ed0e1b;">{{ d.export_bhx_name }}</span> |
{{# } }} |
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}else{ |
if(data.value == 'is_update_success'){ |
$(data.elem).siblings('[value="is_update_failed"]').removeAttr('checked').attr('disabled',true); |
} |
if(data.value == 'is_update_failed'){ |
$(data.elem).siblings('[value="is_update_success"]').removeAttr('checked').attr('disabled',true); |
} |
$(data.elem).siblings('[value="is_none_handle"]').attr('disabled',true); |
} |
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var tableIns = layui.table.render({ |
id: 'carInfo', |
elem: '#car-info', |
title:'车辆信息', |
url: '<?php echo url("/index/carInfo/"); ?>', //数据接口
where: getUrlParam('Object'), |
page: true, //开启分页 |
limit: 20, |
loading: true, |
cols: [[ //表头 |
// {type: 'checkbox', fixed: 'left'}, |
{field: 'car_no', title: '车牌号', width: 100, edit: 'text', fixed: 'left'}, |
{field: 'car_frame_no', title: '车架号', width: 180, edit: 'text'}, |
{field: 'engine_no', title: '发动机号', width: 100, edit: 'text'}, |
{field: 'factory_model', title: '厂牌型号', width: 200, edit: 'text'}, |
{field: 'register_date', title: '注册日期', width: 100, edit: 'text'}, |
{field: 'car_man', title: '车主', width: 80, edit: 'text'}, |
{field: 'car_number', title: '车主证件号', width: 160, edit: 'text'}, |
{field: 'car_phone', title: '车主电话', width: 120, edit: 'text'}, |
{field: 'purchase_price', title: '新车购置价', width: 100, edit: 'text'}, |
{field: 'export_bhx_name', title: '导出清洗', width: 140, edit: 'text', templet:'#BhxNameTpl'}, |
{field: 'export_bmc_name', title: '导出上传', width: 140, edit: 'text', templet:'#BmcNameTpl'}, |
{fixed: 'right', width: 100, align:'center', toolbar: '#table-bar'} |
]], |
done: function (res, curr, count) { |
if(res.code == -1){ |
$('#lock-screen').css('display','flex'); |
} |
} |
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layui.table.on('tool(car-info)', function(obj){ //注:tool 是工具条事件名,test 是 table 原始容器的属性 lay-filter="对应的值" |
var data =, //获得当前行数据 |
layEvent = obj.event; //获得 lay-event 对应的值 |
if(layEvent === 'clear_phone'){ |
layer.confirm('确定要清楚此项手机吗', function(index){ |
layer.close(index); |
index = layer.load(); |
$.post('<?php echo url("index/clearPhone"); ?>', {id:}, function (res) {
layer.close(index); |
layer.msg(res.msg,function () { |
layui.table.reload('carInfo'); |
}); |
}) |
}); |
} else if(layEvent === 'del'){ |
layer.confirm('真的删除行么', function(index){ |
layer.close(index); |
index = layer.load(); |
//向服务端发送删除指令 |
$.post('<?php echo url("index/delete"); ?>', {id:}, function (res) {
layer.close(index); |
layer.msg(res.msg,function () { |
obj.del(); //删除对应行(tr)的DOM结构 |
}); |
}) |
}); |
} else if(layEvent === 'detail'){ |
||||{ |
type: 2, |
title: '车辆信息--' + data.car_no, |
area: ['1100px','600px'], |
shade: 0, |
maxmin: true, |
content: '<?php echo url("index/edit"); ?>?id=' +,
zIndex: layer.zIndex, |
success: function(layero){ |
layer.setTop(layero); |
} |
}); |
} |
}); |
//监听单元格编辑 |
layui.table.on('edit(car-info)', function(obj){ |
var data = { |
id :, |
field: obj.field, |
value: obj.value |
}; |
if (data.value < 0) { |
layer.msg('值不能为负数', {icon: 5}); |
layer.msg(res.msg,function () { |
layui.table.reload('carInfo'); |
}); |
return false; |
} |
$.post('<?php echo url("index/update"); ?>', data, function (res) {
layer.msg(res.msg,function () { |
layui.table.reload('carInfo'); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
var urlParams = getUrlParam('Object'); |
var jobId = 0; |
if(urlParams.is_check_peer_phone > 0){ |
jobId = urlParams.is_check_peer_phone; |
}else if(urlParams.is_check_repeat_frame > 0){ |
jobId = urlParams.is_check_repeat_frame; |
}else if(urlParams.is_export_bhx > 0){ |
jobId = urlParams.is_export_bhx; |
} |
if(jobId > 0){ |
$.get('<?php echo url("task/taskBtn"); ?>?job_id=' + jobId,function(ret){
if(ret.code){ |
$('#tool-bar').prepend($.trim(ret.btns)); |
} |
}); |
} |
$('.layui-date-elem').each(function (i, d) { |
layui.laydate.render({ |
elem: d, |
}); |
}); |
$('#search-btn').on('click', function(){ |
var param = $('.layui-card-header').find(':input').serializeObject(); |
param['data_filter[]'] = param['data_filter[]']?param['data_filter[]']:''; |
//执行重载 |
tableIns.reload({ |
page: { |
curr: 1 //重新从第 1 页开始 |
}, |
where: param, |
}, 'data'); |
}); |
$('#deletes-btn').on('click', function () { |
layer.confirm('真的删除行么', function(index){ |
layer.close(index); |
index = layer.load(); |
//向服务端发送删除指令 |
$.post('<?php echo url("index/deletes/"); ?>', $('.layui-card-header').find(':input').serialize(), function (ret) {
layer.close(index); |
layer.msg(ret.msg, function () { |
layui.table.reload('carInfo'); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
$('#clear-btn').on('click', function () { |
layer.confirm('清空数据将不能恢复,确认清空车辆信息吗?', function(index){ |
layer.close(index); |
index = layer.load(); |
//向服务端发送删除指令 |
$.post('<?php echo url("index/truncate/"); ?>', function (ret) {
layer.close(index); |
layer.msg(ret.msg, function () { |
layui.table.reload('carInfo'); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
function task_create(type,id = 0){ |
$.post('<?php echo url("task/save"); ?>', {task_type: type,source_id: id}, function (ret) {
layer.msg(ret['msg'],function(){ |
layui.table.reload('taskInfo'); |
}); |
}); |
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<label class="layui-form-label" style="width: 140px;">任务类型</label> |
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<div class="layui-form-item task-param active" id="task-import"> |
<label class="layui-form-label" style="width: 140px;">上传文件</label> |
<div class="layui-input-inline" style="width: 405px;"> |
<input type="text" name="original_filename" id="original_filename" class="layui-input" readonly> |
<input type="hidden" name="filename" id="filename" autocomplete="off" class="layui-input"> |
</div> |
<div class="layui-input-inline" style="width: 200px;"> |
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</button> |
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<div class="layui-form-item"> |
<div class="layui-inline"> |
<label class="layui-form-label" style="width: 140px;">初登日期</label> |
<div class="layui-input-inline" style="width: 200px;"> |
<input type="text" name="export_date1" class="layui-input export-date1"> |
</div> |
<div class="layui-form-mid">-</div> |
<div class="layui-input-inline" style="width: 200px;"> |
<input type="text" name="export_date2" class="layui-input export-date2"> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="layui-inline"> |
<label class="layui-form-label" style="width: 140px;">保险日期</label> |
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<div class="layui-form-mid">-</div> |
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</div> |
</div> |
<div class="layui-form-item"> |
<div class="layui-inline"> |
<label class="layui-form-label" style="width: 140px;">导出类型</label> |
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</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="layui-form-item"> |
<div class="layui-inline"> |
<label class="layui-form-label" style="width: 140px;">导出数量</label> |
<div class="layui-input-inline"> |
<input type="text" name="export_limit" class="layui-input"> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="layui-inline"> |
<label class="layui-form-label" style="width: 100px;">导出文件名</label> |
<div class="layui-input-inline" style="width: 450px;"> |
<input type="text" name="queue" id="queue-name" class="layui-input" style="display:inline-block; width: 325px;"> |
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</div> |
</div> |
<div class="layui-inline"> |
<label class="layui-form-label">导出总计:</label> |
<div class="layui-input-inline" style="width: 120px;"> |
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</div> |
<div class="layui-input-inline"> |
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</div> |
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<label class="layui-form-label" style="width: 140px;">新车购置价</label> |
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<div class="layui-form-item"> |
<div class="layui-inline"> |
<label class="layui-form-label" style="width: 140px;">初登日期</label> |
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<input type="text" name="export_date1" class="layui-input export-date1"> |
</div> |
<div class="layui-form-mid">-</div> |
<div class="layui-input-inline" style="width: 200px;"> |
<input type="text" name="export_date2" class="layui-input export-date2"> |
</div> |
</div> |
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<label class="layui-form-label" style="width: 140px;">个人电话重复次数</label> |
<div class="layui-input-inline"> |
<input type="number" name="peer_phone_number" required lay-verify="required" class="layui-input"> |
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</div> |
</div> |
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<div class="layui-form-item"> |
<div class="layui-inline"> |
<label class="layui-form-label" style="width: 140px;">初登日期</label> |
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<input type="text" name="export_date1" class="layui-input export-date1"> |
</div> |
<div class="layui-form-mid">-</div> |
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var payload = JSON.parse(d.payload); |
var export_date1 = payload['data']['params']['export_date1']; |
var export_date2 = payload['data']['params']['export_date2']; |
var ext = d.remark.split('.')[1]; |
}} |
{{# if(d.type == 2){ }} |
{{# if(payload['data']['params']['export_limit'] > 0){ }} |
{{# |
var arrParam = []; |
var exportUrlParam = ''; |
exportUrlParam += 'export_date1=' + export_date1 + '&'; |
exportUrlParam += 'export_date2=' + export_date2 + '&'; |
exportUrlParam += 'insurer_month1=' + payload['data']['params']['insurer_month1'] + '&'; |
exportUrlParam += 'insurer_day1=' + payload['data']['params']['insurer_day1'] + '&'; |
exportUrlParam += 'insurer_month2=' + payload['data']['params']['insurer_month2'] + '&'; |
exportUrlParam += 'insurer_day2=' + payload['data']['params']['insurer_day2'] + '&'; |
exportUrlParam += 'is_export_' + payload['data']['params']['export_type'] + '=' +; |
}} |
<a class="layui-btn layui-btn-xs" href="/index/index.html?{{exportUrlParam}}">查看</a> |
{{# } }} |
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{{# }else { }} |
<buton class="layui-btn layui-btn-xs" onclick="'<?php echo url('task/download'); ?>?id={{}}');window.location.reload();">下载文件</buton>
{{# } }} |
{{# }else if(d.type == 3){ }} |
<a class="layui-btn layui-btn-xs" href="/index/index.html?is_check_peer_phone={{}}">查看</a> |
{{# if(d.info_num > 0){ }} |
<button type="button" class="layui-btn layui-btn-xs" onclick="task_create(2,{{}})">导出</button> |
<button type="button" class="layui-btn layui-btn-xs layui-btn-danger" onclick="task_create(6,{{}})">清除重复</button> |
{{# } }} |
{{# }else if(d.type == 4){ }} |
<a class="layui-btn layui-btn-xs" href="/index/index.html?is_check_repeat_frame={{}}">查看</a> |
{{# if(d.info_num > 0){ }} |
<button type="button" class="layui-btn layui-btn-xs" onclick="task_create(2,{{}})">导出</button> |
<button type="button" class="layui-btn layui-btn-xs layui-btn-danger" onclick="task_create(7,{{}})">删除重复</button> |
{{# } }} |
{{# }else if(d.type == 5){ }} |
<a class="layui-btn layui-btn-xs" href="/index/index.html?is_update_bhx={{}}">查看</a> |
{{# }else if(d.type == 7){ }} |
<a class="layui-btn layui-btn-xs" href="/index/index.html?is_delete_frame={{}}">查看</a> |
{{# }else if(d.type == 1){ }} |
<a class="layui-btn layui-btn-xs" href="/index/index.html?source={{}}">查看</a> |
{{# } }} |
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case 1: |
$('#task-import').addClass('active').show(); |
break; |
case 2: |
$('#task-export').addClass('active').show(); |
break; |
case 3: |
$('#task-peer-phone').addClass('active').show(); |
break; |
case 4: |
$('#task-repeat_frame').addClass('active').show(); |
break; |
case 5: |
$('#task-import').addClass('active').show(); |
break; |
} |
}); |
layui.form.on('radio(export_type)', function(data){ |
if(['bmc','failed_bmc','none_bmc'].indexOf(data.value) != -1){ |
$('#sub_export_type').hide(); |
$('#sub_export_type').find(':input').attr('disabled',true); |
}else if(data.value == 'success_bmc'){ |
$('#sub_export_type').hide(); |
$('#sub_export_type').find(':input').attr('disabled',true); |
}else { |
$('#sub_export_type').show(); |
$('#sub_export_type').find(':input').removeAttr('disabled'); |
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cols: [[ //表头 |
// {type: 'checkbox', fixed: 'left'}, |
{field: 'id', title: '序号', fixed: 'left', width: 100}, |
{field: 'type_txt', title: '任务名称', sort: true, width: 400}, |
{field: 'process', title: '处理进度', templet: '#process-tpl'}, |
{field: 'remark', title: '任务结果', sort: true}, |
{field: 'create_timestamp', title: '创建时间', sort: true, width: 200}, |
{field: 'status', title: '任务状态', sort: true, width: 100}, |
{field: 'download_times', title: '下载次数', sort: true, width: 100}, |
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task_type: function () { |
return $("input[name='task_type']:checked").val(); |
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function export_num(){ |
if($('[name="export_date1"]').val() == '' && $('[name="export_date1"]').val() == ''){ |
layer.msg('请先填写初登日期'); |
return false; |
} |
$.post('<?php echo url("task/exportNum"); ?>', $('#task-export').find(':input').serialize(), function (ret) {
layer.msg(ret['msg']); |
$('#count').val(; |
}); |
} |
function task_create(type,id = 0){ |
$.post('<?php echo url("task/save"); ?>', {task_type: type,source_id: id}, function (ret) {
layer.msg(ret['msg'],function(){ |
layui.table.reload('taskInfo'); |
}); |
}); |
} |
function task_add() { |
var task_type = $('[name="task_type"]:checked').val(); |
if (task_type == 5 || task_type == 2) { |
var name = task_type == 5 ? $('#original_filename').val() : $('#queue-name').val(); |
var type = task_type == 5 ? 'update' : 'export'; |
$.get('<?php echo url("task/checkIsExistName"); ?>?name=' + name + '&type=' + type, function (ret) {
if (ret.code == 1) { |
layer.confirm(ret.msg, function (index) { |
layer.close(index); |
submitForm(); |
}); |
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layer.alert(ret.msg); |
}else if (ret.code == 2) { |
submitForm(); |
} |
}); |
}else { |
submitForm(); |
} |
} |
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$.post('<?php echo url("task/save"); ?>', $('#task-model-add').find('.active :input').serialize(), function (ret) {
if(ret.code == 0){ |
layer.alert(ret.msg); |
}else { |
layer.msg(ret['msg'],function(){ |
layui.table.reload('taskInfo'); |
}); |
} |
}); |
} |
function search(event){ |
tableIns.reload({ |
page: { |
curr: 1 //重新从第 1 页开始 |
}, |
where: {queue: $('#queue').val()}, |
}, 'data'); |
} |
function getExportName(event) { |
var target =; |
$.get('<?php echo url("task/exportName"); ?>', $('#task-export').find(':input').serialize(), function (ret) {
if(ret.code == 0){ |
layer.alert(ret.msg); |
}else { |
$(target).prev('input[name="queue"]').val(; |
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<label class="layui-form-label">新车购置价</label> |
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<div class="layui-form-item"> |
<div class="layui-inline"> |
<label class="layui-form-label">车主姓名</label> |
<div class="layui-input-inline"> |
<input type="text" name="car_man" value="<?php echo htmlentities($info['car_man']); ?>" class="layui-input">
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="layui-inline"> |
<label class="layui-form-label">车主证件号</label> |
<div class="layui-input-inline"> |
<input type="text" name="car_number" value="<?php echo htmlentities($info['car_number']); ?>" class="layui-input">
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="layui-inline"> |
<label class="layui-form-label">车主联系方式</label> |
<div class="layui-input-inline"> |
<input type="text" name="car_phone" value="<?php echo htmlentities($info['car_phone']); ?>" class="layui-input">
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="layui-form-item"> |
<div class="layui-inline"> |
<label class="layui-form-label">上年承保公司</label> |
<div class="layui-input-inline"> |
<input type="text" name="company" value="<?php echo htmlentities($info['company']); ?>" class="layui-input">
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="layui-inline"> |
<label class="layui-form-label">商业止保日期</label> |
<div class="layui-input-inline"> |
<input type="text" name="insurer1_date" id="insurer1_date" value="<?php echo htmlentities($info['insurer1_date']); ?>" class="layui-input">
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="layui-inline"> |
<label class="layui-form-label">交强止保日期</label> |
<div class="layui-input-inline"> |
<input type="text" name="insurer2_date" id="insurer2_date" value="<?php echo htmlentities($info['insurer2_date']); ?>" class="layui-input">
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="layui-form-item"> |
<div class="layui-inline"> |
<label class="layui-form-label">被保险人</label> |
<div class="layui-input-inline"> |
<input type="text" name="id_man" value="<?php echo htmlentities($info['id_man']); ?>" class="layui-input">
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="layui-inline"> |
<label class="layui-form-label">被保险人证件号</label> |
<div class="layui-input-inline"> |
<input type="text" name="id_number" value="<?php echo htmlentities($info['id_number']); ?>" class="layui-input">
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="layui-form-item"> |
<label class="layui-form-label">数据状态</label> |
<div class="layui-input-block" style="height: 36px; line-height: 36px;"> |
<?php if($info['is_export_bhx'] == 0 && $info['is_update_bhx'] == 0 && $info['is_export_bmc'] == 0 && |
$info['is_export_failed'] == 0 && $info['is_export_none_bmc'] == 0 && $info['is_export_failed_bmc'] == 0): ?> |
<span class="layui-badge layui-bg-green">未处理</span> |
<?php endif; if($info['is_export_bhx'] > 0): ?> |
<span class="layui-badge layui-bg-green">导出至清洗</span> |
<?php endif; if($info['is_export_bhx'] > 0 && $info['is_update_bhx'] > 0): ?> |
<span class="layui-badge layui-bg-green">清洗成功</span> |
<?php endif; if($info['is_export_bhx'] > 0 && $info['is_update_bhx'] < 0): ?> |
<span class="layui-badge layui-bg-green">清洗失败</span> |
<?php endif; if($info['is_export_bhx'] > 0 && $info['is_export_failed'] > 0): ?> |
<span class="layui-badge layui-bg-green">导出清洗失败</span> |
<?php endif; if($info['is_export_bhx'] > 0 && $info['is_export_failed_bmc'] > 0): ?> |
<span class="layui-badge layui-bg-green">导出清洗失败至上传</span> |
<?php endif; if($info['is_export_bhx'] > 0 && $info['is_update_bhx'] > 0 && $info['is_export_bmc'] > 0): ?> |
<span class="layui-badge layui-bg-green">导出清洗成功至上传</span> |
<?php endif; if($info['is_export_none_bmc'] > 0): ?> |
<span class="layui-badge layui-bg-green">导出未处理至上传</span> |
<?php endif; ?> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="layui-form-item" style="margin-top: 60px; text-align: center"> |
<button type="submit" class="layui-btn" lay-submit="" lay-filter="car-info">立即提交</button> |
<button type="button" class="layui-btn layui-btn-danger" onclick="location.reload();">重置</button> |
<button type="button" class="layui-btn layui-btn-danger" onclick="window.parent.layer.closeAll();">关闭</button> |
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<script> |
layui.laydate.render({ |
elem: '#register_date' |
}); |
layui.form.on('submit(car-info)', function(data){ |
$.post('<?php echo url("index/edit"); ?>',data.field,function(ret){
layer.msg(ret['msg'],function(){ |
if(ret['code'] == 1){ |
window.parent.layer.closeAll(); |
window.parent.layui.table.reload('carInfo'); |
} |
delete ret; |
}); |
}); |
return false; |
}); |
</script> |
</body> |
</html> |
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/env php |
<?php |
namespace think; |
// 命令行入口文件 |
// 加载基础文件 |
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'; |
// 应用初始化 |
(new App())->console->run(); |
@ -0,0 +1 @@ |
如果不使用模板,可以删除该目录 |
Reference in new issue